Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 578: Asking for trouble

The Pude trade was completed and the Russian-Polish war came to an end. The armistice treaty was signed under the coordination of Britain, France and Austria.

Just arranging an armistice and not asking the Russians to withdraw their troops, the international community did not give a clear statement on the territorial issues of Russia and Poland.

The nails were buried, and the hatred between Russia and Poland deepened. Under the power of hatred, Popo Confluence went one step further.

The goals of the Berlin government were achieved. Despite the loss of the Rhineland region, the annexation of the Kingdom of Poland, the Kingdom of Prussia has strategically reversed the situation.

With the fists closed, the force of the punch can be greater. For the Berlin government, the biggest problem now is not the Polish debt crisis, but immigration.

Soon after the reunification of Poland, there was no time to build credibility. Because of its geographical location, the new Polish kingdom was under military threat from the Russians, and it could collapse at any time, and it was not favored by investors at all.

In this context, it is not easy for the Polish government to borrow foreign debt. Even if they support Britain and France, it is impossible to throw money into it.

Therefore, most of the Polish government's debt is internal, and the external part is mainly from the beginning of the reunification. In order to crack down on the political loans lent by Russian talents, European countries have about 20 million pounds, one-third of which owed to Prussia.

Internal debt is difficult to understand. Affected by the financial crisis, the Polish government has repeatedly devalued its currency and relied on additional currency to weather the financial crisis.

The aftermath is a mess in Poland's domestic economy. Compared to the Tsarist government, the Polish business community has become the biggest victim.

This terrible situation was a good thing for the Kingdom of Prussia, creating opportunities for their annexation of Poland.

If it were not for the poor economy of Poland, the capitalists would not move closer to the Kingdom of Prussia. Without the support of the business community, William I could not be elected with a high vote.

Now that the Kingdom of Poland is to be annexed, the Berlin government is ready to clean up the mess.

In contrast, "resettlement" is the real trouble. Not everyone is willing to leave the country. For many ordinary people, being ruled by the German Federation is not unacceptable.

Immigrant work was met with resistance from the local population, or resistance from local capitalists. If everyone is gone, who will kill them?

Not only are the capitalists making trouble, the middle class is not buying it. Many people are annoyed by the Berlin government's betrayal of the Rhineland region, thinking that this is abandoning them and subconsciously rejecting this immigration.

The main reason behind these problems is resettlement. Capitalists can relocate factories, but there is no way to relocate mines. The Berlin government simply cannot find an industrial base to replace the Rhineland.

The same is true of the middle class. Their network of contacts is completely abolished when they change places, and they need to start again. The income and social status of most people will be affected, and they will not even be able to maintain their current standard of living.

On the contrary, the workers and peasants who are the most violent on the surface are the best to deal with, and their requirements are the lowest. As long as the government has money, it can be done.


In the Palace of Vienna, Franz was looking at the report of the war in the Near East. It's not the frontline defeat, but the opposite is that the frontline is playing too well.

According to prior plans, the Russians were unable to open the Black Sea Strait and ended the war with the mediation of European countries.

However, the plan did not change quickly, and the Ottoman Empire was more wasteful than Franz imagined. It was just half a year without holding it, and the land along the Black Sea Strait was lost.

How to stop the truce has become the biggest problem for the Vienna government right now. You have to do a full set of acting, and deliberately letting the water out can not hide the eyes of politicians in various countries.

According to the current situation, the Ottoman Empire is no longer viable. With the hatred between the Habsburg dynasty and the Ottoman Empire, what Franz should do at this time is to beat down the water dog and take the opportunity to kill the old enemy.

In fact, the Vienna government is doing the same. To delay time, Franz pushed out an imperial parliament with little sense of existence.

In fact, this didn't help much. Not only was Austria and the Ottoman Empire hostile, but other states of the Shen Luo Empire also had grudges with the Ottoman Empire.

Now the empire is shouting to kill the Ottoman Empire, and the voices of the anti-war fighters can hardly be heard, which makes Franz very distressed.

In the current situation, the imperial parliament has passed an increase of almost 100%. Franz also could not force his men to stand on the opposite side of the people and bear insults to become anti-war factions.

In the case that Austria did not send troops to the Asia Minor Peninsula, the Ottoman Empire was slinged by the Russian army. If Austria also sent troops, Franz did not think how long the vitally injured Ottoman Empire could persist.

Without this bad guy, who will we look for next time we look away? What about the next strategy?

You know that although the Ottoman Empire was declining, its size was not small at all. Under the current circumstances, the Ottoman Empire divided between the Austrian and Russian empires is bound to be captive.

European countries will not agree, and it will inevitably be a few more. For Austria, which wants to dominate the eastern Mediterranean, this is very bad.

Franz asked: "How long does the Russian army need to rest before it can launch an attack again?"

The war needs dead people. Don't look at the Russian army on the battlefield, in fact, the losses are not small.

In just half a year, the Tsarist government has replenished its troops four times, and now it is time to replenish it for the fifth time. The total number of casualties has reached 240,000, of which nearly a quarter have been killed.

From the perspective of the Tsarist government, these casualties are worthwhile. While supplementing their strength, the Russians also constantly replaced front-line combat troops in the name of rest.

According to the statistics of the Allied Command, 650,000 Russian soldiers have walked on the battlefield. The bullets that Guang Guang's recruits killed in training all exceeded 1,500 tons.

The Russians' reason is reasonable. Frontline troops have suffered too many injuries and need to be transferred back to rest.

The casualties were there, even if it was clear that the Tsarist government was taking the opportunity to train, Austria could not refuse.

In just half a year, the Russian army consumed more than 65 million Aegis materials. If you change the Tsarist government, you absolutely cannot bear to play like this.

This is only the cost of the Russian army. If the cost of the Austrian army is added, this number will increase by half.

The bombing of airships and naval bombardment also has a low ammunition consumption. Fortunately, the Austrian army in the Middle East is only besieging Jerusalem. If it goes all the way, this military expenditure will be even higher.

Consumption of weapons, ammunition and strategic materials is not much. The biggest single expense of war is actually the soldier's casualty pension.

Taking Austria as an example, the minimum pension for a soldier killed is 600 Aegis. Each year, the various preferential policies and welfare expenditures for the martyrs' families are at least 10 Aegis, which is 300 Aegis in 30 years.

This is only the most basic data in theory. The Austrian military pension must also consider the position, rank, length of service, and whether or not he has won military achievements. These are all money-added items.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the government to send whiteboard soldiers to the battlefield. This means that in actual war, more pensions need to be paid.

On average, for every Austrian soldier killed, the Vienna government pays a 1200 Aegis pension. If 10,000 soldiers were killed, it would be 12 million Aegis.

The cost of dying is high, and the cost of surviving the severely injured is actually even greater.

In addition, the government must bear the follow-up medical expenses, and the government that has lost the labor force must also be responsible for solving the problem of livelihood.

To ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, these expenses cannot be saved. In this regard, Franz was willing to save money, and Austria's follow-up care was the best.

Fortunately, the Tsarist government did not need to pay so many pensions. Otherwise, Alexander II would definitely cry now, and the casualties would be more expensive than the battlefield.

With the development of industrial technology, the cost of industrial supplies is getting lower and lower, and the cost of human life is getting higher and higher. Later generations attached importance to soldier casualties, in fact, were forced out by high pensions.

Secretary of the Army Albrecht: "In accordance with previous practice, the Russian army will replace more than 10% of the casualties.

The Tsarist government has more than 200,000 new recruits in the Ukraine. It can reach the front line within a week at the earliest, and no later than half a month.

The time will soon come when we promise to provide combat materials. The Russians will definitely grab the time. I think that the Russian army will launch an attack again within a maximum of 20 days. "

The Vienna government initially promised to provide 150,000 Russian troops with half a year's worth of combat supplies. Later, the two sides made a benefit deal. This limit was raised to 200,000 Russian troops and the time was extended to the end of 1874.

The Tsarist government just saved the Poles, and although they achieved brilliant results, their wallets were injured. In this context, Russians naturally want to save money as much as possible.

Only by launching a war before the end of the deadline can more materials be obtained from the Vienna government to prepare for the subsequent war.

The Russian army has been doing such things, such as falsely reporting war damage and hiding strategic supplies.

Frontline Austrian officers have reported for a long time, but they still need the Russians to die, and Franz did not investigate deeply.

Hiding strategic supplies is not as easy as it sounds, at least it cannot be caught by frontline Austrian officers. It is easy to hide a small amount of materials. If the amount is large, it will not be easy to hide, and the accounts will be uneven.

Austria also sent military officers to follow, and overreporting war damage must also pass inspection. In case an issue is found, it is to be held accountable.

The distribution of strategic supplies in Austria is based on the number of Russian troops. However, every day on the battlefield, people are dying. It will naturally consume less when people die.

However, the quartermaster who distributed the materials could not get immediate data feedback, and the supplies received by the frontline Russian army did not decrease, which resulted in some additional supplies.

Falsely reporting war damage and concealing supplies is mainly this part of supplies. When the water is clear, there is no fish. As long as the accounts are clean, Austria will not pursue it.

In the end, how much of this material can fall into the hands of the Tsarist government, and how much is privately divided up by Russian officers, is not a concern of Franz.

After a moment of contemplation, Franz made the decision: "When the news is released, we are planning to send half a million troops to destroy the Ottoman Empire."

European countries want to see a lot of bad luck in the Ottoman Empire, but you absolutely don't want to see the Ottoman Empire demise.

Without this big block, Austria would be able to devote all its energy to Central Europe, and the defense pressure of many countries would increase.

At the London conference, Britain and France were already mediating the Near East War. But this is not enough. Diplomatic pressures imposed by European countries are not enough to let the Vienna government let go.

Franz's move to annihilate the Ottoman Empire is to add a fire, attract the attention of Britain and France, and let them invest more energy to interfere in the war.

Make trouble for yourself, such a nonsense thing actually happened, think of Franz is funny.

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