Hollywood Drawing

~: two hundred and fifty four - i want pg thirteen

Among the proposals submitted to Jeff Robinoff by Warner Bros.\'s publicity department, the "Batman" that is currently being filmed has three schedule proposals.

The first is, of course, mid-June. Wayne Greenberg\'s films have a high success rate. Don\'t worry about market competition, and release them at the hottest time of the summer. If you want to maximize the box office and other benefits, this period is the most suitable time. .

The latter option is only in May, which is the beginning of the summer season, because in this season, Wayne\'s first few films have been successful, which can continue the fans\' own movie viewing habits, and it is also easier to operate in terms of publicity. .

At the same time, this has another advantage. If "Batman" can be successful at the beginning of the summer season, it will be a good start for Warner Bros., and it will make the films released later have much less pressure at the box office.

This year\'s summer program Jeff Robinoff still has lingering fears. During the whole period, almost all the films produced and distributed by the company were wiped out. It was not until September that he saved some face with "The Clown\'s Soul".

"Jeff." Wayne put the phone between his neck and took a sip of his coffee. "The name of this film, we can\'t continue the previous two films, let the fans know at a glance that this is a new work after the restart."

"Yes, you can decide what to call it, as long as it is different from the previous ones, and tell the public fans that this story has nothing to do with the first two films."

Jeff Robinoff, as always, supported his decision. This is the habit of the CEO of Warner Bros. He absolutely supports all the problems of film production, and then quietly waits for the success of the film and the project he promotes to get a lot of revenue. enough.

"When the company publicizes it, it\'s called "Batman: Time for War"."

Without any embarrassment, Wayne directly plagiarized the name. Since he has a ready-made successful template, he is not going to spend any more time.

He continued: "Speak to the distribution department, you can mention the clown more in publicity, and let the fans know that these two stories take place in the same universe and the same city, and they will eventually meet and use the clown Arthur. The huge popularity has brought the audience\'s expectations to the highest level."

"I understand, you don\'t have to worry about publicity and promotion. The distribution department has already set up a lot of plans." Jeff Robinoff paused after saying this, and after thinking for a while, he continued: "You have to hurry up. Before mid-January, edit a 30-second trailer with Dwayne Scott.

In this trailer, it is best not to involve large-scale footage. The company has already booked the Super Bowl halftime commercial show in advance. The trailer will be placed in the first advertising space, and hundreds of millions of families will watch it. We must pay attention its impact. "

Based on Jeff Robinoff\'s understanding of this young man, he should know the reason why large-scale lenses are not allowed. This is a work with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, and there must be no negative comments. Arguing goes to marketing.

The film itself is the biggest selling point, and there are many powerful conditions for marketing and promotion. It is not necessary to use the tricky method of controversy to promote it.

"no problem."

Wayne knew how important the film was to him, and it was impossible for him not to restrain his production style. "You can rest assured that I will strictly control the large-scale shots, and there will be no **** pictures. After the film is completed, it will be at the level of pg13. I will not be willful towards this project."

Of course, he knew clearly in his heart that at the current scale, if another production company sent it to mpaa for review, it would most likely still be an R-rated film, but Warner Bros. is different, they themselves are in mpaa One member, it will not be too difficult to get the final rating of the film pg13.

Even if he doesn\'t have to mention it, the company will operate according to this level. The difference between these two different levels of audience is too huge. With such a high investment in this film, those underage fans must no longer be shut out, otherwise the pressure to recover the cost will be too great.

When it comes to mpaa ratings, Jeff Robinoff isn\'t worried at all. "Ok, you can rest assured on the company\'s side, as long as you focus on filming and production, Warner Bros. will definitely guarantee the film\'s rating."

"By the way, Jeff." Wayne glanced at Tim Burton, who was sitting across from him listening, and said into the microphone: "I need some funds in the near future, you know, all my cash is invested. In the company\'s share expansion financing, so..."

"I understand that after going to work tomorrow, I will urge the financial department to let them calculate your director\'s share as soon as possible." After calculating the time in his mind, Jeff Robinoff said without hesitation:

"Let your accountant come to the company the day after tomorrow, and the first $200 million in theatrical share of "Joker\'s Soul" will be settled with your accountant as soon as possible."

"No problem, that\'s it, Tim is still with me, and we\'re talking when we get back to LA."

After talking about the business, Wayne was about to hang up the phone, but the voice on the opposite side interrupted his action to put down the phone.

"Wayne, what do you think of this year\'s Oscars?" Jeff Robinoff asked tentatively. "If the company operates at full capacity, "Joker\'s Soul" should be able to win two technical awards, but the best director..."

"Nominations are enough!"

Wayne doesn\'t have fantasies, this movie can earn him a point, that\'s enough. "I won\'t go to any of the previews, canvassing parties, and cocktail parties that are held. Let the company\'s public relations department run it, as long as there is a nomination."

His words made Warner Bros. CEO relieved, although this film is full of social attributes, humanistic care and some excavations about family issues. But the main tone is still an American horror film. It is not difficult to run a nomination. It is not difficult to rely on the company\'s media resources, but it is too difficult to win awards.

"Okay, you can do it first. After the nominees\' luncheon is over, I will inform you of the result."

After hanging up, Wayne smiled and shook his head. He understands that no director in the circle can\'t resist the temptation of the Oscar\'s best director golden man. Jeff Robinoff is afraid of him, so he can\'t resist the temptation to force public relations.

He shrugged at Tim Burton. "Okay, the company has it done, let\'s talk about the rest of the shooting plan..."

And the CEO of Warner Bros., who is far away in Los Angeles, did breathe a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone in his study.

With the income created by "Joker\'s Soul", and the importance of Wayne to Warner Bros., as long as the other party expresses that he wants to force the award, even if he knows that the success rate is less than two cities, the company must support him unconditionally.

Especially for Warner Bros. in the past two years, Wayne\'s projects account for a large share of the revenue from movies. It can be said that it supports one leg of the company, and the other leg is the addition of other projects.

Not only the numbers at the box office, but also the attributes of his films. In the offline operation, the profit is much higher than the box office income. The film "Joker" is still the main force in the video tape market even now.

Especially after the first two years of "Jurassic Park", the investment in Hollywood commercial blockbusters in the past two years has become higher and higher, and the investment cost of tens of millions of dollars has caused increasing pressure to return to capital.

Even in those traditional film countries in Europe, the media have begun to criticize Hollywood movies, but they only see the return on investment ratio of the box office, and they always feel that it makes sense to criticize Hollywood.

A film with a production cost of 60 million US dollars must have a publicity fund of about 20 to 30 million US dollars. With such a huge investment scale, even if the box office exceeds 200 million US dollars, the final income of the producer will be lost. Tens of millions of dollars.

This can be regarded as a common phenomenon in Hollywood in the past two years. Just looking at these, the six major movie giants should have gone bankrupt at least dozens of times, and then this is not the case.

Hollywood has not collapsed because of this, let alone the six giants, many small companies have not disappeared because of this, and various film investment foundations are still emerging one after another, not only did not reduce the enthusiasm and scale of investors, but more large investment and production. In continuous shooting.

The reason for all this is that the film can generate several times the box office revenue offline in addition to the box office revenue in the theater.

Since the 1980s, the emergence of video recorders and video tapes has given all Hollywood production companies a shot in the arm. This carrier can be said to have saved Hollywood for the first time.

At the same time, George Lucas opened up the concept of commercial blockbusters and created terrifying offline revenue, and the majority of the movie\'s revenue gradually shifted. With more and more profit models and profit channels, Hollywood production costs are also increasing year by year.

After the 1990s, through the complete upstream and downstream channels, the profit point of a movie has long been not the box office share that the theater company shares, and may even account for less than 20% of the total revenue. .

Of course, all subsequent income must also be based on the level of box office figures, offline copyright transactions of various TV stations, authorization of peripheral products, ranging from houses and cars to children\'s toys and a pencil. Based on the box office figures~www.novelhall.com~ and the most important video tapes now, whether it is lease or sale, this kind of carrier can create terrifying profits, and its production cost is so low that it can be ignored with the popularity of video recorders Regardless, almost everything sold is profit.

In this market, Wayne\'s film attributes have always been the most popular type. In the rental and sale of optical video tapes, the profits created by several of his films are several times more than the box office profits.

This is an important reason why Warner Bros., in order to tie him up, give him a high box office share, and even let him take a stake in the company.

The offline profits that Wayne\'s films can create are too terrifying. Even if this number is not disclosed, as the remaining five giants of the company in the circle, it can be speculated to some extent.

So he\'s so important to Warner Bros., and it\'s still growing, and that\'s why Jeff Robinoff has to take his feelings into account no matter what he does, even awards season.

You, Warner Bros., do not support it. Some big capital and large companies are willing to line up to support it. This circle has always been like this. Whoever can create more benefits is the best friend of capital.