Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty-seven - this is an A-level commercial film

"Hollywood Draw(!

This unintelligible green code appeared, and Zach Snyder looked at Wayne beside him with a strange expression.

Computers are not a new thing. The moment the green code appeared, everyone in the conference room thought of computers for the first time. However, what these codes are made of, it is estimated that no one can guess the correct answer.

Only the real participants will know that behind these dazzling green things that keep drifting by, is actually Wayne\'s favorite Chinese recipe, but it just looks tall.

In the picture, a group of police officers appeared, shuttled through the dark and dilapidated building, they were obviously looking for someone. When the crowd stopped outside the door of a room, one of them kicked the door open, and a woman in a black tight leather appeared in the room.

When the police took out the handcuffs and walked towards the woman who was holding her head in her hands, the camera shot surprised everyone on the scene. Charlize Theron was tall and hot like a model, and her long legs under the black tight leather jacket were particularly prominent. Above the round buttocks is a slender waist that can be grasped, and all the advantages of the South African diamond figure have been enlarged by the projector to the big screen.

In the next fight scene, Zach Snyder seemed to be shooting a commercial blockbuster, 360 degrees without dead ends, showing the **** figure of the heroine under the tight leather jacket.

"Wow even."

Bruce Rosenblum, who was sitting beside him, couldn\'t help but exclaimed in amazement. This woman on the big screen has brought the role of a commercial vase to the extreme. This kind of face and body, coupled with a tailor-made tight leather jacket, are very attractive to men. The killing power of the audience is too great.

At this moment, he heard more than one person swallowing saliva behind him.

"I have an impression of this actress." Finding his movement attracted Wayne\'s attention, he shrugged to hide his embarrassment, and said, "I remember she took your favor, participated in other projects in the company, and starred in a Small role. I really didn\'t expect that this film can be so amazing, maybe it should be called **** and cool!"

"She\'s going to be a big star."

Wayne nodded and could understand the other party\'s feelings when he saw the film. Even the first time he saw this look, wasn\'t he still in the trailer of the crew and couldn\'t help interacting with the South African Diamond for noon.

The vase heroine in commercial films has never been an easy job. Not to mention the hardships of the action training before the official shooting. In the movie, Charlize Theron is in an uncomfortable state almost every second when she wears a tight leather jacket and high heels.

It seems that **** and hot leather clothes want to be put on smoothly. It is not something that can be done by one person at all. An assistant is needed before every shooting. It is equivalent to wrapping a person in an airtight tight leather bag. There is no difference. Comfort is weird.

Coupled with the high heels on the feet, every action scene from the beginning to the end is a kind of torture for the South African diamond, which is the price that the actress must pay if she wants to become famous.

The film is still being shown. This film has a distinctive background, a strong cyberpunk style, philosophical speculations that have already been tasted, and mysterious dialogues. It is a sci-fi with obvious commercial attributes at all. piece.

Everyone in the audience can see this. They don\'t need to consider the discussion of human nature in the film, nor do they need to care about how high the artistic component is. From the beginning to the end of the film, the feeling is very obvious, it is simple Direct cool and cool.

The selling point is clear and direct. In the eyes of these people, it has always been a plus point. Don’t look at the film, which seems to be full of magician attributes from beginning to end. It is also philosophical and apocalypse. Point of sale service.

"It can be said to be an A- or A-level sci-fi commercial masterpiece!"

It can be seen that the film is about to end. Two film experts sitting in the back row of the AMC chain, one of the middle-aged people closed the notebook in his hand, and whispered to the young colleagues around him.

"As a first-time director, Zack Snyder did a great job. You can see his style of shooting, he\'s in the same vein as Wayne Greenberg, and he worked as an assistant director for a few years and really learned something. .

If there is a flaw, it should be that the narrative technique is slightly immature, and it can be seen that he is trying to imitate Wayne Greenberg. Well, but for a commercial film, it has reached an excellent level. As long as you don\'t touch the story-based art film, it is completely enough now! "

The young man sitting next to him nodded in agreement with this evaluation. Perhaps because of his age, he still had a passion for watching movies, and he did not watch movies from a work perspective. His feelings were much deeper than those of his colleagues.

"In some places, this novice director has used the gorgeous technique of shooting commercials, Sanders, have you noticed the special effects of those high-speed slow motion? It is both fresh and exciting and unexpectedly gorgeous."

"That\'s right." Sanders had finished watching the movie, stood up to give a polite applause and wished the director\'s work, while saying: "I heard that Zach Snyder was an advertising director before, if he can put Wei Wei En-Greenberg is the best at learning linear narrative, and Warner Bros. will have another commercial director."

His words were not only heard by the colleagues around him, but also by a film viewing expert behind him. "Saunders, are you so optimistic about him?"

"Let\'s wait and see, a talented novice director, patiently following Wayne Greenberg for three years, if he doesn\'t kill himself, the future is predictable."

The people behind him nodded involuntarily. This is what happened. As soon as he entered Hollywood, he immediately followed behind a successful person. He studied patiently for three years, and almost passed all the pits that novices need to step on. The most important thing is that he learned enough successful experience.

"Crack" "Crack" "Crack..."

Applause recalled after the movie that although there were not many people in the conference room, far less than the real theater scene, it still made Zach Snyder flush with excitement. The taste of applause.

"Hello, Wayne."

After the sparse applause ended, Sanders took the young people around him to the first row of the conference room. "AMC will give the maximum number of screens stipulated in the contract to ensure that the opening weekend of "The Matrix" will never be lower than the "Hulk" of Universal Pictures!"

"Thank you!"

Wayne shook hands with the two of them a little reservedly, knowing that this was not a film he directed after all. Today\'s play will be experienced sooner or later. The reason why the theater company trusts him is because of one successful work after another. Earning enough profit for them, it will take Zack Snyder a long time to gain that trust.

"Ask one more question." Sanders saw someone behind him preparing to come over, so he didn\'t give up his seat in a hurry. "I heard that the later work of "The Departed" is almost over, right? I don\'t know when I will see this film."

After a little consideration, Wayne smiled and said, "Probably in early May, Sanders, I\'ll ask Warner Bros. to send you an invite when the preview is held."

"ok, a piece of good news that people are looking forward to. I really want to see your masterpiece for Oscar soon."

The preview will leave a shocking impression on the film experts at the scene. No matter which company they come from, they all give their promises one by one before saying goodbye to Wayne politely, saying that they will do their best to give. The Matrix vacates the screen.

The quality of the film is very good, it can be said that it makes everyone\'s eyes shine, they are not film critics, they are looking at the market potential, and things like art have nothing to do with them.

Being able to make commitments from these people on the spot speaks volumes about Zach Snyder\'s ability to work.

Perhaps the only thing that made Zha Dao uncomfortable were those movie-watching experts from the Cinema Alliance, who only had Wayne in their eyes, and didn\'t even look at himself who had been standing behind him.

It wasn\'t until after those people left, the conference room was calm that he was still carefully experiencing the feeling of being ignored.

"One day, I will let those people treat me like Wayne!"

With a soft grunt, he remembered that Bruce Rosenblum and Wayne looked at each other and laughed at the same time. It\'s good to have ambition and motivation. If this can be Zach Snyder\'s goal, what he earns today is It\'s not just those people\'s promises.

However, Bruce Rosenblum is not optimistic about Zach Snyder\'s ambitions at all.

Maybe it\'s not hard to be a commercial director, and it\'s relatively easy to be successful with what he\'s learned by following Wayne\'s side. Thinking of becoming a second Wayne Greenberg is basically zero chance!

Countless media, film critics, film critics, and countless people in the circle do not know how many times this possibility has been discussed. In the end, the answer every time is astonishingly consistent. No one can copy Wayne\'s path. Particularity is unique.

A "Joker" can make him famous in the history of filming, and there are only a few such films in the entire film history.

Many media have made assumptions~www.novelhall.com~ Even if Wayne announces that he will close the film now and will never make any more films, many years later, when people look back at the films he made in Hollywood, he and Hitch will also be - Kirk, Francis Ford Coppola and others put together.

At least in the field of film noir, the golden statue does not need to admit that his level is recognized as a master.

But this is only a part of Wayne\'s achievements. It is recognized in the circle that he is also a sharp-eyed producer, project initiator, and also a first-class screenwriter. And most importantly, his net worth has accumulated too fast, hundreds of millions. Being rich represents power, freedom, everything.

The reason why those people in the theater company are so polite to him is that it is not just the director\'s identity. He is no longer a simple director or producer. Wayne himself is part of the capital.

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