Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and sixty-six - fat man in action

The second half of the Super Bowl on TV has gradually come to an end. The San Francisco 49ers lead the San Diego Chargers 49-26 to the end.

Even through the TV signal, you can feel the frenetic atmosphere at the scene. When it was announced that Steve Young of the San Francisco 49ers won the Super Bowl mvp, the screams at the scene spread to North America and even through the TV. Thousands of households all over the world.

"I\'m afraid it\'s more than just movie ratings."

On the TV on the side, cheers continued to come out, but the two people in the office were not in the mood to watch the game at all, so they didn\'t even take a look. John McTiernan was leaning on the sofa, watching Townsend Rothman through the smoke of the cigar.

He slowly recalled the short thirty-second trailer, and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa. "Wayne Greenberg wasn\'t just grading the film, he was removing the large-scale shots that he was so good at, trying to get a wider audience."

Obviously, as a producer, director, he sees more from it, and the bigger ambitions of that young man.

"Townsend, I don\'t know if you noticed." John McTiernan\'s eyes narrowed, and his voice was dull and continued: "Compared with his previous works, this film is closer to the taste of the mainstream market.

Although the film clips are only a fleeting glimpse, there is no shortage of popcorn elements, intense action scenes, grand special effects scenes, exciting car chase scenes, and explosion scenes that can most arouse fans.

What does this mean? You must know that even in "Joker", which caused a global movie craze, he did not add these elements, and only won with stories, emotional resonance, and a sense of substitution. "

Townsend-Rothman nodded, which is also a point that cannot be ignored. It can be said that this is because the other party has made great changes to his own production style in order to please more fans.

No one can ignore that Wayne Greenberg has made rapid progress step by step in a film, from the initial "Happy Death Day" to the "Joker", which has a great personal style, this young man, almost in black The field of film has rapidly climbed to the threshold of a master.

Obviously, everyone in the circle now recognizes his achievements in the genre of film noir.

But the other party is obviously not satisfied. On the premise of maintaining a strong personal style, he is actively moving closer to the mainstream business field, in order to make the coverage of the work wider and have a larger audience.

"Phew." Townsend-Rothman took a sip of a thick cigar and exhaled a large cloud of green smoke. "We don\'t have to wait until the premiere of Batman: Hour of War, we have to do something! Warner Bros. will definitely take advantage of the Super Bowl heat to launch a massive publicity campaign.

If they are allowed to stir up word-of-mouth, I am afraid it will become the same as "Joker" two years ago, crushing the entire theater market with unparalleled power. "

These are to be expected, and if Townsend Rothman were a Warner Bros. executive, he would not miss such a good opportunity.

"What are you going to do?" John McTiernan blurted out looking at him with a gloomy expression. "Warner Bros.\'s publicity advantage in "Batman: War Hour" is too obvious. Even if it only relies on the Super Bowl and the popularity of "Joker" at the beginning, it is enough to make fans look forward to it."

The two films were released on the same day, and with the crash already established, fierce competition was certainly inevitable.

He understands that even if he does nothing on his side, Warner Bros. will definitely not let them go. The dirty water that should be poured will definitely be poured, and the means used will not fall at all. These are almost the most common in the circle. means.

As the producer of "Die Hard 3", he is now more troubled than anyone else. The publicity advantage of "Batman: War Hour" is too great. Now he only hopes that when the film is released, his film can withstand the pressure and try to seize a part of the market share under the power of the other party.

But the executive of 20th Century Fox obviously has more ideas to control the momentum of competitors, which makes him very curious and looking forward to it.

As long as it can cause a little trouble to the other party, it is possible to increase the box office of one\'s own film. Everyone understands this truth.

"You don\'t have to participate in this matter!"

Townsend-Rothman stood up, walked over to the TV and snapped, closing the chattering picture. "As long as you ensure the quality of "Die Hard 3", the rest of the announcement and distribution will be handled by Fox."

"No problem." Talking about his film, John - McTiernan is very confident. "Trust me, Townsend, this film will definitely be an excellent commercial film. Even if we compete head-on with the other party, we cannot be easily suppressed."

After the two exchanged a few words about the film production, the discussion ended.

After John McTiernan left, Townsend Rothman stood in front of the window and looked in the direction of the Warner Bros. building through the wide glass.

He couldn\'t just watch it, his competitors launched a propaganda campaign without any scruples, and everyone was one of the Hollywood giants. On the premise of not touching the red line, there must be some means.

In his heart, Townsend-Rothman also thought the same way. Even if he caused more trouble for the other party, it would be better than doing nothing himself. It is the most unreliable way to pin all your hopes on the choice of the public after the film is released.

Constantly thinking about ways in his mind, he walked back to the back of the office, sat down, picked up the phone, and dialed a number in person. "Hello, this is Townsend Rothman, yes, it\'s me..."

The Super Bowl commercial, as Warner Bros. expected, caused a big stir, and once again got North American audiences talking.

On the day of the Super Bowl, countless families who watched the event on TV raised enough interest and expectations for the film "Batman: Time for War".

Wayne is no longer a nobody, especially in the group of young people, his name is definitely a resounding name.

Among the main players who contributed to the box office, there has long been a saying, "Wayne Greenberg\'s production must be a masterpiece!" This sentence is not just a talk, but his use of a movie has a huge impact. The film has created a strong reputation and trust among fans.

This Super Bowl halftime show also made many people and the media pay attention to the "Joker\'s Soul" that is still being shown. This can be said to be a record-breaking horror film, and it is still slowly absorbing box-office figures with a screening scale of 150 theaters.

The idea of ​​Warner Bros. is very simple, as long as it is enough to ensure that the film and the theater are released until the Oscars start, the purpose is to be nominated for the Oscars.

As long as this goal is achieved, they will immediately operate the offline market of the film across the board, and sell the film\'s global TV premiere rights, peripheral licensing, etc. at a high price. And the most lucrative videotape market, which will generate even more staggering revenue for Warner Bros.

"Joker\'s Soul" has been released for four and a half months. According to the latest box office figures announced by the media, North America has made 295 million US dollars, and it has been released in more than 80 regions overseas. It has grossed over 360 million US dollars, and the global box office has exceeded 650 million US dollars. .

This set of numbers was seen by others, and at most it was a sigh. Wayne Greenberg once again created brilliant, and most people have gradually become numb to the high box office of his film.

The name Wayne Greenberg is equal to success, and this sentence is more and more recognized by more and more people.

But there was a fat man who saw the statistics in the Los Angeles Daily Entertainment News, but had a different opinion. He was much more excited than normal people.

He is very clear that a large part of the North American box office of "The Clown" has to be counted in the marketing plan, otherwise there will never be so many passers-by fans who come into the theater to watch because of curiosity.

If there is no marketing plan, this horror film will not become a trend among young people. In order to show his courage, he will watch it repeatedly.

"Are you all sure?"

The night was getting darker. In Miramax\'s manager\'s office, Harvey Weinstein put down the newspaper in his hand and asked a question uneasy about his younger brother who had just come in.

Bob Weinstein sat on the sofa, nodded and said: "It\'s all right, everything is arranged, now we can see the results of the two-day program. The follow-up promotion activities will also be based on the results of the program. to adjust."

After he finished speaking, he raised his wrist and glanced at the time. The upper body leaned forward and stretched out his arms, and turned on the TV that had been prepared for a long time.

Seeing his younger brother\'s actions~www.novelhall.com~ Harvey Weinstein also came out from behind the desk, also sat on the sofa, and turned his eyes to the TV screen. ABC TV\'s late night exploration program just started.

Most of the documentaries of this kind of late-night exploration program are specially filmed. For the sake of ratings and advertising fees, almost all those called real documentaries have specially investigated the preferences and curiosity of the audience, and specially invited people to produced.

After two advertisements, a voiceover was inserted at the beginning of the screen. "This was taken by a farmer from a video recorder picked up in the woods. Part of the video tape is intact, and the rest is still under emergency repair."

As soon as the screen turned, in the slightly shaken footage, three college students appeared asking the residents of the town. Several town residents have frequently mentioned that there have been many mysterious disappearances in the town over the years, and everyone suspects that there is a terrible girl named Blair...

After the camera cuts, three young people with strong curiosity entered the mountain forest where the witch Blair may exist.