Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 448: Break my heart

Capital is profit-seeking. After the announcement of the heavy industry plan in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the sake of preferential policies, more people went to the local inspection.

Whether to invest or not, we still have to wait until the results come out. Under normal circumstances, a company will not make up its mind to invest until it has bought a mine.

There is no such thing as importing ore from overseas in this era. Although there are a lot of minerals in the Austrian colonies, but to be mined and shipped back, that cost is enough to bring down any business.

Except for minerals that are not available locally, ore is rarely imported during this era. Europe's major industrial powers, most of the industrial raw materials are self-sufficient, the colonies are only supplementary.

Franz believes that capitalists are savvy and they will do it all. The mind is not bright, basically it has been cold.

Now he is focusing on the African battlefield. After the British sent troops to Tunisia, the French also followed closely.

The battle between Britain and France around the Tunis Strait became fierce. As for the Tunisian government, it can be ignored. Two creditors came to the door, and they could only be ostriches.

In the Red Sea, the competition between Faul and the British was also fierce. The successful navigation of the Suez Canal exceeded the expectations of the British. Faol joined forces to squeeze them out of Egypt.

Now that the French army has occupied most of Egypt, the Austrian Libyan region has also pushed the border forward by several kilometers, and how many places Franz has occupied is also confused.

Anyway, after the Egyptian government surrenders, Fao will be able to count after the negotiations. After all, Egypt was assigned to the French according to the agreement.

The level of colonial government is not enough. It is normal to know that the alliance between France and Austria is normal. It is also normal for this to happen. Everyone can negotiate to solve the problem.

Anyway, it can be confirmed that the essence of Egypt is in the hands of the French, Austria's hand is not stretched that long, the area occupied is just a few oasis, and a large desert.

This is a small issue. France and Austria will not stand still on this issue. It would not be useful to occupy it in advance anyway. For a century, these areas have no value.

In order to offset the impact of the British offensive against Ethiopia, Austria sent troops to the Arabian Peninsula in March 1869, which is the Yemeni region in the future.

In short, the Red Sea region cannot be occupied by the British. Although the ports in Yemen are not good enough to compare with Djibouti, there is no problem in transforming the docked warships.

Britain and France did not do anything, that is, they also had to set up a torii. In the end, the Ottoman Empire was their ally. The Arabian Peninsula has always been tacitly regarded as the Ottoman sphere of influence.

Not enough interest. We rarely do things to our allies. It is enough for the French to control the Suez Canal, anyway, Austria cannot block the canal.

It is self-evident for the British to face the exclusion of France and Austria, and if they can block the door, who knows what the stimulated France and Austria will do?

The mere interest theory is not suitable for the monarchy. In many cases, the position of the emperor is the position of the state. If the two countries are stimulated together, the British will have no time to cry.

As the client's Ottoman Empire, their Minister in Vienna protested every day, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now talking to them about the price.

It has already caused the established fact that love to sell or not to sell casually, anyway, Austria will not let it out. Send troops to recapture if you have the ability, or talk slowly on the negotiation table.

This is the way to learn Americans, first occupy the land, and then discuss the issue of buying and selling. Not only are the bids not high, but there is no need to worry about legal issues.

Not only the Ottoman Empire, including all the colonies on the African continent, were bought from local indigenous tribes by legal means in Austria, all with legal written documents.

As for who signed it, and whether there is any legal effect, this issue is worth studying.

In short, the colonial government signed a treaty with indigenous tribes, including all their immigrants, as part of the treaty.

It basically means that the living conditions in Africa are too bad. They asked Austria to help them migrate to better living conditions, and the reward was the land they had.

There is no doubt that the colonial government strictly complied with the treaty. We promise to let them all immigrate, and achieve the great goal of life.

In addition to international conflicts, changes in the African battlefield have also attracted Franz's attention. Many African tribes have muskets in their hands, and obviously some people do not want Austria to successfully complete the strategic plan.

The total population of Austrian Africa has exceeded the 7 million mark. This figure has seriously broken the balance. If this continues, the African continent may become a reserved place for Austria.

There are two factors in the rapid growth of the population, one is immigration from East Prussia and the other is immigration brought about by the European economic crisis.

Because of the population, the development of Austrian Africa is relatively complete, far from being comparable to other European countries ’colonies in Africa, and it is increasingly attractive to immigrants.

Obviously, this change has caused fear among countries, and quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes. Without Austria's backing, these millions of people might not have been seen by Britain and France.

Unfortunately, there is a strong and ready-to-localize Austria, and everyone has to be vigilant.

If it weren't for the Frenchman's plan to linger on the French, it wouldn't be Faul's expulsion of the British in the Mediterranean, but Britain and France would join forces to block Austria.

Fortunately, Napoleon III performed well enough. First, he annexed the Kingdom of Sardinia and launched the Egyptian war. Now he is still competing with the British for the Tunis Strait and has attracted most of the attention of John Bull.

Even so, I still have to pay back. Austria is behind Ethiopia's resistance to the British invasion, and the British naturally will not be idle.

Not only were weapons sold to indigenous tribes, but a large number of military instructors were also sent to help train the army. Fortunately, these people are not upset, and have not developed a reputation, otherwise Austria will be in trouble.

"You guys, what can you do to make the French speed up, their Grand French plan is too slow, and we need to push it forward."

To make him die, he must make him crazy.

For the French National French strategy, Franz also broke his heart. As a veteran opponent, the Habsburgs knew more about France than any other country, even more than themselves.

Originally, it was World War I that interrupted the French backbone. The price was the fall of the German Empire and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Now Franz is not willing to follow suit.

Even though Austria's strength seems to be more powerful, Franz still has no idea how strong the fighting power can be.

He was not worried about the inability to integrate the powers of several states, in fact, no effort was needed at all, and these states would do their best for the war.

The reason is just looking at the map. Most of Austria's national defense pressure lies on these states. The outbreak of war was the first of them.

Who wouldn't commit suicide if they didn't cooperate?

The only problem is that there is no winner in the outbreak of war, France has not fallen, and Prussia's luck, Franz does not think he will come across.

Napoleon III dared to despise the Prussian kingdom of time and space. However, facing Austria now, the same thing would not happen unless he gave him an aura of wisdom.

As long as no big mistakes are made, the two sides fight for strength. France was defeated, and Austria had no strength to dominate the European continent.

In this case, France can only let itself fall. To do this is very difficult, the best way is to let the French die.

It is impossible to challenge Europe. The French have tried many times, the closest to success was in the Napoleon era, and now definitely will not come again.

The Great French Empire was a cake made by Napoleon III for the people. Now Franz is going to use public opinion to force Napoleon III to make the cake a reality.

The dream of the great power is not only the driving force for a country to succeed, but also the driving force for a country to enter the abyss.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg replied: "Your Majesty, this is probably very difficult. It is not the French who do not want to implement the strategy of Greater France, mainly because of their insufficient strength.

The scramble for overseas colonies has held back much of the French's energy. Egypt, Tunisia and Mexico are all using troops, and the newly-occupied Sardinian kingdom is not so stable.

I want them to go further, unless all these issues are resolved. Otherwise, the French could not annex Italy at this time, let alone start with Belgium. "

The Vienna government has studied that the best way to get Belgium back to the Shinra Empire is to let the French annex Belgium.

Only after suffering once will they know how good the Shinra Empire is. The same approach applies to Switzerland, but the French have no love for Switzerland, so this approach will not work for Switzerland.

The use of French power is nearing its limit, and Franz naturally knew this. The three battlefields are labor division expeditions, not to mention the other, the military expenditure alone is a huge sum.

At present, there are 72,000 French troops in Mexico, 127,000 French troops in Egypt, and 48,000 French troops in Tunisia. Unconsciously, they went out half.

If it were not for geographical constraints, this is a good time for a sneak attack on France, and their domestic strength has fallen to its lowest point.

Obviously this is impossible. France and Austria do border on Italy, but neither is the core area. If you want to fight all the way, the Albis mountain range is a problem, so let's wash and sleep!

Prime Minister Felix said thoughtfully: "Maybe they can be stimulated. The French are not without power. The problem of troop strength can be solved by expanding the army.

Financial issues, with the voice of all French people, are the least important. Napoleon III's government has also accumulated a lot of property, and it is not a big problem to consume some of it. "

It is more appropriate to stimulate the French, or to stimulate the radical expansion of civil society. As long as the French expand their forces, so will the power of expansion.

As for whether it will affect French economic development, French radical groups do not care, and Austria naturally does not care much.

The only problem is that France's expansion in Austria must also follow the expansion in order to continue to ensure that the balance continues.

Franz pondered for a while and said, "There is no problem in stimulating the French, but we must ensure that the situation does not get out of control. We are not ready for war."


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