Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1003: Chaotic world

It was another day of unsuccessful return, and Ives' mood became heavier. Without income for more than five months, his poor wallet is about to bottom out.

Reach out to his parents, not to mention whether he can let go of his poor self-esteem. The problem is that Ives' parents are just ordinary people. The grandparents above need help, and there are younger brothers and sisters who need to support.

Now that we are catching up with the wave of layoffs and salary cuts, everyone can't wait for a dollar to be spent in half. The savings in the past are the last guarantee to survive the crisis. You won't use it until the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Unable to bite the old Evis, after returning to the rental house, he looked at the world map on the wall in a daze.

The map was left by the landlord. It is said that it was given by the merchants to celebrate the victory of the European War. Frankly speaking, from the map, the Holy Roman Empire is indeed domineering.

Excluding areas that humans cannot live in, the Holy Roman Empire has occupied nearly a quarter of the land and one twentieth of the ocean, making it one of the only world empires in the world today.

Ives also had blood, fantasizing that Jin Ge Iron Horse will fight on the battlefield, and finally return to his hometown to become a noble nobleman.

Unfortunately, he was born at an untimely time. Waiting for Ives to join the army for military service, just in time for the end of the European War, and before the completion of recruit training, the French surrendered.

Not to mention the battle achievements, even the opportunity to go to the battlefield. Finished the last few months of military service smoothly, and then retired and went home to look for work.

It doesn't matter if the noble dream is broken. The probability of ordinary people becoming aristocrats is inherently low. The ones who can stand out are "Emperor Possession". Even if they encounter opportunities, most people will end up looking for a farm.

Ives didn't envy at all, really didn't envy it. As long as he works hard, he will have the opportunity to buy a farm in his lifetime.

Under the beatings of the society, Ives felt that it would be good to be a great engineer. After all, his mechanical operation classes were full marks in school. With dreams in mind, I came to this strange city with retirement pay.

I originally thought that a talent like him could easily enter a large enterprise with well-paid treatment, and then quickly get the appreciation of "Bo Le", and then obtain the key training of the enterprise, and finally become a great engineer.

It turns out that this is entirely his own thinking. The job search career has just begun, and the economic crisis has already come.

Under the background of companies layoffs, Mo said that he entered a large, well-paid company, and even Ives did not get the job of washing dishes in street restaurants.

Overseas, what a remote place that is. Although airplanes have already appeared, they are only used in the military, and at most civilian flying clubs.

If you want to fly between Africa and the mainland, there is no problem in theory, but it is not realistic at all. Safety aside, the high operating costs alone make airlines daunting.

At present, all airlines of the Holy Roman Empire are mainly airships, mainly to undertake short- and medium-distance fast freight. Passenger transport is also available, but the price is not affordable for ordinary people.

According to the normal rhythm, the fastest round trip from the mainland to the African continent by boat takes one month, and in some remote areas it may take half a year for a single trip.

Needless to say, the farther Southeast Asia and America. It can take several months as quickly as possible, and a year and a half as slowly as possible.

The journey is so long, it is naturally expensive. Many people have not returned home for more than ten years after they left their hometowns. It's not that they don't want to go home and have a look. The problem is that the cost of a round trip is a year's income.

Ordinary people can't withstand such a toss, especially with a small family, in order to let the family live a better life, everyone has to let go of homesickness.

Many immigrants return to their hometown with their entire family only in their later years after leaving the mainland. There is no way, only at that time can it be possible to make up for free family leave.

The colonial government or the employer’s promised five-year family visit leave were only for the employees themselves and were limited to one person. If you want to bring your family, you must either accumulate the number of family leave visits or pay yourself.

It's not that you can't offer better conditions. The problem is that you leave with your whole family, and people are worried that you will never return!

Except for those who are outstanding, they can return several times. When ordinary people return to their hometown, it is already "children meet and never know each other, and laugh and ask where the guest comes from." The good memories of my childhood hometown are gone.

Looking at his dying wallet, Ives knew that if he couldn't find a job, he would compromise with life.

Maybe there is a better life overseas, but the taste of home can never be found. Once you step out, your relatives and friends will become passers-by in your life.

This night, Ives had insomnia. He also had insomnia with thousands of unemployed soldiers. Whether to go out and ask for life has become another decision on their life journey.


The economic crisis rages on, not only the people’s life is not easy, but also the life of the governments of various countries.

The bankruptcy of the Prussian government was just the beginning. In May, the governments of Modena, Parma, and Two Sicily also went bankrupt. In June, the governments of Sardinia, Lucca, and Tuscany were unable to hold on and joined the bankruptcy. In the wave.

In the entire Italian region, the Papal State is left struggling to support it. After all, it is a religious country. With donations from believers, the situation in the Papal country is better than that of its neighbors.

But that is only better. If the economic crisis continues and believers have no money to donate, the Papal State will probably join the wave of bankruptcy.

The collapse of the Italian region is just the beginning. As far as Franz knows, the governments of Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland, which are still insisting, are also struggling.

Because Belgium suffered heavy losses in the war, the reconstruction work was only halfway through, and it encountered an economic crisis. It is considered good to be able to persist until now.

Switzerland is struggling. In order to build the newly acquired territory, the impoverished Swiss government borrowed heavily in the financial market.

Now it is raining, the banks suddenly took their umbrellas, the financial problems were suddenly exposed, and the Swiss government was in a dilemma. If the project is unfinished, the initial investment will be wasted; if it continues, the government finances will not be able to sustain it.

As for Portugal, that is the siberian Husky. The domestic republican faction and monarchist faction are so happy that no one cares about economic construction.

Unlike other colonial countries, the Portuguese colony has lost money, and it has been losing money for many years.

Don't ask why they lost money, they lost money anyway. And the more you lose, the more interesting it is that the more a losing colony, the more the Portuguese are reluctant to give up.

Even if someone pays a high price to buy this "bad" asset, they still insist on holding it. Just know the reason for yourself, there is no need to say it.

In short, in the face of increasing colonial spending, Portugal has shown less and less power. In order to maintain the colonial empire, the Portuguese owed a huge amount of foreign debt, and the high debt has pressured this small European country to breathe.

Spain was originally the strongest of these countries. Unfortunately, a Philippine war not only emptied the Spanish treasury, but also tore through their disguise as a "superpower".

Although the Philippine war continued and Spain was not defeated, the strength they showed was really difficult to link with the great powers.

If it hadn't been for Vienna's repeated pulls, Spain would have collapsed. Now it is not so much that Spain is at war with the Japanese, it is better to say that Shinra is playing the role of the Japanese.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, you know that the Spanish fleet, which suffered heavy losses, not only completed the supplement, but even added a capital ship.

Needless to say, the army, now the main forces on the battlefield have become mercenaries, and those who are engaged in PK with the Japanese are the elite of the French army.

You can see from the record. The exchange ratio between the two countries was 1:1.4, but now it has directly risen to 1:2.7, which is a qualitative breakthrough.

The Spanish Expeditionary Force, which was originally beaten by the Japanese army, has gradually taken the initiative. Although victory is still far away, at least it will develop on the positive side.

In contrast, the Japanese, who are also impoverished, are now much more miserable. With the support of the British, the navy is not a problem, but the army can't help it!

The British can figure out how to fix the gap in weapons and equipment, but it takes a long time to wait; the problem of soldier training can only be solved by the Japanese.

Originally they were learning from the French, but now the Philippines happens to stage a battle between master and apprentice. Originally, the Japanese army would not suffer such a big loss, the key is the disaster caused by the expansion of the army.

Not every country has the ability to raise hundreds of thousands of standing troops in peaceful times. Japan has only a few standing divisions, which add up to hundreds of thousands.

After the outbreak of the Philippine War, it quickly expanded to more than 800,000, an increase of five times. Whether it is an officer or a veteran, they are all in short supply.

Even if it was made up by Bushido thoughts, the professional qualities still failed to improve. Looking at the shooting rate of the soldiers, you know that they are shooting on the battlefield, and even the Spanish Army hangs them, not to mention changing to the French elite.

Their only advantage lies in their courage, and they work hard to be unambiguous. It is a pity that Japan is so poor these days. The environment in which soldiers have lived since childhood has restricted their growth. Many soldiers have yellow faces and thin muscles, and they know that nutrition cannot keep up.

If the nutrition hasn't kept up, the physical fitness can't keep up. Originally, Asians were inherently slightly worse than Europeans in terms of physical fitness. Now this gap is even more obvious.

If it weren't for the jungle to use, no matter how brave the Japanese army was, it wouldn't be able to survive now. However, the jungle is not omnipotent. If the enemy does not come in, they will not be broken.

Unlike the Spanish army, mercenaries come to fight for money. One by one, the cities were full of morale, and when they encountered the jungle, they pushed back and forth.

Then, an interesting scene appeared. With the help of hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, the Spanish Expeditionary Force successfully captured many cities in the Philippine Islands, but the jungle became their forbidden area.

Mercenaries are unwilling to go to war where there is no oil and water. The Spanish army has been taught a lesson, and they are also unwilling to go into the jungle to suffer.

The Japanese soldiers who had made an ambush ahead of time fed the mosquitoes in the jungle for nothing. As a last resort, the Japanese could only play guerrilla warfare, coming out of the jungle from time to time to attack and obtain supplies from the enemy.

If the situation does not change, it is estimated that after another year and a half, the expeditionary force will be able to take all the important towns of the Philippine Islands, and the Japanese troops occupying the vast jungle will truly become guerrillas.

Obviously, this is not something the Japanese government can tolerate. In order to win the war, they have wooed the locals and formed a solid "anti-white coalition."

It's just that during the Spanish rule, conflicts between the indigenous tribes were deliberately provoked, and now this major alliance is full of hidden dangers. Many people suffer from a deep panophobia. It is okay to help wave the banner and shout, but it is still far away to count on them to contribute to the war.

For the Japanese government, military troubles are only minor problems. As long as they are willing to die, everything is not a problem. Now the disadvantage is that they do not understand the European rules of the game.

I didn't know that the Spaniards would let the mercenaries act as the main force and was caught off guard. As long as this breath is relieved, the situation will improve later.

In contrast, financial trouble is the real trouble. The Japanese government, which has never been prosperous, has long surpassed the financial endurance limit while maintaining a large navy and raising a continental army.

Although the Japanese army gained a lot in the Philippine Islands, most of that wealth went into the pockets of individuals, and the government got only a small portion. This part of the spoils alone is obviously not enough for war funding.

In normal times, you can still borrow foreign debts, so you don't need to think about it now. During the economic crisis, cash is king, and bank consortia are tightening money, and they will not lend out easily.

Don't even think about issuing bonds. With the tide of unemployment, ordinary people are counting on the funds on hand to survive the crisis. Who has spare money to buy bonds?

"British support", just listen. Not everyone is Louis XVI's irony, selling blood to aid the United States, it happened once in history. It is impossible to want the support of the British at all costs.

Moreover, the London government is now overwhelmed by it. Economic crises are erupting all over the world. As the world's second largest economy, Britain is no exception.

Perhaps it is because the financial industry is too developed. As the economic crisis raged, Britain also experienced a financial crisis.

Of course, war is not all bad. At least this war allowed the Japanese government to survive the economic crisis. Compared with the Great Depression in the European world, Japan's economy is still "prosperous" except for the smell of gunpowder.
