Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 681: Panama Independent Organization

On April 9, 1880, the Colombian government cut off trade with Peru under the pretext of a border conflict with Peru.

After the news reached Vienna, the Austrian government was in an uproar, clamoring for a little color to the Colombian government.

Slightly politically minded people know what Colombia's choice means.

Before that, the Austrian government could promise to the two countries that they would guarantee the smooth flow of their foreign trade during the war.

The coastline was blocked by the British, which was too aggressive for the Royal Navy. The Austrian Navy couldn't help it, and concessions were impossible.

Now that the land trade line has also been lost, do we still need the vigilance of the Vienna government?

There are also French people who have this trouble, and the Paris government has made similar promises to Peru and Bolivia.

I'm being beaten by the Colombian government now. If we don't retaliate, how could everyone be embarrassed to be mixed internationally.

I have to say that the Colombian government made a wrong decision at the wrong time. If they did not finally announce the severance of the trade line, I am afraid they have not drawn such hatred.

Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Ecuador, which made similar decisions earlier, have also caused Fao's dissatisfaction.

It was just that Fao's influence in these countries was weak and they jumped out together. It was troublesome to get back in revenge. This account was temporarily deposited.

This is not the pot of President Rafael Nunez. It has been the responsibility of the previous government to follow the four nations to the end.

Everyone knows that choosing between Britain, France, Austria and Austria is not only a matter of offending people. Seeing that his term is about to end, naturally, the intelligent President Julian will not jump.

Relying on a relationship between Britain, France, and Austria, President Julian still won a lot of benefits for Colombia, but these benefits were not so easy to take.

It doesn't matter, anyway, President Julian retired with all his achievements, and the trouble is all for the next term.

After Raphael Nunez came to power, this rope-walking game could not be continued. The patience of the three countries, Britain, France, and Austria, reached the limit, and the Colombian government must make a choice.

The tragedy is that no matter what choice Rafael Nunez makes, the end result will be the worst choice.


The Palace of Vienna, receiving this "good news", Franz, convened the government meeting as soon as possible.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "It is not surprising that the Colombian government fell to the British. Pro-Australian and pro-French are also contradictory. They were only affected by the cooperation between us and the French.

But such cooperation is only nominal. We can influence their decisions, but we cannot make decisions for them.

In the face of their interests, they will not budge. For example: Presidential election.

In a way, we also helped the British. Had it not been forcibly cooperating with the pro-Austrian and pro-French parties, a lot of energy would have been expended in the internal struggle, and Rafael Nunez would not have won so easily.

Since the pro-British faction came to power and made decisions in favour of the British, it is not surprising.

The only thing worth noting is that the Colombian government found an excuse for 'border conflict'. This excuse is very interesting. If it continues, the Colombian government can also make territorial claims to Peru.

According to preliminary analysis, in order to win over the Colombian government, the British should have promised in their territory.

The lack of a territorial claim directly to Peru is presumed to be the reaction of the Colombian government against us and the French. "

Matching pro-Austrian and pro-French alliances is a political need, and it is not important for Austria to win the election of the Colombian government.

Supporting Peru and Bolivia to continue the war is only to add to the British's block. Franz is not confident enough that they can come back with Austria's support.

In this war, Peru and Bolivia are significantly better than Chile, and they are already home.

Pig teammates are the hardest to bring. Just thinking about the Bolivian army holding a bow and arrow on the battlefield, Franz couldn't believe anything about them.

In this respect, the Colombian government's decision was nothing more than speeding up the end of the war and not changing the outcome of the war in a real sense.

Prime Minister Felix: "The idea of ​​the Colombian government is no longer important. Now that they have made the wrong decision, they must pay for it.

It's just that we have a tacit understanding with the British. It is obviously not worth it to bravely break out of this tacit understanding for the sake of a Colombia. "

This is the crux of the problem. Since the alliance between Britain, France, Austria and Austria, in the overseas struggles, everyone has been tacitly supporting the agents, and there is no precedent for personal participation.

"This problem is not difficult to solve. I believe the Central American colonial government can handle it. They have long wanted to annex Panama, but they have never had a suitable opportunity.

Now the French and we are in an awkward position. Even for our own sake, the Paris government can only support our actions. Colonial Minister Stephen calmly replied

The colonial ministry has long wanted to take action. In recent years, Austria has not expanded externally. With the continuous advancement of Africa's localization, the scope of the colonial ministry has become smaller and smaller.

The scope of jurisdiction is shrinking, and the colonial ministry's right to speak is weakening. If this situation is not changed, I am afraid that no colonial minister can be seen in future cabinet meetings.

Localization of Africa is Austria's national policy, and of course Stephen will not deliberately change. The officials who resisted the localization of the colonies were not without, but they were sent home to farm.

In this context, if the colonial ministry wants to expand its right to speak, it can only continue to expand externally, and it is not surprising to focus on Panama.

Not everyone has a strategic vision, and Austria also has many short-sighted people.

Many people in the Austrian Central American colonies are deliberately occupying the Panama area, kicking the French out, developing the Panama Canal themselves, and mastering a golden waterway like the Suez Canal.

Interest is the best motivation. For the sake of Aegis, capturing Panama has become the goal of many local colonial companies.

Almost every year, many people are lobbying the Austrian Colonial Ministry to occupy Panama. In order to seize the opportunity, someone even drew up a detailed map of Panama.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg objected: "If it is only for the Colombian government to meet with political pressure, perhaps the Paris government will support us.

If you want to occupy Panama, there is no such good thing. The French will definitely take the opportunity to offer a piece of cake. Do we agree or not? "

There is nothing wrong, this is the essence of international diplomacy. Gambling is also for the benefit, as long as the interest is appropriate, any qi can disappear immediately.

The French can't go for nothing and watch Austria gain. Similarly, it is not possible for Austria to share the Panama area with the French. Do n’t look down on it, but its potential strategic position is very important.

The problem is that it is very hateful to attack an independent country and seize people's territory.

Without the French sharing the pressure and bearing the diplomatic pressure alone, the Vienna government must think twice.

After a little thought, Franz said, "It's not the best time, we have to take into account the international response. To start working on the Panama region, it is best to motivate the independence of the locals first.

Austria is indeed very powerful, but it does not have the strength of the next generation of the United States, which has to dominate the world, and has to consider the reactions of countries around the world.

Rather than sending troops directly to capture the Panama region and motivating the locals to become independent, the new government after independence has joined the colonial system, and the problem is much smaller.

This kind of thing has done too many people. As long as you pay attention to eating, add a little frame, the legal basis of the law is in place.

Colonial Minister Stephen explained: "His Majesty, the Colombian government has stationed a heavy soldier in the Panama area, and it was suppressed by the strength of the locals before it even started."

Compared with the poor population of more than 100,000 in Panama, the troops of a division are indeed heavily populated.

Franz asked in amazement: "How many troops does Colombia have in a division?"

Colombia is typically a sparsely populated country. In addition to Indians and blacks, the country has only two or three million people.

A small Panamanian stationed a division's strength, and anyone who heard it for the first time would be surprised.

Stephen replied directly: "The regular army has a little more than 30,000, and the militia reserve is about 50,000. No one knows the limit mobilization.

Because of the relationship between the Austrian and Central American colonies, the Panama area is a key defense area for Colombia. They have placed one-third of the domestic troops here.

The situation in Colombia is also not very stable. As long as they eat their troops deployed in Panama, internal conflicts in Colombia will intensify. "

It can be seen that the colonial ministry is well prepared and is familiar with the situation in Colombia. It has long been clear about their military strength.

After entering the era of hot weapons, "Extreme Mobilization" has become a patent of industrialized countries, and even if agricultural countries can organize it, they will not be able to change weapons and equipment.

If it is an ordinary country, facing the invasion of foreign enemies is likely to cause all parties to shelve disputes and unanimously, but Colombia is an exception.

This problem can be traced back to the period of the American Civil War. Austria once organized an immigration. The Germans are actually the second largest ethnic group in Colombia, and the first is the Indians.

Most of the Germans who immigrated to Colombia were ordinary people. Although they were backed by Austria, they were still at the bottom of society as latecomers. The upper class had long been occupied by Hispanics.

Fearing to be subverted by Austria from the inside, successive Colombian governments are deliberately or unintentionally suppressing Germans, and even pro-Austrians have been alert to Austria.

There is no targeted discrimination answer on the surface. It is just a small action in secret. Even if it is discovered, it is only a personal act. The Austrian government naturally cannot interfere.

Not only Colombia, but immigration to any country can cause these problems. It's not gold, how can it be liked by everyone?

In addition to this, racial conflicts have also been a problem that has plagued South American countries for a long time. The blood of the Indians has not yet dried. If the government is strong, it can still be suppressed by force. Once there is a decline, contradictions will erupt.

Franz never doubted whether Colombia's domestic conflict would erupt. Even if there are no contradictions, contradictions can be created, not to mention that Colombia itself is full of contradictions?

After a moment of hesitation, Franz nodded: "Since Colombia is well prepared, then we need not be polite and find an excuse to eat this unit.

However, for international reputation, we cannot directly occupy Panama. Immediately after the fight, the site was handed over to the Panamanian Independent Organization and evacuated from the area as soon as possible. "

The "Panama Independent Organization" did not exist before, at least the senior Vienna government has not heard of it, but it must be there now.

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