Hollywood Drawing

~: Twenty-three - the one who picks the fault is the one who buys the goods

At the same time, James and his group from Touchstone Films held a meeting in the hotel room where they were staying to discuss the quality of the films they watched on the first day.

"James, you first discovered the film and watched it. Tell me what you think."

A group of five people sat in the hotel living room. The first person to speak was a middle-aged Jewish man. The most obvious feature was the hooked nose on his face. He was the decision maker for the group, Mason Connelly, the director of distribution at Touchstone Pictures.

James took out his notebook, flipped it out and glanced at it again, and then said:

"We all went to see it in the afternoon. I think this film has great market potential. In my opinion, this film is already a very complete thriller in terms of the exquisiteness of the plot. The selling point is clear, and the whole film is unexpected. , and interesting enough. Of course, you can see that the director\'s handling of details is still a little immature, but this does not affect the comfort of watching the movie, I recommend taking this film. "

After James finished speaking, he closed the notebook in his hand, looked at the supervisor Mason and the others and said:

"I thought it was very good after reading it in the morning, so I took you to see it again in the afternoon, Jenny, what do you think? Do you think you can buy it?"

In addition to the supervisor Mason, there are four other people in the room who are the company\'s film watchers. Although they may have different tastes, their eyesight is the foundation of their work, and Jenny is obviously the one with sharper eyesight.

Mason also looked at Jenny. In this type of film, Jenny\'s opinion is usually more accurate.

At this time, the only woman in the room, Jenny also opened her notebook and said:

"The positioning of this film is very clear, and the potential audience is a group of teenagers. The little director\'s good use of multiple elements, ingenious combination of time loops, and the female protagonist\'s continuous transformation and growth in the process of being killed and reborn are all very obvious. clever.

Perhaps at the very beginning of his script, there was no meticulous logic to support the story, but it could make people reminisce about all the suspense along with the plot. Even the movie doesn\'t give any explanation at all about how the heroine Terri keeps being reborn on this day.

But it is this little director who makes good use of this technique, but a time loop routine that is not new, an old-fashioned love and family relationship, burst out with new vitality. The film is very tricky in many places, but the effect is very good, very smart young people, isn\'t it? "

When Mason heard Jenny\'s comments on the film, he touched his chin with his hand. Now he has to think about how to win the film cheaply.

"James, call them and ask the little director to come to the hotel tomorrow to chat, and I will personally talk to him about distribution issues."

Hearing Mason\'s words, James directly used the phone in the hotel room to call the small hotel where Wayne and the others lived. After the notification, he nodded to Mason.

At this time, one of the other people who watched the movie today was chatting with the black woman sitting across from him about the movie.

"Tully, I strongly suggest you go see that movie tomorrow, if it wasn\'t with Tom of Castle Rock today, we might have missed an opportunity."

The one who was talking was the companion who entered the theater with Jennings\' friend Tom today. The black woman sitting across from him was the film buyer of the famous Miramax.

"Okay, I\'ll go see it tomorrow. Knight, if the film is really like what you said and has a certain market prospect, I\'ll report it to Harvey, and he\'ll come over tomorrow."

"I don\'t think you will be disappointed, but hurry up. Today is not just Tom of Castle Rock, I also saw James of Touchstone."

In the small hotel, Wayne put down the phone in his hand, and under the expectant gaze of Jimmy and Luke, he threw his fist hard. Luke immediately asked him impatiently:

"How about it, are they interested in our movie? Are they going to buy it?"

"They asked me to talk to the hotel tomorrow, Jimmy, you accompany me tomorrow, do you think this will be a negotiation?"

He looked at the agent.

"It is very likely that, be prepared, if the final conditions are acceptable, you need to ask your lawyer to come over."

Jimmy was also very happy. He didn\'t expect it to be so smooth. He thought there would be at least a few days to think about it. He didn\'t expect that they would call in less than a day.

"No problem, I hope everything goes well, but we can\'t give up potential buyers, Luke, you will show the movie tomorrow as normal, and wait for our news."

He forced himself to calm down, thinking about what strategy the other party would use tomorrow if they really wanted to buy the movie.

"Don\'t worry, I will show two shows in the morning and three in the afternoon tomorrow, according to the normal time."

Luke agreed confidently.

At eight o\'clock the next morning, Luke went to open the door to continue the film, and Wayne put on the only suit he brought and came to the Plank Hotel with Jimmy.

In the hotel suite, James introduced Wayne and Mason from the ground up, and after everyone sat down, Mason spoke first.

"Director Greenberg, I personally have some interest in your film. Although there are many places where it can be seen that the technique is immature and lacks some logic, and there are still some points in the story that have not been explained clearly. However, there are still some bright spots. Yes, I\'m going to buy the copyright of your film."

He listened to everything the other party said in silence, and he didn\'t get angry at all. In his last life, he had understood a truth: those who pick faults are the ones who buy goods. This principle applies no matter what. If the other party comes up to praise himself and say a lot of good things, then this business is probably not going to work.

"Make a price, Mr. Mason. If you want, I hope to hear your offer." He was not disturbed by the other party\'s words at all, and calmly analyzed Mason\'s thoughts.

"In my opinion, the cost of your film is at most 1.5 million US dollars. If you want, I can ask for 1.5 million US dollars to buy the North American copyright of the whole film, and then send him to the theater."

Mason believes in his own eyesight. This film is indeed a bright spot, but the investment will never exceed the figure he said. For a novice director, this condition is already very good.

He frowned when he heard it. This was different from the price in his mind, but it wasn\'t that he couldn\'t talk.

"Mr. Mason, $4 million, you can take him away, I believe the value this film can create is far more than that. You have to make sure to contact the theater for distribution as soon as possible, and I only sell North American copyrights, and ask to retain subsequent copyrights and overseas copyright."

"It\'s impossible! I have to remind you, Director Greenberg, that it\'s not worth $4 million at all. If it wasn\'t for my personal interest, I would never have made an offer for him. Well, I\'m adding half a million, 200 $10,000, this is the final offer, you can think about it.”

Mason looked at the young director opposite him, and he believed that the young director would not give up the opportunity to send the film to the theater.

It doesn\'t matter whether the overseas copyright or the copyright of the follow-up sequel, no one can guarantee the success of this film. Mason\'s assessment is that there may be some young people who like it, but the box office will never be in the tens of millions. It is absolutely impossible.

If the operation is good, the cost can be recovered in the theater. If the videotape is released in the future, the profit should be more than one million dollars. After all, the prospect of videotape is very good for films of this nature.

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Mason, I\'ll go back and think about it. If there is a result, I will contact you. Thank you again for your affirmation of the movie."

Wayne suddenly stood up and said goodbye like James and Mason. He is not in a hurry now, and the negotiation cannot be successful at one time. Since there are big differences, let\'s see if anyone from other companies is interested.

This is a commercial society, especially in Hollywood. You can\'t be overly cautious with every proposal that involves large sums of money, let alone a multi-million dollar transaction.

He is not in a hurry to make a move. There are still nine days left for the film festival, so he has time to consider the pros and cons.

Going back to the screening hall provided by the organizer, Luke was playing the second show. Compared with yesterday, there were obviously a lot more people in the screening hall, almost half of the seats were filled. And on the seat he and Luke had set aside for rest at the door, sat a middle-aged black woman.

Wayne looked at her strangely, he didn\'t remember knowing this woman, but she was obviously waiting for him.

"Hi, I\'m Tally Yulia, a filmmaker at Miramax. I just finished watching a film and I want to talk to you, Director Greenberg."

Tully looked at the young director walking in front of her. From a woman\'s point of view, he was handsome and strong. Maybe he shouldn\'t be a director, but an actor.

"Hello, Ms. Yulia. I\'m sorry, I just went to discuss something with Touchstone Pictures. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Wayne shook hands with her, with a calm expression on his face, but his heart almost blossomed with joy. What is this, the east does not shine and the west shines? I\'m drowsy, can someone bring a pillow?

"Call me Tully, do you have time tonight? I hope you can bring a copy and come to the hotel in the evening."

Hearing this, he gave a wry smile in his heart. It was too early to be happy, and he couldn\'t encounter such a mess, right? This hey **** will tempt herself with the condition of publishing?

"I just told my boss about your film, but he can\'t arrive until late at night. The plane had some unexpected situation and was delayed. How about it, Mr. Harvey listened to my report and was very interested in the film. I hope you can bring it with you. Put up a copy and show it to him tonight."

"Okay, leave me a call, I\'ll be there on time tonight."

Taking Tully\'s business card, he watched the woman walk into the cinema on the corner. Jimmy patted him on the shoulder with a strange smile, and said in a strange tone:

"Wayne, I swear to the lady just now, if you don\'t tell her what\'s behind, you\'ll definitely punch her. Aha, you don\'t know, just heard her ask you to the hotel, your face is embarrassing and scary. "

"Hey, Jimmy, I admit that I think too much. Is this kind of thing rare in the world? In fact, if someone can help me distribute this film for free, even if she is a black aunt, I will recognize her."

He waved his hand indifferently, and told Jimmy that he was stunned. It seemed that Jimmy was still looking at Wayne\'s bottom line.

"Stop dreaming, Wayne! Do you think your lower body will be worth millions? To release a film, even if there is no pre-promotion, how much will it cost to just copy it? Put away the fantasies and think about the conditions of the touchstone. I don’t think the price will be too high even if we can negotiate more.”