Hollywood Drawing

~: 210 - Don't Eat Popcorn When Watching Horror Movies

When the premiere on this side of the Chinese Grand Theater started, there were a total of 2,000 advance screenings in the United States, and screenings began one after another.

The official release date of the film is Friday, which is tomorrow morning. But there are not many fans who want to watch the movie in advance. Hector Henry took his girlfriend Daisy\'s hand and walked to the door of his alma mater again.

The boy who had just finished a day\'s work didn\'t bother to change his cheap suit, and the girl was also dressed in a white-collar lady\'s skirt, so they hurried over together.

However, their attire is not special. The seven friends who were together at the beginning were almost all dressed in similar clothes. After graduation, the few people who have less contact with each other all have busy jobs, and all of them have lost their youthfulness in their student days.

"Come on, I\'ll wait for the two of you. Fortunately, I didn\'t work overtime today. I bought the movie tickets in advance. Let\'s go."

At the beginning, the little fat man who liked to collect models around monster movies now also wears a large suit. He is lucky, and he entered a good company as an intern after graduation.

Hector-Henry followed the crowd while chatting with everyone. After a few words, the strange feeling of being separated for a year disappeared.

They are all children of middle-class families, and their similar family environment allows them to have more common topics. Even if the problems and troubles they encounter after work, they are not too different.

For the movie tickets at 8:55 pm, several people rushed to the theater around 8:30. Just like before, they all sat in the rest area and waited for the movie to start.


The little fat man patted his shoulder, and his face was full of a sincere smile, which is very rare after work. "Congratulations, I didn\'t expect you to find an internship at the latest, but you can enter a company as big as Warner Bros. It\'s unbelievable!"

"Thank you, to be honest, it may take a lot of money to watch the movie."

Speaking of this, Hector-Henry still seems to be in a dream. That day he was in the media capital of Burbank, applying for a company by company. Just when he felt depressed, he did not expect that things would turn around in the afternoon.

Applying for an intern at Warner Bros. Distribution was definitely the most courageous thing he could do. At that time, I thought that all the small advertising companies had rejected him, so why not fight?

Things are far easier than he imagined. The interview questions are basically related to movies, and this is the part he is best at and the part that is the least professional.

In the past few years, the movie market has been mixed up by two big crocodiles, Wayne Greenberg and Steven Spielberg. The impact of a marketing plan on a film.

This is the whole secret of his smooth entry into Warner Bros., without any special circumstances, he directly became an intern in the distribution department. After several months of hard work, it has become a sure thing.

"do you know?"

Hector-Henry grinned and showed off to his friends: "I was involved in the distribution of the film copy of "The Clown\'s Soul"."

His girlfriend Daisy rolled her eyes. He had shown off to himself several times about this, and he would say it almost every day after get off work.

"Hey, Ektor, I really hope to get Wayne Greenberg\'s autograph one day, I heard that this stuff comes out very rarely. If you have a chance to meet him in the future, remember to ask for more copies for everyone. "

Under the expectation of everyone, he straightened his chest and blurted out. "No problem, I\'ll definitely ask for more then!"

Hearing that her boyfriend turned on the bragging mode, Daisy shook her head helplessly, and focused her attention on the cinema.

The early stage of "The Clown\'s Soul" was not as deserted as she imagined. At this time, it should have been more than ten minutes, but there were already about a hundred people waiting.

This situation is simply counterintuitive. More than 90% of the fans who are waiting in groups of three or five are young people. She also found that many people\'s attire was almost identical to her own, and apparently they all came over after work.

Today is a working day, but tomorrow is still a working day. It can make so many people give up their precious rest time to watch the film two days in advance. The charm of "The Clown\'s Soul" is likely to be underestimated by the media.

"Hey guys, stop talking."

Daisy interrupted the conversation between several friends, pointed to the growing crowd and said, "We\'re going to line up now, there are no less than 120 people in the hall."

Several people looked at the crowd that seemed to appear suddenly, glanced at each other, stood up tacitly, and walked to the ticket gate to prepare to line up early.

They knew that what Daisy reminded was right. If they were crowded in the back, they would enter the cinema in a clutter, and it would take half a day to find a seat.

They were not the only ones who had this idea. When they lined up and waited to enter the stadium, more people also took the initiative to line up earlier. After a while, the team behind Hector Henry began to turn in the hall. , which shows that there are too many people.

"My God, this early show of "The Clown\'s Soul" won\'t be full, will it?"

The one who spoke was the investigator waiting at the wicket. He was sent by Warner Bros. to collect questionnaires. The more people there were, the more work he needed to pay.

"Heywood, you are destined to be very busy tonight." The theater ticket inspector ran back from the front desk. "I just asked the ticket clerk. More than 90% of the tickets for "The Clown\'s Return" have been sold in advance. As long as the audience who bought the tickets went in, there would be about 150 people."

Heywood looked at the dizzy crowd, shook his head and retreated a few meters away. The ticket inspector had already started releasing people one by one in advance. He was afraid that the delay would cause some unnecessary confusion.

Hundreds of people are huddled together, and no one can guarantee that something bad will happen.

The crowded scene reminded Heywood of the movie "Get Out", when he was the investigator of that film, and he was also the investigator in charge of the theater for communities of color in downtown Los Angeles.

It was just like today, except that the complexion was not as white as it is now. A movie used for entertainment can make the black buddies who are gang members put down their work and honestly line up to enter the cinema to watch the movie. The weird and fantastic scene left a deep impression on him.

All of a sudden, he still misses the movie theater surrounded by iron cages. The second time that happened in that movie theater, it was a Wayne Greenberg movie, the "Joker" that swept the world.

Once again, let the group of black buddies enter the theater and watch it repeatedly more than once.

I just don\'t know if this "Joker\'s Soul" can have the same effect. Thinking of this, he shook his head himself. It shouldn\'t be possible. The two films created too much social incitement and made the black buddies feel the same way.

This film is just a pure horror film, and it is basically impossible to cause such a big social repercussions.

The seven Daisy and the others were the first to enter the movie hall, and they were the first to sit in a stable position. Looking at the crowd of people who entered chaotically behind them, they were very fortunate that they came in earlier.

Sitting in the row in front of them is a couple, each holding popcorn and cola and waiting to eat, chatting in a low voice while waiting for the start of the movie, from time to time you can hear "click" and "click" eating popcorn the sound of.

Seeing the performance of these two people, Daisy and Fatty looked at each other, opened their mouths and laughed silently, and a few friends also laughed silently.

Eating popcorn and drinking Coke while watching Wayne Greenberg? How courageous is this? And it is still a masterpiece of returning to horror movies, and there will definitely be a good show to watch in a while.

Amid the commotion, the lights in the projection hall went out, the chattering voices gradually became quieter, the light beam cast by the projector hit the curtain, and the film officially started.

After the opening advertisement of Warner Bros., officially entered the story, except for the occasional sound of chewing popcorn, the theater was completely quiet.

Most of the people who are willing to watch the show in advance are fans of this type of film, which makes the viewing order of the theater look particularly good.

At the beginning of the story, when the little boy chased the paper boat to the sewers and naively reached out to pick up the boat, many sensual girls, including Daisy, shouted out. "Don\'t pick it up."

"Ah, ah!"


"Oh my god!"


The girls\' voices just fell, and before they could close their mouths, they immediately let out a scream.

Daisy grabbed her boyfriend\'s arm~www.novelhall.com~ and plunged her head into Hector-Henry\'s arms, but she was still staring at the big screen with her eyes slanted, and the beginning of this scene flashed by , the story officially entered the perspective of the little actor.

The background of each child\'s life experience is narrated with the camera, and the horror elements interspersed in the middle also begin to pile up more and more.

When the heroine was bound by her blood-stained hair and pulled closer to the sewer mouth, and then the blood that spurted wildly dyed the whole bathroom red, this terrifying emotion completely reached the high nest.

Like a girl who likes horror movies, Daisy would lie in her boyfriend\'s arms and scream from time to time, but she couldn\'t help but look away, her eyes never leaving the front.

When the scene that caused the fear of more than 100 people in the whole movie hall appeared, the seven friends laughed. In the front row sat the couple who had been chewing popcorn for a long time, screaming and squirting countless pieces of scum from their mouths, like blood gushing out on the big screen.

This is not the end, they sprayed the chewed popcorn, as well as clearly visible saliva and Coke, all these things were sprayed on the back of the couple\'s head in front of them!

This is very embarrassing. Hundreds of people are terrified together, including some veteran horror movie fans. The lovely Keto-Henry was happy, but the couple in front were not in the mood to explain to the fans who were glaring at them.

"So Daisy, don\'t eat popcorn when watching horror movies, especially Wayne Greenberg\'s horror movies!" Hector Henry teased, hugging his girlfriend and returning his attention to the film.

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