Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and thirty-four - old drama bones.

"Hollywood Draw(!

After the lunch break, the audition work began again. Before the filming of each film, this tedious and drowsy work was indispensable, but it was one of the most important components of the film.

"Mr. Nicholson, there is no doubt that your performance is fully qualified for this role."

After a simple performance, Wayne recalled what he had just seen through the camera lens, smiled and gave the other party two clappings, and praised the performer sincerely.

In the middle of the audition room, the clown of the first version of Batman is one of the best people he has encountered in the past few years in terms of acting skills alone.

The naturalness displayed during his performance is something that many young people do not have. This is not the immersive performance of Christian Bale, but it has a taste of returning to the basics and swaying freely.


Jack Nicholson, in an elegant suit, bowed slightly and said with a smile on his face: "Wayne, this is the third time to audition for your project, I hope my performance this time can impress you, very I wanted to work with you a long time ago, but unfortunately, films such as "The Clown Returns to the Soul" were not able to make it."

Although it was very pleasing to hear this old actor\'s politeness, Wayne didn\'t take it too seriously. This kind of old fritters, who have been in the circle for decades, has a unique vision for selecting projects. If it is not a film or director that the other party likes, the price you need to spend to hire such an old fritter is never small. .

No matter how the two of them chatted and talked to each other about business, what he was going to say next was the main purpose of this audition.

"Then I\'ll just say it directly, Jack." Wayne nodded with a smile, observing the other\'s expression. "Your acting skills have never been a problem for me, and it is impossible for this kind of role to be difficult for you, but the investment in this film is relatively low. If you want to join this project, the crew may not be able to offer you a salary worthy of your worth. ."

In fact, after accepting this audition invitation, Jack Nicholson thought about this issue. If the purpose of this film is for academic awards, the issue of remuneration is not impossible to discuss.

"Give me some time to go back and think about it." Shrugging, Jack Nicholson looked at Wayne and said, "I have to communicate with the agent about this kind of thing, and I can\'t give an answer right now."

"Of course, but it won\'t take too long. We have to decide on the actors as soon as possible to leave more time for shooting." Wayne stood up and walked out from behind the table, extending a hand enthusiastically. "I hope we can reach an agreement, I really can\'t think of who would be more suitable for this role than you."

"You\'re too polite, that\'s it, I will reply to the crew as soon as possible."

The two shook hands politely, Jack Nicholson nodded to the rest of the staff, opened the door and walked out of the audition room.

"Do you think he will agree?"

Sitting back behind the camera, when he picked up the resume on the table and began to flip through his thoughts, Schwartz asked curiously: "Even if he knew the purpose of making this film, I\'m afraid it would be difficult for him to accept a million-dollar award. For the salary, he is always short of filming."

What the casting director is talking about is the reality. Like this old actor who has been famous for many years, whether he plays the leading role or the supporting role, it is a scarce resource. Actors like them have never lacked project invitations.

"He will agree, otherwise it will be impossible to come to the audition." Wayne didn\'t lift his head. He looked at the cast information for tomorrow\'s heroine\'s audition. He was not worried at all about whether he could hire Jack Nicholson.

If you don\'t want to accept the salary cut condition, you won\'t come to audition at all. People like them are all realistic. Unless they are mentally prepared, they will not waste their time. .

"Ha." While speaking, he didn\'t expect to see Cameron Diaz\'s resume, so he tilted his head to look at the casting director. "Is this woman looking for you?"

Schwartz nodded and spread his hands with a smile on his face. "Her agent approached me and kept hinting on her client\'s relationship with you on the phone. Anyway, the role hasn\'t been decided, isn\'t it? It\'s good to have one more choice during the audition."

After several years of cooperation, the two have become relatively close. At least this kind of ridicule occasionally occurs between them.

"Ok, notify the next one..."

"Boss, Warner Bros. Bruce Rosenblum\'s phone."

Before he could finish speaking, the assistant opened the door of the audition room, pointed to the director\'s office, and made a gesture to answer the phone.

Wayne waved to the casting director before walking away. "Okay, Schwartz, you continue, don\'t wait for me, the actor leaves an alternative in case there is an accident on Brad Pitt\'s side."

In fact, what he mainly wanted to see today was the audition performance of the two protagonists. Brad Pitt and Jack Nicholson did not disappoint him, and the audition performances could meet the needs of the roles.

As for the other actors who participated in the audition, the more purpose is to add another option. Even if there is an accident on Brad Pitt\'s side, it will not hold another large-scale audition. Before the main character signs a contract, everything will be based on insurance.

Hurrying back to the director\'s office, Wayne picked up the phone on the desk. "Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg."

"Hey, Wayne, I hope I didn\'t disturb your work." Bruce Rosenblum\'s voice came from the phone. The relationship between the two has always been very good, so they spoke relatively casually. "I heard about noon. This "Supreme Crisis" was a project initiated by Spencer. He called me, the British director..."

"The project hasn\'t started filming yet? Let him get out of the way. For your sake, I won\'t pursue it any further."

"Ok, poor Brit, the first film I directed, I\'m going to be fired before I pick up the camera!" Bruce Rosenblum\'s tone was full of schadenfreude, in fact, he didn\'t take this kind of Little people in mind. "I\'ll report this to Jeff, and the Brit will resign himself."

The project that the other party is going to shoot is itself invested and produced by Warner Bros., but unfortunately it offends the major shareholder of Warner Bros. This is completely a model of death.

Relatively speaking, this result is quite lucky for Stewart Baird, but he just lost a job opportunity. As long as Wayne doesn\'t want to pursue it, he can go back and continue to be his own editor.

The two people who were talking on the phone knew that as long as Wayne let it go, the Englishman would not even have the opportunity to work as an editor in Hollywood in the future. There are people in this circle who don\'t mind stepping on him, to get on a relationship with a big director, and to gain the other party\'s favor by the way.

"Ok, I still have audition work here, we\'ll talk when we have time." Wayne was not surprised by this result. If the other party pointed his nose and spat at him, there would be no consequence at all, which would be the biggest surprise.

He has never been broad-minded about such things. If he can stop pursuing it, he should still look at this call from Bruce Rosenblum.

Just as he was about to hang up the phone and go back to see if other people\'s auditions could bring some surprises, another voice came from the phone.

"How\'s Ektor doing? Do you think he has the potential to be a producer."

Recalling his second producer, Wayne said to the phone: "I can\'t see anything yet. He went to Boston to investigate the scene, and he has to arrange the logistical problems of the crew there in advance. During this time We don\'t have much contact."

"Okay, then I won\'t interrupt your work."

After hanging up the phone, Wayne did not rush back to the audition room, leaned back in the chair and thought for a while, then looked up at Nina.

"Give me a call to Ector, rush him to work, and have him come back to talk about the actor\'s contract."

"Okay." Miss Assistant nodded.

Since Bruce Rosenblum wants to give Ector the opportunity to train him to become a qualified producer, Wayne doesn\'t mind letting him participate more in the work, negotiating contracts with the actor\'s agent, and he is a producer himself scope of work.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, after a day\'s work in the studio, the car had just returned to the manor, and the housekeeper Hella was waiting by the fountain in the small square, waiting for a few people to get off the car, and she greeted her.

"What happened?"

Handing the briefcase in his hand to the butler, Wayne asked curiously.

Hela pointed in the direction of the lawn. On the lounge chair under the awning, the Australian girl wore a pair of sunglasses and hugged the golden retriever Fendi, as if she hadn\'t seen them coming back. "Ms. Watts is in a bad mood. She dropped a glass in the afternoon, boss, you\'d better go and see."

"What\'s wrong with this woman!" Muttering softly, Wayne walked to his favorite awning.

Since this woman\'s belly has gradually become pregnant, it seems like she has turned on another personality switch, and her mood often becomes unstable, and she also becomes anxious from time to time.

Even when watching the dog blood TV series, she can shed tears for inexplicable reasons. This is completely different from the rational and tenacious Australian actress before~www.novelhall.com~Nami, you fell asleep ? I heard Hela say..."

After he approached, before he could finish his words, he understood why the woman was angry. On the white table beside the reclining chair, there were five or six entertainment newspapers in a mess. Take a big picture.

He was the one who was photographed when he put his arms around Harry-Berry and walked towards the dining room with his head down. I don\'t know how these newspapers were obtained by this woman.

"Listen, Nami, I\'ll just say it once." Wayne knew that she wasn\'t asleep, but just held the golden retriever and pretended to close her eyes, which was just a silent protest. "Harry was in some trouble, and it happened that Nina and I met and helped her at noon. It\'s that simple, is it?"

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