Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and thirty-nine - what does the green stick mean?

Facing the media\'s reports on him, Wayne refused all interview invitations. On October 28, the crew took a Warner Bros. package and flew directly to Xiangjiang.

From the moment he got on the plane, he looked out the window and fell silent. When the plane landed on this land and entered the arranged Peninsula Hotel, he simply threw himself into the bed and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was noon the next day, and only then did Wayne focus on the scenery outside the curtain.

Whether it was in his previous life or now, he has never been to this city known as the Hollywood of the East. The only way to know about it may be the Hong Kong films and TVB dramas in his memory.

"Wake up?" Naomi Watts opened the bedroom door, walked in and pulled the curtains completely, and the sunlight came in through the wide floor.

"The Benjamin from Warner Bros. Asia found an interpreter for you. He\'s already waiting in the living room. If you want to go out for a walk, they want you to bring an interpreter to avoid misunderstandings."

As he spoke, Naomi Watts handed him the clothes over and over again, like a virtuous wife at this time.

"Have the crew and crew made arrangements?" Wayne got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash up.

"Most of them are jet lag."

Leaning against the bathroom door, Naomi Watts put her hands on her shoulders, tilted her head and watched him wash his face and brush his teeth. "There\'s something very interesting, do you want to hear it?"

"What?" Wayne asked casually while looking at her with foam in his mouth.

"Someone actually used a handsome man\'s trick on Nina!" Her voice was full of surprise, and she said with wide eyes, "I also had breakfast with her this morning and listened to what she said."

"Don\'t make a fuss."

Wiping his face with a towel, Wayne walked out of the bathroom, put on a coat and left the bedroom together.

This is the top-floor presidential suite of the Peninsula Hotel. In addition to a master bedroom, there are three smaller bedrooms connected by a living room in the middle.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the sea. The assistant is sitting in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside and flipping through magazines.

In addition, there was an Asian girl, dressed as a white-collar beauty, sitting on the sofa and looking at the assistant frequently. This is a typical Chinese girl, with long black hair that makes Wayne extremely friendly, and her appearance can be regarded as fresh and lovely.

"Hello, Mr. Greenberg, I am an interpreter for Warner Bros. Asia. During your stay in Hong Kong, I will be responsible for your communication issues."

The girl is not very old, in her early twenties, but she speaks good English. After seeing him come out, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up to greet him. "My name is Sandy Young, or you can call me Young."

"Hello." Wayne nodded with a smile. "Is there a better tea restaurant nearby? Let\'s go down and have something to eat."

Sandy obviously didn\'t expect him to know about the tea restaurant, but after thinking about it, she still said, "Ah, yes, there is a nice restaurant across the street."

Handing Wayne\'s shoes to him, Nina whispered. "Boss, I remember you seem to be able to speak Chinese, right? Do you still need translation?"

"It\'s different, Nina."

As he walked out, he explained two sentences in a low voice. "There are also many ways to say Chinese, and I can\'t say what I\'m talking about here. However, I heard that someone used a handsome man\'s trick against you again? What role is this time for?"

"It should be just a small role. I\'m not interested in those handsome guys, a bunch of self-righteous idiots." After walking into the elevator, Nina shrugged playfully and said indifferently.

This kind of thing is not once or twice. Some young actors and agents can\'t reach Wayne, so many people focus on his personal assistant.

Nina is right to say that those handsome guys are fools. After all, she is a very smart woman herself, and she is very sober and knows what the purpose of those people is.

She is definitely one of Wayne\'s most trusted people after getting along and performing for a long time. Of course, she will not destroy this relationship because of these broken things, which will only show that she has no self-discipline.

Moreover, compared to those brainless handsome guys, her current well-paid job is the most important thing.

The restaurant is not too far away, just across the street after exiting the hotel gate, not only Wayne himself, Nina, Sergey, Naomi Watts and others are staring curiously, watching this place. everything about the city.

After entering the restaurant, Wayne\'s feeling here was different from what he imagined. Even now, this tea restaurant gives the illusion that it is very small and crowded.

"Sandy, is Mandarin still spoken here?"

While eating, all the diners around him were speaking Cantonese, and he asked the translator curiously.

"Very few. Older people may still say it."

Sandy\'s eyes on him were also full of inquiry, and she was also full of curiosity about this big Hollywood director. "But I will say one thing, my grandfather\'s hometown was in Beijing."

Hearing this, Wayne felt happy and switched to Chinese to say something. "Do you know what a green stick is?"

After asking himself, he laughed. According to his own estimation, things like green sticks should not have appeared yet. This is just an inexplicable joke.

It wasn\'t until after lunch that they returned to the hotel together, the girl looked at him with an uncertain expression and asked, "Green stick? A Korean with a cuckold?"


"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry!"

Even though Wayne was usually stern, he was overwhelmed by this forced explanation, and he spit out a big mouthful of coffee.

"Boss is in a good mood?" Sergey sat by the window, tilted his head and asked the assistant in a low voice.

Nina was also curious about what the girl said to make the old boss laugh. "Maybe, he likes to eat oriental food, and he likes some oriental culture. When he gets here, he will feel better."

Wayne did not continue this topic, took out his workbook and checked the plan for the first day of shooting. This made the translator even more confused, and it also made her even more unable to see through the director who could speak Chinese.

Strictly speaking, only Christian Bale has a heavier role in this time. In addition to the role of Liam Neeson, the other actors, including Naomi Watts, are not used.

As the heroine of this film, especially Bruce Wayne\'s childhood sweetheart, her role in the first film is still a vase, her acting skills are basically qualified, her appearance is high enough, and her figure is in line with most people\'s aesthetics. These are very important for commercial blockbusters. is enough.

This film is different from Wayne\'s previous films. It is destined to be a commercial blockbuster. Anyone in the Hollywood circle knows that in a commercial blockbuster, the importance of an excellent vase is definitely not much less than that of the male protagonist.

They are one of the biggest selling points of the film. A vase that performs well enough is unparalleled appeal to the main group of moviegoers, young people and teenagers with over-produced hormones.

So Naomi Watts was willing to observe with the team, and he agreed without thinking.

As for the actress in the original film, in Wayne\'s impression, she is definitely not as beautiful as the Australian beauty, and her body is still incomparable. As for the actress in the second film, it is even more difficult to describe.

In this day and age, a vase that can fit the needs of the film is definitely more important than it will be ten years later. That\'s why he doesn\'t think about Nicole Kidman, the typical American girl like Angelina Jolie.

Yes, red sofas and red carpets have always happened in this circle, but in mainstream commercial blockbusters, the probability of this happening is not high. The larger the investment in the project, the more likely the producers and directors will choose actresses. cautious.

As long as the actress doesn\'t fit the role well, even if she strips naked in the audition room and shouts "comeon!" to the director and producer, she will never get the role she wants.

There is no producer or director who would take tens of millions of investment risks for a woman. Just kidding, even if you count the whole Hollywood, which woman is worth so much money?

Maybe the current Big Mouth Zhu will be worth it, but when she is a superstar, it is impossible for Julia Roberts to do such a thing~www.novelhall.com~ just to win a role. When they reach their coffee position, they are a scarce resource in Hollywood, and there will be no shortage of invitations for big productions in their hands.

Almost everyone knows how Julia Roberts did on the road to fame. In the early days, she slept in more than one crew, but after she became famous, she didn\'t see her doing that anymore, because when she reached her position, she no longer needed it. To cater to anyone with the flesh.

So the women who want to have a relationship with Wayne are all small actors, or these are small stars. Only these people are willing to give everything for a chance.

As for those a coffee, they may drink too much at the party, and they will look at each other for a while and fool around. But trying to seduce them with a role in a big project and play them like little actors is basically impossible.

Not to mention Wayne, who is still young, even a truck driver and a big circle like Spielberg might not be able to do this.

He has always liked beautiful girls, especially famous and blessed actresses, which will make men feel more fulfilled, but he never thought that with a role in his movie, he can play with those a coffee, he himself Without the halo of insanity.

Looking at Naomi Watts\' elegantly flipping the script, Wayne can be sure that maybe this is the only actress who has made him a celebrity and is willing to accompany him.


Naomi Watts looked at him staring blankly at her, and asked a strange question.

"It\'s nothing." Shaking his head, Wayne threw out all the messy thoughts. "Nina, help me inform Tim Burton and let him contact the Asian actors here. We will start shooting after we have seen the venue."
