Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 315: Unpredictable World Strategy

The wheels of history are rolling in. After the succession of Alexander II, the tsarist government once again started the reform.

However, Alexander II did not have the prestige of Emperor Nicholas and could not suppress the domestic nobility, which was a little embarrassing on the scene.

This is the sequel to the failure of Nicholas I's reforms. Everyone is very wary of the czar playing with new tricks. In the face of the aristocrat Alexander II who was holding the group, there was really nothing to do.

Of course, Russian history books will definitely not say that Nicholas the Great failed reforms, but only that he died too early and failed to complete the reforms.

The capture of Constantinople has sent Nicholas I to the altar, becoming the greatest tsar of the Russian Empire.

The successful man was not blamed. Everyone would find reasons to defend him. The pressure of reform all fell on the shoulders of Alexander II.

Infighting has intensified in the Tsarist government, and the Russians have no energy to continue to look for the British's obscurity.

On March 26, 1860, Britain and Russia signed the India Memorandum. The British paid off £ 15 million in low-interest loans in exchange for the Russians' recognition of his sovereignty in India.

In other words, the Indian Rebels were sold by the Tsarist government. Although it wasn't a good price, Alexander II couldn't care less.

Reform also requires funding. Unless it is reformed by violent means, otherwise the compensation of the interests-impaired groups will be indispensable.

Franz couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the bitter battle between Alexander II and the domestic aristocracy.

The struggling Russian empire needed a stable international environment, and the Russo-Austrian alliance became crucial.

This is exactly what Franz needs. At the last juncture of the industrial revolution, Austria needs a stable international situation.

The British are also busy suppressing the Indian rebellion and have no time to engage in matters; the French are also at the last juncture of the Industrial Revolution and need a stable international environment.

All four major powers need stability. Naturally, no one will do anything on the European continent. Other regions may not be the case. The Second Opium War has already broken out, and the American Civil War has spearheaded.

Overseas affairs have little to do with the Vienna government. So far, Austria's sphere of influence, that is, the Mediterranean and the African continent, is far beyond reach.

But it soon became relevant. Looking at the "Austrian World Strategic Plan" submitted by the Colonial Ministry, Franz could only feel that ambition was a good thing.

Regardless of whether it can be achieved in the end, the plan must first be beautiful. Almost every colonial empire has a world strategy, and the Austrian Colonial Ministry has now come up with a plan, which is too late.

After careful study, Franz had to admit that the person who prepared the plan had a good strategic vision. In theory, the above strategies can be achieved.

In full accordance with Franz's strategic thinking, before the colony is divided up, try to avoid fierce conflicts with the major colonial empires.

"There is no problem with the expansion plan of the African continent. It is not difficult to connect our colonies together. The main difficulty is the poor natural conditions.

Infiltrating the Arabian Peninsula and gradually controlling this area is not difficult. Once the Suez Canal is opened, we can control these areas.

However, the issues of Asian strategy and American strategy are big.

Malaysia, New Guinea, and Kalimantan in Asia are too far away from us. How much can we invest?

Even if it is not valued by various countries, the surrounding areas are the sphere of influence of the Dutch, Spanish and British. It is not difficult for us to occupy these areas, but what about ruling them in the future?

The problems in the Americas region are even bigger. Do not look at the strength of these independent countries. They are not even qualified to survive in the European continent, but for the Americas thousands of miles away, we are not necessarily able to be their opponents.

War has costs, and we must consider the issue of revenue and expenditure. As for the plan to dig a canal in Central America, it is necessary to stop immediately. What you cannot keep is not necessary to make wedding dresses for others.

The establishment of colonial strongholds in the Patagonian Plateau is not a problem, and there are few people there. "

There are also a number of islands that Franz did not comment on. He didn't know where it was, and he couldn't tell if he wanted to evaluate it.

These unknown little places could not be found on subsequent globes, and he naturally had no impression.

Governor Josip Jelacic explained: "His Majesty, our plans have been thoroughly analyzed and studied, and they are all feasible.

For example: The Nicobar Islands is a legacy of the Austrian East India Company and is now ruled by our folk merchants.

And Kalimantan, our colonial stronghold already exists. In Malaysia, we have already obtained MFN status.

These are mostly the results of civil colonial teams, not government organizations. Not long ago, the British occupied the whole of Australia, raising their concerns and asking the Colonial Ministry for help.

Considering that the British are still busy suppressing the Indian rebellion and have no energy to grab the land with us in a short time, the colonial department agreed to this plan.

As for the American colonial plan, we are preparing for economic colonization, which penetrates Central America by economic means, and opened the canal in Panama. It was proposed by the capitalists.

This plan is retained primarily for future consideration. If we can control the countries of Central America, it is necessary to open this canal.

His Majesty, the strength of the Central American countries is very small, there is almost no industry, and arms and ammunition are all imported.

The total population is just over two million, and on average there are more than 300,000 people in each country. Three-fifths are Indians, one-fifth are mixed-race children, and less than one-fifth are white. "

Franz had nothing to say. No wonder the colonial ministry would pay attention to Central America. It was so weak that it would be strange not to be watched.

First colonize the economy, and then slowly emigrate. When the number of immigrants is sufficient, the local government is overthrown.

There is no difficulty yet, this is a sequela of a small population. As long as the Vienna government is willing to invest, it will not be difficult to colonize these areas.

Thinking of this, Franz could only confuse the Spaniards' defeat. It seems that the legacy left by the division of the Habsburg dynasty is too rich, and I do not know how to cherish it.

If the government is a little bit courageous, it will not make these areas independent. It really isn't working. You can also build an autonomous community and build an economic community.

"Well, you convinced me. But the canal plan was shelved. I don't want a canal to improve traffic in the Americas until the United States is divided."


Since reading the "Austrian Global Strategic Plan", Franz has begun to attach importance to the collection of data from various countries.

Don't know, don't know, just startled. If it wasn't for geographical constraints, he wouldn't bother to develop the African continent, and colonize South America directly.

Just look at the population of South American countries:

Peru has an area of ​​1.29 million square kilometers and a population of about 2 million;

Paraguay has an area of ​​410,000 square kilometers and a population of about 500,000;

Bolivia has an area of ​​1.1 million square kilometers and a population of about 1.25 million;

Ecuador has an area of ​​280,000 square kilometers and a population of about 800,000;

Brazil has an area of ​​8.51 million square kilometers and a population of about 7.3 million;


With such a small population, there are still serious racial contradictions in the country. As the ruling class, there are only a few white people, and more are Indians and slaves.

If you think about it, Portugal and Spain are not big populations. There are so many colonies. Where do they go to get so many immigrants?

Without enough immigrants, the local development will naturally be unsuccessful. The low level of local development has reduced everyone's desire for immigration.

After falling into a vicious circle, countries in South America also slowly missed opportunities for development. After the United States developed, they were suppressed again, and they had no chance to develop again.

This is also related to the ineffectiveness of the governments of South American countries. If the government does a better job, a small and strong one is not a problem at all.

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