Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 474: Strategic contraction

Franz just smiled as he watched the French diplomatic activities. Obviously, Napoleon III's sudden action was not fully prepared in advance.

Otherwise, as early as a few years ago, you should have prepared chips in advance. At this time, you have already used them for interest exchange.

In international politics, there are no problems that cannot be solved by interests. If there are, they must not give enough benefits.

The French's benefits this time are really inconspicuous, such as: promised Austria to annex the Ottoman Empire, which makes it difficult to entice Franz.

Not that this piece of meat is not tempting, the key is that it is eaten and not easy to digest. The Ottoman Empire has more than 10 million people. How easy is it?

Even if they could be expelled to Central Asia and the political impact of the demise of the Ottoman Empire, Austria would once again be in the limelight.

Even the German Federal Empire within easy reach, Franz could put it down first, let alone the Ottoman Empire.

After finally making the French thunder, and now they jump out to share the pressure for them, how can Franz do this kind of loss-making business?

As long as the flag of the Grand French Empire is flying on the European continent, Austria can rest assured that it will not have to be criticized.

Unless the French can assimilate Italy, this empire is a threat. No matter how you buy people ’s hearts, it is useless. There are too many Italians, more people than any nation in France.

There is also a long cultural heritage, which is not inferior to the French in this regard. Except for Greece, no European country can compare its history with the Italians.

As the birthplace of the Renaissance and the enlightenment of modern thought, the Italians still have their own pride, which is not so easy to destroy.

Colonial Minister Stephen analyzed: "His Majesty, the French are strategically contracting overseas. We are afraid that our pressure will increase.

Especially in the Asia and Asia region, our local strength is weak, and it is very difficult to compete with the British. Next, we need to shrink in these regions. "

This is one of the disadvantages. Without the French to share the pressure, in the United States and Asia and the British, Austria has not enough confidence.

Asia is relatively better. The good neighbours of the Austrian colony are Dutch, and the threat is relatively small. Even if there is a conflict, they can threaten them in Europe.

The Americas region is different. Alaska is the worst. It has no anti-risk capability at all. If the British are shameless, they can take it here as pirates.

The anti-risk ability of Taconia in Austria and South America is also very low, both Argentina and Chile are a threat.

A few years ago, the two countries offered Austria to buy the colony, when the Vienna government quoted a sky-high price of 100 million SHIELD and scared them away.

Deterred by Austria's strength, under normal circumstances, they dare not presumptuously. If John Bull joins in, the situation may change.

The Central American colonies looked strong and mighty, but they also faced the greatest challenges. The Confederate States of America, jealous of this place, has repeatedly made tentative purchase requests to Austria.

This group of plantation owners' interest in land is beyond imagination. Most of the land in the United States was laid down during the Democratic Party's administration, and the main force was the plantation owners.

Now they are not at peace, mainly because they lost too much in the American civil war, and European countries are opposed to their expansion.

The Austrian Central American region is not a wild place. After the original immigration and the original residents, the number of white people in the region is now more than one million.

Coupled with Indians and a large number of mixed-race children, the total local population is as high as 3.5 million, and it is not weaker than a country in Central and South America.

However, it is also limited to this. The possibility of development in Central and South America is very small. Without Austria as the backing, it would not be possible to achieve this step.

Want to go further, unless it annexes Colombia in South America or Mexico in North America. This is not easy to achieve, and both the United States of America and the Confederate States are obstacles.

Unless Austria focuses its strategy on the Americas and invests in the country, it will be almost impossible.

In fact, the Austrian Central American region has not expanded externally in recent years. Even for the Panama area, it is only infiltration.

Franz smiled slightly and said very calmly: "Anyway, there are no more colonies as possible. To this day, the areas that can be colonized are almost divided up, and it is time to stop our expansion.

Not only us, but in fact the British have reached the limit of expansion, but they have not noticed it yet.

Now the good places have been divided, and the remaining areas are either hard bones or rotten grounds that are tasteless and abandoned.

The colonial ministry will begin to build. As long as the African continent is localized, we will be able to meet any challenge. "

With enough advantages, Franz naturally sat and lived. He didn't even bother to question the ongoing South African war.

Strength is the confidence. Originally, the Boers in time and space could make the British tired. Now that Austria's power on the African continent is equivalent to the one hundred and eighty Boer republics, what is there to worry about.

The aristocracy who can stand on the African continent is not a sack of rice bags. The real waste has long died on the way. Anyone in it was killed in the flames of war.

Even Franz suspected that their military literacy surpassed the regular army, at least the regular army had moral integrity, and they could do everything to win.

Human nature and the bottom line are non-existent. The colonizer is equal to the executioner. This is not a joke. If the crimes are tracked down, one colony from all over the world counts one, and they can all pull out and shoot.

Perhaps there are occasional injustices, it is just that they have not had time to commit crimes.

The crows in the world are generally black, and the major colonial empires in Europe are not the same. Naturally, no one has to open this cover.

Doing nothing with the Ottoman Empire now does not mean that you will never do it with the Ottoman Empire. The will of the Habsburg dynasty kings will still be fulfilled.

Moreover, Franz was also very interested in regaining the holy land and gaining political prestige.

The olive branch thrown by the French, Franz still picked it up, and then there was no more. With the commitment of the Paris government, Austria will have an advantage when the Middle East issue comes to the fore in the future.

As for the British, it can be ignored. The establishment of the Great French Empire has divided the Mediterranean into two. It is a matter of time before John Bull's power is squeezed out of the Mediterranean.

What if Malta was the heart of the Mediterranean?

Surrounded by the spheres of influence of France and Austria, sandwiched between the two great powers, the British need to invest too much to ensure influence.

In case one's face is turned one day, it is impossible for this lonely island overseas to keep it. The more resources invested, the greater the future losses.

The Royal Navy's number one in the world does not mean that it is the world's number one in every region. It is also normal for other countries to have regional maritime hegemony.

Austria was not tempted by the French, but it did contribute to the problem of containing Britain. France and Austria were very accommodating to exclude the British in the Mediterranean.

Such conflicts are staged around the world almost every day. For example, Austria was pushed out of the Far East by Britain and France, and even its interests in Japan were not preserved.

Another example: The French were squeezed out of the Nanyang region by the three countries of Britain, Austria, and Holland, and only a few isolated islands were barely supported.

Also in Australia, just as Austria reached out its tentacles, it was blocked by the British.


Similar things happen too much. We are still allies here, and we have become enemies again.

This era is an era of co-existence and confrontation. As long as you don't rip your face off, you can become allies.

Allies whose true interests are completely consistent only exist in theory. As long as they can fulfill the covenant, they are all good allies.

The actions of the Vienna government did not surprise Napoleon III, and everyone took their own interests as the starting point.

Austria's annexation of the German Federal Empire is completely different from their annexation of Italy. The former is based on the people, and there is no need to take risks.

The Vienna government chose to follow the steps, which is actually the best choice. Taking the initiative to merge in and forcefully merge them together will have completely different consequences.

If possible, Napoleon III also wanted the Italians to take the initiative to join France, which was obviously impossible.

Therefore, he can only adopt the oldest way. The first generation of monarchs was unified by force, and the second generation of monarchs took savage measures to buy people's hearts. This was the most effective rule of the feudal dynasty.

With the contribution of governing the world, the throne was stable. By the third generation, it had a solid foundation and established an orthodoxy, as long as it did not die.

In order to pave the way for his son, Napoleon III also broke his heart.

The French suffered a strategic contraction abroad. The biggest victim was Massimiliano I. As reforms progress, Mexican rebels are on the rise.

Had it not been for the French army to destroy the rebels, Massimilino I would have been overthrown by the rebels.

You must know that this contract was a misfortune for the French. In order to destroy the Mexican rebels, the French army has paid at least 8,000 casualties in recent years.

In return, most of Mexico's minerals and tariffs fell into the control of the French. Unfortunately, due to the civil war, they could not make ends meet.

Unconsciously, the Mexican government owed more than one billion francs to the French, 8.6 million pounds to the British, and more than 30 million pesos to Spain.

Notarly speaking, the reform of Massimilino I still has some positive significance for the country, hitting conservative forces and promoting Mexico's modernization process.

The price paid is also very obvious. The emperor has become a solitary and widowed. Except for a group of like-minded idealists, the original royalists have quickly become revolutionary parties.

Now that the French are strategically shrinking overseas to focus their efforts on the possible changes in continental Europe, this means that Mexico is about to lose its biggest backing.

Even if Napoleon III had a good face and did not abandon Mexico, the French army in Mexico alone could not deter the Americans who were about to move.

No one likes the emperor shouting to reclaim his homeland. Both the United States of America and the Confederate States want to overthrow the rule of Maximilian I.

The French support it in front, and the United Kingdom, France, and Ossi maintain the principle of unity of powers on the issue of the Americas. Naturally, Americans dare not act lightly.

It's different now. The French themselves can't guarantee it. The crown prince established by Massimiliano I and the Habsburg dynasty have fallen apart again. The possibility of Austria's intervention is also very small.

If Americans do not know how to take advantage of such a good opportunity, they will not have the current family business. After the news of the French's decision to shrink its strategy spread, both the United States and the Confederates began to operate.

With the support of external forces, the Mexican rebels became active again. Endless uprisings broke out in Mexico, and the reign of Massimilino I became once more precarious.


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