Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 316: Global cruise

I have to say that the colonial ministry has chosen a good time, the British and American struggles around Central America can continue to ten years ago, because no one has taken advantage of each other by pinching the sword.

In an effort to suppress the Indian rebellion, the British carried out a limited strategic contraction overseas. In 1859 the London government made a concession, giving up its sphere of influence in Central America.

The radicals in the southern United States originally planned to incorporate Central America as a slave state, but this was opposed by northern business owners.

Contradictions between the North and the South also need to be discussed from the US-Mexico War, because the seizure of a large area of ​​Mexico only detonated the North-South conflict.

Planters in the south want to turn these areas into animal slave states, and industrial owners in the north demand to turn these areas into free states.

Conflicts of interest were not discussed, and the contradictions between the North and the South became public.

The economic crisis of 1857 only exacerbated this contradiction. Capitalists in the north demand higher tariffs to protect the market, and planters in the south demand lower tariffs in order to export agricultural products.

Don't get me wrong. Northern capitalists need to increase not only import tariffs on industrial and commercial products, they also demand higher export tariffs on agricultural products so that they can obtain cheap raw materials.

Break money, such as killing parents. The plantation owners in the south naturally couldn't bear it. This was to cut meat directly on them to exploit agriculture to supplement the industry.

As for the abolition of slavery, this is actually just an excuse for the outbreak of war. If it is only for the abolition of slavery, as long as the government is willing to pay a compensation, most slave owners are still acceptable.

Anyway, the cost of working as a slave is not much higher than that of a slave. There are also many labor export companies active in the United States. They can still easily obtain enough cheap labor.

Obviously, the capitalists in the North have lost so much effort, not only to liberate slaves, but everyone's morality is not so high.

Their ultimate goal is to turn the South into a place of origin of raw materials and a place of dumping of industrial and commercial products.

Because both sides knew that it could not be eased, after the failure of political struggles in history, the southern plantation owners directly chose to preempt.

Now that both the North and the South are working hard for the election, they are already in trouble, and they have no energy to take care of Central America.

In this context, Austria has penetrated into the tentacles. Of course, this action is very small, and still stays in business activities.

If the American civil war does not break out, there is no doubt that the unstable Austrian forces based on the instability cannot do the Americans, and the colonial ministry can be considered a gamble.

Unlike Britain and France, Austria does not have a foothold in the Americas. To intervene in the American civil war, it must be prepared in advance.

The Army can wait, the Navy must not be absent.

The planters in the south are absolutely reluctant to yield to the capitalists in the north. As long as the maritime transport channel is maintained and the planters see the European countries behind them, they will not easily surrender.

Despite the huge gap between North and South, this gap can be reduced. With European countries providing logistics, weapons and equipment can prevail.

To put it plainly, now is the era of great sailing. A ship can transport thousands of tons at a time, and it only takes a few months to return to and from North America.

As long as it has the support of the major European powers, adding tens of thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition every month will not be a problem.

The United States is not yet a descendant of the United States, it is just a reel. They don't have the capacity to produce tens of thousands of tons of ammunition every month.

If European countries block the supplies of the northern government again, the advantage of the northern government is only manpower.

The human advantage is not unsolved. The southern government has money. They can use cotton and tobacco as mortgages and recruit mercenaries in Europe.

If everyone is shameless, first pretend to be the southern navy, destroy the northern navy, and then sneak on the northern coastal cities from time to time.

No landing is required, as long as dozens of tons of artillery shells are fired into the city every day, the northern economy will be finished soon.

What will happen in the end, Franz is not a prophet and cannot be sure. Anyway, the longer the war fought, and the wider the scope, the more difficult it will be for the United States to recover after the war.

The power of hatred can never be underestimated. When the north and the south are stained with blood, even if they are barely unified, they will not be stable.

Franz asked: "How long will it take for the newly constructed Bavaria, Lombard, Wurttemberg, Hessen, Saxon to serve?"

The Naval Department also sold the naming rights for these warships. The governments of the states paid one-third of the shipbuilding expenses before they got the naming rights.

Franz even encouraged the governments of the states to establish their own navy, but unfortunately everyone was not fooled. They are all dry ducks, and they do n’t even go to the estuary. How can we raise everyone ’s interest?

Ken paid extra money to sponsor the navy, all for the sake of face. Can't you have other nations, but you don't?

As it happens, the New Holy Roman Empire is not endless, and a dozen aegis can still be easily taken out.

Therefore, under the confusion of the Admiralty, these state governments paid a sponsorship fee to make the size of the new Holy Roman Empire navy larger.

After the completion of these ironclad ships, Austria suddenly became the third naval power in the world only after Britain and France.

The Navy's gross tonnage also crossed the 100,000-ton mark, and it also has ten iron armored ships, becoming the country with the largest number of iron armored ships in the world.

Of course, this advantage will not last long. After a few months at most, they will be overtaken by the British again; within a year or two, they will be overtaken by the French.

Naval arms race? Franz wasn't going to play anymore. Now these ships were built, mainly for sale.

As soon as the Civil War broke out, he would sell it to the southern government at a high price. Of course, it is also possible to sell it to the northern government.

It is based on the fact that the South is at a disadvantage. The best option is to let Americans kill each other. It is necessary to maintain the balance of power between the two sides.

As for how big the northern advantage is, it will definitely win, but in fact it is very nonsense. Just look at how long the Civil War has fought. If the strength of both sides is depressive, how can it be fought for four years.

The northern advantage lies in industry and population, and the southern advantage lies in military. The capitalists did not have the courage to carry a gun on the battlefield, but the plantation owners did.

The United States is an immigrant country, and the public's identity is not high. Most of the people propagated by the Americans in the later generations were actually enthusiastically enlisted in the army.

Especially the new immigrants, who were originally in the period of the Great Revolution, ran to avoid the war, and now they must be put on the battlefield, only if they are willing to blame!

"Your Majesty, the Bavaria is expected to be completed by the end of this year. The remaining ships will not be completed early next year. All of these warships will be in service until around May next year." Naval Minister Philcos replied

After thinking about it, Franz found that the time was still sufficient. No matter how the butterfly effect is, the American Civil War cannot be completed in a few months, and the Austrian Navy has time to rush through.

"The Admiralty's global cruise plan can be launched, sending seven iron armored ships to visit the world, starting in Asia, then to the Americas, and finally returning to Europe."

To brush the sense of presence, it is best to go to overseas countries, so as not to stimulate the sensitive nerves of European countries.

When this lap is over, the warships are almost sold out. When they return to Europe, they will not be dazzled.

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