Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 686: Mochi's grand plan

After the beginning of spring, smoke from the Eastern European battlefield pervaded again. After a winter preparation, the situation is quite different.

The Berlin government organized a large number of castle strongholds in the border area, and the movement of the Cossack cavalry was restricted. If you want to plunder your goods, you must storm the castle fortress.

The combat effectiveness of Cossack cavalry is based on interests. The people are ready, the difficulty of robbery is constantly increasing, and the casualties and gains paid in many cases are not proportional, and the enthusiasm of the Cossack cavalry has also been hit.

Active and passive, the combat effectiveness erupted is very different.

Although the Cossack cavalry was still deployed, the results achieved were getting smaller and smaller. Many times they just destroy farmland and infrastructure, and soldiers are unwilling to pinch their bones.

It is no longer the Middle Ages. As long as you have money in your pocket, there are many places to buy food. Only the farmland in the border area is damaged, and the Berlin government can afford it.

To a certain extent, William I would also like to thank the Tsarist government. It was this harsh method of the Russians that made the Polish have to rely on them.

The decline in Cossack cavalry's destructive power does not mean that the tsarist strategy of the Tsarist government has failed.

Humans are vulnerable to war. In order to avoid the war, many people in the border areas have dragged their families to run inland, and many areas have become uninhabited areas.

It is not that the Berlin government has not stopped, the problem is that it cannot be done at all. Groups of fugitives running to the rear still imposed a heavy economic burden on the Berlin government.

The coastal areas suffered the most damage. Most of the port cities of the Federation of Popo were destroyed by artillery fire. Very few surviving cities were shaking.

These are only minor problems. Since the Danish blockade of the strait, the maritime traffic line of the Federation of Popo has almost broken, and the strategic value of port cities has been greatly reduced.

Worst of all, the Russians supplemented the loss of troops on the southern front, Mochi ’s plan to conquer Kiev went bankrupt, and now the Tsarist government uses the most conservative strategy and fights against the Federation of Popo.

Steady and steady, simple hard-to-find, the general army could not give play to its tactical advantage. Even a famous player like Mao Qi could not reverse the battlefield and develop in a direction that was not conducive to the Federation of Popo.

The bad situation on the battlefield has affected the domestic atmosphere of the Commonwealth Federation, and anti-war voices have emerged from time to time. Even the most optimistic people are worried about this war.

Berlin palace

William I growled, "We have lost 300,000 troops to the present, but we have achieved very few results.

You promised me three months to win the war. Now three months and three months have passed, and the third and third months are over. There is no sign of victory.

Who can tell me how much it will cost to win this war? "

It is not that William I did not support enough, it is really the recent pressure. The performance of the general forces on the battlefield far fell short of expectations.

The so-called "winning the war in three months" is actually just Maoqi's southern plan. In theory, as long as the trade line between Russia and Russia is cut off, they will win more than half of this war.

Unfortunately, the combat effectiveness of the Russian army is much stronger than they expected. Maybe it is not as good as the general in the field, but the defense is still fine.

Mao Qi's painstakingly designed strategic plan is not a problem in itself, but it uses the wrong object. If you change to another country and kill hundreds of thousands of troops at one time, it will definitely hurt your muscles.

Regrettably, when encountering a bear, the speed of annihilating the enemy was a little bit faster than that of the Tsarist government. With a winter buffer, the tsarist government not only replenished its lost troops, but also increased its total strength.

Mao Qi stubbornly replied: "His Majesty, the Russians are completely wounded in their own right, and the casualties of the Russian army are even greater than ours. In this way, even if the Russians can win the war, they will only be defeated.

Now that the Russians have the upper hand on the battlefield, there is absolutely no need for the Tsarist government to choose a game that does both.

As long as we reveal flaws at the right time, the Russian army will definitely not give up the opportunity. Once the Russians adjust their tactics, our opportunity comes.

In order to win this war, I suggest that some areas can be abandoned when necessary, and the Russians should be lured out of the fortifications first. "

Involving millions of people and hundreds of kilometers of front, it is also very difficult to make tactical adjustments. The cooperation between the various forces alone will be "moving."

Organizational ability has always been the flaw of the Tsarist government. Even after the reform of Alexander II, the Russians' organizational ability is still inferior.

On the battlefield, there are more mistakes than fatal ones.

The Russians are now defending in all areas except the mid-line attack. If you don't hide in the fortress, you may not be able to grasp the fighter, nor will it be a fatal mistake.

Mao Qi didn't want to die at the center line with the main force of the Russian army. Then he could not use the general's maneuverability, but simply struggled for comprehensive strength.

William I was uncertain: "You want to give up Smolinsk?"

Smolinsk has always been known as the portal of Moscow. After controlling it, the general army has the initiative to attack Moscow.

After the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the Russian army has been dead here, in order to ensure the security of Moscow and avoid being divided into two by the General.

Mochi nodded: "Your Majesty, we have tried a lot of solutions, and the Russians are just hiding inside the line of defense.

The loss of the attack is too great, and it is completely worthless. Apart from abandoning Smolinsk and letting the Russian army come in, it is difficult for us to break the current deadlock on the battlefield in the short term. "

There is no way. The military gap between the two sides is too large. The central offensive launched by the Russian army has also restrained a large number of general forces. Mochi's mobile force is limited.

Mao Qi, who was good at concentrating superior forces and decisive battles with the enemy, couldn't find it. Especially after the Russian army adopted the scorched earth plan, he was even more afraid to take risks.

Relocating military forces in any direction could result in the displacement of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

If you can win the war, it is acceptable to pay some sacrifice. The problem is that such a war cannot be determined by one or two battles at all.

The question of annihilating tens of thousands of Russian troops and generating hundreds of thousands of refugees is a loss or a profit.

Anyway, you have to sacrifice, it is better to do a big vote. If the enemy can be lured deeper and take advantage of local warfare to annihilate the main force of the Russian army in one fell swoop, then even greater losses will be acceptable.

"How confident are you?"

William I hesitated, this hand bet on the National Games. Of course, if you win, you can reverse the war. If you lose, the Federation of Popo will be dead. Can you keep the shrinking version of the Kingdom of Prussia? A question mark.

Mao Qi calmly replied: "Abandon most areas of Belarus and parts of Poland, put the battlefield in Warsaw, and call on the Polish people to resist the Russian invasion. Our chance of winning is at least 60%."

The war was originally a gamble, and the Federation of Popo was already on the weak side, with a 60% chance of winning, which is already a high percentage.

With a slam, William I slammed the table.


"Marshal, follow your plan. The government will cooperate with your plan."

It wasn't William I who was decisive, more than nothing. At this stage of the war, no one has any way to hinder, and the two countries of Russia and Russia must decide on the battlefield.

Even if William I was unwilling to bet, Juncker aristocracy would help him make a decision. Just like the war in the original time and space, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, William II wanted to end the war halfway, and the Juncker nobility directly overhead the emperor to continue the war.

The situation is now similar. With the outbreak of war, the military's rights have become greater and greater, the government has been reduced to the army's logistics department, and the balance of rights has long been broken.

King William I also had to compromise the military many times.


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