Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 724: So far

There is nothing to keep secret about limiting the armaments of the army. Except for the British who are lonely overseas, other European countries are the beneficiaries.

The Prussian-Russian War was not only affected by the two warring nations of Prussia and Russia. Neighbours also expanded their armaments. The size of the army of all countries has expanded to varying degrees.

This is a bad start for Austria. In order to ensure its own security and the ability to interfere in the war at any time, the Vienna government took the lead in expanding its army and then triggered a chain reaction.

As of now, the size of Austria's army has expanded to 947,000, which is not excessive.

At the same time as the expansion of active forces, the Vienna government also mobilized a large number of reserve forces in the name of training.

If Franz is willing, two or three million troops can be formed in a week, which is enough to deal with various emergencies.

There is no way, the trust between people has disappeared these years, and you have to plan for the worst.

If the Russian-Prussian war easily wins the war, no one can guarantee whether they will swell and do the stupid attack on Austria.

Franz doesn't like to put security on others, so he naturally has to expand his strength.

In addition to security considerations, there is also the issue of debt. Collecting accounts this year is not an easy task. Who knows you without strength?

Now that Russia and Russia are both defeated, as a winner, the bears have no capital to settle their debts. The Tsarist government seems to be at ease, and naturally it does not need to collect debts by force.

In the current era of anti-warfare, the Vienna government's proposed disarmament at this time is completely in line with the mainstream of the times.

The only one who was unhappy was probably the British. Under the circumstances that everyone did not reduce their military spending, the Army spent less money, which meant that the Navy could get more money.

In light of the current international situation, if the purpose of Austria is not known, the London government need not confuse it.

Knowing what to know, the London government is hard to undermine at this time. Disarmament is what everyone expects, and it is in the interest of all parties, not just a few words can make everyone give up.


Downing Street Prime Minister's House

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The Russian-Prussian War is too brutal, the rise of anti-warfare in Europe, and the European people are extremely insecure.

The Austrians have chosen a good time and at this time proposed disarmament. I am afraid that it is not just for disarmament. There are signs that Austria is preparing to establish a new international order.

Disarmament is just an excuse for holding an international conference. While limiting the size of the army, they should also sign a security treaty with European countries.

Most European countries lack a sense of security. No one can reject such a treaty. The only one who has the power to block is the French.

It ’s just that European countries have always been very vigilant about the French. Most countries regard them as the source of European unrest. At this time, the French government may not have the courage to step out of the way.

According to news from Paris, the French have agreed to Austria's disarmament plan. It is estimated that Austria will convene an international conference to establish a new continental balance system after the completion of the negotiations between Russia and Russia.

It was a good thing that the European continent stabilized, but the situation is different now, and the strategic focus of France and Austria may be shifted out.

If our reasoning is correct, it won't be long before a new round of naval arms race begins, and Britain will face the cruelest challenge next. "

The hatred value drawn by the French is too high, and it can't be calmed in a short time. This is destined for a new continental balance system. They can only be participants, not leaders.

Everyone knows that after the Prussian-Russian war, the European political structure will be reshuffled, and the London government must be prepared.

The original plan was to draw the French together to establish a new European order after the birth of the North German Empire, but they were one step behind and Austria took the lead.

Prime Minister Benjamin nodded: "If the Austrian plan succeeds, this will be the third Vienna system.

If we trouble them now and draw the French, will there be a chance to build a continental system with Britain at its core? "

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward shook his head: "It is very difficult, not to mention that we have not yet attracted the French. Even if we have the support of the Paris government, the success rate will not exceed one-third.

In recent years, our influence in continental Europe has declined dramatically. Especially after the Russian-Prussian War, the Kingdom of Prussia that we support is abolished, and the right to speak is even worse.

The French are even worse, their strength is not weaker than Austria, and their influence is not weaker than the Vienna government, but their influence is mostly negative.

Part of it was left by Napoleon that year, and part was the price of annexing Italy. With the exception of Spain, the French can no longer find an ally on the European continent.

According to the information we have received, France-Spain relations are also gradually becoming cold. If a new international order is to be established, I am afraid that the Spanish may not support them. "

Politics is very realistic. Britain's chess pieces on the European continent are abolished, and the ability to intervene in the European continent has fallen sharply. Everyone naturally does not buy it.

Won the French, while increasing their influence, they must also accept the negative impact brought by France.

For example: Belgium, Switzerland, the German Confederation, these countries threatened by France, can not help but stand on the opposite side.

Even if the British can barely pull them over, don't expect others to contribute.

It is useless to promise more benefits, as long as France does not give up peeping at them, the problem cannot be solved.

As for letting the French go?

Just think about it. You have not experienced any beatings by the society and successfully annexed the Italian region. It was when the French were most inflated. Why listen to Britain?

The British-French relationship has long ended its honeymoon period. The time-honoured British-French feuds, which had been covered up by time, appeared again and again in newspapers in both countries, which is sufficient to explain many issues.

It is impossible to let the French give up their strategy and continue to be their little brother.

No matter who is the emperor, the relationship between Britain and France must turn cold, or the burst of nationalism will cause the Paris government to collapse.

After the original time-space war between France and France, Britain and France fought for many years. If it were not for the successive faint moves of the German and German empires, Britain and France would not stand together.

Now that France cannot feel the threat, the relationship between Britain and France must deteriorate. When it comes to politics, interests determine everything.

Secretly calculating again, Prime Minister Benjamin sighed helplessly: "Well, the establishment of an international order as soon as possible is also a good thing for Britain. Austria wants to dominate, let them dominate!

With treaty constraints, our next North German plan will be smoother. The international order has just been established, and the Vienna government can't hit its own face! "

Dominance in the new European order is not just prestige. It is more important to sell your ideas.

Everyone needs packaging. A good packaging can make it easier for people to succeed in social life, and the country is no exception.

Competition among great powers is all-round, and politics, economy, military, culture, and ideology are indispensable. Dominating the establishment of an international system is undoubtedly the fastest way to spread its influence.

In this regard, the Vienna government is experienced and has had two successful experiences, and Franz naturally wants to replicate the third time.


The bloodstains in St. Petersburg have not yet dried up. Not long ago, there was just a big cleansing here, and thousands of big men landed.

All those suspected of participating in the Assassin's case were all put into prison by Alexandrovich. Of course, it is also necessary to remove aliens.

How the list came about is another mystery in the history of the Russian Empire.

Catch the person and check again, and the case has progressed rapidly. Of course, there is a lot of bad things involved. In short, everyone deserves the crime, and all of them are taken out to blame, basically without injustice.

There are too many people involved, and it is impossible to kill all of them. It is inevitable to start lightly, as long as you have not participated in the Assassination Case, other issues are easy to discuss.

Even if thousands of people were ordered to be wiped away by Alexandrovich, there was no way that Alexander II was assassinated so many times, and there were more than a few participants.

Hundreds of assassination cases, involving any of them casually, is a word-death.

In addition to the revolutionaries, many capitalists and nobles were involved, and were sent to see God together.

The tradition of not killing nobles does not apply here, and no one dares to intercede in this matter.

According to normal circumstances, so many people were killed in one go, including hundreds of nobles. Alexandrovich had long been infamous, and this time was an exception.

Most mainstream media in Europe praised his righteous actions. The most powerful aristocratic group in Europe came to a collective silence.

Nobles, including those within the Russian Empire, also rarely kept silent. No matter what you think, you can't say that Alexandrovich is doing something wrong.

Xun Jun is definitely a taboo, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he is a great evil. At this time to jump out and make noises, we must first consider the reaction of his monarch.

Even if Alexandrovich kills everyone, who the true culprit is, he still hasn't been released.

However, those who hindered the investigation were shot out. Unfortunately, these guys are not plotting.

Obstructing the investigation is mainly related to the assassination of Alexander II. There are too many of them. They are either active or passive. They are afraid that the in-depth investigation will involve themselves.

Looking at the investigation report in his hand, Alexandrovich's performance was very strange, without any response, as if nothing had happened.

Thousands of people landed on the ground, seemingly very powerful, in fact, very few people are really involved in weight, most of them are ordinary people.

Many of the involvements were not too deep. Most of them were ordered to be removed or exiled by Crown Prince Alexandrovich. The actual killing was only involved in the Junjun case.

In the case of ordinary assassinations, the result of this treatment is obviously very heavy, but in the case of "King Jun", Alexandrovich's handling is too light.

Although there is no such thing as the Nine-Nine family in Europe, it is definitely not too much to kill the whole family in the case of the Nine Kings.

If you are implicated by relatives or friends, or if you accidentally provide help for the assassination, you will have to take down the title of aristocracy even if your head is not cut off.

Nothing happened. Most of the more than 100 nobles who were executed were those who personally planned or plotted with others and acted, and who helped obstruct the investigation.

If the number of nobles that had been wiped out had not been one tenth of Franz's death before the Vienna Revolution.

Of course, this is not a concept. The effect of killing someone with a knife and killing yourself is definitely different.

But compared to the assassination of the Tsar, it was still too light. As in the original time and space, the Crown Prince Alexandrovich only "highly lifted and fell gently", and did not come for a nationwide purge.

Putting down the information in his hand, Alessandrovich said lightly: "Let's stop at this point, and declare it to be what the opinionists say, and then secretly investigate.


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