Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 841: Are smart people

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It is easy to remove officials, and a decree is enough. The trouble is how to get rid of the officials after the removal.

Facts have proved that the bureaucratic farm project has failed.

If you want to solve the problem, you must replace it with a group of loyal, honest, capable, and not admirable, and willing to go to the colony to live a hard life.

Such bureaucracy may exist, but it is definitely a very small number. It is treasure everywhere, and there is no extra throwing it to the colony.

Prime Minister Terrence Burgin proposed: "Your Majesty, it does not make sense to remove them now. The most important thing now is to ensure that these projects are implemented.

I suggest giving a buffer time, so that they can complete the task within a time limit, and only deal with the guys who can't complete the task. "

There must be a buffer time, and at one and a half moments the French government simply could not find so many substitute officials.

The most important thing is to get these people down, and the money can't come back. No bureaucrat would foolishly put property under his own name.

Moreover, the embezzlement of public funds was not done by one or two people, and everyone participated from top to bottom, and there was no way to go deeper.

After calming down, Napoleon IV asked: "With the buffer time, can they complete the task?"

At this point, everyone knows that the project funds allocated by the government have been embezzled below. The responsible chief may have taken the lead, but this is not all.

To complete the previous plan, the biggest problem is money. The government will not reappropriate, and the gap will require the person in charge to find a way.

Napoleon IV did not think that these bureaucrats could be noble enough to pay for the gap themselves, even if they cut the meat for their official hats, then they had to fill this hole.

Can't you expect these guys to get the money back from the money dividers?

Prime Minister Terrence Burkin explained: "It is naturally impossible to complete 100%, but there is still hope for a half-fold.

The government can put pressure on them to severely punish officials who fail to produce results. "

The typical bureaucratic solution naturally cannot satisfy Napoleon IV, but there is no way. This is already the best choice right now.

If you want to clean up these bureaucrats, you can only boil the frog in warm water. If you are in a hurry, there will be a mess.


Infighting within the French government is not a glorious thing, and the insiders have chosen to deal with low-key in a very tacit understanding.

If it wasn't for intelligence, Franz didn't know that France was almost changing again.

But this time was too late and missed the best intervention time.

Otherwise, Napoleon IV will be detained in Algeria, and the French empire will be really down.

It is easy to detain the emperor, but it is difficult to control the French government. The Paris government will not sit still and the coup cannot be launched by anyone.

With the bureaucratic ethics, it is more likely to directly support the crown prince to succeed, after all, the young master is easier to control. The son of Napoleon IV was still breastfeeding, and was definitely the best choice.

However, you live in town. The domestic Orleans dynasty and the Bourbon dynasty will not buy it, and the colonial bureaucrats who are forced to the corner will only go to black in one go.

Then push the Italians out to join in the excitement, and a table of mahjong will be alive.

No way, this is a sequelae of the loss of the monarch's majesty. The Paris revolution shook the foundation of Napoleon IV's rule, and the burning of the Palace of Versailles made him lose his face.

Seeing one leaf and knowing the autumn, the French colonial system eroded away. What is the Austrian colonial system like now?

No one can answer this question. Perhaps the Austrian in the process of localization is Africa, and the government controls are tight, the situation will be better.

As for the Nanyang and the Americas, where the emperor Tian Gao was far away, it was only a matter of the bureaucratic ethics. Anyway, Franz didn't have too many expectations.

Putting down the secret document in his hand, Franz sighed. Even if there is a problem, it is not to be dealt with now.

That is the graduation assessment that Franz prepared for his sons. If the answer is given in advance, what other role does it have?

After adjusting his thoughts, Franz's eyes returned to the country, and the difficulties encountered by the French ranch plan were also experienced in Austria.

It's just not a farm, but an enterprise or factory that has been confiscated by the family. Too many checks at a time are too hesitant, and will not be realized for a while, and can only be operated temporarily by the government.

Not to mention, this is a loss! Enterprise factories can receive it directly, but customer orders and network connections can't be inherited.

The temporary management appointed by the government has more functions to stabilize people's hearts and ensure smooth production.

As for sales, it is still in the groping, and the results are very general.

Unless individual companies with their own sales networks can operate normally to ensure profitability, most companies have a large backlog of commodities, either already losing money or wandering on the edge of loss.

At the Vienna Palace, Franz asked: "What step has the asset been realized?"

If you do not make money by yourself, you can only sell it. Since the entry into force of the judgment, the Government of Vienna has begun to deal with it.

Prime Minister Carl replied frankly: "Finance and bond assets have all been sold, and the larger industrial and mining enterprises have sold almost the same.

In order not to impact the domestic market, real estate such as land and houses, we are ready to hold it temporarily, and then decide whether to sell according to the actual situation.

The most tricky things now are those small factories. These industries are so numerous that they rely on the boss ’s personal connections, making it difficult to find suitable buyers.

In addition, we have also found some overseas assets of the persons involved. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is communicating with the country concerned on this issue. "

The seemingly understatement of the answer is actually full of helplessness behind it. Many people know that they are high-quality assets tomorrow, but they still have to bear pains to sell because their businesses are at a loss.

The biggest problem for small industrial and mining enterprises is not because they do not make money. The main reason is that the internal management is too confusing, and there are many procedures that are not legal, or even underground black factories.

For the government, these are all **** assets, and remaining in the hands has no value other than increasing expenses and must be disposed of.

Franz nodded: "If you can sell it, sell it. If you can't find a buyer, you can go bankrupt.

The affairs of the French sounded the alarm for us. Before we had no management ability, we blindly started the project and could only raise a bunch of worms. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Carl replied

After a pause, Franz continued to add: "The French farm plan has temporarily failed. What step has the British food self-sufficiency plan gone?"

If you do n’t care, Austria is still the world ’s largest exporter of agricultural products, and you must be alert to potential competitors.

If possible, Franz does not mind destroying the Anglo-French plan to protect Austria ’s pricing power in the international agricultural export market.

However, this is not possible. The threshold for grain production is too low, and the importance is too high. The more destruction Austria has, the more it must be promoted.

Agriculture Secretary Halls replied: "The British plan is not the same as the French. They use government subsidies to farmers and economic means to encourage private cultivation.

However, this policy has been in trouble recently. The British agricultural association protested to the government, demanding that the British government treat them equally and give them the same treatment.

If the London government chooses to compromise, it will mean that government revenue will be reduced by 7.8 million pounds, and an increase of 12 million pounds in expenditure.

With the increase and decrease, the 20 million pounds will disappear, which has exceeded the financial capacity of the British government.

However, the British Agricultural Association is very powerful. From the current situation, the London government should not be able to persevere for long.

Either abolish the subsidy program, or reduce the amount of subsidies, and subsidize with domestic farmers. "

This is a dilemma. If the subsidy plan is abolished, the food self-sufficiency plan will fail.

The subsidies of the unified standard together can't bear the government's finances. After all, the direct fiscal revenue that entered the British government was more than 80 million pounds, almost a quarter of it was cut off at once.

Franz shook his head: "You are too optimistic, the British government is not stupid. The seemingly dilemma of choice can actually be changed.

For example, if you change the subsidy plan, you are only granting new reclamation farms a certain number of years of subsidies for land reclamation, and government expenditures will suddenly fall.

This fee can also be returned through agricultural product transaction tax, processing tax, etc., that is, it will lose money in the first one or two years, and it is still expected that the balance will be achieved later. "

These routines are often rotten in later generations. A sum of agricultural subsidies not only mobilizes the enthusiasm of food production, but also promotes the development of the domestic agricultural product processing field and increases employment.

Generally speaking, the British people ’s food plantation subsidy policy is much more reliable than the French government ’s personal involvement in farming.

Of course, this does not mean that the French government is stupid. France is a big grain producer, and the French Agricultural Association is much more powerful than the British Agricultural Association.

If the Paris government only granted grain farming subsidies to colonial farms, French farmers had to rebel. With comprehensive subsidies, the government's finances can no longer stand.

The peasant class is the biggest basic dish of the Bonaparte dynasty, and the stupid thing of digging the tomb by itself is naturally not done by Napoleon IV.

In this context, state-owned farms have become the best and only option of the French government.

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