Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 473: Ideas of Napoleon III

After the spread of the French Empire, the whole of France was boiling. At this moment, the prestige of Napoleon III reached its peak, and it was meant to overtake uncle Napoleon.

From now on, Napoleon III is no longer the second generation relying on his uncle's legacy, but the first generation of France.

However, the "lord" is not in a good mood right now, and the response from European countries is more intense than Napoleon III imagined. Just eat Italy, may not be able to digest it.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been tired and laid down a lot of people. Although they have worked very hard, the news returned is still not optimistic.

As of now, no country in Europe has recognized the legitimacy of the "Great French Empire."

Navalon III really couldn't find this thing. When the Bonaparte family was in Italy, it was an ordinary nobleman, because his uncle Napoleon quickly started a family.

Even if you ca n’t find the legitimacy of the throne, you can use elections to make up for it. The empire has no legitimacy, yes it is not a lack of legality, but it is completely absent.

Opening the history book, Italy and France were once a country in Roman times, no matter how shameless, Napoleon III was embarrassed to say that he was the heir to the Roman Empire.

The Frankish kingdom, which was once more prosperous, once unified most parts of the two countries, even including parts of Germany.

However, this empire was founded by the Germans, and France also has a name: the Kingdom of West France, but now the French do not buy much.

In 843 AD, the Verdun Agreement divided the three countries of France, Italy, and Germany in terms of jurisprudence. The only connection between French and Italian is probably that the languages ​​belong to the Latin family.

This had no effect. Napoleon III did not dare to raise the banner of the Carolingian Empire, which meant that Austria would immediately turn their heads with them.

Moreover, this banner is also useless. It is estimated that most people do not remember this empire. People who know history will question the legitimacy of the emperor. Napoleon III had no inheritance.

Europe originally recognized jurisprudence, and now it also involves interests. Naturally, it will not easily recognize the "Great French Empire."

Belgium and Switzerland, which had been drawn by the French, now approached Austria involuntarily, apparently frightened by the eating of Napoleon III.

There is no way. Places are different. The popularity of the Italian region is too high, and the impact of the occupation here will naturally not be small.

When you look at Austria ’s expansion into the Balkans, the response from all countries is much smaller. It is mainly in the impression that the Balkans is a small country in the country, while Italy is a bustling metropolis.

This impression is not wrong. The Balkan peninsula was indeed a small country in the countryside more than a decade ago, and local production levels remained in the Middle Ages.

Rich areas are concentrated in the Constantinople generation. Since the economy is backward and it was taken from the heathen, it cannot be regarded as aggression.

In this regard, the European people's overall outlook is still good. It is also politically correct to crack down on the abominable Ottoman Empire.

When expanding into the German region, the result was exactly the opposite. Had it not been for the fierce war in the Near East, Franz would have decisively closed after winning the South German region, and Austria would not have been so easy to pass.

If there is a choice, Napoleon III also wants to gradually slow down the cycle and reduce external pressure.

However, unlike Franz, who can afford to wait for the young, Napoleon III, born in 1808, is now 62 years old.

This age may be the golden age of politicians, but in this age where the average life expectancy of France is about 40 years old, it is already considered longevity.

Watching his body getting worse day by day, Napoleon III had to consider paving the way for the next generation. He had many illegitimate children, but only one legal son. He was born in 1856 and is now 14 years old.

This age is obviously unable to control such a large empire. France ’s chariots have already run far, and they ca n’t be pulled if they do n’t want to.

Napoleon III thought he could manage it, and his young son had no choice.

The hidden dangers of forcibly annexing the Italian region were naturally clear to Napoleon III, but he did.

The desire of the French people for the great power is driving the chariot forward, and it is sooner or later to continue to expand into Italy. From the moment of annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the chariot cannot stop.

In particular, there are two successful examples in Austria and Prussia, which even stimulated the French ambitions. Napoleon III was just barely able to hold the chariot.

His body is not sure how long he can support it. Once something happens, the young son obviously can't control the empire.

Rather than passively expand at that time, it is better to take the shot now, at least he personally trades, the success rate is even higher.

Certainly, slowly, it will no longer work. If you study Franz with all your heart, you won't be able to annex the Italian region for twenty years. Napoleon III doesn't have that much time.

The Italian region is not so easy to digest. It is even harder to forcibly annex it. In the future, France's main energy will be to digest the Italian region.

During this period, there will definitely be many troubles, but France's strength can still be suppressed. After experiencing setbacks, even activists will slowly calm down and think instead of provoking war blindly.

As long as France did not proactively provoke war on the European continent, there would be no danger, and Napoleon III was very convinced.

The only European continent that threatens France is Austria, but the geographical environment determines that whoever initiates the war between France and Austria loses.

Now that Austria has abandoned Italy, their strategic focus in continental Europe will not be here.

As for Central Europe, Napoleon III has abandoned his original plan. After eating the Italian region, go to the attention of Belgium, Rhineland and other regions, for fear of being besieged again.

In any case, the Italians do not have a powerful country, and it is easier to rule than the Germans in Central Europe.

Moreover, the occupation of Italy can also strengthen the right to speak in the Mediterranean and consolidate the rule of France over North Africa.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and the price is to fill up the hatred of European countries. For a long time to come, France will be the most unpopular presence in the European world.

If the operation is not good, there may still be anti-French alliances. To avoid the worst, the Foreign Ministry was naturally busy.

As soon as Foreign Minister Montero came over, Napoleon III was concerned and asked, "How about, the Austrians would not help drag the British?"

Engaging Austria is now the most important part of French diplomacy. Without this main force, the remaining European countries are not a cause for concern.

The troublesome roller is now busy farming. After a failure, the Tsarist government seemed to be transparent and hardly involved in European affairs.

Of course, too many creditors dare not face it is also a factor. The Tsarist government's cheek is still not thick enough. At this time, efforts are being made to reduce the sense of existence so as not to be debt-collected.

Originally, Spain's position was also crucial, but they were stunned, and their brains were turned into pigs' brains, and they did not care about Italy.

The only remaining European powers are Prussia, Poland, and the Nordic Federation. These three countries have some strength, but no one is leading them, and they dare not come to do things.

Now Napoleon III tried to draw Austria to contain the British, so as to make the European nations headless, lest there be anti-French alliances.

Foreign Minister Montero gladly replied: "The Vienna government agrees to a limited containment of the British, but if we support their actions in the Middle East, they intend to take back the Holy Land.

Considering the importance of this incident, our Minister in Vienna has agreed to the conditions of the Austrians. "

The French's sphere of influence also spread to the Middle East, and Napoleon III also deliberately dispatched troops to recover the Holy Land to gain political prestige. It's just too busy to do it.

Napoleon III swiftly and arbitrarily cut off: "Well done, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has found a way to encourage the Vienna government to wage war on the Ottoman Empire.

When necessary, you can promise them that everyone will join hands with the interests of the Mediterranean. The Eastern Mediterranean region, including the Ottoman Empire, belongs to them, and the Western Mediterranean region belongs to us. Let the British go to eat shit!

There are also people sending donations to the German Unity Organization, instigating these nationalists to make trouble, putting pressure on the Vienna government and enticing them to take action against the German Federation. "

Anyone can write a short check, and Napoleon III is no exception. It was only a tentative attempt to attract Austria to contain the British. He did not expect Austria to really help contain the British.

Even if it is now promised to help, maybe the Vienna government will change its mind two days later and work with Britain to do things. In the face of benefits, all promises are unreliable.

Dividing up the interests of the Mediterranean Sea, in fact, from the beginning of the French occupation of the Italian region, has already established the established facts. It is nothing more than an Ottoman empire.

However, the Ottoman Empire still needed Austria to fight by itself, and only after winning it were eligible to share the loot.

No matter how much Austria can gain, Napoleon III can rest assured as long as he wages war on the Ottoman Empire or annexes the German Federation.

He didn't know that Franz had made up his mind to go to the theater, otherwise he wouldn't worry about it. Since you don't know, the best way is to find something for Austria to avoid paying attention to them.

Montero nodded. This was not the best option, but the safest option. As soon as the Austrians moved, the crisis in France would no longer exist.

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