Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and thirty eight - fight.


The drunk man squinted his eyes and leaned against the wall to look at Wayne and Naomi Watts, who was holding his arm. Even if they were three or two meters away, the smell of alcohol he spit out during his speech made the two of them frown. .

"Don\'t make trouble!"

Wayne frowned. This middle-aged white man was an unfamiliar face, at least he had never seen it before. If Nina followed, maybe the assistant lady might know him.

With such a confused drunk, he knew there was no reason to speak, but he took two steps forward, looked at him with an ugly face and asked, "You don\'t know who I am?"

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man leaned his upper body against the wall, and when he saw him approaching forward and his tall and strong figure, his face changed obviously, but he still said something sternly. "Boy, I say it again, don\'t make trouble!"

After saying that, seeing that Wayne didn\'t do anything else, he walked past him swayingly, preparing to leave here.

Looking at this middle-aged man, there were traces of vomiting left on his shirt, and he was swaying while walking. Wayne also felt helpless. He didn\'t want to care about things that had lost his basic judgment. Anyway, there was no big problem. .

I can\'t beat this drunk on the ground. Besides, he is no longer a child. If he starts a fight with a drunk, even if he can\'t get on the entertainment news, he feels ashamed.

"Okay, Nami, are you alright?" Wayne looked down at her clothes and was ready to leave after confirming that he didn\'t suffer any losses.

But the middle-aged man who had just walked a few steps, perhaps seeing that he had no follow-up actions, turned around with a dazed eye, and said in a low voice, "Damn it, kike..."

Originally, he had already held Naomi Watts\'s hand and was about to leave here, but this insulting word immediately made Wayne stop and stare at the drunk with his head tilted.

The Australian beauty quickly hugged Wayne. She knew that he wouldn\'t care about some things. How could people care about the monkey\'s provocation? But there are some things that should never be said indiscriminately.

Insulting his race, this will definitely touch the bottom line of a man, Naomi Watts was afraid that he would start with a drunk, hugged him and said quickly: "Haney, don\'t be impulsive, let\'s go back and care about a drunk These don\'t make any sense."

But apparently the drunk didn\'t realize what he said. As he walked forward, he was still muttering.

"Hey, sir."

Wayne clapped the woman\'s hand, and after she let go of herself, he called out to the middle-aged man. "Listen, it\'s okay if you don\'t know me, but if you let me hear your insults again, I think you\'ll definitely learn a lesson, understand?"

As he spoke, he walked up to the middle-aged man under Naomi Watts\' worried gaze and looked down at him. "Look at me! Understand? Sir!"

"kike, you mean... oh, fxxk!"

"my Lord!"

Accompanied by Naomi Watts\' screams and the opponent\'s cries of pain, Wayne didn\'t hesitate, and threw a back fist with his right hand, hitting the opponent directly in the face.

Accompanied by a few drops of red blood, the other party was happily put down on the ground, covering his mouth, and making a sound like when killing a pig.

"Damn, I\'m going to kill you! What have you done, fxxk, I\'m going to kill you."

It is estimated that the beating made the other party\'s alcoholism sober a lot, and his speech was much clearer, but after several attempts, he still did not get up.

Naomi Watts hurriedly hugged Wayne\'s waist, afraid that he would go up and make two more hits. You could tell from the strength of his punches just now that two more hits would definitely kill him.

The screams attracted a lot of people at the same time. Harvey Weinstein also ran over with a big belly. When he squeezed through the crowd, he saw a rather strange scene.

Wayne squatted in front of the screaming middle-aged man, looking down at him, Naomi Watts pulling his arm worriedly.

"What happened?" Harvey Weinstein walked in and frowned immediately. "Damn, Wayne, what happened? You hit Director Minghella?"


Wayne stood up and suddenly smiled, stretched out his finger and tapped the big fat man\'s shoulder, and suddenly put away the smile on his face. "Do you know what he just said to me? kike! He just said this to me, with this word in it, what would you do if it were you?"

Harvey Weinstein couldn\'t care about his actions, he was stunned when he heard these words, and immediately turned to look at the middle-aged man who was being helped up, his face became equally ugly.

"Director Mingella, tell me, did you bring this word just now?"

The middle-aged man, who was clearly awake, covered his face and kept shaking his head. "I didn\'t, maybe he heard it wrong, damn, he just wanted to kill me, call a doctor for me..."

Before he could finish speaking, a **** tooth fell out of his mouth, and everyone\'s eyes were immediately attracted to this tooth.

Harvey Weinstein turned ashen, waved his hand and said, "Send him to the hospital."

"and many more!"

Wayne walked up to the director Minghella again, looked him in the eyes, stretched out his finger and tapped him on the chest insultingly. "You haven\'t answered my question just now, tell me. Do you understand now?"

With Wayne\'s finger movements, everyone found out that director Minghella\'s body was shaking. He was obviously afraid of being punched. "Ok, I understand!"

The other party said this sentence subconsciously. After speaking, his face changed for a while, and he was helped by the staff to the elevator.

"I\'m sorry, Wayne, I\'ll find out about this, maybe you really heard it wrong." Harvey Weinstein waved his hand to disperse the crowd, turned and said.

"Forget it, Harvey, I\'ll go back first." Wayne shook his head with a faint mockery on the corner of his mouth. "Don\'t forget to mail that gentleman\'s medical bill to my assistant."

From the time he got out of the hotel and got into the car, his face was ugly all the way. It was just a very small matter, but it made him lose his good mood for the day.

And from the name Harvey Weinstein called that person, he immediately guessed the identity of the other person, Anthony Minghella, a British director.

The most important thing is that his "The English Patient" completely activated Harvey Weinstein\'s soul of public relations, allowing this big fat man to start Oscar\'s career as a **** stick.

From "Sex, Lies, Videotape", now this "Pulp Fiction", and then to "The English Patient" directed by Anthony Minghella, the big fat man has become the king of Oscar PR that makes people a headache.

He started not limited to ordinary public relations methods. In addition to sending videotapes to the academy judges, he also had methods such as sending gifts, bombing phone calls, and holding internal screening receptions.

It was also the "British Patient" that earned the British director the Oscar for Best Director.

"Wayne, are you all right?"

Naomi Watts looked at him with a cold face and asked worriedly.

"I\'m fine, don\'t worry." He gave the Australian beauty a smile, turned his head and started brainstorming.

The car drove into the manor, and Wayne took Naomi Watts back to the bedroom on the third floor. After a rare rejection of the beauty\'s temptation, he sat on the balcony and gently stroked the two dogs, and began to perfect himself in his mind. s plan.

The next day, at the premiere party of "Pulp Fiction", the news of Wayne Greenberg hitting people began to appear in the entertainment media. The specific reason was not disclosed, but the beaten director Anthony Minghella , refused to be interviewed by reporters.

The popularity of this incident once surpassed the "Pulp Fiction" that is currently being released. Wayne\'s media image has always been good, and everyone is speculating about what the British director did to anger him.

The most speculation in the media is because of women. As we all know, Wayne Greenberg has always been a playboy. It is estimated that only because of women can two men fight.

In the face of reporters\' interview requests, Nina refused all of them. This incident also broke Wayne\'s vacation plan. He plunged into the Warner Bros. Studios and continued to start the final preparations before the start of the game.

However, not long after, a piece of news announced by Warner Bros., UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, overwhelmed these gossip and made the media ignore the fact that the box office of "The Clown" exceeded 270 million US dollars.

Wayne Greenberg has invested in Warner Bros. The specific share has not been announced, but the reporter guessed after the interview with CEO Jeff Robinoff that in addition to various investment companies and institutions, he is definitely the natural person shareholder with the largest share. one of several.

As time went by, at the end of October, the cast members of "Joker Returns" all returned to Los Angeles, the city of angels, and Warner Bros. also held a grand celebration party for the cast members.

Only then did all the media realize that the film also achieved good box office results after being shown overseas for more than a month. Just when the film began to significantly reduce the size of the show in the North American theater market.

"Joker\'s Return" earned $17.47 million from Australia, $25.41 million from Germany, $22.6 million in Mexico, and $20.2 million from France.

The two overseas ticket positions that the film has received the most are the United Kingdom, which has a relationship with North American "cousin and cousin" as always, and the book that has been eroded by North American culture. In a short period of time, $35.47 million and $29.78 million were harvested in these two countries, respectively.

By the end of October, together with the harvest of more than 60 other regions around the world, the overseas box office of "The Clown" has reached 260 million US dollars through rough statistics! The combined worldwide box office exceeds $530 million!

Another film over $500 million, still a pure horror film, the news about the film and Wayne overwhelmed all the news, and at the same time, more people turned their attention to the upcoming filming of "Batman". "above.
