Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 542: 涂

The storm in the Balkans did not affect Franz's mood. Even the insurgent group was terminated without attracting his attention.

After being an emperor for so many years, the wind and the waves have been seen a lot. Some people want to rebel. Haven't they been suppressed before they started?

Franz is accustomed to this kind of thing. Almost every few years, there will be several people who want to die. Usually they are suppressed by the police, and even if they occasionally raise anti-flags, they will soon be extinguished by local feudal strength.

Almost all the feudal remnants were wary of the revolution, and the situation in Austria has changed since the gunfire of 1848.

Anyone can suppress the rebellion. It is just to suppress the rebellion at any time and for any reason. Don't worry about being held accountable even if you accidentally cause injury.

All butchers can be promoted to marshals, and state funerals can be held after death. Public opinion in Austria has been reversed.

This change naturally aroused the enthusiasm of the people below, suppressing the rebellion is a great achievement, and there is no need to worry about being held accountable. Not to mention fear of reprisals. Since it was a feudal emperor, it was naturally an artificial anti-family attack.

Affected by the environment, Austrian revolutionary groups have shifted to overseas activities, almost cutting off from the domestic.

The warriors who dare to return to China to do things, don't know where they went to contribute to the country's construction. Maybe there will be no record of the death of the Vienna government.

The government has no records, and the intelligence organizations must have them. As an important emperor, Franz also did not want to see the record in the history books: Strangling the party chaos.

This is not a joke. For so many years in the emperor's life, even if the chaotic party killed by Franz did not have a million, it would not be much worse. How else could Austria stabilize?

There was no explosion in the Balkan Peninsula, which was a gunpowder barrel. Lombardy and Venesia, which had always wanted independence, had no movement. Hungary, which was active and noisy, became the most stable place in the empire.

Behind the stability, of course, sword lightsaber is indispensable. These dangerous places were cleaned over and over again, the ambitionist and idiot who wanted to rebel were wiped out, and a new ruling class was replaced, and the country was truly stable.

To some extent, the Great Revolution of 1848 provided Austria with a chance to be reborn. Taking advantage of the suppression of the rebellion, Franz was able to exchange blood for the ruling class.

The wind and clouds of the Balkans did not affect Austria. Franz could naturally read and read newspapers. Alexander II, who was far away in St. Petersburg, could not sit still.

The Greek coup, Alexander II did not care, that was Austria's sphere of influence. But the Bulgarian rebellion, he could not help but watch the lively.

Geographically speaking, Bulgaria is an optional species far from the heart of the empire. But there was Constantinople next door, which immediately improved Bulgaria's status.

The Tsar government has a special feeling for Constantinople. Alexander II has not invested in this city for many years. Today, Constantinople has been reborn from the flames of war.

With its geographical advantage, Constantinople has once again become the largest and most prosperous city in the Near East, and is also a fiscal and taxation center for the Tsarist government.

The outbreak of the rebellion in Bulgaria is bound to affect the stability of Constantinople. If it is not quickly extinguished, the flames of war may pass.

Throwing the battle report in his hands on the table, Alexander II growled: "It's all a group of rice barrels, and a division's troops can't even hit a group of black people, it's just a shame ..."

There is no doubt that the situation on the front lines is very pessimistic. A Russian infantry division ran over to suppress the rebellion and was ashamed by the rebels.

Secretary of the Army Kafukis bowed his head and waited until Alexander II had finished cursing before explaining: "Sir, this Bulgarian rebel is not easy.

According to the information received from the front line, the enemy is a regular army. Although it is still young, it is still well organized, and there is no confusion in the ordinary rebels.

There must be some support behind this scene, otherwise their weapons and equipment and officers would not have fallen from the sky. "

Kafukis did not lie, and the Bulgarian rebels did behave a little like the regular army. It's just that they don't rely on outsiders' support, but they have it.

There is also Russian credit for this, and a large number of Bulgarian guerrillas were recruited as cannon fodder during the Near East War. The dead unlucky eggs died with the wind, and the survivors became veterans, and many guerrilla tops also transformed into qualified officers.

After the battle was over, these people naturally returned to their fields. The Tsarist government is poor, and everyone is not well placed. The treatment of these second-class soldiers is even worse. A symbolic bounty is paid to finish the job.

Except for a few high-level officials, most of the guerrillas did not gain much. Naturally, they did not like the tsarist government.

The land was divided, and most of the farmland fell into the hands of the Russian aristocracy in Constantinople, and many Bulgarians became serfs again.

After the reform of Alexander II, land issues were resolved through land reclamation. If no one is doing things, the people's mind will settle down.

Unfortunately, nationalist ideology has flooded Bulgaria, and the revolutionaries flickered for a while, which sparked dissatisfaction among the guerrilla veterans, and many people stumbled on the revolution.

Only a dozen years have passed since the Near East War. Most of these people were in their 30s and 40s, and they were able to fight with guns. With these backbones, and then recruited a group of young and strong, the Bulgarian Rebel Army was shaken out.

The weapons and equipment were partly left over by the Russian army that year and partly sponsored by the Bulgarian "patriotic businessman".

The fighting force of the insurgents may not be stronger than the Russians, but their morale must be higher than the Russians. The Russian army who went to the counterinsurgency had bad luck and dared to go to the peak of the morale of the insurgents.

If you fought a few battles, or dragged on for a while, because of dissatisfaction with the Tsarist government, and the morale that has been raised is almost exhausted, then the rebels are best to deal with.

Of course, the premise is not to let the rebels win. If they win a few more times and convince them that victory is in sight and that they can establish an independent Bulgaria right away, it will probably be even stronger.

Alexander II stared at him severely: "I don't want to listen to these nonsense. No matter what the use is, I must immediately kill the rebels.

If someone is doing a ghost, you will take out the black hand behind the scenes, instead of complaining to me and grieving here, do you want me to find the black hand behind the scenes myself? "

The Minister of the Army, Kafukis, looked helpless. It was not his specialty to check the black hands behind the scenes. If you want to ask, you should also ask the intelligence department!

Well, the Tsarist government does not pay enough attention to intelligence work. It has not made great efforts to build up intelligence organizations, and it has scattered and multi-part-time jobs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an intelligence-gathering team, the Police Department has an intelligence team, and the Army Department also has an intelligence-gathering team. The division of powers is not clear and is often determined by the will of the chief officer.

"Your Majesty, the information we received was vague and there were too many countries suspected.

The businessman who supplied Bulgarians with weapons and equipment came from the Ottoman Empire. The Sudanese government is, of course, very suspicious. But the Bulgarians and the Ottoman Empire are so hostile that the two sides cannot cooperate.

We inspected the weapon system and all the standard equipment of Austrian weapons. In addition to us, the countries equipped with these weapons are also equipped with Austria, Greece, Montenegro, and the German Federal Empire.

These small countries can rule out that they cannot plot this conspiracy, and the Austrians' suspicions are not small. However, we have just joined forces with the Vienna government to attack the Ottoman Empire, and they should not be at this time.

Later we investigated the sources of these merchants' funds and found that they were provided by a French bank. However, the French did not need to stir up the incident and did not have enough interests. They did not have any reason to support the Bulgarian Revolutionary Party. "

After hearing this explanation, Alexander II also felt dizzy. All are suspects, and they can all be overthrown. Who knows who the real black hand is?

Foreign Minister Chris Basham asked differently: "Why are there no British?"

Chris Basham can't help but be surprised. Usually, this kind of thing, shouldn't all the great powers be taken in? Why are there no British people?

"It wasn't without it, it was just a relatively small suspicion. The ship responsible for the transport was British. The ship set off from the port of Karasu in the Ottoman Empire and was delivered directly to the port of Burgas and handed over to the rebels.

Britain, France and Austria have all been involved, and the businessman who provided weapons and equipment to the Bulgarians has disappeared. Our Army Department is really incapable of making judgments. "

It was a mess, suspicious everywhere, and smoke bombs everywhere. It's just that more information was revealed in this weapon aid than in the first aid.

Alexander II made a decision at the fiercely beaten table, "continuing to investigate secretly, and at the same time announced that the Bulgarian rebellion was planned by the Ottoman Empire.

The persimmon is looking for a soft pinch. Now the Russian Empire has no previous domineering. When it is time to pretend to be confused, it is necessary to pretend to be confused.

The best result is to turn the real murderer into the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, if you find the British, French, or Austrian countries, what do you ask the tsarist government to do?

Of course, it is also important to investigate secretly to find out who the enemy is, but you can't open the cover to avoid making the situation impossible.

Not only are the Russians investigating, the Austrian intelligence organization is not idle. Since the black hand supported the Bulgarian rebels for the second time, many things have been hidden.

First of all, this large batch of arms could not be left without clues, and it was quickly determined that it was from the Field Arsenal.

Originally used by the Austrian Army, it was retired more than a month ago, then sold to a Dekras arms dealer, and flowed into Bulgaria through the Ottoman Empire.

In this era, the export of arms is not so strict, especially for ordinary weapons such as second-hand rifles, which do not require careful review at all.

However, being able to complete a series of operations in such a short time is obviously using some power. When I checked these things, many things were exposed.

Looking at the information in his hand, Franz could not help but mourn the Russians. It is okay to find out the true murderer. If it is found out, it is estimated that the tsarist government will not be able to sleep.

The British led the head and was responsible for transport, the French provided funding, and the Austrian capitalists provided arms.

Well, it is the British who really contribute. The total price of these batches of arms is less than one hundred thousand aegis, which is not worth mentioning to the financial predators at all.

This shows that capital has no borders. Franz secretly raised his vigilance and decided to strengthen the surveillance of private capital.

It seems that in this operation, the Austrian capitalists participated very little. It was nothing more than the promotion of the arms trade. There was only one cannon fodder dealer from the beginning to the end.

An in-depth investigation reveals that someone is already linked to British and French capital. Although such a thing Franz had expected, he still felt uncomfortable.

Austrian capital is inadequate. British and French capital has been used in the development process, and a connection between the capital world is inevitable.

Now, for the benefit, they can quietly cooperate with the British, then in the future they will encounter greater interests and betrayal to Austria. It is estimated that they can do it.

Of course, things are two-sided. The British can buy Austrian capitalists, and Franz can also buy British capitalists. The loyalty of this group is always the lowest.

Be vigilant, apart from increasing surveillance of big capitalists, Franz still hasn't taken any targeted action.

Anyway, this is still within the rules. Good arms dealers sell weapons to their enemies. They have not provided home delivery services directly to the Bulgarian insurgents, which proves that they can be rescued.

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