Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and eleven - see you next year in "Batman"

"Hollywood Draw(!

Is this "Joker\'s Soul" scary? If asked like this, Hector Henry and others who are watching the film will definitely give an affirmative answer.

But this film is more than just scary. The various descriptions of the boyhood in it are obviously more moving.

After the movie ended, as the applause gradually ended, the fans lined up to leave the stage again. Hector Henry and the others did not leave in a hurry, they waited for everyone to go out before leaving the stage.

Daisy put her arms around her boyfriend\'s arm, and said very emotionally: "Obviously this "The Clown" is not a horror movie in the traditional sense, its plot is much richer than ordinary horror movies, and therefore, it It will take you into an unusual town through the plot, and then follow the perspective of each child to dig the deepest darkness and fear in the depths of the town!"


The little fat man unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat in the same position without moving, still reminiscing about the carefully arranged plots in the film. However, after hearing Daisy\'s summary of the film, he agreed.

"Isn\'t that all Wayne\'s films? Start with a good story from the very beginning, to let you sink into the plot he designed. "Joker" did this, I didn\'t expect "The Clown" A horror movie like this can tell a good story.”

The crowd was almost gone. After the little fat man finished speaking, he stood up and greeted his friends to go back to rest early. The situation they have to face is the same, and they have to get up early tomorrow to continue their struggle.

These young people watched a "Joker" together before graduating from college. They don\'t understand the so-called big truths in the film, but they encouraged each other on graduation day.

They feel that they are more fortunate than Asher and have too much, so they encourage each other to be optimistic and strong no matter what difficulties they encounter in work and life.

A year has passed, and all seven of their good friends have done very well, and each of them has begun to work hard for their lives.

"Hi guys."

Warner Bros. investigator Haywood was sweating, holding a large stack of printer paper, and greeted the few people who had just left the entrance of the theater. Then he took out a few more questionnaires, looked at Hector-Henry and asked, "Is it alright?"

"No problem, leave it to me!" Hector-Henry shrugged, happily completed the questionnaire and a few pens, and distributed it to the friends behind him.

After everyone finished the questionnaire, they didn\'t think much about it, and they didn\'t fill in their feelings after watching the movie. They just tacitly checked A in the scoring.

They\'re not those movie critics who think too much about watching a horror movie just to see if this new Wayne movie is exciting enough. Obviously, as a horror movie, they feel that an A rating is more than enough.

This kind of sincerity is full of sincerity, and all horror movies are made into movies with a good story. Several people think that this movie viewing experience is very good. This is the mentality of most ordinary movie fans.

Hector-Henry took back several questionnaires and handed them to Heywood, but the pen with the clown\'s head was not returned. This is a very normal phenomenon. Fill out the questionnaire and give most fans the signature pen.

After walking out of the theater gate, a few friends came to the school parking lot together. Before getting in the car, Daisy clapped her hands twice, drawing the attention of her friends to herself, and said:

"Everyone is busy with work, and the connection between us is getting less and less. There is a proposal, how about we meet next year\'s "Batman" together?"

"No problem, this is a great idea!"

"Okay, it\'s up to you to organize at that time."

"Let\'s do it like this, Wayne Greenberg\'s movie will be the best witness to our friendship." The little fat man winked at everyone, opened the door, got in and started the car, before walking out, he stretched out his arm and waved wave. "Goodbye, guys. See you next year in Batman!"

A group of good friends from their youth have greeted each other and then headed off in different directions, just as they did at the end of their graduation ceremony a year ago.

The car was driving on the way home. Daisy yawned. After a day\'s work, she dragged her tired body to watch a movie. Before she got home, she couldn\'t keep her eyes open.

Hector-Henry glanced at her while driving the car, deliberately stirring up a conversation. "Daisy, we haven\'t logged into that data network for a long time, haven\'t we? Go back and rate "The Clown\'s Soul" first, write a review, and then go to sleep. Many people will see our opinion."



"No problem." Daisy nodded. "It seems that more and more young people have begun to pay attention to this website. Unfortunately, the score of "Joker" can never surpass that of "Godfather" and climb to the first position."

She recalled that a year ago, she organized a plan for many people to rate "Joker", but unfortunately, even if she worked hard for many days and brought in many classmates to help, she was only ranked second.

"It doesn\'t matter, Wayne Greenberg is still very young, he will make more great movies in the future, maybe "Batman" will surpass the previous ones, right?"

When Ektor-Henry went to see his girlfriend again, he found that she had fallen asleep with her head tilted, he smiled and shook his head, slowing down a little.

The pre-shows of countless "Joker\'s Soul" in Los Angeles began to end one after another. Not far from the media capital of Burbank, a large number of fans who have just left the theater also poured out at the entrance of an American artist chain cinema.

"Thank you, I gave you a pen as a souvenir!"

Schroeder took the signature pen sent by the investigator, with a warm and bright smile on his face, revealing big white teeth.

He took the pen with the clown\'s head on it, turned around and walked towards his apartment. Although he had already changed shifts with his colleagues in advance, he was still wearing a security uniform.

As an African-American, this dress represents that he has a formal job, and it also represents that he is a self-disciplined person. No matter what others think, this is what he thinks in his heart.

Although he gave an A score to the questionnaire, Schroeder didn\'t like the movie. He yearned for the beautiful friendships of the teenagers in the movie, but these were too far from his life, and he never had that kind of childhood.

This is not like his favorite "Joker", there is no feeling of empathy, this may be the sadness of a child who grew up in a slum.

"Maybe, my future children will have a better childhood!"

Just like he has completely changed himself, no matter who he faces now, the first thing he sees is always a warm smile. He believes that his future children will have a good childhood.

In Beverly Hills, farther from Burbank, in the Greenberg Manor at the end of Mulholland Drive, Wayne sat on his favorite reclining chair, holding the black tea in one hand and gently stroking his lap with the other. of two big heads.

The two golden retrievers became more and more lazy, and they became more and more clingy to him. In recent months, these two dogs climbed onto his bed in the middle of the night more than once. This may be the deepest memory of the two dogs when they were young.

At this time, Wayne was looking at his own farm. Like all North American boys, after leaving his parents at the age of 21, he seems to rarely go back. Although he is busy with work, he still has the idea of ​​"going home often" in his bones.

After the work on "Joker Returns" is over, he plans to arrange the work of the "Batman" crew and return to the farm to live with his parents for a few days. This may be met with incomprehension from his parents, but he feels that he now has the qualifications to be willful.

Wayne shouted. "Nami, what time is it?"

"At 11:50, I guess it will take a while. Nina is staring at the fax machine. She will deliver it when she arrives."

Naomi Watts was leaning on the bed, with several fashion magazines on her stomach. These were Miss Nina\'s stock and she had temporarily borrowed them.

Despite her average appearance and body, the assistant lady is a die-hard consumer of various fashion magazines. The only regret is that she only looks, but does not buy those luxury goods.

Sergey sometimes teases her for being too stingy, Wayne pays them two high wages, and Nina\'s younger brother is in his final year of college, and she doesn\'t need her to help pay tuition anymore.

But this girl is like an iron rooster, and all the money she earns is saved. She usually eats and lives in the manor, and occasionally goes shopping with the boss\'s "girl" to buy "free" clothes, which is even less than Wayne. young people.

In the words of Naomi Watts, what kind of boss is what kind of personal assistant there is, and the two of them are born to be matched.

"Boss, Warner Bros. sent the data!"

The assistant lady was wearing pajamas, pushed in the door with two faxes, and handed the two statistics to her boss, then she walked out with a small yawn.

"finally come."

Naomi Watts, who put on slippers, also walked to the balcony, squeezed into the lounge chair, and she was also very interested in the data of this horror movie. "How about I read it to you?"

"Hmm." Wayne nodded casually.

"Well, according to statistics, Warner Bros. has returned a total of 6,770 questionnaires, and 5,754 of them rated "A" or higher, accounting for about 84% of the total number of questionnaires. Wayne, for a horror film For the film, the audience\'s word of mouth has exploded!"

After reading this, Naomi Watts shook his arm in surprise~www.novelhall.com~ and continued: "Because the part of the data that the professional survey company is responsible for has not come out yet, it needs to wait until tomorrow morning, but, There is one piece of data you should be interested in.

More than 90% of the movie fans who participated in the early viewing of the movie are young people between the ages of 19 and 30, and they will be the main group that contributes to the box office of this movie, Warner Bros. judges…”

"Tell me about the box office numbers, Nami! I think you\'re deliberately trying to whet my appetite." Wayne interrupted her helplessly, but this woman didn\'t say what he cared about most.

"Well, according to Warner Bros. rough statistics, the box office of the early stage is about 5.9 million US dollars."

Hearing this number, Wayne heaved a sigh of relief, and this result met his expectations.

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