Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 661: Willing

The generals were operating, and the Russians were not idle. Perhaps it has learned the lessons of the last war, this time the Russians have to be more cautious.

No matter how the generals fought, they recognized Smolensk, and other areas were relying on the previously built fortifications.

From an onlooker's standpoint, the Russians were a bit strategically conservative, but had to admit it was the safest option.

Smolensk is the gateway to Moscow. Without winning here, the Russian army will not be able to move west at ease.

Anyone who has studied the General Army knows that they like to concentrate superior forces in decisive battles in local battlefields. Divided into joint strikes, rapid breakthroughs, outside battles and quick battles are their strengths.

In the last war, the Russians suffered a great deal, and now they must learn a lesson.

Steady play is undoubtedly the best choice. Concentrated forces in one direction focus on offensives, and other regions rely on fortifications. Even if the general forces concentrated their superior forces, it would be difficult to break through in a short time.

Defence is always more advantageous than offense. It is backed by a bunker fort. There is no two or three times the strength advantage. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be broken at all.

Vienna Palace, looking at the Russian military deployment plan, Franz frowned, the Russians were stable, but what about the Popo Federation?

A close fight is what Franz wants to see. Now the Russian army's tactics have no technical content, and are completely consumed with the Federation of Popo.

"Albrecht, how would you fight this war if you were in Mudgee's position?"

After a little thought, Albrecht picked up his baton a little on the map: "Here is

Smolensk, located in the middle of the Eastern European Plains, is considered military gateway to Moscow.

In recent years, Russia and Russia have built many fortifications on the border, and Smolensk has gathered in fortifications.

If I command it, since the Russians are going to attack Smolensk, they will defend directly and use the fortifications to consume the strength of the Russian army.

The Russians defended in other areas, and the generals could also hold on. Anyway, winter is coming soon, and even if a breakthrough is made, there is no way to expand the results.

The issue of the decisive battle can be dragged until the beginning of next spring. At that time, the muddy road will be the biggest enemy of the Russian army. "

After a pause, Albrecht added: "Actually, in addition to the Army, you can also consider the Navy.

In recent years, the Russians, constrained by financial resources, have deserted the navy. Although the naval forces of the Commonwealth Federation did not work, they could turn to Britain and France for help.

Buy or lease a fleet and sneak attack on St. Petersburg. If you are lucky, you can end the war within the year.

It doesn't matter if the Tsarist government is not retained. The capital has been lost, and the frontline Russian army will certainly be turbulent.

In order to exchange for failure, the Tsarist government may change its previous strategy, ordering the frontline Russian troops to come to a decisive battle, and fighter planes will naturally appear. "

Franz froze, and suddenly found that the Russians had such an obvious flaw, that he couldn't help but be surprised.

After calming down, Franz shook his head: "Mauch would not do that, and the Junker aristocrats would not allow the glory of defeating the Russians to be given to the Navy.

A sneak attack on St. Petersburg requires close cooperation from the Army and Navy. The General Army did not conduct landing training. If it did not cooperate well, this plan would not be realized at all.

What's more, it is difficult to keep such a big purchase of the fleet. Even if the British and French cooperated with each other, they would be exposed when they entered the Baltic Sea, unless British and French sent troops in person. "

The dispute between sea and land is an inevitable topic. Although the Army has an absolute advantage in the Popo Federation, the Navy also has supporters.

In the last wave of colonial expansion in the late 1950s, Prussia also set off a wave of naval development, and even built its own iron armored ship, opening up a colony in the Indochina Peninsula.

If it wasn't for the Army to take the lead and launch the second Putin war, which would cause the situation to get out of control, maybe the Kingdom of Prussia would become a new colonial empire.

Even now, the business community in Prussia is still a supporter of the Navy. It is too late to divide the colony, but everyone's overseas investment still needs protection!

These days, international trade is not easy to do. It is difficult to do anything without a strong navy. Even the pirates are watching dishes.

If you count carefully, you will find that the dry duck country such as the Commonwealth Federation has a ship that is more likely to have accidents overseas than the navy power.

The loss of the capitalists was not concerned by the Junker aristocracy, and their core interest was on the land. If it were not for the pressure of the Russians, they even opposed the establishment of the Popo Federation.

In order to prevent Polish agricultural products from hitting the domestic market, the current Popo Federation still maintains tariffs.

In this context, unless it is a last resort, or as a representative of the interests of Juncker, Mao Qi will never sacrifice class interests.

As for the British and French sending troops in person, that's a lot of thought. Their support for the Popo Federation is not false, but it does not mean that they want to see the Russians immediately fail, at least the French just want to see the Popo Federation win.

Albrecht nodded characteristically: "It is true that once the navy is the key to winning this war, it will be difficult to suppress their development after the war.

The strength of the Popo Federation is still insufficient. While maintaining a world-class army, it is simply impossible to build a large navy. "

This problem not only plagues the Popo Federation, but even Austria has the same troubles.

With world-class army and navy at the same time, even Austria struggles. The dispute that erupts in the Vienna government's annual budget is the best proof.

It is normal to not be able to guess Mao Qi's movements. Albrecht is just the chief of staff of the Austrian army. He does not have a deep understanding of the Federation of Popo. In making his judgment, he was inevitably affected by the thinking of the Austrian army.

In fact, the military thinking of each country is different, and it is usually affected by its own national strength. Different countries have different military tactics.

There is no right or wrong, only suitable and unsuitable. Perhaps the tactics that seem perfect now, or fall behind in a few years; now it seems that the tactics of Tianfang Yetan may become mainstream after a few years.

With the development of the times, this situation will happen more and more.

Franz asked indifferently: "Well, this question is put on hold, and the answer will be revealed after a while.

Let's talk about overseas first. At what stage did the South American war go, are the British going to do things again? "

With his knowledge of the British, it would not be John Bull if the London government did not take advantage of Faul's focus on Europe.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "Yes, Your Majesty. According to the intelligence we have gathered, the British Pacific Fleet Second Fleet is rushing past.

If nothing else, they have a good chance of blocking the coastal areas of Peru and Bolivia and creating a chance for Chile to win the war. "

Hearing this news, Franz was very upset, but he was powerless. Unless the French and Austrian countries intervene, otherwise the British will not be blocked at all.

In this era of Bolivia and Peru, in addition to the area of ​​the territory, that is the true small projectile country. The combined economic aggregate of the two countries is less than half of Vienna.

With just this little interest, it is undoubtedly a dream to count on the union of France and Austria.

Europe is the center of the world these days. It would be a tragedy if the situation in Europe was out of control because of interference in South America and dispersed power.

After hesitating for a while, Franz reluctantly made a decision: "Our limited power in South America makes it difficult to compete with the British without domestic support.

Temporarily give up the layout in South America first, as long as it does not directly harm our interests, let the British toss! "


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