Hollywood Drawing

~: 333 - I don't want him in any Warner Bros. projects

On the tram going outside the studio, Halle-Berry kept her head down, holding Wayne\'s arm, no one knew what she was planning at this time.

The manager Julian, who was sitting across from him, was surprised in addition to being uneasy. She didn\'t expect Wayne to be so nostalgic. Even if this woman left him voluntarily, she was still willing to help her. This is in this extremely realistic circle. It\'s so rare.

Others don\'t know what\'s going on. As the manager of Black Pearl, it is very clear that there is no relationship between men and women at all. Harry-Berry was just a pet for the other party to vent his animal desires, and the other party didn\'t take her at all. Treat it as a friend.

"Tell me about that courageous director."

When he heard Wayne\'s question, Julian shrank his neck subconsciously, and then reacted immediately. "His name is Stuart Baird, he is from the UK, and he is participating in the preparation of the project "Maximum Crisis" invested by Warner Bros. He is the director of this film. The reason why Harry participated in this audition was that the British director took the initiative to find me, and I followed me. Saying that I like Harry\'s acting very much..."

Hearing the agent\'s narration, Wayne couldn\'t help laughing bitterly. He might be more at odds with the British. Why was there an Anthony Minghella before, and now there is a British director who doesn\'t know him, pointing at himself and swearing .

It is impossible to say that he doesn\'t care whether such a small person is real, but the other party has indeed scolded him regardless of whether he knows him or not. It is impossible for him not to be angry at all.

Since he entered Hollywood, he can\'t remember how long, no one dared to speak ill of him face to face, and suddenly heard someone scolding him, although this is very interesting, but it does not mean that he will smile generously.

"Wait, his name is Stewart Baird?" Wayne waved, interrupting the agent\'s pointless chatter. At this time, he suddenly remembered something, and gradually became clear about the name.

The agent nodded hastily. "Yes, Mr. Greenberg, his name is indeed Stewart Baird."

He has already determined that the British, white director named Stewart, is not the one who later directed 007. The two films "007: Skyfall" and "007: Battle of Casino Royale" seem to be very successful at the box office.

Especially "007: Skyfall", the global box office has properly exceeded one billion US dollars. It is difficult to say whether it is Stewart Baird who has brought the old 007 IP back to life.

"I\'m sorry, I forgot your name." When the tram stopped at the entrance of the studio and looked at the reporters surrounded by the outside, Wayne suddenly pointed to his agent Julian. "You don\'t need to introduce yourself, these are meaningless, remember to keep your mouth shut!"

After speaking, he shook his head and walked towards the studio gate.

The reporters and paparazzi, who had been guarding outside, got excited when they saw Wayne coming out, and then saw the black beauty with his arms around him. A group of people almost reached the high nest. It doesn\'t matter whether they can get each other\'s new projects or not. Information, at least something to write about.

"Hey Wayne, can you talk a little bit about the new movie?"

"Director Greenberg, are you and Harry-Berry reconciled again?"

"Harry, Harry, are you dating Wayne? When did you start reconciling?"

"Wayne, can you briefly talk about the story of the new project?"

As soon as he left the gate of Warner Bros. Studios, a large group of reporters immediately surrounded him. Even if he was mentally prepared for this situation, Wayne was also overwhelmed by the questions that came to him. He could only keep his head down and wait for the security Under the protection of the personnel and Sergey, they walked towards the opposite side.

These reporters were simply too enthusiastic, buzzing in his ears all the time, and found that most of the questions they asked were related to new projects. Before leaving, Wayne was still facing the messy recorder and said:

"I know everyone is curious about the new film, what kind of story it is, well, I can tell you, it\'s a gangster film."


"I just said he wasn\'t that kind..."

"Shit, who doesn\'t know it\'s a gangster movie? But are we going to write it like this?"

With a constipated look on the reporters\' faces, Wayne grinned and led the way into the dining room directly across from the studio.

Nina and Sergey consciously sat on another table, leaving room for Wayne and Harry-Berry to communicate, and even the agent who had been following silently sat aside with a wink.

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Wayne munched on the steak, tilted his head and glanced at the woman across from him. He didn\'t ask what happened, just think about it and it\'s clear, it happens every day in Hollywood.

"I\'m going to fire the agent and leave William Morris." The woman was silent for a while, and finally said, with pleading eyes, she looked at the man who was swallowing beef.

This person once gave more than 90% of the actors in his circle a career start, and he also tortured himself all night long. After satisfying his tyrannical desire, he let himself leave the manor with bruises and wounds.

In front of the public, he is the representative of the mysterious American dream. He is calm and handsome, but Halle Berry has seen it with his own eyes. This man also has a tyrannical side. Outside of women, when people look.

Just because she understands that these women are just toys in the eyes of the other party, she will not hesitate to contact the other party. On the contrary, as long as she has a thicker skin after the end of "Stone City Paradise" in the first two years, it will never be so difficult.

After all, no matter what, this man treats the women around him very well.

"please, can you help me again?"

"Leaving William Morris?" Wayne took a sip of lemonade and continued to cut the beef on the plate. "Okay, after firing the agent, contact Jimmy and say I asked you to go. He opened a small agency by himself. In any case, Jimmy will not force you to use your body to change roles, although it is very difficult to do so. universal……"

"Do you need me to go back to the manor with you?" Harry-Berry breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had suddenly given up something, his tone softened. "You know, this is all I can give."

Taking a closer look at the black beauty, Wayne continued to eat beef, not taking her proposal at all. "After eating, go back and have a good rest. Jimmy has good resources. The heroine may not have it, but there should be no shortage of supporting roles."

After lunch, ignoring Harry-Berry, who had been in a daze, he gave Julian a warning look and walked directly into Warner Bros. Studios with the assistant and Sergey.

He still has a lot of work to do, and the new project is about to get busy. After the audition is over, after a simple preparation, followed by the busy shooting work, he will not have the heart to play tricks of guessing women\'s minds.

And to help the other party, for him now, it\'s just a matter of two words or a phone call, and he didn\'t take it to heart.

"Call Jeff and say I don\'t want Stewart Baird in any Warner Bros project!" Back in the office, Wayne pointed to the phone on the desk and commanded Nina in an understatement.

"Call me Twentieth Century Fox Townsend-Rothman\'s number after I\'m done, and say I have something to ask him for help."

After speaking, the assistant lady, who had such an expression as she expected, took out the director\'s notebook and began to supplement the storyboard.

If it is said that the movies he shot before, Wayne is learning step by step and becoming mature, and the difficulty of shooting is also increasing at the same time. Then this movie doesn\'t have so much to think about. It\'s a movie for presenting learning results, and it\'s not as difficult to shoot as the previous ones.

Realistic films, together with less literary dramas and almost zero special effects, all mean that the production speed of this project will be much higher than that of superhero comic blockbusters or sci-fi commercial films.

As a former oriental soul, he didn\'t understand at that time that this **** that old Martin made seemed to have completely lost the soul of the original version. And won so many awards.

It was not until his life came back from another perspective that he realized how terrifying cultural barriers are. Sometimes the Eastern and Western views on aesthetics are completely different.

In this society, the underworld has always been bloody, violent and direct. There is no sentimental poetry. If you do that, you will only be cast aside by the public. You will feel that he used the name of a gangster movie to shoot a movie that sells dog meat. movie of.

Therefore, in a certain respect, the film has always had a strong national attribute.

Of course, Hollywood is the best in this regard. The reason why commercial films here are popular all over the world, the continuous integration of various styles, and the rapid production of the assembly line, are the main reasons.

"Boss, Townsend-Rothman\'s call is connected." Nina handed over the phone and called him softly.

"Hey Wayne, what\'s the matter with me? Or do you have other ideas about superheroes?"

Just as he put the phone to his ear, Townsend Rothman\'s voice rang.

"Those heroes of 20th Century Fox, I\'m afraid we will have to wait for a while. I want to ask you for a favor this time."

Wayne clipped the phone to his neck, the pencil in his hand kept on, and continued to draw traces back and forth on the notebook.

"Ok, let\'s talk, is this a human relationship?" Townsend-Rothman\'s hearty voice came out, and the two of them knew each other. Helping each other with innocuous little favors will help increase the relationship and trust between the two parties. ~www.novelhall.com~ You know, Will Smith and I have a good relationship. When we were on the phone some time ago, he talked about your head project for next year. I heard that the production cost of this film is 75 million dollar right? "

"Yes, Wayne, but Fox has sufficient funds and is not ready to accept investment from insiders." At first reaction, Townsend Rothman thought he was optimistic about the project and wanted to invest in it. During this time, Greenberg Studio has invested in two projects in a row, and almost everyone in the know knows.

And I heard that Batman\'s first share alone, the other party will get hundreds of millions of dollars, this money must not be left in the bank to eat interest.

"No, you misunderstood." Wayne stopped the pencil in his hand, closed the notebook, glanced at the time, and decided to skip the greeting and go straight to the topic. "I heard that there was a black female supporting role in the film Independence Day. What do you think of Halle Berry?"

"What did that woman do to get you to call me personally for a supporting role? Well, I\'ll say hello to Roland Emmerich, and you\'ll have her on set."

"Thank you, I still have something to do. I\'ll treat you to a drink when I\'m free."

This is Wayne preparing to push Harry Berry. If the woman\'s career doesn\'t improve after "Independence Day", the big deal is to get the death row dance out of the way, provided she stays in her agency honestly .

"Is Jack Nicholson here?" Hanging up the phone, the two walked to the audition room.

"Come on, this old "clown" has always been interested in your project." Schwartz caught up and shrugged.

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