Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 723: The closest day to hegemony

The report on the casualties of Russia and Russia published by Austria soon detonated public opinion. The number of "eight million" was too alarming, and everyone's attention was suddenly attracted.

Countless people are marveling. It is another "Thirty Years War", but unlike the last time, the Pu-Russian War only lasted less than two years.

Is there a winner?

Perhaps ordinary people who do n’t know it will say that the Russians won, and anyone who really understands the Prussian War knows that this is a war that has done both.

Both Russia and Russia are losers. The winners are the three fishermen of Britain, France and Austria, and the status of the three major powers after the war is even more unbreakable.

As the nominal winner of the Russian Empire, it seems that the media has called it the "fourth largest country in Europe", in fact it has earned a reputation.

The political structure from the three major powers to the four major powers can be talked about, and anyone who takes it seriously is foolish.

The Russian Empire now has the potential to become the fourth foot, not the strength. If the future develops smoothly and national power catches up, then there will be an opportunity to reproduce the pattern of the four European empires.

Before the start of the first Russian-Prussian War, the Russian Empire was one of the four European empires, and it was the number one seed player competing with the British for world supremacy.

Tossing around, going through two Russian-Prussian wars, losing millions of troops, paying tens of billions of rubles of military expenditures, lighting up the accumulation of the tsars of the past, and bearing huge debts.

The final gain was the fall from the European hegemon to the fourth in Europe, and the territorial expansion that the Russian Empire did not need.

"Reflection" is perhaps the greatest strength of the European people. Looking at the list of losses between the two countries in the newspaper, everyone came to a subconscious conclusion: the war is really terrible!

Not only ordinary people are scared, politicians are scared by a set of data. As soon as the hawks in various countries weakened, anti-war ideological trends began to spread to the world.

Palace of Versailles, the icy casualties of the Russian-Prussian War, gave Napoleon IV the ambitious ambition.

Napoleon IV was very confident in the combat effectiveness of the French Army, and the French people were equally confident. Everyone believed that the French Army was the first in the world and that the European hegemony would sooner or later be French.

As for the Austrian empire, which was blocked on the road from France to the overlord, if the international situation did not allow it, they would have already hit it.

Okay, that's just talking. War is no child's play. France has been busy digesting the Italian region all these years.

Now that the Italian region is stabilizing, the Paris government has the energy to consider the issue of expansion, but they are still not ready to go to war with Austria.

Although European hegemony is important, the prerequisite is that its strength is strong enough to maintain the fruits of victory. Since annexing Italy, France has begun a long farming career.

Originally prepared to wait for the defeat of both Russia and Russia, they expanded to Central Europe and won the coal mines most needed by France.

Napoleon IV believed that after the defeat of both Russia and Russia, Austria had no strength to stop them from taking this step, or France would not have the opportunity to annex Italy.

According to the plan, the Rhine River was used as the boundary. France ate Belgium, Luxembourg, and Rhineland, and used the remaining territories of the German Federal Empire to appease Austria.

Not afraid of Austria, this is tactics. In military parlance, this is cutting off enemy wings.

Without Belgium and the German Federal Empire, Austria would lose two allies when the war between France and Austria broke out in the future, increasing France's odds of victory.

After digesting these regions, France's shortcomings were filled, and then defeated Austria to capture continental hegemony, which was a perfect strategy.

In military terms, Napoleon IV had a mental advantage. His ancestor Napoleon was awesome. He smashed the European continent one by one. He almost won, and it was impossible for him to turn around.

The situation is much better than it was then. The Italian region has been occupied, Spain is an ally, and the two countries have been greatly injured by the vitality of the war.

There are few remaining independent countries, except for Austria, which can fight, basically negligible. There is no reason to single out and not win.

However, the plan did not change quickly. Seeing the casualties in the Russian-Prussian war, Napoleon IV's dream of hegemony shook for the first time.

There is no way, as the old rival French government has a deep understanding of Austria, the huge number of reserve forces can not hide their eyes.

Originally, Napoleon IV did not consider the reserve service to be the same thing. No matter how many people were in the Uighurs, they were all destroyed in front of the French Army.

The Russian-Prussian War changed his view. The Paris government also sent a military observation mission. The cruel reality tells them that reserve forces can also fight.

As long as a qualified officer is equipped, the reserve will soon be reorganized, and the combat effectiveness will be so inferior to that of the regular army, and quality defects can be made up with quantity.

Considering France's standing army, Napoleon IV thought it might not be enough. If they fight with Austria, their babies, the army, are likely to be piled up by the number of enemies.

If the army is expanded, the combat advantage of the French army will no longer exist.

Once the war cannot be resolved quickly, the cuckoo sticks across the strait will intervene. Even if the war is reluctantly won in the end, France will not have the power to dominate Europe.

There is nothing wrong with it. When France and Austria made strategic plans, the British were placed on the enemy side because the risks they had to bear as allies were the same.

The original plan went bankrupt, and Napoleon IV was hesitant to continue with the "strategic plan to cut off enemy wings" or change it.

As for promising the British to support the establishment of the North German Empire, that is a joke. How can we paralyze them without releasing goodwill?

It must be known that most of the troops of the German Federal Empire are used to prevent France, and other areas are almost not fortified. It is simply determined that no one will invade them except France.

It turns out that this judgment seems to be true. The two countries will not invade the German Federation, and Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland will not win them. The threat is indeed only one France.

Before Napoleon IV made a decision, the French people made a choice for him. The anti-war trend of thought broke out again, and it began in Paris and spread to the world.

These are young and inexperienced, otherwise Napoleon IV would have thought of it. The various trends of thought, new ideas, and neo-ism in Europe ... that didn't start in Paris.

Napoleon IV should be grateful that without early action, or the anti-war wave broke out, the French people would teach him how to be a man.

In a sense, Austria also missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and European hegemony has never been so close to them.

If the French plan is known, Franz will surely find a way to delay the exposure of the casualties of the two countries until the French take military action.

Everyone knows that the combat effectiveness of the army is closely related to human thought. The French combat effectiveness in the anti-war wave is undoubtedly the lowest.

The French army invaded the German region. Only the French army was affected by the anti-war. The troops of the German Federation were defending the country. The soldiers would not clamor for anti-war.

The Austrian army can also remain unaffected and defend the territorial integrity of the German region, which is national justice. No matter how anti-war, it is impossible for the enemy to fight back and not fight back.

Anyone who has studied French history knows that when a wave of thought erupts, it is often a period of rapid dissemination of revolutionary thought.

In the context of anti-war against the whole people, if the front line of the French army loses another battle, there may be another revolution.

The success or failure of the revolution is not important. The most important thing is that the revolutionary ideas are contagious. As long as the revolution breaks out inside, the courageous French Empire will be over.

The Italian's enthusiasm for independence is also not low. The revolution broke out in France and caught up with the war between France and Austria. It is difficult for the Italian independent organization to break out.

So many people pull on hind legs, not to mention Napoleon IV, even if Napoleon went to battle in person, he was unable to return to heaven.

After winning the French-Austrian war, it is difficult to think of unification in the German region. At that step, no one but God can stop it.

When the German region was unified, the European hegemony was nailed down. Even if France and Russia can take it easy, it will be more than a decade or two later.

Such a long time is enough for many things to happen, for example: let the Italian region be independent, pull Spain over, or set up an alliance to tie the beans in Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the Nordic Federation to the ship.

There was no such thing as Napoleon IV, who was sulking, did not know yet, and he was depressed by the tide of anti-war and saved his dynasty.


Foreign Minister Dumbledore reported: "His Majesty, the Government of Vienna has sent us a diplomatic note, hoping to work with us to lead the development of a European Army Armament Convention to avoid another European War."

I have to say that this is a good time to limit the armament of the army. The Russian-Prussian War has just ended, and everyone is still immersed in the "eight million" loss figure.

The anti-war wave is still spreading. Whether it is the public or politicians, everyone's fear of war is at its peak.

Hearing this news, Napoleon IV's depressed mood was slightly relieved, pretending to despise: "The Austrians are afraid, it seems that their courage is not so great!"

Everyone is an old churros. Naturally, Napoleon IV's words are insincere. Everyone is a normal person, who has seen the cruelty of the Pu-Russian war, who can not be afraid.

The most typical members are the members of the sent military observation team. Many members of the main battle faction, after experiencing the cruelty of the war, have all become the vanguard of anti-war.

It's not that they are afraid of war. They can only say that they have matured, become rational, and know the trade-offs.

Relieving the depression, Napoleon IV continued to ask, "What else, Austria is not short of money now. They can't limit their arms just for world peace, right?"

When it comes to the words "not short of money", Napoleon IV is still a bit unnatural. He can't help but be jealous. Now the world's richest financial resources are Britain and Austria.

Although France is one of the three major powers, it has fallen behind financially. Regardless of the fact that France does not need to have less Britain and Austria, the calculation method is different.

Taking Austria as an example, the central government's finances and the state government's finances are separated. There are only a few taxes included in the fiscal revenue, and most of the fiscal revenue remains in the state government's hands.

The same is true of Britain, and the taxation of the London government is also divided. Otherwise, the navy will take half of the income of only 70 to 80 million pounds a year. I am afraid that even the salaries of public officials will not be enough.

In addition, the Indian colonies alone spend tens of millions of pounds on maintenance costs every year, and the British colonial expenditure is an astronomical figure.

On the bright side, France has the highest fiscal revenue, which is almost the sum of Britain and Austria. In fact, they are the poorest.

The high amount of fiscal revenue is the result of unified integration into the central fiscal settlement. All expenditures require funding from the central government. It seems that the government has a lot of money, but it's just a hand.

Foreign Minister Dumbledore replied: "The news came from the embassy in Vienna that the Austrian Naval Ministry had recently submitted a plan for the expansion of the army, and it had entered the government discussion stage.

Perhaps stimulated by the Russian-Prussian War, the Austrians gave up continental hegemony. At this time, they proposed to limit the armament of the army, which may be a precursor to the shift of strategic focus to the sea. "

It is not surprising that Napoleon IV moved Austria's strategic focus outwards. In fact, the Paris government agreed that someone would propose to abandon continental hegemony and shift the strategic focus to the sea.

"Do you think we need to follow up?"

There is no doubt that the result of the follow-up was to agree with Austria's proposal that everyone together limit the size of the army and invest the saved money in the navy.

The Minister of the Navy, Hamdi Halbowvi, responded first: "His Majesty, the European continent is too small. There are dozens of countries in one place, and the most powerful countries in the world are gathered here.

It is too difficult to make a difference in the European continent. With the same resource investment, we can earn ten times and hundred times overseas.

Facts have proved that the future of the world lies in the ocean, and whoever controls sea power will master the world. "

"If your so-called gain is territory, then I have nothing to say. The cost of expansion on the European continent is more than enough to obtain ten times the size of a colony overseas.

There is only a difference between land and land. Can colonial land be compared with land in continental Europe? Retorted by Secretary of State Patrice McMahon

Axiology, this is the most common view. Almost all Europeans find European land more valuable.

Secretary of the Navy Hamdi Halbow shook his head: "The land overseas is not worse than Europe, but it has not been developed. All the resources we need can be obtained from overseas, but this is not possible in continental Europe.

Even if it is impossible to develop and reduce the value of overseas colonies, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. With the same investment, the gains from overseas colonies definitely exceed the expansion on the European continent. "

This is the fact that investment on the European continent does not necessarily pay off, and overseas colonial expansion can basically pay off.

In the European continent, France must be cautious and be beaten by accident. The Paris government did not even dare to step up.

It is not the same overseas. France ’s strength has swept overseas. Basically, it can not meet decent opponents. Its competitors only have a few colonial empires.

Compared to the dreaded continent on the European continent, it can start to work without a word. Anyway, there are too many colonial conflicts, as long as they are not too hilarious, they will not trigger a war.


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