Hollywood Drawing

~: 265 - He ditched the large scale shots!


"Oh, God!"


In a group of apartments near Burbank in Los Angeles, a group of young people danced with excitement. At this time, the trailer for "Batman: Hour of War" had just been played on TV, but these young people did not watch Dior\'s annual advertising blockbuster at all.

"It\'s better than what Ector said," yelled a blond woman in a baggy suit, her shirt pulled from her skirt, and her tie hanging like a scarf around her slender neck .

"I dare say that this year\'s Super Bowl halftime show in Batman: War Hour is definitely more exciting than Michael Jackson\'s performance before it."


The girl\'s boyfriend looked at her crazy and called her with a headache. "Forget Michael, now everyone is saying he assaulted a boy!"

"fxxk, those are all rumors!"

"I don\'t believe that Michael would do such a shameful thing."

"I don\'t believe it either..."

Several young people around listened to him talking about this, and almost all expressed their disapproval. Michael Jackson is the common idol of young people in this era. In the general cognition of young people, his achievements have long surpassed his skin color.

Thinking of the halftime commercial show that just started, Margaret Emily trembled uncontrollably. The reason why they got together is because everyone has a common hobby, which is to like Wayne Greenberg. movie of.

Seeing her boyfriend bring up this unpleasant topic, she immediately spoke, preparing to draw everyone\'s attention back to the movie. "I didn\'t expect the commercial time to start with such a shocking trailer. It\'s Wayne Greenberg\'s new Batman. He\'s finally going back to the summer season again. I\'ve been waiting for months."

"Yeah." said a young man with glasses. He was obviously also brought into the mood by the trailer, and he is still in a state of excitement. "As Hector said, this movie will be a masterpiece like never before! By the way, Daisy, is Hector sure he can get tickets for the premiere?"

Sitting in the corner the whole time, Daisy, the organizer of this event, nodded lightly, looked around at a few people in the room, hesitated for a moment, and shook her head again.

"If it\'s just us, the movie tickets for the premiere are definitely not a problem, but we can\'t just take care of ourselves."

Daisy pointed to the computer that was still lit, showing the IMDB page on the screen. "Hey, friends, as the leader of this discussion group, I\'m also thinking about more fans."

Since the last time she came back from "Joker\'s Soul", Daisy has formed a discussion group on IMDB. At first, the group consisted of only her and her boyfriend, Hector Henry, and she later brought in a few good friends.

When the screening boom of "Joker\'s Soul" passed, gradually many young people joined in. Almost all of them were die-hard fans of Wayne, but they couldn\'t find people who liked-minded and could communicate with each other. The emergence of the discussion group can be said to be a hit.

As a result, the situation gradually got out of Daisy\'s control. This IMDB discussion group, in just a few months, has wildly increased to thousands of fans in Los Angeles alone.

In this group of fans, most of them are young people in their early twenties, and a large group of like-minded peers gathered together through the Internet.

Seeing that there were more and more people, after discussing with her boyfriend, Daisy simply quit her first job and concentrated on running this fan organization.

"What about that?" Margaret Emily, who was usually the most active, came to her side, pulling her arm and dangling. "Can\'t I ask Ector to think of a way? I believe everyone wants to see Wayne\'s new film for the first time."

As she said that, she turned her head and said to several young people in the room, "You are right."

"Of course, it\'s not just us, everyone wants to see it for the first time."

"Yeah, as you can tell from the trailer, this movie is just so cool, it\'s like a grand opera."

"Ok." Daisy raised her hands and pressed down, smiling and said: "Since I asked everyone to come over, I just wanted to discuss the issue of watching the movie. Listen to me, Ektor has tried to communicate with the company to see if they can We can’t contact the theater chain through Warner Bros. and help us book a theater at one time, so that everyone can watch the premiere together.”

On one side, Margaret Emily\'s boyfriend, Taro Ted, shook his fist excitedly and asked impatiently: "So, can we watch the premiere with hundreds of people? My God , Daisy, it\'s so exciting just to think about it."

This is why Daisy invited them here. She is going to play big this time. If this time she organizes a group of movie fans to watch the movie and can be successful, this is also a bold attempt for her to start her own business in the future.

Not to mention the film fans of the director, even the film fans of Hollywood stars, no one has ever organized a large-scale group, let alone group watching movies to support their favorite idols together.

The moment Daisy resigned, she thought about it. She would treat this huge discussion group as a kind of alternative startup. Although she doesn\'t know what the prospects are now, at least everything is going as she expected.

"Okay, friends." She continued to talk about her plan after seeing a few people calm down. "It shouldn\'t be a problem to book a movie theater, but it takes everyone\'s joint efforts to organize moviegoers near Los Angeles to watch movies.

We still have three months to go. Everyone needs to do the registration statistics in advance and determine the specific number of people. Only then can I and I go to discuss this with Warner Bros. Think about it, in a theater by then, all the How cool would it be to watch the premiere on our own! "

Margaret Emily jumped up excitedly. "No problem, let\'s go back and organize everyone nearby, and promise to let more people support Wayne together. Orange County will give it to me and Taylor!"

"Ok, leave it to me in San Bernardino County," said a yellow-haired boy.

"Don\'t worry, Daisy, I\'m familiar with the Long Beach area, so leave it to me."

"My family is in West Hollywood and can be in charge here."

Everyone centered on their own home and drew the responsible areas one after another. Daisy screamed fiercely in her heart, and things went smoothly beyond her expectations.

"Ok, around Burbank, leave it to me and Ektor, and everyone will take action when we go back. We\'d better get the specific population statistics and list before April."

Even on TV, the Super Bowl game has entered the second half, and when it is at its most intense, they don\'t take a second look, and they are all discussing this crazy movie viewing plan.

Everyone is talking, giving ideas, and perfecting everything that needs to be considered in the plan.

This is the media capital of Burbank, where most companies related to film and television media gather. Not far from Daisy\'s rented apartment, the director\'s office on the seventh floor of the Fox Building is also discussing the trailer just now. .

Townsend-Rothman frowned, smoking a cigar in silence from the end of the trailer.

He had already expected that Warner Bros. would spend such a large amount of money in order to promote the film, but he did not expect the film quality of "Batman: Hour of War", just from the trailer, it was very good.

As an old fritter who has been in Hollywood for decades, when he just watched the trailer, he had a sense of anticipation, and he had an urge to watch the film as soon as possible, which surprised him.

"John, it seems that we are bound to usher in an incomparably powerful competitor!" Townsend-Rothman spit out a large puff of smoke and said to the producer who also frowned.

"Die Hard 3 is not afraid of competition, and we have no issues with the quality of our films."

John McTiernan shook his head. He was both the project initiator and the producer and director of this film, so he could not admit defeat first, even verbally.

Moreover, "Die Hard 3" was produced by himself, and he can be said to know the best about the quality of the film. However, he can be sure that this is definitely a good summer film, with all the elements of summer block sales.

The film starred Bruce Wesley, Jeremy Irons and others, and also has a good box office appeal. If he hadn\'t encountered "Batman: War Hour", he believed that his film could sweep the summer season. All opponents of the beginning.

And what kept him furrowing his brows all the time was the trace of unusual things he had just seen from the trailer.

"Townsend." John McTiernan raised his head and said uncertainly: "Have you noticed one thing just now, this "Batman: Time for War", and Wayne Greenberg\'s previous The work is very different!"

Townsend-Rothman nodded, sighed and said: "I found out, this is not a **** R-rated film! This film must be rated PG13. In the entire trailer, except for the dark style as always, it is actually No obvious large-scale footage could be found~www.novelhall.com~ This is definitely not good news."

This is also what he is worried about. The style of the film has not changed. As long as a normal person sees it, he will know that it is the work of Wayne Greenberg. The rich dark elements are too obvious. But the film did not use more large-scale shots as before to guide the audience to release their emotions!

Why did Wayne become a major shareholder of Warner Bros. at such a young age, and why did he have such a high status in the circle so easily? Just because the films he produced have not been imitated by anyone while generating huge profits.

Before that, the only director who could get close to his production style and the film was a blockbuster was Quentin Tarantino\'s "Pulp Fiction", but even so, "Pulp Fiction" only grossed 100 million at the box office. Wayne\'s film doesn\'t compare at all.

Now that he has abandoned large-scale shots, but has allowed "Batman: War Hour" to have a wider audience, as long as you think about it, Townsend-Rothman has a headache.

If it weren\'t for the fact that he had already invested too much publicity and distribution funds in the early stage, he would definitely not want to waste his brain and find a way. I really want to avoid Wayne Greenberg just like any other film.