Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixty-two - here comes the hero who does not kill

There is no doubt that the theme of the film is dark and serious, and since there is no way to use more large-scale shots, Wayne can only do more in this area.

Using the lighting deliberately created during shooting, the stage effect of the outline light of the characters, and the dark and heavy story core, I tried my best to create the so-called opera spirit.

Even if everyone knows that this is a cartoon character, Wayne tried his best to give Bruce Wayne a close-to-real emotional transformation, so that movie fans can feel that Batman has the same confusion and confusion as you and me in addition to being rich. Fear, he is also a mortal in spirit.

This can ensure that although Bruce Wayne has powerful strength, he can pull the character into reality from the spiritual level, unlike the superheroes in the comics, each one is a god, and each one is out of reach ,Gifted.

In fact, think about it, a complex creature like man definitely doesn\'t like to be friends with people who completely crush him in all aspects, and he doesn\'t want to be friends with perfect people.

Wayne\'s Batman is a superhero with outstanding shortcomings and advantages. He has unparalleled strength, is proficient in all martial arts in the world, and wears high-tech equipment.

However, like ordinary people, they will still encounter setbacks. There is fear and confusion in their hearts, and they still need to experience setbacks to find themselves.

In fact, this can be used as a reference, it caused a violent social sensation, and played a strong incitement to the public fans of "Joker". At the bottom of the society, forced by the people around him and gradually deteriorated, Wayne wants to convince the fans after watching them, and even ask them to believe that it is definitely not a coincidence that the two films have characters linked together.

First of all, we must affirm the success of the character setting. For example, the clown Arthur, who can be reminiscent of the movie, is not perfect, or even fails in some aspects. Through continuous self-growth, in the final counterattack, only It\'s what most viewers want to see.

Countless Hollywood films in the past told him that this kind of inherently imperfect protagonist is at least the first step to becoming a good work.

Even if Clark Kent is going to be filmed in two years, Wayne will pull this real **** down from the altar, find him a flaw that the audience can accept, and let Da Chao grow into that man of steel through self-growth.

"Batman: Hour of War" is the beginning of an entire series, and as long as the desired effect is achieved, it proves that current fans can accept the dark and serious story structure, and Wayne will follow the tone for the entire DC universe.

Most of the post-production work for this film revolved around editing and splicing, and he and Dwayne Scott prepared meticulously as early as halfway through the shooting.

"I heard that the best editing job is to keep the audience from discovering the traces of editing, is that true?"

Just after lunch time, in the post-production studio of Warner Bros. Studios, Naomi Watts came to visit the class with a few cups of coffee, and looked around curiously while sharing a few cups of coffee.

Dwayne Scott, with a tired look on his face, took the coffee and shrugged. As a senior editor in the industry, he obviously has more say in this topic.

"Thank you, the coffee was great!"

He stuck out his tongue and licked the foam around his mouth, smiled and explained to Naomi Watts: "It also depends on the type of film, or the requirements of the director or producer. But in general, it makes people feel It\'s a misunderstanding that we can\'t find the editing marks."

This kind of theoretical thing, Dwayne Scott was interested in this beautiful woman, so he thought about it and tried to explain it in simple and easy-to-understand language.

"Actually, it should not be said that the editing traces that the audience can\'t find. In other words, it should be said that good editing is to prevent ordinary audiences from creating barriers to information acceptance. Of course, this is only suitable for large commercial productions, after all After so many years of development in the film, the aesthetic types have also developed into many kinds.”

Naomi Watts sat next to Wayne and stared at Dwayne Scott with her big beautiful eyes, which was the first time she had heard of it. In her mind, film editing was a kind of Mystical work.

"I see." The Australian girl looked at the editor, like a primary school student looking at her teacher. "Just like those crazy literary films, they are not edited for this purpose. They always want to arrange the story in a twist and turn, so that the audience has to watch it many times to understand."

Dwayne-Scott suddenly laughed when he heard her words, nodded slightly, and said, "This statement is not wrong, I am not good at post-production of literary films, and everything I said is also true. It is a post-editing based on commercial films.

As a commercial film with a large investment, the first purpose must be aimed at the public. Even if it is a film full of artistic attributes like Wayne, the first principle of editing is still to maintain fluency and let as many people as possible understand the director. story to tell.

Therefore, for the editing of commercial films, it is not to prevent the audience from discovering the traces of editing, but to allow them to receive film information without obstacles, rather than deliberately pretending to be mysterious and showing off their skills. Of course, this set is only applicable to commercial films. . "

"Crack, snap."

The Australian beauty slapped Dwayne Scott with a look of admiration for technology.

Wayne ignored her small talk with the editor, but took a liking to the Los Angeles Times she brought.

Time has gradually entered January, and the 30-year trailer for "Batman: War Hour" was also submitted to Warner Bros. yesterday through Tim Burton. This very burning trailer will appear at the end of the month. of the Super Bowl halftime ad show above.

Although he plunged into the editing room and did not understand other publicity plans other than the Super Bowl, he can still develop from this "Los Angeles Times", and Warner Bros. has begun a large-scale publicity promotion.

"The success of \'Joker\' in 1993 triggered a horrific movie theater massacre. At that time, film director Wayne Greenberg said that the movie theater was his home, and he was very saddened by such a tragedy.

After a lapse of two years, Wayne Greenberg brought another comic book character, but this time it was Bruce Wayne who was adhering to the "do not kill". His original intention of making this superhero was to cherish the memory of those who died and tell the public that extreme killing and venting is not a good solution to the problem..."

"How?" Naomi Watts turned her head suddenly, interrupting his thoughts of continuing to watch. "Your cow lover wrote this soft article well, right?"

Hearing her teasing, Wayne glanced at the author column subconsciously, and it turned out to be the editor-in-chief Bella Grant.

"I\'m curious, when did you accept her visit outside of work? Otherwise, how could this cow write so realistically."


Frowning slightly, Wayne sighed helplessly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to change, Zach Snyder and Dwayne Scott looked at each other, stood up tacitly, turned around and went back to work.

Picking up the coffee and taking a sip, Wayne stretched out his finger and tapped the newspaper lightly, saying, "This is just a propaganda method, it doesn\'t matter if I take an interview or not, the reason why Warner Bros. It\'s just to evoke the memory of fans about "Joker"."

Warner Bros. will definitely not let go of this kind of publicity method that can achieve very good results without spending a lot of money.

The purpose is to let fans who have seen "Joker" evoke memories in their hearts and let them go into the theater again to support the film. This kind of behavior of stealing the popularity of their own videos can be said to be very common.

Moreover, "Batman: Time for War" naturally has a gimmick. Since the movie "Joker" has caused a massacre in the cinema, a superhero who "does not kill" will be used to soothe those wounds.

"Ok." Naomi Watts pouted, picked up her delicate handbag and stood up. "I won\'t disturb your work. I\'ll come over when you finish work. I\'ll find a place to hang out."

Wayne nodded, and his eyes drifted back to the newspaper. This relatively tricky way of publicity has always been the best way to save money, not to mention Hollywood playing like this now, even after twenty years, the entertainment circle on the other side of the Pacific has also learned to play like this.

There were a lot of show-stopping propaganda films, and there were also many in that land. He still remembered a film he had shown himself. The film called "The White Bird Chaofeng" was indeed a good film, but the producer\'s Sao operation has ruined the reputation of many films.

In order for the film to have a better arrangement, the producer actually knelt down and licked the theater manager. On the evening of May 12, 2016, Fang L, the producer of "White Birds and the Phoenix", wanted to promote the film. No one expected the situation. Next, go directly to the theater managers across the country in the live broadcast room, kneel and kowtow!

National ah~www.novelhall.com~ I really knelt down and knocked! I asked the theater manager to arrange more films for "The Hundred Birds and the Phoenix", saying that they only want to arrange a golden field and support traditional culture.

The result of this incident was very ideal, because of his kneeling and kowtow, many theater managers did give the golden field, and the film\'s box office also increased significantly.

This incident got the result he wanted, but it also became a joke for the public. The film itself is to promote traditional culture. The producer also talked about national justice and integrity, but when he turned around, It turned into kneeling and kowtowing to promote the movie.

What is the purpose of this, I believe the blind can see it. Although this kind of coquettish operation became a joke for the public, it really caught the eye, and it also made more passers-by fans go into the theater to watch the movie.

From the point of view of a producer, he is not only qualified, but also very well done, which has indeed made the film successful.

No one can deny that he has succeeded in the promotion and marketing of the film, and there are also many such sleazy operations in publicity. It can only be said that the two entertainment circles separated by a Pacific Ocean have the same purpose of making profits.