Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 495: Alexandrovic

France and Russia have moved closer than just talking. Although Napoleon III is now only conducting a tentative attempt, in an attempt to gain more voice in the Anglo-French-Austrian Alliance, it is necessary to take practical action.

On March 6, 1871, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire announced that the Crown Prince Alexandrovich would visit Europe, the first stop being France.

The cooperation of the Russians was surprising. Under normal circumstances, the first leg of the Crown Prince's overseas visit should be Vienna, or it could be started from Denmark.

The order of the crown prince's visits seems irrelevant, but it also contains a strong political meaning, which is a political signal to the outside world.

Austria was the most important ally of the Russian Empire and the only ally with a significant weight, occupying an important weight in diplomacy.

The Kingdom of Denmark is the in-laws of the Russian royal family, and the Crown Prince Alexandrovich married the Danish princess Maria Feodorovna.

Geographically, both countries border the Russian Empire. According to customary routes, visit Denmark first and place the last stop in Austria; or land, visit Vienna and finally Denmark.

These are all normal diplomatic visit procedures, which both embody diplomatic attention without losing courtesy.

It's very interesting now that the unconventionality starts in France. This is not a business trip abroad, so many countries along the way are the target of visits, so directly across the past, Alexandrovic's travel route is obviously awkward.

When it comes to politics, Crown Prince Alessandrović has to go all the way, which is related to the foreign policy of the Tsarist government.

It is widely believed that this is the tsarist government's dissatisfaction with the Vienna government. Not long ago, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs disrupted the Tsarist government's "debt payment plan", and it is natural for the St. Petersburg government to have opinions.

Problems in Russia-Austria relations are something that European countries are happy to see. Many people who eat melon are ready to watch the excitement, and the international media have also expressed their opinions.

Everyone was waiting for the reaction of the Vienna government, and they were disappointed. Nothing happens, as if nothing happened.

This is just the opinion of ordinary people. From the perspective of government leaders in various countries, no response is the biggest response.

Either the two sides have communicated beforehand, so there is no problem; or the Vienna government does not care.

The former does not matter, the latter is different. If the Vienna government really doesn't care about the Russians, there are only two reasons:

Either the relationship between the two countries is very good, don't care about this little thing. This is obviously impossible. Although the relations between Russia and Austria are good, they are still far from intimate.

Either the Vienna government has lost confidence in the Russian-Australian alliance, or it is not fancy. No doubt, this is the truth of the facts.

In this way, the Tsarist government expressed its dissatisfaction. In addition to the appearance fee paid by the French, I am more likely to test the Vienna government and want to benefit Austria.

Without real money, Alexander II would not have given the French such a face, and cooperating with them in this performance, there has never been a so-called traditional friendship between the two countries.

Crown Prince Alessandrovich's appearance fee was France's agreement to provide a loan of 500 million francs to the Tsarist government.

This is not easy. Since the tsarist government announced that the account was closed, all international financial institutions have closed their doors to the tsarist government. No matter whether it is a bond or a loan, as long as it involves the tsarist government, no one will accept it.

There are gains and losses, the French's promises have not been fulfilled, and the Russian-Olympic alliance has a crisis first. The less the Vienna government behaves, the more worried the tsarist government is.

The Russian-Austrian alliance is not far from the expiration time. If the agreement cannot be renewed, the Russian empire will face unprecedented isolation in diplomacy when the agreement expires.

The pressure of Alexander II increased sharply, and there were many criticisms within the Tsarist government. Many people thought that the Tsar's unwillingness alone caused the alliance to break.

This is the stain left by Alexander II's young age. At the time, he was pro-Public on the issue of the German region, but also had a clear anti-Austrian tendency.

The Kingdom of Prussia was able to establish the German Empire, and Alexander II's personal political tendency also played a role.

It was normal to have a political tendency. After his succession, Alexander II did not compromise with Prussia because of pro-popularity; nor did he alienate Austria because of personal anti-Austrianism.

Even the inadvertent behavior caused the speculation of his men, which inadvertently caused the relations between the two countries to turn cold. Later, Alexander II also repaired it.

But the lords all have pride. At the beginning of Alexander II's succession, he was at the peak of the Russian Empire. Of course, pride was more.

The failure of the Prussian-Russian war, the decline of the Russian Empire, and Alexander II's failure to adjust the mentality in time, which made the subsequent restoration of Russia-Austria relations unsuccessful.

This tentative test of Austria has only worsened relations between the two countries. Opportunities have been given to conservatives in the country who are opposed to reform and to take advantage of it politically.

Internal pressure caused Alexander II to burn out. To tell the truth about diplomatic issues, Alexander II did not have much responsibility, and Russia-Olympic relations were more likely to be caused by conflicts of interest.

The diplomacy of the Tsarist government has always been known as "rude", this stuff is not Russians at all. For the most part, the diplomacy of the Tsarist government failed.

It is a pity that Alexander II was not a strong diplomat. His main achievements in space-time were only internal reforms and external expansions. He did not have much diplomacy.

This visit to Europe was requested by Alexandrovich himself. The formerly well-known Alexandre III had a significantly more diplomatic vision.

Alexandrovich's own roadmap for the visit, in turn, is Denmark-Nordic Federation-German Federal Empire-Netherlands-Belgium-Portugal-Spain-British-France-Greece-Montenegro- Austria.

Omitting Prussia and Poland is that both sides have become enemies, and as the Crown Prince naturally cannot visit the enemy country. Without Switzerland, it is not important for this country, and it is not easy in the interior.

This roadmap arranged in a geographical order may seem irrelevant. In fact, it is the best choice. It takes all aspects into consideration.

Start with France, which means that many countries have to give up halfway. As the crown prince represented the Russian empire, Alexandrovich could not follow a curve and turn back.

It was really going to be so dry. The emphasis on France was reflected, but the ingredients of kneeling and licking were too strong, and the face of the Russian Empire was lost.

Alessandrović shattered the road map in his hands, and he was very dissatisfied with the approach of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or with his father Alexander II.

Because of the loan of 500 million francs, this time I will visit Europe and start from France. I originally planned to use this opportunity to restore relations with other countries. Now I have to reconsider.

Dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, Alessandrovich just vented his emotions in private. Now he knows how poor the tsarist government is. People are poor and their country is poor.

Of course, Alexander II ’s wasteland plan solved the farmers ’land problem, and the price paid was money.

The grown grain cannot be sold now, and it is difficult to get a return in a short time.

In order to develop industry, the government is now vigorously carrying out infrastructure construction, and several railway lines have been started at the same time.

All this requires money, and the money that came from copying homes in the early days has been exhausted, and the Tsarist government now wants to spend half a penny.

In the Winter Palace, the itinerary was suddenly changed, and Alexander II had to calm his son's emotions. Otherwise, my son would be mad and announce that he would not go, it would be bad.

European crown princes still have a heavy say, and they have a lot to do with the emperor. Although Alexandrovich is not that extreme, the political differences between the two are very large.

"I'm sorry, Alexandrovich. This time the situation is special, you know how scarce the government is now. We can't refuse the terms offered by the French."

Looking at his embarrassed father, Alexandrovich's anger subsided. Emperor Nicholas I captured Constantinople, brought the Russian Empire to the top, and left a mess.

Unfortunately, this glamorous empire was punctured with tiger skin in the last war.

For the reform, Alexander II paid a lot, the whole person looks at least ten years older than the actual age.

Alessandrovich replied calmly: "It is not necessary. Although I do not agree with your approach, I understand your decision. For the national interest, it is normal to make some sacrifices as the Crown Prince.

But I have to remind you that this is playing with fire, and it is very dangerous to get closer to the French now. If handled carelessly, it is likely to bring disaster to Russia.

The Austrians have already stated their position with actual actions. In our opinion, this is not that they really don't care about the Russian-Australian alliance, but they are warning us not to approach the French.

Once the Vienna government feels threatened, they are likely to start first. The hands-on target may be the French, and the greater possibility is us.

When it comes to the issue of national strategic security, the Russian-Austrian alliance appears trivial. If it continues, I think that after the covenant expires, the Vienna government will probably not renew it. "

After hearing his son's words, Alexander II nodded, and he also considered these issues. It's just a miscalculation of the reaction of the Vienna government.

"Well, I see. You still need to do some more preparations for your visit to Europe this time. While visiting, you also need to inspect the development of each country on the spot and learn what is useful to us.

Compared to European countries, Russia has fallen behind for many years. Especially in Britain, France, Austria and Austria, their strengths are very scary.

Don't look at the times of the Near East War, we also defeated the British and French coalition forces and captured Constantinople from them.

In fact, the war was a game between Russia, Austria, and Britain and France. Russia came out, Austria came up with supplies and equipment, and finally paid a bitter price before they forced the British and French concessions.

After so many years, the three countries, Britain, France, and Austria, have achieved great development. Only we are not regressing, and we have opened a gap with them.

In the last war, the Russian Empire lost not to Prussia, nor to the multinational coalition forces, but to ourselves. "


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