Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 449: Road to death

Since the passage of the Suez Canal, Austria's export trade to Asia has increased dramatically, accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of ships involved in accidents.

In order to maintain the smooth flow of maritime trade channels, the Austrian navy has dispatched several times, sweeping multiple pirate positions.

The number of pirates hanged in the port exceeded three figures, and more were killed directly.

The effect of annihilating pirates is still remarkable. No matter whether there is any support behind it, no country on the surface supports pirates.

In the process of besieging pirates, navies from all countries participated. This is because the probability of accidents on ships has recently exceeded one percent.

Folklore sea monster incidents have also recently appeared frequently. What's the truth is that Franz can't figure it out either. Witnesses who claim to have seen pirates have more than four figures, and people from all countries have.

Of course, these sea monsters are not so terrible. The witnesses are alive to prove it. These sea monsters are still within the scope of scientific explanation. They are nothing but huge in size and relatively powerful in combat.

There are no sea monsters spitting fire, and there are many spraying water. Without magic ability, he can't fly into the sky, just be a monster in the sea.

Many sea monsters are just peculiar in appearance, flickering in people's sight, and did not attack the ship.

I do n’t know if it ’s mild-tempered, or whether the ship is out of their recipes. Think about it, who would be interested in wood rafters and iron rafters?

It is said that it is more funny for cannibalism, so it is not enough to have a bit of meat to jam the teeth, and it is impossible to attack the ship for this.

Catching sea monsters is not within the scope of the Austrian Navy. Franz is not ready to play with them, despite the biologists' interest.

No matter who is engaging in ghosts, there is nothing wrong with catching pirates and annihilating them. It's okay to kill the wrong one, anyway, pirates are not innocent.

Bain is bound to have results. If you choose this path of no return, you must be prepared to be killed. Killers, people always kill them.

The eradication of pirates continued until the end of 1869. First, pirates in the Mediterranean were beaten badly by society, then pirates in the Indian Ocean were bad, and pirates in Southeast Asia did not escape.

Not only can the navigation channel be protected, but the troops can also be trained. If you are lucky, you can also capture some loot. The Austrian navy must fall in love with this meaningful activity.

Unplugged the pawns of Britain, France and other countries, it was only incidental. Anyway, everyone will not admit that they have a connection with pirates. Tens of thousands of pirates have been wiped out, and no one has helped to say a word.

Media in various countries are advocating their own record of pirate annihilation. If you add all the figures of pirate annihilation in newspapers of various countries together, you can circle the earth holding hands.

It doesn't matter if there are so many pirates. In short, after the oblivion movement, the booming pirate group was hit hard.

Looking at the increasing labor force in his hands, Franz was already considering whether to dig a canal. Originally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also had the ubersichts-karte canal plan, but it ended just because the world war was disease-free.

This plan is also being proposed now, to dig a canal from Vienna to Triascu. There are several rivers along the way, and in theory it only needs to be connected.

However, Franz didn't know. Was the Grand Canal really useful?

We must know that the railway from Vienna to Triascu has long been open to traffic. Either the capacity of the canal is insufficient and the economic value is lost under the competition of the railway.

In short, the end result is that one of the railway canals has always fallen. The Suez Canal and the Suez Railway are obvious examples. The British Suez Railway Corporation is now bankrupt.

From the perspective of investment science, it does not seem to be very cost-effective. However, a country cannot focus on immediate interests. The operating cost of the canal is much lower than that of the railway. This canal may become another artery in Austria.

Involving tens of millions of SHIELD investments, Franz is also very cautious. This issue has been put on hold for the time being. For the sake of insurance, Franz decided to organize several more field investigations.

As for the captured pirate captives, join the road repair army! Now the scale of the road construction army has dropped sharply. On the one hand, the world is peaceful and there are not so many "recidivists" joining; on the other hand, the casualties are too large. The members of the previous road construction army have been consumed.

The big projects of this era are filling lives. Taking the Suez Canal as an example, there is a huge bone behind every meter of excavation.

Although the railway construction is not so exaggerated, there are still a few people falling per kilometer on average, especially in the cliff area.

On the one hand, the engineering team's awareness of protection was not enough, and relevant safety education was not well done; on the other hand, from the beginning, these criminals were destined to be consumed, and their injuries and fatalities did not attract the attention of the railway company.

It was too late when Franz realized the problem. He did not educate these people. Since he is destined to be an enemy, it is naturally impossible to let it go.

Full of hatred and no hope, these people are not so easy to manage.

Criminal prison riots occur almost every month. In order to guard these people, a division's troops are stationed beside it.

The internal situation need not be described, it is very bad. The management mode of the capitalists is to minimize costs and squeeze profits.

Franz is not a Virgin, and he will never be softhearted towards his enemies. For the long-term stability of Austria, I chose to ignore it.

For this reason, the convict construction team in Austria on the European continent was criticized, and even Franz was damaged.

If the governments of all countries were not sitting upright, Austria's life would be impossible. There are many people who sympathize with the party, and many people think they are talking about it.

Austria also has a lot of talk parties, and treat these people, Franz was not polite to directly invite them to educate criminals.

To put it simply, let them be companions with criminals, and do ideological work for them without doing anything else. After personal experience, these people changed their positions after leaving.

Of course, some of them remain forever. If you don't die, you won't die. The Notre Dame believes that they are good people, and the price paid is life.

There is no way, except for political prisoners in the prison camps, they are extremely repetitive offenses. Many people deserve to betrayed the death penalty. They are sent here only to make use of waste and squeeze the final value.

Some people want to affect them with love, Franz will not oppose, whoever wants to go will go.

Adults are responsible for speaking. They can't just talk and not practice. Since they dare to advocate in the newspaper, they have to go to prison to practice.

It may be cruel, but the world is more cruel. We cannot sacrifice the interests of tens of millions of people for the sake of their brains.

Strict law enforcement in return has social stability. If you go the wrong way, you have to pay for it, although it can be very cruel.


In Mexico, Massimilino I was rare and clever. He accepted Franz's proposal and contracted the rebels to the French.

The arrogant Frenchman doesn't know yet, this is a big trouble. With the launch of Massimilino I's reform measures, the strength of the rebels has also grown.

He is not just following Austria. Many policies are more thorough than Franz. For example, according to the legal situation:

Workers Workers have the right to leave their place of employment at will, regardless of whether they owe their employer debt, cancel all debts of more than 10 pesos, limit working hours and use child labor, and prohibit corporal punishment of workers.

At the same time, the right of the Indian village community to own property was restored, and the village community land was given to those villages that had no village community land.

In simple terms, it is liberating serfs and forgiving the national debts, and at the same time distributing land to the people.

Obviously, this is in the interest of the people at the bottom. It stands to reason that this kind of agrarian revolution should be very popular, and the emperor, who has won popular support, can quickly calm down the rebellion.

The reality is just the opposite. The unpopular people at the bottom just accepted it passively and did not stand up to support the emperor. Many people even stood on the opposite side of the emperor.

There is no way, the right of society to speak is not in the hands of the emperor, nor in the hands of the people at the bottom. Without the cooperation of the ruling class, Massimilino I, a foreign household, could not make it out of the palace.

The landlords and capitalists whose interests have been damaged during the reform have not received any compensation. Naturally, these people are very dissatisfied. In addition to resisting reform, they are also tacitly supporting the rebels.

These people had the right to speak in society. Soon, Maximilian I was notorious in Mexico. He was greedy, inhuman, grass-rooted, moody, and arbitrary ...

All the words used to describe the tyrant became the title of Massimiliano I. Only the idealists remained in support of the emperor. These people were kings of guns.

Probability may not exist anymore, otherwise such a policy that offends the entire ruling class should never be introduced.

Even if we want to reform, we have to go step by step! In one step, it was not ascending to heaven, but falling into hell.

In time and space, Massimilino I was on the guillotine, pushing the constitutional faction and church that supported him to the opposite side.

Franz's intervention still hasn't changed his heart for death. It wasn't just that you flew up to the French, and thought that the world would be good, and you could rest assured.

The domestic turmoil is nothing but the second and second emperors shouted the political slogan of recovering the lost land. It seems that I really think Americans are bullied and will spit out the meat they eat.

This move obviously offended the federal government. The three countries, Britain, France and Austria, are pressing on it. On the bright side, the Federation is afraid to mess up, and no one can secretly guarantee it.

It's not over yet, and another thing that made Franz vomit blood was happening.

Since the emperor and the queen did not have sons-in-law, they adopted the grandsons of the former Mexican emperor Agustin de Iturved and El Salvador as their adoptive sons, granting them the title of His Royal Highness Prince Iturved, and established the young Argus Ting is the heir to the throne of Mexico.

Without a word, he succeeded in the throne and declared that the Mexican throne had nothing to do with the Habsburg dynasty.

At this time, Franz really had nothing to say. Even if the Habsburgs are not interested in the Mexican throne, you need to say hello to another heir!

Do you really think that Massimilino is the son of Destiny? He had been on the guillotine in 1867, and now he is still sitting on the throne tossing and tossing. The Habsburg dynasty also made great efforts.

Anyway, after the news came back, Franz was held accountable by a group of elders of the Habsburg family, asking for any support from Massimiliano I.

Utilization is readily available, and the family's resources are limited, so it should not be wasted on outsiders.

The opinions of family members also need to be considered. Don't look at them as if they don't seem to have much effect. In fact, through political marriage, they have all contributed to the family.

The European royal family is a family, that's how it came. Otherwise, the marriage of the emperor and the king's children alone is not enough!

Franz agreed without any hesitation. Anyway, the elder brother's accusations have been done, and the resources consumed by Massimilino have been enough, so many of the family's children came to protest.

At the age of the couple of Maximilian I, it was not time for sterilization. Queen Carlotta was less than thirty years old, and it was entirely possible to have offspring.

Now, in order to gain support from the former dynasty, Li Augustine is the heir to the Mexican throne, which can only be said to be a complete coma.

Not to mention how to get along with the biological son, just considering the reaction of the Habsburgs, you should consider the children of the family first.

Massimilino I had no sons, but his nephew had a bunch of more than a dozen people who were qualified.

Even if the branch is not interested, is there still a side branch? It doesn't matter how far the blood relationship is, it ’s just the children of the family.

Political resources have always been limited, and the rules of the game have always been that you take one more, and others must take one less.

The Franzs did not have ambitions. In addition to the idealist of Massimiliano I, the other two younger brothers were also of average ability, and the princes on the side branches were similar.

Otherwise, these people would have jumped out for contention. Don't underestimate these political resources and invest in one person. The current Spanish throne and Polish throne are competing.

Taking a step back, they can also go to South America to join a constitutional faction in a country and participate in the throne.

These are the remains of their ancestors. Nowadays, the nobles in many countries in South America have some incense with the Habsburgs.

This is an old thing a century ago. The Habsburg dynasty in Spain was extinct, and the crown fell to the Bourbon dynasty. Once, the emperor and the emperor, this expression exists everywhere.

The nobles who were too close to the Habsburgs were gradually squeezed out of the core of rights, and many family children were forced to join the colonial expansion movement.

Now many of these people have become rulers of South American countries. The relationship between the nobles is always unclear, and there is still a secret connection.

Especially after the rise of Austria, these potential networks have once again been established, and it is impossible for them to remain loyal.

However, in some countries with severe internal strife, constitutionalists are still thinking about restoration. After all, South America has been independent for decades. The reigning Americans of the Republic have been beaten hard. The mainstream of the world is still the monarchy.

A constitution is naturally indispensable to the king, and the Habsburg dynasty is exactly one of the alternatives. There are connections, and everyone is naturally willing to support acquaintances.

If the family has ambitions, Franz doesn't mind pushing them. It is enough to learn Napoleon III, appear directly as a presidential candidate, and then republic and change the imperial system.

Fortunately, there is no such person, otherwise Massimilino I would be really tragedy. If someone is divided into political resources, then he is in danger, or he will go to the guillotine again.

A valued family member and an unvalued member are two completely different concepts.

Because of the decline of Austria in time and space, the Hapsburg dynasty had limited power to intervene in Mexico, and Massimilino I only got to the Guillotine.

If the army appeared directly in front of the house, the Mexican Revolutionary Party would calmly think. Even if they are not calm, artillery will calm them.

With a sigh, Franz wrote a letter to Massimilino I, directly conveying the position of the Habsburgs. From now on, the two sides draw a line.

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