Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 707: Refugee crisis

Russian command, Ivanov is immersed in the joy of capturing Poznan. This can be said to be the biggest victory that the Russian army has achieved since the war began, and its strategic significance is not in any way weaker than the resumption of Smolinsk.

If you open the map, you know that Poznan is located in the center of the Polish Plain, and is the most important transportation hub and industrial center between Popo.

The occupation of the Russian army here also meant that they cut off the aorta that Warsaw had connected with the rear, and the main force of the General Army led by Mao Qi was about to become an isolated army.

A young military officer hurried to report: "Marshal, there was news from the front line. According to the airship investigation yesterday, a large number of enemy troops withdrew from the Warsaw area, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

The enemy marched very fast, suspected to be the main force, but they did not carry heavy weapons and could not be determined for the time being. "

Ivanov was startled, and thought secretly, "No, the enemy is going to run." Then hesitated again, and he was very wily and tricky, and his soldiers were often unexpected. No one knew if it would be a shot.

The airship can only detect, it is difficult to distinguish whether the main force is below. There are also a large number of local troops in the Warsaw region, fully capable of posing as main forces.

The same strategy was used by Mao Qi during the Winter Campaign last year. During the recent war in Warsaw, the enemy tricked Russia's Fourth Army again.

However, just give up like this, Ivanov was not reconciled. If the main force of the general army is released now, it will be difficult to encircle them in the future.

After a little thought, Ivanov made a decision: "Order the Seventh Army to immediately send cavalry to investigate into the enemy's territory to determine whether it is the enemy's main force.

Report the news to the Eighth Army, make them destroy the roads and bridges on the way back to the General Army, and prepare to intercept the enemy's return.

The ninth army was ordered to immediately go to Poznan and meet with the eighth army to jointly perform the interception task.

The 11th and 17th Army were ordered to leave a small number of troops to defend, and the main force went to Poznan to reinforce as soon as possible.

Ordered the Third, Sixth, and Seventh Army to immediately approach, once the enemy's main force was determined to leave, immediately attack Warsaw.

Order the Fourth and Fifth Army being refurbished, prepare for battle, and reinforce the Warsaw battlefield at any time.

The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Army were ordered to abandon their original combat missions and to cut off Warsaw's enemy forces from the East Prussia area. "

Ivanov was still that Ivanov, and did not blindly order the pursuit because the enemy might retreat.

The General Army did not carry heavy weapons in order to hurry up the time. If all the cavalry divisions in Warsaw were sent out, the success rate of intercepting them would still be very high.

The question is, what can I do if I stop?

The Fourth and Fifth Armies of the Warsaw region were abolished. The Seventh Army was also injured in the previous battle, and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The Third and Sixth Armies that maintained the combat effectiveness ended their repairs ahead of time. Also not at its peak.

Even if these troops chase after them, they do not have the strength to engulf the main forces of the general army. What's more, in order to pursue, it is also necessary to resolve the general forces who remain in Warsaw.

Considering the risks involved, Ivanov would rather choose a more conservative tactic and intercept in the farther Poznan region.

Being safe is safe, and the success rate is pitifully low. As soon as the Polish plain was flat, there was no danger at all, and the enemy could choose too many paths.

Unless it's luck, the Eighth Army can't stop it. Ivanov's order for reinforcements was not really to intercept the main force of the general forces in Poland, and it was also a good choice to block them outside Poland.

Ivanov, who likes to fight steadily, does not mind first clearing the enemies in Warsaw, and then concentrates his forces and the general battle.


At the Vienna Palace, after receiving the news that the Russian army occupied Poznan, Franz sipped the tea directly.

Intuition told him there was a big problem.

It is impossible for Maoqi to know the strategic value of Poznan. No matter how scarce the troops are, it is impossible to ignore such strategic points.

Even if the main force is inadequate, the second-line troops must make up for it. However, three dissatisfied second-line infantry divisions were deployed in Poznan, of which only 7,000 were stationed in Poznan.

At this point, I almost told the enemy that our troops are weak and we are coming to attack.

Franz asked: "Albrecht, what do you think Mauch wants to do? Trick the enemy deeper, ready to eat the Russian Eighth Army?"

Chief of Staff Albrecht laughed: "There may be factors in this regard, but more should be to save strength and jump out of that big pit in Warsaw earlier.

The Russians have too much advantage to face the Popov Federation without any chance of winning. Want to come back, Mao Qi can only make a strange move.

I don't know exactly what it is, but starting from the military, abandoning Poland to extend the Russian front can indeed increase the odds of the general army.

The fall of Poznan also involves issues left over by history. Since the Vienna Conference in 1815, the area has been assigned to the Kingdom of Prussia, but the locals have not been very convinced.

To be exact, the local capitalists, nobles, and intellectuals are very dissatisfied with the Berlin government.

On the surface, the Berlin government ’s ethnic integration policy promoted Germanic localization. In fact, the Junker aristocrats occupied most of the government ’s interests, and these latecomers did not get the remains of the cold.

In normal times, these people can't make trouble, the war years are different, especially when the Russians are about to win, these frustrated people are naturally active.

Perhaps, Mao Qi wants to pull out these hidden dangers at one time and intentionally expose them. "

"Take the snake out of the hole and clear the alien."

Franz is also familiar with this kind of thing. The political struggle is inherently cruel. If there is no way to become a person, it can only be washed away.

At this stage of the war, the internal contradictions of the Commonwealth Federation have actually reached a peak, and a fuse is about to explode. Since Poznan has become a hidden danger, it is natural to clean it.

Looking at the map, Franz sighed sincerely: "Mao Qi is really fierce, the hundreds of thousands of troops in Warsaw, give up if you give up!"

There is nothing wrong with this approach. As the so-called "no mercy soldier", in order to win the war, there is nothing that cannot be abandoned.

It seems that hundreds of thousands of troops have been abandoned. In fact, the Berlin government has not lost money. The war has now been furious, and as long as there is hope, the Polish will not surrender.

Most of these troops are locals, and it is almost impossible to destroy them in World War I. If it is not possible to wipe out, even if victory is achieved, it is very difficult to clear the place after the war.

As long as the Berlin government sends in a hand, local guerrillas are born. As long as you think about the atrocities of the Cossack cavalry in Poland in the early days, you know how much the local population hates the Russians and the guerrilla wars can be fought.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carr laughed: "His Majesty, Mao Qi is probably compelled. Warsaw is not only a few hundred thousand troops, but also a large number of refugees.

The war is not over, these people cannot return to their hometowns to resume production, and the Popo Federation cannot provide so many jobs. It can be said that refugees are everywhere in Poland.

According to preliminary estimates, almost three million people are receiving relief food from the Berlin government, and about half of them have completely lost their livelihoods.

While supporting millions of troops and supporting millions of refugees, even the blood of the British transfused the Berlin government's finances.

Lost the Polish region, as well as the heavy burden. On this issue, the Berlin government should play a disgraceful role. "

Refugees are always the most troublesome. Austria accepts refugees on a large scale. It is a pity that the colonial government has passed the era of starvation and has set a threshold. The majority of people are stopped at the level of language.

The British and French colonies and American countries welcome immigrants. Unfortunately, they have to buy their own ferry tickets. When they arrive, they also need to find ways to make a living.

Franz nodded: "This is a difficult problem for the Berlin government, but it should not be difficult for the Russians. They have rich experience in dealing with it, but they don't know what Alexander II will do this time."

Relief is impossible. Most of these refugees were created by the Russian army. Even if the Tsarist government paid for relief, it could not regain popular support.

Moreover, the Tsarist government is not wealthy. Such a meaningless investment will certainly not be done by Alexander II.

Massacre is the last option, involving millions of people, and it is estimated that the Russians may not succeed.

Deportation may not be the best way, but it is the most likely to be chosen by the Tsarist government. Just like in the Second Near East War, the Russian army expelled a large number of Ottoman people into the inland areas, artificially creating a famine, and damaging Ottoman empire.

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