Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 842: Oami

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Kabul has been filled with gunpowder every day since the representatives of Britain and Russia arrived.

Just just now, the Russian representative also publicly delivered an anti-British speech, which received applause from the citizens of Kabul.

In contrast, the British delegation is much more low-key. As the head of the delegation, Walters knew how unpopular he was.

In just two weeks, they were attacked three times and surrounded twice. If the Afghan government was worried about their security and sent troops to protect, it is estimated that the British delegation would have been destroyed.

Although he came here to make trouble, Walters was not prepared to take his own life. After seeing the enthusiasm of the Afghan people, he began to settle down.

A young military officer filled with indignation: "Mr. Walters, the Russians are giving anti-British speeches. This is a provocation to Britain. We must give them some color!"

Stretching his hand and patting the shoulder of the young officer, Walters said seriously: "Henry, calm down.

This is Afghanistan. If we take any radical actions, we will be caught by the Russians.

Do n’t forget our mission on this trip. Before the Afghan government has a clear surface position, we should all fight for it.

War is the last resort. If it is just to provoke war and it can be carried out at any time, why should we invigorate the teachers? "

This is the truth, life is your own. If you don't keep a low profile on other people's sites, you will die in vain.

In fact, the British government has drawn in Afghanistan many times, only because of the relationship between hatred and credibility.

Of course, during this period there was also credit to the colonists. The temptations made three times and five times have made the Afghan government very alert to them.

As the Russian strategic center of gravity moved south, Afghanistan's strategic position became increasingly important.

This draw is also an ultimatum. Negotiations, which seem to be of a consultative nature, are actually forcing Afghanistan to resume its convoy.

The young officer Henry shook his head: "I hope your plan will be effective, but I am not optimistic.

The anti-British sentiment of the Afghan people is too strong. Even if the government is willing to compromise, a treaty will not play much role. "

In this era of weak meat and strong food, hard fists are the first. It seems that the British delegation is at a disadvantage and has taken the initiative in actual negotiations.

In the final analysis, Britain is still strong enough. British India is next to Afghanistan, while the Russians are separated by Persia and the Central Asian Khanate.

Walters said to himself: "Relax, the conditions we put forward this time are not excessive. The garrison is only to help them resist Russian invasion. The Afghan government knows how to choose."


In the royal palace, Lieutenant General Stolletov has just completed a contract exchange with the Afghan King Emir, and the treaty has only 11 items.

But this piece of paper of 11 treaties put Afghanistan under the protection of the Russian Empire.

The main content is: The Russian Empire supports the rule of Emir, will help the Afghan government defeat the enemy at home and abroad, is responsible for mediating the relationship between Afghanistan and third countries, and guaranteeing the territorial sovereignty and security of Afghanistan.

There is really no excessive requirement, as long as Afghanistan stands on the side of the Russian Empire at the critical moment.

Compared with the British garrison requirements, this protection treaty of the Russians obviously reassured King Amir.

Responsible for witnessing this history is the Austrian Minister in Persia, Redmond. A small country like Afghanistan has no interest exchanges and is not worthy of the attention of the Austrian government. Naturally, it has no diplomatic envoys.

When things need to be dealt with, the nearest Minister in Persia will do the work. This is a characteristic of the times. Compared with appointing a businessman as a minister at will, this is quite formal.

In a sense, the position of Minister Redmond also affected Emile's judgment.

Apart from the high-level governments of the two countries, the people of the two countries do not know about the bad things between the Russian-Austrian League and the outside world even knows nothing about it.

For a closed country like Afghanistan, Russia and Austria are a model of close allies. From the beginning of the anti-French war to the present, the friendship between the two countries has withstood the test of years.

Holding the thighs of the Russians is equivalent to holding the thighs of the Russian-Austrian League at the same time. A single may not be as good as the British, but the combination of the two is definitely not inferior.

Minister Redmond said insincerely: "Congratulations to the two, and a new chapter in the history of Central Asia. I believe that with the help of the Russian Empire, Afghanistan will soon become stronger.

To celebrate this great moment, the Austrian Empire is willing to sponsor the Afghan government ’s 10,000 rifles and some ammunition for free. "

Not surprisingly, Austrian equipment can defeat many competitors and become the mainstream of army equipment in the international arms market, relying on trial first.

Usually, a group of retired rifles with good performance are sponsored first. After people have used them, they will slowly sell the matching weapons and equipment. Even if the sales are unsuccessful, you can sell ammunition.

In recent years, it has become more powerful and has developed into the warship business. As the arms race continues, similar gifts will continue to increase.

Hearing this good news, King Emir rejoiced: "Thank you for your generosity, this is the best gift I have received!"

This is the truth. In Afghanistan, where traffic is congested, you have to change hands many times in order to obtain weapons and equipment. Even cheap weapons in the place have become sky-high.

The information is poor and unequal, and the value of weapons and equipment is also different.

In the case of a large-scale industrially produced rifle in Austria, the average cost of each rifle is less than one shield, and the retail price on the market will not exceed three shields.

But in Afghanistan, the prices of these rifles have doubled, and you must order them in advance if you want to buy them.

Redmond laughed: "You're welcome, everyone is a friend! Treating friends, Austria has always been generous."

Seeing that Lieutenant Stoletov's face was a bit unnatural, Minister Redmond did not continue the topic.

Afghanistan is the younger brother of the Russians, and Austria sells arms here, obviously belonging to the world.

However, in order to show the outside world that the Russian-Austrian alliance is unbreakable, Lieutenant General Stolevov ’s dissatisfaction just passed away, deliberately pretending to be indifferent.

The next three were naturally very happy, and they had dinner together before they dispersed.


Late at night, Redmond returned to his residence and got a headache. Provoking the Anglo-Afghan war is not a simple task.

The key to deciding this war is not Afghanistan, but the British government. No matter how cheering the King Amir, they can not take the initiative to provoke the British.

The outbreak of the Anglo-Arab war can only be a result: the British government sent troops to fight.

Redmond has the self-knowledge to make a decision for the British government. He has no such patience.

Whether to send someone to kill the British mission is a question worth thinking about.

It is not that he has a moral cleanliness in his mind to exclude assassination. The key is that Austria does not have enough power here, and the Afghan government has sent troops to protect the mission.

Waiting for the assassin to be unable to get close at all, he would act rashly, regardless of whether he could succeed or not. If a trace was left and someone caught the handle, it would be in trouble.

The domestic order is very clear, you have to find Beiguoxia to get started, and you can't do the things that set you on fire.

In order to stimulate the British, Redmond has done a lot of things, for example: to encourage the young delegation of the Russian delegation to run anti-British speeches.

But the British refrained from showing their heads at all, and they could never encourage the Russians to kill the British mission?

Everyone is not a fool. The anti-British speech can also be said to mobilize public opinion, contribute to the negotiating cause, and assassinate the British mission.

Nobody can bear such a big thing on it.

A young man proposed: "His Minister, don't buy the local religious groups. They are the most repulsive of the British. They sent someone to attack the British mission before, but ..."

Hearing the news from the local anti-British group, Minister Redmond suddenly got up and asked quickly, "What is it?"

The young man replied: "It's just that they exclude all Western forces, including us."

Redmond's dangling heart suddenly dropped, and it was nothing to exclude Western power. Austria was not prepared to expand in Afghanistan.

In a sense, religious extremists are good. Only these guys will ignore the consequences and dare to do anything.

After a pause, Redmond said slowly: "Send someone to contact them in secret, not the person in the mission, nor to reveal our identity.

As long as they are willing to sell, the price will be opened by them, and money and weapons will be fine.

If the money does not exceed 50,000 Aegis and the weaponry does not exceed 5,000 fast guns, you can directly agree to it. "

The higher condition is not that it cannot be opened, mainly because the bid is too high, which is easy to cause doubt.

It's just that Redmond hasn't realized that the price is attractive enough.

The money is all but the key is the gun. No force in Afghanistan is willing to take out so many arms to buy murder.


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