Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 532: Scam

If it is not because of political opposition, it is still very simple to solve the agricultural crisis. Several food exporting countries are connected in series to raise food prices and divide their respective food export shares.

Later generations of OPEC played this way. In order to avoid vicious competition, everyone was interested in controlling oil production and guaranteed the interests of all member states.

It is a pity that the two countries, Pope and the Russian Empire, have become deadly enemies. It is impossible for the Tsarist government to agree to reconciliation.

This is a matter of principle. Even if the peace prince of Alexander III is up, it is impossible to compromise on this issue.

The Russian people can tolerate failure, but they cannot tolerate advocacy. The Russian empire can grow and develop, relying on this resilience. If the heart breaks, the Russian Empire will be over.

To reach this step, it is impossible to experience multiple failures in succession. This has made it impossible for the tsarist government to admit to the two countries. If they dare to compromise, a revolution must erupt in the country.

The first Russian-Prussian war failed, and the Tsarist government did not collapse. In addition to the support of Austria, there was also the political legacy left by Nicholas I. An army loyal to the Tsarist guaranteed the stability of the regime.

Alexander II was not a frivolous man. The consequences of the defeat of the war broke out. He took the opportunity to clean up a bunch of maggots in the government, cracked down on the arrogance of conservatives, and laid the foundation for reform.

After the agricultural crisis erupted, it was Austria that lost the most on the bright side. In fact, the biggest loser was the Russian Empire.

It is true that Austria is the first grain exporting country, but most of the exports are finished grains, and industrial added value offsets some of the losses.

There are also some snack producers. Not only did they not lose money in the agricultural crisis, but they increased a lot of profits.

No matter how the price of raw materials drops, the price of snacks in the market has not changed much. The seemingly insignificant commodities, in fact, bring in no small profit.

If someone investigates the details of agricultural products exported by Austria, it will be found that the total sales of canned food, canned cookies, fries, chocolate and other non-staple food products exported by Austria have exceeded the total food sales.

Thousands of food brands are currently registered in Austria, and if these types of snacks are subdivided, there are hundreds of products.

For profit, capitalists have invested heavily in research, and new foods appear almost daily. Only foods that have stood the test of the market can survive, or they will soon disappear from sight.

There are often capitalists holding food festivals to find people to try new snacks to collect data. If they are well received, they will be promoted to the market. If they are rejected by the public, they will be removed from the shelves immediately.

In addition to independent research and development, the capitalists also send people to collect food around the world. In the face of benefits, everyone has no resistance, and exotic flavors are still produced.

As long as it is a good snack on the market, Austria produces it. These small things are actually the real pillars of Austrian agricultural exports.

In contrast, the export of finished grains has retreated to a secondary position, mainly due to the volume of profits, and the profit margin is far from being comparable to these non-staple foods.

Perhaps in later generations, these humble little commodities can be produced by a family workshop, but in this era, they are still high-tech products.

In addition, few food packaging bags can be produced in few countries. Preservation technology is also a difficult problem, and many capitalists who use mercury as a preservative this year are present.

This kind of large-scale food export must not be played like this. In case of an accident, it would be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people with food poisoning. No one can afford such a big thing.

This requires testing of chemical technology. In general, it is still quite messy. In addition to the most commonly used salt, there are a lot of messy preservatives, which can only be said to be less harmful than mercury.

The only guarantee is that there will be no immediate food poisoning, otherwise it will not pass the Austrian customs security check. As far as the whole agricultural export industry is concerned, the Vienna government is still relatively strict.

If you take it for a long time, you will not know what the consequences will be. Anyway, Franz never touches these packaged foods, and these junk foods will not appear in the entire Vienna court.

This is a small problem. Everyone's life is short. Maybe not waiting for the aftermath of the sequelae, we met God in advance. No one has complained about the harmfulness of these junk foods.

No matter how bad the harm is, at least the taste is good. These junk foods that can be stored for a long time are the favorite of the crew, and they have become a must-have for sailing. They are exported to all parts of the world with the era of great sailing.

With these industries as support, Franz was able to sit down after the market for finished grain exports shrank.

However, some people are anxious. The Austrian market for finished grain exports has shrunk, and domestic processing companies have naturally reduced their output. The first is Poland and the Russian Empire.

The Polish government was also forced to do things. When the Vienna government increased the tariffs, Polish farm products were blocked directly.

A large number of unsalable agricultural products are not only unbearable for farmers, but also aristocratic and capitalist. In order to weather the crisis, it is not surprising that the government deliberately provokes Austrian-Poland contradictions.

Of course, "provocation" is not in the Polish government's plan. They are just preparing to slogan in the country, not preparing a hard cap.

After clarifying the positions of the countries, although the Polish government did not fully accept the conditions of Austria, it still explained and apology.

As a black man behind the scenes, it is naturally impossible for the Prussians to watch the Polish government pass so easily. The news was quickly leaked and public opinion in Poland exploded.

The "suicide" hapless guy turned into a national hero, and the patriotic youth held up the flag and ran to the Austrian embassy in Warsaw to protest.

The Polish government is still aware of the seriousness. If the Austrians are stimulated again, maybe they will call. The Prime Minister of East Brovsky sent police to block the streets for the first time, and there was a fierce clash between the parade and police.

Originally, the Polish government was only trying to divert the crisis. It did not expect that things were out of control, but instead triggered a political crisis.

Except for the ignorant and fearless secondary two boys, all politicians know that this time to stimulate Austria is looking for death.

It is no secret that the big powers like to use war to divert internal crises. The agricultural crisis broke out in Austria, and Poland is looking for stimulus at this time. Isn't that sent to the door to suffer?

Poland is also a big agricultural country. Poles still account for 13% of the European food export market.

If the Vienna government wants to reduce one competitor and take advantage of it, it will not be difficult at all. As long as they do not expand, European countries will not interfere.

The Polish government was forced to suppress the anti-Austrian wave in the country. The Vienna government naturally reluctantly accepted their apology. The Austrian conflict seemed to come to an end.

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary people. Looking at the frequent activities of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we know that something is going to happen. The atmosphere in Europe suddenly became tense, and the smell of gunpowder became thicker.

The Berlin and Vienna governments did not immediately take action on Poland, and the top Prussian government officials were very disappointed.

As one of the victims of the agricultural crisis, the Prussian government naturally wanted to survive the crisis soon. Provoking the Austrian-Poland conflict is a plan that serves multiple purposes.

Not only can the agricultural crisis be eased, but there is also the opportunity to annex the Kingdom of Poland. The international situation is clear. Britain and France do not want to see Austria continue to expand on the European continent, and Austria does not want to see the expansion of the two countries.

From the perspective of the Prussian government, the Vienna government's fear of Russians should be above them, otherwise Austria would not have paddled in the last Russian-Prussian war.

If Austria fully supports the Tsarist government, other issues dare not say that at least the Tsarist army will not lack strategic materials.

All that was required was to change the route of entry and send troops along the Austrian border. By placing supplies in Austria and transporting them when needed, the Russians can even save their troops.

According to that style of play, no matter how warlike the Prussian army is, it will fall under the sea tactics of the gray animals.

William I waved his hand in a complicated look: "The old fox of Franz really can tolerate it. We all gave them an excuse to go to the door. He did not do anything to the Poles.

It seems that Austria's strategic focus is really not on the European continent. Isn't their African localization strategy a smoke bomb? "

No one can answer this question, but most countries believe that Austria ’s African localization strategy is a sham shot, mainly to distract everyone and create opportunities for the unification of the German region.

No reason is needed, Europeans of this age are so arrogant. Lands other than the European continent are uncultivated wild places, and the African continent is also known as the "poison continent".

Austria's road to African expansion is actually a history of human and nature struggles. The biggest enemy facing them is not the local indigenous country or other powers, but the harsh natural environment.

Few people think that the African continent is necessary for localization. People are paranoid that the land on the European continent is more important, especially the land in Western and Central Europe, which is the best in the world.

Prussian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeffrey Friedman: "His Majesty, the Austrians have issued a political signal that they want us or the Russians to act first. It is almost certain that they are not ready to act first."

The first bird to strike a gun since ancient times is the most unlucky. Of course, if it succeeds, the benefits will often be the greatest.

Austria has a large industry and a strong foundation. The ability to expand in continental Europe has become irrelevant to the Vienna government.

This is not comparable to Prussia, and if possible, William I did not want to continue to expand in continental Europe. Europe is too complicated to move all over.

The Kingdom of Prussia already has a foothold in the Indo-China Peninsula, and if not threatened by the Russian Empire, they have also joined the colonial movement.

The threat of reality forced them to continue to strengthen their strength, and slowly the development of farming was obviously too late. The Kingdom of Prussia is now only over 22 million people, and the efficiency of farming is obviously not as good as the 74 million Russians.

The fastest way to increase strength is to expand externally. The German Federal Empire was originally what they wanted most. Unfortunately, reality does not allow it.

The Kingdom of Prussia dared to fight against the German Federation. The Vienna government was afraid that it would compromise with the French, and then they would be beaten by the Austrian, French, and Russian triads.

There is no way, they can only fall back to the attention of the Poles. At least the British and French opponents are not too fierce on this issue, and Austria wants to see them die with the Russians so that they won't come directly to the door.

Looking at the map of Europe on the wall, William I sighed: "Oh!"

After wandering a few steps, William I pointed at Saint Petersburg, feeling better: "Keep waiting! Poland is still our ally, and now we can do nothing.

This agricultural crisis cannot be ended in a short time. According to data released by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, countries' plans to reduce production capacity have failed, even if they themselves have not been able to complete the plan.

There is no need for them to falsify these data. We are an example. This year's domestic grain acreage will not be reduced. It is not so easy to implement the Fallow Law.

Austria's great cause can withstand the losses caused by the agricultural crisis, but the Russians cannot. Their grain output is the largest in Europe. To whom is this large capacity sold?

Both Britain and France hope that the European continent will remain stable. Whoever provokes disputes now is their enemy. "


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