Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and ninety-two - one week to break 100 million

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Wayne didn\'t have any abnormal emotions except that he was holding the only golden retriever and smoothing it.

He didn\'t wait for Hela to greet him at dinner time, he went downstairs to eat and went back to his bedroom. Now that he has been in Hollywood for several years, he has accumulated a lot of status, power and money. .

Compared with the weird things done by the weird stars in the circle, he is definitely not out of the ordinary, but he is just preparing to miss the rest of the publicity activities.

After a brief observation in the afternoon, Wayne found several deep paw and tooth prints on the reclining chair, which he speculated was Fendi\'s last effort to wake Barton up.

This kind of feeling is very strange. His mind is very clear, but his heart becomes empty. He doesn\'t want to think about a little bit of work, but simply looks at the bustling Beverly city that never sleeps.

Before dinner, Nina informed Warner Bros., and Warner Bros. responded quickly. They didn\'t ask Wayne\'s specific thoughts. They apologized to the reporter who was pushed down through their media, and contacted them. each other.

The PR department of Warner Bros. responded very simply and directly. On the one hand, it used its huge media resources to suppress its influence as much as possible, and on the other hand, it hoped to give the little reporter some compensation.

Now the screening of "Batman: War Hour" is at its hottest time period. The box office figures are increasing dramatically every day, and the sales around the movie are creating miracles. They don\'t want this kind of trivial matter to be used by caring people. , affecting the follow-up choices of fans.

Although Warner Bros. moved quickly and the larger authoritative media were greeted by them, negative news inevitably appeared in the newspapers the next day.

"Wayne-Greenberg Airport beats people, is it more important for dogs or people? Is this still a free America?"

Townsend-Rothman watched the headline fall into silence from the morning of his shift. He didn\'t look down in a hurry. At most, this matter was nothing more than gossip tabloids and second-rate media\'s eye-catching hype. Except for these newspapers, none of the authoritative media mentioned it.

Now what he has been thinking about is whether to mobilize the media and TV stations under 20th Century Fox to follow up on the hype and increase the box office of some movies by smearing Wayne.

Even in his momentary thought, he already had the idea of ​​using the parent company News Corp., through the huge media channels of News Corp., to thoroughly hype this matter and label Wayne with disrespect for human rights.

But he sighed softly and gave up the idea.

His relationship with the old Greenberg is very complicated, even if it is ignored, and the box office of "Die Hard 3", it is almost impossible to turn over and overtake Batman, and there is no hope in sight.

Now the first weekend of the film is only more than 22 million US dollars, and it is in a position that is neither embarrassing nor embarrassing. According to the analysis given by the marketing department, if there is no more squeeze later, "Die Hard 3" will be in a long time. Screenings, as well as overseas box office revenue, are still likely to recover costs through the box office.

The reason why the summer season is the best season is because the base of movie fans is too large, and there are always people who like the taste of this film and are willing to spend money to buy tickets to watch the movie.

"Then we can only change the plan..."

Townsend-Rothman threw the newspaper on the desk, got up and walked to the window, holding his shoulders with his hands and looking out the window.

If this kind of thing happened before the movie was released, it goes without saying that he would definitely mobilize all resources to discredit Wayne from the ground up, even if it could influence the choices of some fans, it would be worth doing so.

But now that the first weekend has passed, and everything is almost settled, the follow-up trend of these two films is almost impossible to change too much, and now it is a bit too unworthy to fight with Warner Bros.

Thinking of this, he turned around and walked back to the desk, took a last look at the gossip tabloids on the desk, picked up the phone, and dialed the number of Jeff Robinoff\'s office.

That\'s right, since the result of the competition with "Batman: Hour of War" can\'t be changed, he is now ready to keep the current screen size and join Warner Bros. to squeeze the upcoming "Braveheart" together.

After he hung up the phone, he showed an ugly smile, and according to the agreement, he called AMC, Emperor Cinemas, and North American Artists Cinemas and other companies one by one.

Wayne suddenly disappeared from the publicity team. Although it caused a lot of speculation among fans, as the film\'s show time became longer and longer, everyone naturally paid attention to the actor Christian Bale.

The first thing movie fans pay attention to will always be the bright and bright stars. Even if some gossip tabloids reported the news of Wayne\'s beating, they did not reduce their enthusiasm for watching the movie, except for the white-collar workers who have resumed work during the working day, and those who are on summer vacation. Teenagers are still pouring into the theater.

Feelings are very useful at any time, even if these teenagers may not understand, but they hope from the bottom of their hearts that they can see the cartoon characters who have accompanied them since childhood appear on the big screen.

Mr. Bruce Wayne has enough fame, and the superpower he has is the closest to ordinary people. Batman is not like Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and other characters. His superpowers are very simple and straightforward. To sum up, they are "rich!" "Very rich!"

This is also one of the characteristics that attracts young people. After all, who has never imagined becoming a rich man like Bruce Wayne.

Monday has just passed, and early Tuesday morning, Mel Gibson hurried into Paramount, almost walking into the office with Shirley Lansing.

Braveheart is set to premiere on Thursday and the Australian superstar has been irritated by the sudden burst of bad news at this crucial time.

"Sherry, did you read this morning\'s newspaper?"

After taking the coffee from the secretary and waiting for her to go out, Mel-Gibson said impatiently: "I don\'t know what happened, but in many media, there have been negative news about "Braveheart", almost all of them are a The tone of public opinion leads fans to refuse to choose this movie, and it is frequently named. This is not a North American story, and it did not happen on this land, what does this mean?"

As an insider who has been in Hollywood for many years, Mel Gibson knows the other party\'s sinister intentions too well.

Anyone who may be a little more awake understands that although this is the world\'s No. 1 movie market and the world\'s No. 1 movie ticket warehouse, the degree of exclusiveness of movie fans here is definitely ranked No. 1 in the world.

Originally, if the media did not deliberately hype this topic, with the special feelings of this land for the British Empire, it should not affect the choice of fans, and everyone would ignore this point.

But the last thing he wanted to see happened suddenly. "It\'s Warner Bros. Media. I suspect that 20th Century Fox has also shot! Townsend Rothman, an old fox, saw that his momentum was not good, and immediately changed his attitude, shit!"

Shirley Lansing frowned. As a female executive, she didn\'t like the Australian savage in front of her very much. Compared with her private image, she was simply two people.

"We\'re not inactive, Mel." She tapped the table with her fingers. "We will also follow up on the Wayne Greenberg beating incident, and "Batman: Hour of War" and "Die Hard 3" are also in the second week of their release, and the film\'s stamina will continue. enough, "Braveheart" also has an advantage..."

"Jingle bell bell bell."

Before she could continue, the phone on the desk rang. "Excuse me, I\'ll take a call."

After saying that, she glanced at the other party apologetically and picked up the phone on the table. "Hello, this is Shirley Lansing."

The call wasn\'t too long, but the Paramount CEO\'s face became more and more ugly. She only agreed a few words in the middle, and listened to the other party almost the whole time.

After hanging up the phone, she took a deep look at Mel Gibson and said, "The call from the Cinema Alliance, the first weekend of "Braveheart" will remain unchanged, and 2,432 theaters across North America will open. , the number of screens that can be shown has been reduced to the minimum standard in the contract~www.novelhall.com~ Without waiting for the other party to continue swearing, Shirley Lansing frowned and continued: "I seriously doubt now, even if it is With the lowest number of screens in the contract, we also suffered a lot when it came to filming. This is the unanimous opinion of all the chain theater chains, there is no way, "Batman: War Hour" received another $9.08 million yesterday! Cinema companies now only recognize customer traffic. "

"They will regret it." Mel Gibson understands that this is not only because of the good results of the other party\'s film, but also because of the two giants who created negative news and put pressure on the theater alliance at the same time.

"I have enough confidence in the film. When "Braveheart" wins the box office championship, I want those theaters to take the initiative to increase the scale of screenings for us!"

Perhaps 20th Century Fox has no advantage in competing with Warner Bros. alone, but it can join forces with Warner Bros., while hyping the negative news of "Braveheart", while squeezing the other party\'s screening scale, Townsend-Rothman is playing with ease.

The effect of this is obvious. Although a large piece of the cake was taken away by Warner Bros., they also kept their screening scale, adding infinite possibilities for the subsequent long-term screening of the film.

As expected by Warner Bros., "Batman: War Hour" easily won $9.08 million, $8.65 million, $6.62 million and $5.51 million in the four working days Monday through Thursday.

The film was officially released for a week, and before the next weekend, it successfully broke the 100 million US dollar mark, with a box office of 103.64 million US dollars.

In the face of the menacing "Braveheart", this weekend, "Batman: Time for War" will also simultaneously land in the overseas theater market, and regions with closer relations with North America will be released simultaneously on Friday.