Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1004: Lose money

The disaster in Europe, the Americas naturally can't escape. With the vigorous development of international trade, economic ties between countries have become increasingly close.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, not only the downstream manufacturing and retail industries suffered heavy losses, but the intermediate wholesalers and upstream raw material suppliers could not escape.

Then, beef and soybeans in Argentina are not selling well, copper mines and saltpeter in Chile are unsalable, and cotton in the Union countries is rotten. The worst loss is naturally the United States of America, which is the furthest along the road to industrialization.

No way, as soon as the economic crisis broke out, big dumping came. In this regard, the interests of Britain and Austria are the same, which can also be regarded as the common will of European countries. After the split, the Americans have no confidence to refuse.

Not only was the market hit, but the most tragic thing was that British capital had withdrawn its investment in the United States at a critical time in order to cope with the domestic crisis.

The upheavals of strikes, unemployment and populism spread like wildfire. Especially the "Free Silver" movement in 1892 intensified this crisis.

It has not been a day or two since the price of silver has fallen. The "free silver" policy has undoubtedly put the dollar on the path of devaluation and inflation.

It is not that Americans do not know the consequences of the "free silver" policy, but are mainly forced out. Facing the competition of European industrial and commercial products, domestic companies in the United States have little power to fight back.

In order to protect domestic industries, the US government has to adopt stimulus policies. As for the sequelae caused by this, the ordinary people are naturally paying the bill, and agriculture is undoubtedly the heaviest loss.

However, the United States has been divided once, and the strong agricultural states have almost all gone with the Confederate states. The remaining states are dominated by capital, and naturally no one cares about these small problems.

When inflation encounters an economic crisis, the situation is completely different. The decline in the purchasing power of ordinary people directly led to the further shrinkage of the market, and the vicious economic cycle began.

The withdrawal of British capital exacerbated the crisis, and a strange scene appeared. On the one hand, inflation is severe, and on the other hand, there is insufficient currency on the market.

The United States of America, which has a serious shortage of gold reserves, has fallen into a currency crisis while falling into an economic crisis.

In response to the crisis, Cleveland, the Democratic president of the Democratic Party, took decisive measures to get rid of the Great Depression: issuing government bonds to buy gold.

Bankers will naturally not give up this opportunity to make a fortune. While providing gold for these high-interest-rate bonds, they exchanged paper money for gold reserves.

Just like this, the gold is still the original gold, the reserve has not increased much, and the intermediate interest rate difference has made the bankers earn a lot of money.

Looking at the intelligence in his hands, Franz very doubted whether Cleveland was bought by the bankers. This kind of brain-dead monetary policy was taken out.

Doubts belong to doubts, and it doesn't affect him to get in and get a share. The only regret is that the United States is not fat enough these days, the plates are too small, there are too many people who divide the cakes, and even fewer people can get them as a dragon.

The spread of 680,000 U.S. dollars is the result of one month's operation of the Americas branch. For ordinary people, it is a huge sum of money, but for Franz, it is better than nothing.

Later, Franz didn't care anymore. Any brain-disabled policy is not sustainable, and this policy of sending money is no exception. If Cleveland keeps playing like this, the US government may be overwhelmed by debt before the end of its term.

No matter how wonderful the gold bond policy is, it cannot affect Cleveland's being a "good president." Just by repealing the McKinley Tariff Act, known as the "Mother of Trusts," he must be a "good president."


According to the financial world, everyone is tied to risk, so it is not a risk. The same can be applied here. The economies of all countries in the world have fallen together, or it can be about equal to no decline, at least in terms of national strength.

The goal was achieved, but Franz was not happy. In any case, always find a way to survive the economic crisis.

All countries have been dragged down, leaving no opportunity for competitors to rise up. Strategically, they succeeded, but it has become more difficult to restore the economy.

Looking at the world map, Franz reluctantly said: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready to mediate the Japanese-Spanish war. The Spaniards are about to be unable to sustain it, and the situation of the Japanese is not much better.

If the war continues, I am afraid it will become a war of attrition between us and the British. With the intensity of the Philippine campaign, it will not be possible to tell the victory or defeat in another three to five years.

A game that is doomed to no results, there is no need to continue wasting funds. Now it is the best mobile phone reception, and it is estimated that the British are not willing to spend money on the water. "

Once the war between the two poor ghosts continues, the last unlucky one is the gold master. Although this year has not yet developed to the point where "the money owed is the uncle", there is still nothing we can do when encountering a master who has no money.

Spain is relatively good, at least there are still a few rich colonies, worth a little bit of money; Japan is really poor and white. If you get the Philippine Islands, there will always be a day to pay back the money; if you don't get it, the British will lose all their investment.

The oil yield of soybeans is 20%, the oil yield of rapeseed is 36%, and the oil yield of sesame is 45%, but can you squeeze the oil out of chaff?

Save others by oneself, changing Franz's position in the British government, now we have to consider whether it is worthwhile to continue investing in the Japanese.

Relying on capital to kill the enemy, if the opposite is the Russians, it is almost the same. Unfortunately, this time the opponent is the Shenluo Empire, without billions of pounds in, even the bubble can not come out.

Even though the British have stronger capital, the endurance of Shinra is stronger! It is not only capital that is tested by the war of attrition, but endurance is also important.

Foreign Secretary Wesenberg frowned: "Your Majesty, the key to mediating the Japanese-Spanish war lies in the ownership of the Philippine Islands. At this stage of the war, I am afraid that neither Japan nor the West will easily give in.

If the two countries choose to share the Philippine Islands, the war can end now, but the two sides will fight again in a few years.

We don't have so much time to entangle on it. From the standpoint of the empire, the best way is to let the Japanese give up.

If we want the Japanese government to make concessions, we and Spain will certainly not be enough. Even if we pull the entire European Union, we will not be able to succeed unless the British also support us.


Franz interrupted: "It's not just! The protagonists of the Philippine war are Japan and Spain. Don't you think we have mixed too much?

At this time, it's time for the Spaniards to work hard. No matter how unbearable they are, as a European country, they will never lose to the Japanese in the fight for the right to speak of public opinion in Europe?

Let them use their influence, build momentum for themselves in Europe, and by the way describe Japan as barbaric, it's almost enough.

Now, during the economic crisis, the British Parliament is not idle. With so many eyes fixed on it, where does the London government get so much funds to support the Japanese.

After the end of the Japanese-Western War, without this gold-swallowing beast, the government finances can take a breath. This is very beneficial to the subsequent economic construction. "

The war costs money, and the Philippine campaign is now underway, and both Japan and the West need "a lot of money" and "a lot of materials." Mere verbal support has no meaning.

Once public opinion is hyped up, the British government will provide money to aid Japan, and the croaking British people will definitely make them unable to eat.

On the issue of grasping the government's handle, the opposition party is a natural ally of the Spanish government. Once a problem breaks out, they will definitely attack the parliament.

Even if the British government can imply that the consortium lends to the Japanese, but they do not provide guarantees for the safety of the debt, who would lend the money to the Japanese government that seems to know that it is unable to repay it?

The Japanese government, which has no money, can hardly not compromise. If we don’t take advantage of the fact that we still have some terms in our hands, we won’t even have the capital to negotiate terms.

The only regret is that the Japanese-Western War ended in this way, and the Holy Roman Empire was unable to maximize its benefits. From the perspective of return on investment purely, the Vienna government is equivalent to doing a loss-making business this time.

However, in order to get out of the economic crisis as soon as possible, Franz has no longer cared about losing money. The consumption of more than 10 million Aegis per month, used to restore the economy, can create tens of thousands of jobs.

After all, the Vienna government is really poor now. Not only does the domestic economy need to recover, but also money is needed to help the younger brothers.

Bankruptcy belongs to bankruptcy, and the government still needs to have it. The debt issue can be shelved first, but the social order of various countries cannot collapse.

Today is different from the past. As the European boss, the Holy Roman Empire has become the defender of order. Gone are the "beautiful" times when watching the excitement is not too big.


Prime Minister Carl: "Your Majesty, in view of the current special circumstances, the Cabinet is preparing to increase investment in infrastructure, launch the Asia-Africa-Europe Ring Railway ahead of schedule, and promote the domestic economic recovery with infrastructure.

Taking into account the huge investment in this project, the cabinet plans to split it into multiple sub-projects and take out the sections with a higher rate of return for financing construction to reduce cost input.

The remaining road sections where construction is difficult and no return on investment can be seen will be invested and constructed by the government. The main funding is resolved through bank loans and the issuance of national debt.

The current situation is very beneficial to us. During the recent period, more than a dozen European countries, including Russia, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, and Rwanda, have borrowed a lot of funds from us.

The Aegis settlement system has already been established on the European continent. It happened to catch up with the economic crisis, and the British are now overwhelmed by it.

As long as we can get out of the economic crisis first, Aegis will have the absolute upper hand in the struggle for currency hegemony.

As long as Europe is stable, it will be simple to move from Europe to the world. It is nothing more than a question of buying, buying and buying. No matter what governments think, capitalists welcome Aegis. "

The money-losing strategic railway is destined to be paid by the government. There is no way, the tricks of the deception can only be used once. As early as 30 years ago in the construction of the domestic railway, the capitalists were fooled once, and now everyone has become smarter.

No matter how good your story is, no one will care if you can't see the return on investment.

The "Asia-Africa-Europe Ring Railway" sounds domineering, but it is actually the case. It is nothing more than connecting the original railways in series to make up for the missing lines in the middle.

It is hoped that this "make money" may increase the population of the Holy Roman Empire by four or five times, and be able to see that loss of hope.

This only refers to "making money" in name. Since operating income is greater than operating costs, if you want to recover investment costs and obtain a considerable rate of return, it is estimated that the population will have to increase seven or eight times.

I don't know if it can be realized in the future. Anyway, it is impossible to see Franz in his lifetime. It doesn't matter to lose money, the key is to lose value.

In theory, as long as the Shenluo Navy can master the Mediterranean, this seemingly strategically significant railway has no practical significance. After all, sea transportation is cheaper. After a large circle of railways, merchant ships have gone back and forth several times.

Judging from the current international situation, the Shenluo Navy’s hegemony in the Mediterranean has been fully established, and even the British cannot shake it.

If the British really had the courage to send the main Royal Navy into the Mediterranean, Franz would laugh in his dreams. The bathtub is not a joke, and no one stipulates that naval battles can only be fought by the navy.

As the world's largest air force, Franz can aggressively declare that coastal areas are restricted areas for warships of various countries.

Whether taking off from the Asia-Africa-Europe continental circle or from the Italian peninsula, the Shenluo Air Force can make them drive away.

It doesn't matter if the hit rate is low, as long as the number goes up, there will always be gains. It's really not good, and the Japanese "Kamikaze" team is also good.

In addition to airplanes in the sky, there are submarines under water. Originally, Shinra was not very good at the research and development of submarine technology, but this situation improved with the end of the anti-French war.

On the basis of inheriting the French submarine technology, the Shinra Navy also has its own submarine formation. The only regret is that the technology has not been able to break through and can only play offshore operations.

With so many advantages, the Vienna government's demand for the "Asia-Africa-Europe Ring Railway" is naturally not high. If it hadn't happened to catch up with the economic crisis, it would be impossible for this railway to even establish a project.

There is no if in reality. Since it happens to catch up, the ring railway will be born. Waste, maybe yes. However, compared with the positive significance brought by the launch of the railway line, it is not worth mentioning.

After all, restoring the economy is the immediate priority of the Vienna government. Being able to get out of the economic crisis one day earlier, Aegis will have an extra advantage in the struggle for currency hegemony.