Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 543: No bottom line operation

Figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Franz reassured that it was lively. Deep down, I have felt silence for the Bulgarian Revolutionary Party, and at the wrong time, launched a wrong uprising.

If the time changes, maybe the tsarist government will compromise. For example, a few years ago during the Russian-Prussian War, when the opportunity was to launch an uprising, and then to mingle with the victors, they had already succeeded independently.

Unfortunately, at that time, the Russian Empire was too powerful and the people in the country were stable. People did not think that they could overthrow Russian rule.

After Poland's independence was successful, it stimulated the development of Russia's national independence movement. Bulgarian nationalism has only spread in recent years, and the agricultural crisis has amplified conflicts.

The foundations of a revolution are in place, but it is still not a good time. It is not a wise choice to single out the Russian Empire with a single spot.

Even after the outbreak of the Near East War, it is better than this time, and there is at least one more ally.

The British who secretly supported the Bulgarian revolution did not take the risk at all. The capital of France and Austria was only for the benefit, and the purpose of the war was ignited.

Regardless of whether this excuse is lame, there are still many fools who believe. Watching a group of speculators think that the price of food is going to rise, and frantically joined the ranks of speculatively high food prices, Franz said silently: "Do not live by yourself!"

If you can't find the pick-up guys to exit in time, and the speculators who participate in it will count as one, no one wants to escape.

It took them a lot to lock them in. How could the consortium let them go? When they set foot on the thief ship, these people could only bravely walk down and try hard to preach "the price of grain will rise and the influence of the Balkan situation will increase."

Recently, there have been good news, such as floods in Argentina and locusts in India ...

There is a picture and the truth, that is, no one told them that even if the grain crops in these countries are not harvested, it is a matter of European birds.

In this era, Argentina is not a big food exporter. It does not export food to Europe or import food from Europe. Even if some areas are affected by disasters and other areas rely on good harvests, there will be no shortage of food.

Not to mention India's lack of food is useless, can they afford it? With so many local people, it's okay to starve to death. Don't expect the British to help.

In short, disasters anywhere in the world will appear in European newspapers. This will really be "if you don't go out, you will know what is happening in the world." Everyone suddenly finds that the world is so large and so many countries exist.

"Food shortages" throughout the world are right, but this will not affect the outbreak of the agricultural crisis. Those who are short of food are poor ghosts. They cannot afford food at all. Any excess of food production on the international market has nothing to do with them.

Chicken broth is not popular now, and there is not even a living environment. If you think this is a big market that no one pays attention to, you can go into the development with a silly head and no matter how big the safekeeping business is, you can pay for bankruptcy.

The initial investment does not make money to cultivate the market. Some persist for several years, and some last for more than ten years. Franz has not heard of silly waiting for hundreds of years.

The capitalists are not stupid, if they could do it already. For example: Africans don't wear shoes and run to sell chicken soup for shoes.

No one has studied whether the locals can buy it or not. This year, even if they buy it, it is useless. The colonists are used to robbing.

Although killing sheep is not as profitable as long-term sheep shearing, but not killing sheep is going to starve to death now, what are the future considerations?

The 19th century is the darkest and cruelest era. Everyone is struggling for survival. If we survive, we will have a future. If we look too far, we will become martyrs.

After a series of bombings, many people have come to the conclusion that the world is short of food, and many regions have also rushed to buy food.

These have little impact on Austria, and although some people worry that food prices will rise, no one thinks Austria will be short of food. If the world ’s top agricultural exporters are all short of food, how else can they survive?

After stabilizing prices in the domestic grain retail market, Franz pretended not to see the changes in the stock market and futures market.

If you want to speculate, you have to bear the consequences. These areas are essentially a gamble. It ’s all turned into wool.

In order to reduce the number of people affected, at the end of 1873, the Austrian Securities Regulatory Agency raised the threshold for capital entry and blocked small transactions with capital below 500 Aegis.

The capital force is huge. The grain market with overcapacity originally forced them to operate through capital to create a shortage situation.

This is a good thing for food exporting countries. At least this year's food has been taken over. It is no longer important when the international food market collapses.

To a certain extent, the Tsarist government should thank the underworld actors for letting them through this year's financial crisis. Although the export price of grain was not high, it was sold.

Future problems Let me say in the future. Besides, isn't Austria struggling to reduce production? The market may return to normal within a few years.

Moreover, the war is also a big consumer of food, catching a mammoth in the Ottoman Empire, presumably no need to worry about excess capacity in the next two or three years.

Without any hesitation, the Russian army, originally intended for the Ottoman battlefield, is now thrown into the Bulgarian battlefield by the Tsarist government.

After a raging Bulgarian uprising, which persisted for more than two months, it fell into a trough, and the insurgents were forced to abandon the city and continue to fight in the mountains.

The Russo-Austrian alliance is not over, and Franz did not support the Bulgarian insurgents even though it wanted to expel the Russians from the Balkans.

Of course, there is no smuggling of arms, and it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, smuggling arms dealers do not have human rights. If the Russians have the ability to seize it, then they will handle it themselves. The Vienna government will not bother.

Vienna Palace, Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, the special envoy of the Sudanese government is here. They want to negotiate to resolve the dispute between the two countries."

Talk about not winning, this is the habit of continental Europe. Especially for the great powers, the destruction of the country is simply unrealistic. Otherwise, Napoleon III's annexation of Italy would not cause a stir.

Is there anything to talk about between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire? From the perspective of family hatred, naturally there is no need for negotiation, and both sides can't wait to kill each other.

In terms of interests, naturally we have to talk about it before we know it. Franz was not the owner of profit, so he decided decisively: "Don't talk!"

Strategically need to create an enemy for Austria, who is suitable besides the Ottoman Empire? The European continent is a mess. Once it rushes in, it will be trapped.

多 How good the Ottoman Empire is, attacking an infamous enemy can stand on the commanding heights of public opinion, without worrying about being pushed back.

The Ottoman Empire, which is thin and thin, has been completely abused by Austria even if it has completed the modernization reform. This is determined by comprehensive national strength, and there is no possibility to make up for it.

If Britain and France are willing to give blood to the Ottoman Empire, Franz welcomes it, which means that the two sides can spend more time entangled.

It is best to make European countries think that Austria has fallen into the mire of war and cannot extricate itself, everyone can rest assured. In order to keep his eyes on Vienna, Franz didn't dare to play small moves.

"Send someone to urge the Russians to speed up their preparations for the war, and this war must be launched in March. If this is not the case, just send them soldiers, we can provide everything else."

Franz will not discount the promised strategic materials. The main reason for bringing the Russians together is to share international pressure, and by the way create opportunities for the Prussians.

Russia and Austria are not restrained, how can the Berlin government have the courage to start against Poland? Of course, William I was certainly not as extreme as Napoleon III, and Franz guessed that he would most likely inherit the Polish throne first.

There are precedents for monarchs in Europe, including Sweden and Norway, which are common monarchs. Take control of the Polish government first, and slowly realize the annexation plan, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

Franz embezzled the Kingdom of Bavaria with the same plan, and Bavaria now has a name, which is essentially a province of Austria.

Not only the Kingdom of Bavaria, but also several other states. Whether they accept it or not, they are only equivalent to a highly autonomous region. All interests are linked to Austria, and the Austrian government is the central government of Shinra.

This was the original time and space, and the Kingdom of Prussia did it. It is only because of religion and legal system that the Berlin government has insufficient control over the South German region, and Bavaria has formed its own system.

If conditions permit, it is estimated that Napoleon III will not directly annex Italy, but will adopt the monarchy system. Unfortunately, this set does not change in Italy.

Who knows what the Italian emperor is? How can a throne created because of practical needs not be recognized?

There is no legal basis, and the monarchy system must not play. Napoleon III was **** his head, and it was easy to understand.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "The Russians have little problem. Even if they are not ready, the Tsarist government can declare war first.

Just to provoke the war still needed a reason. The Russians proposed to use the Ottoman Empire to support the Bulgarian rebellion, or to expel the heathen and raise the banner of jihad. "

As soon as the "jihad" thing came out, Franz was bad for himself. Obviously it is just a secular war, why is it necessary to draw the banner of religion?

Although it can boost morale, it is not easy to control the rhythm! If the morale of the frontline army is bursting, how will the Ottoman Empire be killed in one breath?

The French cannot be counted on to reorganize the "Blasphemy Alliance" with the Ottoman Empire in order to save the Ottomans in Japan.

"No, religious wars must not be fought. Whatever excuse the Russians use, we use revenge as a reason."

Far away thinking that when the Ottomans besieged Vienna, they almost carried the Habsburg dynasty's nest. How could such blood feuds not be reported?

No, it looks like the battle in 1683, or the savior that Dabobo served, and it didn't seem to be good to preach it.

There are unresolved territorial disputes between Austria and Poland. The grievances between the two sides are enough to make ten TV shows. It seems too early to talk about the friendship between Austria and Poland.

With this in mind, Franz will not say anything, but let the government make up for it. Anyway, the hatred between the two countries lasted for hundreds of years, and there was an excuse for looking through the history books.

Especially the new history book edited by the Vienna government, it is really a sea of ​​hatred. For example, the Balkans are descendants of the Ottomans who attacked and captured Austria, and then slowly proliferated.

The local aborigines have long been killed by the brutal Ottomans. The remaining small part either took refuge in the Ottomans as a traitor, or hid in the old forests of deep mountains, such as Montenegro.

Believe it or not, the Vienna government believes it anyway. There is absolutely evidence and real people are well documented. It's just that the proportion is a little small. If you check the pedigree, there is always one percent.

No, after so many years of immigration, this proportion has greatly increased. In many places, it has exceeded 50%, and its credibility has greatly increased.

When the gene can be checked in the future, it can be proved that these contents are true. The ancestors of the local people did indeed come from the German region.

In this regard, the history book of the Principality of Montenegro can also testify, but Franz used the assistance of 100 SHIELD to get the Montenegro government to cooperate.

There will be more evidence in the future. In short, Austria and the Ottoman Empire have deep blood and vengeance. If you do not avenge the Ottoman Empire, then you are sorry for your ancestors.

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