Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 531: Dingkou tax

In South Africa, a labor crisis has emerged since a large number of gold mines were discovered. Many people joined the gold rush team in order to get rich overnight.

With the emergence of the first wave of households, the gold rush was even ignited. The farm was closed, the shops were closed, and even a number of employees in the colonial government resigned to run for gold.

The shortage of people has become the biggest problem for the colonial government right now. Although the recent rapid increase in the migrant population has not helped, these people are gold seekers and do not feel comfortable working locally.

The arrival of these foreigners also disrupted the order in South Africa. In order to maintain local stability, Governor Fickney tripled the police force in South Africa.

"His Excellency, last month, 386 employees in the government submitted resignation letters, including 136 police officers, and 194 applications for resignation have been approved in accordance with regulations.

We can't find anyone to take over for the rest of the time, and we can only keep people forcibly. According to regulations, this time must not exceed 3 months, which has brought a lot of pressure to our recruitment work.

Affected by the gold rush, the number of government officials applying for government examinations has decreased significantly. The personnel department has reduced the recruitment standard to the minimum, and still cannot complete the recruitment task.

The Ministry of Personnel recommended seeking domestic help and the central government to coordinate the transfer of some people from other parts of Africa to take over the work to ensure the normal operation of the colonial government. "

Colonial government employees are not able to resign if they want to resign. The government and the individual have signed a labor contract. If they want to leave, they must complete the transfer of work in accordance with regulations. Generally, this time is one month, which can last up to three months.

The government can't recruit people, and this hasn't happened in Austria for many years. Since the implementation of the compulsory education by the Vienna government, the government has never lacked public officials.

Of course, the colonial situation is special, and some remote areas are still not seen. However, as long as the standards are lowered and the treatment is improved, these problems no longer exist.

This time it's different. The gold rush has had too much impact. Young people want to get rich and simply don't want to apply for government officials.

It's not that the government can't recruit people, it's mainly because it can't recruit so many qualified public officials. No matter how the standards are lowered, the most basic abilities must be guaranteed, and some positions have special skills requirements.

Governor Fickney's brow froze. This situation has been going on for several months, but he did not expect that it would become more intense.

"Report to your country according to your plan, and ask the Central Government Organization Department to recruit 1,000 government employees and 3,800 veteran police from China for us.

For anyone who is willing to come over, the salary is doubled according to the domestic average of the same post, and bonuses and benefits are based on the Vienna government employee standards. "

Colonial recruitment is difficult, so recruit from the country. With the emergence of a large number of gold mines, the colonial government of South Africa also became a wealthy unit and could afford money.

Personnel Director Charlie: "Yes, Your Excellency the Governor!"

After a pause, the Director of Mines Caspar Temso produced a statement: "His Excellency, this is a recent development report.

Last month, 12 more gold mines were found in South Africa, all of which are of high quality. The gold content of the ore all exceeded 5 grams of tons, and two of them even exceeded 50 tons of reserves.

Up to now, 78 large and small gold mines have been found in South Africa, and the preliminary judgment of total gold reserves with mining value has exceeded 3,800 tons.

In addition, 5 diamond mines, 7 coal mines, 2 copper mines, 5 iron mines, 3 manganese mines, 1 chromium mine, 2 phosphate mines were found ...

What is even more rare is that the quality of these ore is very good. From the current data, South Africa has become the region with the richest mineral resources in the Empire.

This is South Africa's advantage, but it is very difficult to develop these minerals. The biggest problem is the lack of people, followed by transportation.

To solve the traffic problem, we must first solve the manpower problem. According to the planning of the railway department, we want to solve the transportation problem within ten years, and we need to provide at least 200,000 labor.

To develop these minerals, more labor is needed. Without two or three million labor forces, it is simply impossible to effectively develop mineral resources in South Africa.

However, the reality is very bad. Not to mention two or three million laborers, even 200,000 laborers, South Africa can't make it out.

Existing labor resources are not enough even for gold mining. To continue to develop, we need a large population. "

"Lack of people" is a common feature of all Austrian colonies and a common problem faced by the major colonial empires.

No, the British are an exception. They have India's human resources supplement, so long as they are willing to invest in capital.

Austria is not the same. Africa originally had a small population. In addition to the previous labor export policy, Austrian Africa has delivered 4.3 million laborers to the Americas and 1.1 million laborers to the Persian region over the past decade.

The number of local indigenous people has decreased sharply, and indigenous tribes are no longer visible in the previously developed West African region.

At present, there are a few more indigenous tribes in Austrian East Africa and South Africa, but the total population will definitely not exceed 3 million.

This point can be seen during the British-British War. In the late period of the war, it actually developed to the point of lack of cannon fodder. The whole Austrian Africa together was not enough to use human tactics to level Cape Town.

It is not only the export of labor services that causes the rapid decline in the number of people, but also the decline in the birth rate of the population. The infamous "Dingkou tax" is the culprit.

In order to increase fiscal revenue, the colonial government levied a small SHIELD tax of 1 SHIELD per person per year on all indigenous tribes, which directly led to a reduction in the birth rate of the local population.

Governor Fickney smiled coldly: "The problem of shortage of people has promised to solve it for us, the agricultural crisis in Europe has broken out, and it will not be long before the tide of peasants bankruptcy, and the country will give priority to immigration to South Africa.

In addition, the colonial government in the Nanyang region also promised to sell us 100,000 labors in the next five years. There will be a big operation in the Governorate of the Arabian Peninsula in the near future, and they will give us all prisoners of war at a low price.

In the short term, if you want to increase the labor force, you can only tap the internal potential. That ’s all. Raise the tax rate to 1 SHIELD per person per month, and send me mines if I ca n’t pay.

The tax range can be expanded and all non-Austrian citizens are taxable. For immigrants, a tax period of one year can be granted.

If you have learned German within one year, you can apply for citizenship. The inconvenience of the citizenship assessment period is still 3 years, and the tax exemption is also available during this period.

If the assessment fails, either leave me or stay and pay the tax. Want to take advantage of us, where is that easy? "

In order to increase the workforce, Viscount Fickney was prepared to leave no room. A small shield tax of 1 SHIELD per person per month is simply forcing the locals to mine, and they have to work hard, otherwise they can't make up the small mouth tax of the whole family.

Even foreign gold rushers have not escaped. If they can't become outbreak households in the first year, it is better to learn German earlier and apply for naturalization, otherwise the tax will hurt their wallets.

Love does not come, anyway, Governor Fickney has never welcomed these unruly gold prospectors. As a traditional aristocrat, Viscount Fickney was the one who hated speculators and outbursts most.

Although he was also a gold miner, this does not affect Viscount Fickney's personal views. Perhaps he was ruthless during the colonization, but when he returned to Austria, Viscount Fickney strictly adhered to the noble rules.

This concept of double standards is not only possessed by Viscount Fickney, it is also possessed by many colonists.


In Vienna, the cabinet has been busy since the Austrian government decided to find a bad luck transfer crisis.

War is not a child's play, it needs to weigh the advantages and disadvantages comprehensively. The European continent finally stabilized. Franz didn't want to mess up the world, so he had to be cautious in choosing his target.

Prime Minister Felix: "Your Majesty, the situation is a bit complicated. The only people who are suitable for us are Poland and the Ottoman Empire, which are not very ideal.

With Poland, we can reduce the number of competitors in the international food market and alleviate the world agricultural crisis, but the aftermath is very serious.

First of all, the Russians may be involved, and the Kingdom of Prussia will not be idle. The Kingdom of Poland is very poor. If we take military action, it is unlikely that we will receive compensation directly. We can only recover the cost of war by cutting the land.

As a result, half of the possibility is that the fourth Prussian-Russian tribal division of Poland will occur, and forty percent of the possibility will be the Prussian merger.

We must also consider the response from Britain and France. They will not want to see us continue to grow. Moreover, Poland owes them a lot of money, and this debt has wiped them out, and the financial circles of both countries will cause us chaos.

The situation against the Ottoman Empire is equally complex. It still involves Britain, France, and Russia. The debt problems of Britain and France are also inevitable, and there are strategic conflicts between countries.

Especially with Britain and Russia, the Tsarist government has been waiting for us to take action to bring down the Ottoman Empire and recapture the Transcaucasus.

If we do not occupy the territory of the Ottoman Empire, if we capture the Middle East and extend our sphere of influence to Persia, the sensitive nerves of the British will probably be stimulated again.

The South African issue is still in their minds. If the British are stimulated again, I am afraid that the British-Olympic relationship will be over. "

Franz also has a headache, and the current situation is indeed not suitable for delusion. No matter which unlucky one is chosen, Austria cannot maximize its benefits.

"If you can't eat mutton, you're going to mess up." In any case, Austria is suffering, which is not in line with Franz's style.

After a few steps to the left and right, Franz suddenly turned back: "If you want to gain benefits, you have to pay a price. This agricultural crisis hurt not only us, but also the Russians and Prussia.

Either everyone will work together to face the pressure of Britain and France; or everyone will stand together to see who is more resistant to stress.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Federation communicate with each other. Whoever bids high, we will cooperate with them. If the returns are too low, then abandon the plan.

In our family, it doesn't matter if we last for three or five years. The two countries, Russia and Russia, can't last so long. Whoever can't stand it first, let anyone make the first bird! "


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