Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and fifty-five - 1st share, $50 million

Just three days after Wayne spoke with Jeff Robinoff on the phone, agent Jimmy walked into the Warner Bros. building finance department with accountant Colin Howard.

According to the agreement signed before the filming of "Joker\'s Soul", as the film\'s director, screenwriter and second producer, Wayne\'s director salary is 10 million US dollars, and the part-time producer and screenwriter\'s symbolic salary is $100,000 each.

According to the rules of the industry, the basic remuneration for this part of the film has been credited to Greenberg Studio\'s account three times before the film starts, when the production is completed, and after it is released, and the basic remuneration has been fully settled.

And this time Warner Bros. will pay for his late box office share.

The first box-office share of "The Clown\'s Soul" was paid to the distributor Warner Bros. for the first time by the theater company 28 days after the film was released. The total box office was 250 million US dollars Standard allocation.

According to the sharing agreement that Jimmy once negotiated, Wayne, as the director of the film, enjoys 20% of the total North American box office revenue, so his first director\'s share reached a terrifying $50 million.

After the Warner Bros. financial department greeted Jeff Robinoff, they did not delay the payment of this huge share until half a year as signed in the contract. After being confirmed by Colin Howard, they were very happy. Put the money into the Greenberg studio account.

Jimmy also transferred $8 million to the Witch Studio after reporting to his client in New York, for the follow-up promotion and marketing of the film, which has been officially named "Blair Witch".

At the same time, Harvey Weinstein also entered the same number. This publicity fund was calculated by him after strict calculation. To achieve the predetermined publicity effect, this publicity of up to 16 million US dollars The investment is not saved at all.

This will also be the first time that such a strange thing has appeared in Hollywood. The production cost of a film of more than 400,000 yuan is actually 40 times the production cost. It will definitely surprise everyone\'s attention.

Not long after Jimmy and Colin Howard walked out of the Warner Bros. building, an old white man frowned, holding a few newspapers, and pushed open the door of Jeff Robinoff\'s office.

"Clint, what happened?" The CEO of Warner Bros. looked at the big director in the circle suspiciously and invited him to the rest area. "Sit down and talk, what would you like to drink, how about coffee?"

At this time, Clint Eastwood, who looks like a Texas red neck and is more than a big director in the circle, threw a few newspapers in his hand on the coffee table, took the coffee handed by his secretary, and said, "Thank you. ".

After the two of them were left in the office, he frowned slightly, reached out and clicked on the newspapers, and said, "The distribution department put "Batman: War Hour" for release in mid-May. You know what?"

"Yes, I know." Jeff Robinoff glanced at the newspaper. These authoritative media published various information related to "Batman: War Hour" in large format, and the news was also from him. Let the distribution department release it.

This large-scale production, which cost as much as 120 million US dollars, can be said to have started a large-scale publicity from now on.

"But the release date of "The Bridge of Last Dreams" was scheduled by the distribution department in early June, Jeff!" Clint Eastwood knows better than anyone that the young director and the influence of super big production, It is absolutely impossible to dissipate in half a month.

"These two films are all invested and produced by Warner Bros. You should be very clear about what impact this will have! Before the release date and publicity and promotion have begun, "Long Bridge Last Dream" needs to adjust the release time."

It\'s not that the old cowboy is afraid of competition, but it\'s simply unnecessary. Both films are produced and distributed by the same company. Moreover, the film type of "Long Bridge Last Dream" is a love film, and there is no chance to compete at all.

Because of this clear knowledge, Clint Eastwood would propose a shift. There is also a very important point. After several years of summer vacation, no one in the circle wants to encounter a Wayne Greenberg film, even if it is two weeks later.

"That\'s it." Jeff Robinoff thought for a while, then said: "I will say hello to the distribution department, the promotion of "Long Dreams of the Covered Bridge" has been postponed, and the film has also been pushed back to the November schedule, you How does it look?"

Now the summer schedule is almost all packed in advance. As long as he thinks about it for a while, he remembers the big productions of several companies, and there are big investment releases almost every weekend.

And November, which is near the end of the year, is different. In this relatively unpopular movie schedule, it should be good to show this love movie.

"Yes." Clint Eastwood nodded, which was not far from his previous assumption. "I will inform Meryl when I go back, that the film will be changed to publicize the postponement. That\'s it, I won\'t disturb your work."

The old cowboy stood up and shook hands with the other party, turned around and was about to open the door and go out, but halfway through he stopped again, turned his head and said, "Go back and give me an invitation to the premiere of "Batman: War Hour" and introduce me That lad."

Jeff Robinoff said with a smile: "No problem, the filming in New York will be over soon. When he returns to Los Angeles, I will help you introduce it later."

Not only did the old cowboy notice the scheduling problem, but Paul Knight was also sensitive to the issue in the office of the director of distribution at Sony Columbia Pictures, 10202 West Washington Avenue, in California.

At this time, he was holding a piece of "Hollywood Daily Entertainment" in his hand, looking at the huge title with a gloomy face.

"Hollywood\'s King of Darkness returns to the beginning of the summer season, Wayne Greenberg and "Batman: War Hour", another carnival for fans!

Just this morning, Warner Bros., the producer of "Batman: Hour of War", announced the official release date of the film. This super hit with an investment of up to 120 million US dollars has been confirmed to start in the summer, and the second in May. Meet the fans this weekend.

And this release time is also the beginning of director Wayne Greenberg\'s return to the summer season after a year. So far, except this year\'s horror film "The Clown Returns", all the other films he has directed have achieved great success in this period.

According to the news learned by reporters, the filming of this "Batman: Time for War" has come to an end, which is also after "Joker", Wayne Greenberg once again brought DC characters to the big screen..."


Paul Knight slapped the newspaper on the desk and looked out the window with an ugly face.

This time, Warner Bros. made him very uncomfortable. The big production he promoted this year is also Sony Columbia\'s head film "Jumanji", which has just been decided to be released in mid-May.

The only consolation that can be given to Paul Knight is that the release date of the film has not been announced to the public. In this circle, it can be said that no one knows the director better than him, and the films of that young man cannot be measured by the laws of the market.

"Wayne Greenberg, you dark lunatic, fxxk!"

Muttering angrily, he frowned and stood up, walked around the desk twice, sighed a few minutes later, picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed it.

"William, I\'m Paul, I have something to discuss with you."

When the other side answered the phone, he glanced at the newspaper on the table and suddenly made up his mind. "Jumanji\'s schedule needs to be changed!"

"What?!" William Tettler\'s puzzled voice came from the microphone. As the film\'s producer, he just negotiated with Sony Columbia about the release time yesterday.

"Warner Bros. has announced the release date of Batman, if you stick to the summer slot, you\'re bound to crash with Wayne Greenberg, unless you want to compete with that dark lunatic, you better change the time Show!"

On the other end of the phone, William Taitler was not surprised when he heard his frantic tone. Now whoever encounters the dark and windy director in the circle will choose to avoid it for the first time.

But in addition to the best May schedule, the rest of the summer schedule is also crowded and full of big productions from various production companies. Compared with them, "Jumanji" also has no advantages.

"Paul, apart from the beginning of the summer season, there is no more suitable release time. Do you have any suggestions?"

"We put the film at the end of the year, the Christmas season in December!" Paul Knight glanced at the dazzling headline in the newspaper again, and expressed his opinion through gritted teeth. "Trust me, that lunatic\'s film can never be measured by market rules, the farther we are from him, the better~www.novelhall.com~ I will inform the production team and the creative team. We will tentatively set it to be released in December. , I will come to the company to discuss with you after the work settlement is over."

After the call, Paul Knight let out a sigh of relief, then burst into laughter.

One thing he discovered was that "Jumanji" was pretty good, and it didn\'t officially announce the release date, and it didn\'t start investing money to promote it, but some films were going to be unlucky.

This gave him a sense of seeing others get unlucky, but he escaped the calamity.

And Paul Knight is sure that the unfortunate is definitely not only those films in May, but the big productions in June will also be affected by "Batman: War Hour".

Based on his research on Wayne Greenberg, this film is not a pure horror film, and it is even less likely to have such a short release period. Based on the analysis of the performance of "Joker" at that time, this Batman is estimated to be released for a long time. .

And also a manga character, Bruce Wayne is much more famous than the Joker, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his fans are all over the world!