Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 494: France and Russia move closer

In the spring of 1871, the Roman uprising led by Garibaldi and Mazzini finally ended in failure, and the leader of the rebel army was forced into exile.

In the context of the soon-to-be-established Anglo-French Tri-League Alliance, in order to maintain the Anglo-French relationship, the London government did not accept their political asylum this time.

However, the nature of the **** sticks made John Niu take them to the United States of America. This is a favorite of the European Revolutionary Party, and likes to travel to the United States for political asylum for two main reasons.

On the one hand, it is far from a thousand miles away, and is less affected by the politics of various countries. The federal government likes to shelter political prisoners, and everyone's safety is guaranteed.

On the other hand, economically, the United States of America has a good economic development, and it is also a European immigrant country, where funds can be obtained from fellow citizens.

If we just start from the safety, in fact, hiding in a sparsely populated colony is more concealed. It is no problem to build a farm in a certain country and live an isolated life.

Few people choose to take refuge in the colony, unless they have done something terrible, have been hunted down and forced to change their looks.

The end of the Italian regional revolution marked the consolidation of French rule in the region. After cleansing during the war, Italian anti-French forces were devastated.

Originally, France threatened everyone. This threat was not in human resources, economy, or industry, but more due to the shadow left by Napoleon's time.

The French claim to be the world's first army power, and European countries have not expressed opposition, which is sufficient to illustrate the problem.

Otherwise, in terms of human resources, Russia and Austria are twice the size of France; in industry, England and Austria are above France; economically, John Niu is far ahead of France.

If France's comprehensive national strength is to be calculated in the future, France will lag far behind Britain and Austria, and will be equal to the Russian Empire. Even if there is a gap, it will not be too big.

However, on the European continent, France has the strongest sense of crisis.

Don't look at Austria's larger territory and population. However, in the impression of everyone, the Balkan Peninsula is a wild place, and Hungary is also a small country in the countryside.

Not to mention the Russian Empire, the concept of barbarians is popular. After the defeat of the Russian-Prussian War, everyone's attention to them dropped.

In everyone's impression, France, which was originally very powerful, has now annexed the rich Italian region, and European countries are generally anxious about the expansion of the French.

There is nothing wrong with it. The impression that Italy gave everyone in this era is richness. Even Sicily, which is poor and backward in future generations, is now a rich country.

After the annexation of Italy, France's population, economy, and resources have been strengthened, and the French Empire has become even more powerful.

Faced with this situation, European countries are striving to ensure their own security through diplomatic means, while avoiding conflicts with France or other countries.

As the leader of power politics, Napoleon III's forcible annexation of the Italian region is not difficult to understand. In addition to paving the way for his son, there is also the need to mobilize national emotions and strengthen the cohesion of the country.

This is the price that a strong and historic country must pay, as Engels said: Forcibly annexing the Italian region is the best way for France's authoritarian system to be proud forever.

Otherwise, Napoleon III was only the emperor of Italy, and it was more convenient to rule, and the Italian people would not be so resistant.

This point is similar between France and Austria, except that Franz has the banner of the Shinra Empire and can be used. The legal foundation is very sufficient. The people of the German state were not in conflict, but Napoleon III did not.

The establishment of Greater France, Napoleon III has completed the great cause of the annexation of Italy, although Lombardy and Venesia are missing, this is also harmless.

What's more, with two regions missing, the difficulty of ruling is also reduced.

The cost of forcibly annexing the Italian region is naturally very clear to the French, but they are confident that they can use their own power to suppress the Italians.

In this case, of course, it is better to be smaller in Italy. It is not too late to expand after the results of the war have been digested.

The annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia had already provided a reference for the French. With its mighty strength, it was easy to establish rule there.

The current rebound is to eat up all of a sudden, there is no time to digest.

In order to establish a stable international situation to digest the results of the war, Napoleon III repeatedly issued statements proclaiming that France is a "satisfied" country and will not continue to expand on the European continent.

This appeasement does not smooth out the anxiety in everyone's minds, forcing governments of all countries to accept this statement.

What Napoleon III was most worried about was being isolated. Just like during the anti-French war, the powerful France was dragged down by enemies on all sides.

To avoid the worst, Napoleon III accepted the speculative British to join the French-Austrian League. While the three countries were allied with Britain, France and Austria, he was also relaxing relations with the Russian Empire.

Today, unlike the past, the Russian Empire is no longer a threat to France. To go one step further, the French government has already called for a "French-Russian alliance."

There is no doubt that this call was ignored by Napoleon III, but it did not prevent him from using it as a cover-scary.

The alliance between France and Russia is simple to say and difficult to do. The Russian-Olympic Alliance and the British-French-Austrian Alliance are two insurmountable obstacles.

Unless the Vienna government is crazy, it will allow the Franco-Russian alliance to emerge. The British were also reluctant to see such alliances appear. He knew that in order to split the French-Austrian alliance he had gone to battle.

If another French-Russian alliance comes along, wouldn't it still crumble? John Niu does not think that the Austrian and Austrian countries in the middle are the opponents of France and Russia. This alliance is more terrible than the French and Austrian alliance.

At least the Franco-Austrian alliance has a deep conflict of interest, and it is not difficult to destroy this alliance. The change is not the same with the French-Russian alliance. The two countries do not directly border each other, and there is less conflict of interest between them. It is not easy to split this alliance.

Unlike the original time and space, the current Greater French Empire is the first European power, at least on the surface.

After the annexation of Italy, France's total population was as high as 55 million, and its economic output surpassed that of Britain. Its industrial output was second only to that of Britain and Austria.

There are also the world's second navy and the world's first army. This strength is frightening. Who dares to let them ally with the Russians?

France and Russia have just moved closer, which has caused an uproar internationally. European countries can't stand it, nor can the Vienna government sit still.

In the Palace of Vienna, looking at the crowd with a nervous look, Franz appeased: "Don't worry, the British want to split the Franco-Austrian alliance, and the choice is to join this alliance.

We are now allied with France and Russia at the same time. If they are allied, we will be in this alliance.

It is much faster to defeat an alliance internally than externally. Moreover, now that the French want to digest the fruits of the war, the Russians are still busy reforming.

Even if they want to form an alliance, they will never choose this time. In addition to causing fear among European nations, can this alliance play another role?

To make an alliance, at least they need a common enemy. The Prussian kingdom is not qualified. It seems that we are not so hateful right now? "

Franz can conclude that France and Russia are a sham shot, and it is entirely speculative based on interests. This alliance is possible, but lacks the motivation to establish it.

Both France and Russia now need to resolve their internal conflicts. Even if the two countries have formed an alliance, it will not be possible to expand externally at this time, and there is no way to get more benefits from continental Europe.

The Anglo-French-Austrian Alliance has divided up the right to speak in most parts of the world. This has become an established fact. The French will definitely be blocked at this time.

Alexander II was still undergoing internal reforms. At this time, he was unable to share the pressure for them, and Napoleon III did not have such confidence.

We must know that Napoleon III was a patient with phobia and could overcome this disease. It was the French and Austrian League that gave him the confidence, and most of his heart still left a lingering fear.

When the Russians cannot help, it is too difficult for him to stand alone against the pressure of the British Olympics.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, no matter how unlikely this is, we must put the crisis in the cradle.

In order to avoid the worst, we also need to make emergency plans. Negotiations with the British must be accelerated, and when necessary, we must also be prepared to form alliances with the Prussians. "

This answer surprised Franz. From the map, isn't this a replica of the original continental pattern of time and space?

To his relief, Austria is much stronger than the original time and space. This possible alliance is also stronger than the German-Austrian Alliance.

The alliance has half of the Mediterranean and half of the Balkans, plus Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and three-quarters less Italy.

As a result of this, the overall strength has not fallen into a disadvantage. Of course, the premise is that the British do not end, not the Anglo-French-Russian Alliance or death.

Franz soon dismissed the idea, and it was too dangerous. Franz, who is not a gentleman, is not willing to take such an adventure.

Even if you can win on land, the sea is basically a delivery. A Prussian-Russian war dispelled the idea of ​​the Prussian kingdom to develop the navy. It was unreliable to rely on the Austrian navy to challenge Britain and France.

Counting on the outbreak of the navy, it would be better to simply destroy the Ottoman Empire and build a railway to the Suez Canal, which is even more successful.

Franz made a decisive decision: "The relationship with Prussia can be strengthened, but don't do too much for the time being. France and Russia are just moving closer. If we do too much, we will stimulate them.

Judging from the current situation, for at least two decades, France and Russia cannot jointly expand externally. As long as the Prussian-Russian war is promoted before the alliance between France and Russia, the worst will not happen. "

Obviously Franz's position has changed and he is prepared to let the Russians lose again. With the appetite of Junker aristocrats, if the tsarist government loses again, believe it or not they dare to occupy St. Petersburg?

Once the tsarist government collapses and Austria falls to the ground, the Russians should not want to rise again in the next few decades, and they will even lose their chance of rise forever.

Just look at the map to see why. You lost the war and lost the fertile soil of Eastern Europe. You can't manage it in Siberia, right?

Now the populations of Russia and Austria are almost the same. Once the tsarist government fails again, and a large area of ​​territory and population is lost, the bears are not terrible.

Of course, the after-effects of doing this are also very serious, and Prussia must be greatly injured, otherwise a dangerous neighbor appears next door.

No way, who asked Alexander II to jump out and stimulate Franz's nerves at this sensitive moment?

The shadow of the World War has always been in Franz's mind, and he is very alert to the French-Russian Alliance. Even if it was prepared, it also gave Franz a reason to act.

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