Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty-eight - I hope you don't regret it

The main purpose of this internal preview itself is to check the quality of the film, and now Zach Snyder has done a good job, so there is no need to revise the film.

"The Matrix" only needs to polish the soundtrack, add subtitle animations before and after the film, etc., and basically all the work is completed.

The rest is relatively simple, Zack Snyder submitted the final full version of the film to Warner Bros. on the third day after the preview, and all the production work of this film was considered complete.

After Warner Bros. got the film, they sent it to mpaa as soon as possible to rate the film, and the publicity and promotion also started in full swing.

There is still a month before the official release of the film. The closer to the release time, the higher the intensity of publicity. In this regard, the distribution department of Warner Bros. has a series of plans.

Before the film "The Matrix" is released, there will be two or three media previews at the end of this month. Normally, Warner Bros. will also invite film critics to post in their respective newspaper columns in advance to prepare for the film\'s release. Start building momentum.

In the past two years, the influence of film critics in the summer season has gradually been seen through by big companies. The more young people as the target group, the less likely to be affected by this group. This is an indisputable fact.

But every well-known film critic has a group of loyal supporters of his own, which is the basis for them to **** blood from the film company. The production company is willing to give this part of the public relations funds in order to pay for the reputation of these people.

If it is still necessary, Bruce Rosenblum hopes to add a fan screening meeting. He has seen the quality of the film and builds momentum among ordinary fans in advance, which will never affect the reputation of the film after its release.

Those films that were hidden before the release will have some flaws more or less. I am afraid that people will know that if the reputation of ordinary fans is broken in advance, it means that a large amount of real money has been lost in advance. this strategy.

To put it nicely, it is called maintaining the mystery of the film. In fact, everything is an excuse, holding on to a glimmer of hope and wanting to harvest more leeks.

Since the preview session, Wayne has returned to the post-production studio again, with the help of Dwayne Scott and others, to start the final finishing work.

The filming process of this film was relatively smooth. Brad Pitt and Christian Bale both had excellent understanding of the characters, and naturally there was no difficulty in acting.

Not to mention the post-production work of the film. Compared with the films he shot in the past few years, it may be the easiest one. The benefits of realistic films are here. The lack of complicated and cumbersome special effects is added. The rest of the work is nothing more than revolving around. The clip is in progress.

The time slowly came to the end of April, and as soon as the finishing work of "The Departed" was over, Wayne called several leading actors to the post-production studio to add some post-dubbing.

They haven\'t seen each other for two months, and the three leading actors didn\'t say anything special. Jennifer Connelly\'s eyes were full of provocation when she saw him.

In the eyes of women in the past two months, Hollywood seems to be constantly changing, and the man in front of him is the end point or the starting point of many whirlpools.

"Congratulations, dear."

Since the psychiatrist\'s dubbing was performed first, the work ended relatively quickly. When several male protagonists walked into the mixing room, Jennifer Connelly didn\'t bother to pack up and came to Wayne\'s side for the first time.

"Although I haven\'t received a single call from you for two months, congratulations on getting a lovely angel. That\'s a lucky little princess."

"Thank you, Jennifer, you are so beautiful today."

As if he hadn\'t heard the woman\'s previous words, Wayne complimented the other party as usual, not to mention that he didn\'t call her. In order to stabilize the Australian girl\'s mood, the other women just talked briefly. These two He turned into a good purebred man.

"Really? As long as you like it." Jennifer Connery watched him staring at herself, and secretly shook her fist in her heart. Climbing into this man\'s bed for a month, she knew the other\'s aesthetic points very well, so the preparations she made before coming seemed to be effective.

A pair of sky blue skinny jeans, paired with a simple white T-shirt, dressed in a refreshing and ordinary way, just to highlight her bumpy and slender figure. The focus is on tops and trousers. Be sure to choose a tight-fitting style, so that people can notice the straight front and back at first glance.

On the girl\'s youthful face, she put on a little light makeup, making this beautiful face from a young age look extremely delicate.

The tyranny locked in the man\'s heart on the other side, as long as the woman beside him is aware of it, she understands that the more delicate she dresses up, the more it can arouse the deepest desire and animal nature in the man\'s heart.

"Ok, don\'t turn again."

Wayne looked at the woman on the snake stick in front of him, showing his hotness in a circle, and shook his head amusingly. "I\'ll treat you to dinner after work, so you\'d better be quiet now."

Jennifer Connery looked at the recording studio and realized that her goal had been achieved, and sat happily beside Nina in the corner. "no problem."

"The Departed" is still more than two months away from its release. The film is also in the final stage, and there is not much work left. Wayne announced early that he will be off work and will continue tomorrow.

Say goodbye to the three leading actors and Gilmour and others, bring Jennifer Connery and Nina, and get on the tram in a hurry and drive outside the studio.

"What shall we eat?"

After leaving the studio and transferring to a Rolls-Royce, Jennifer Connery\'s eyes widened with curiosity, observing the large space in the car, and asked while studying the on-board refrigerator.

Shaking his head, Wayne looked indifferent. He was thinking about the preview of "The Matrix" held by Warner Bros. today. "You decide what you want to eat, I don\'t care."

"Hey, it turns out that the media reports are all true." The woman observed it carefully in the car, sat back on the large seat and hugged one of his arms, raised her head and said, "I didn\'t expect you to be sitting here all the time. Kind of a car, won\'t it be too boring like an old man? Maybe you should try the excitement of a sports car."

Wayne shrugged, one hand slipped silently into the girl\'s clothes, maybe it felt good, and he moved inside a few times from time to time. "What I need is not the excitement of speed, on the contrary, this spacious and comfortable riding environment can provide office convenience on the road."

Nina, who was sitting opposite, rolled her eyes covertly, and she had a panoramic view of the movements of the two. The assistant lady has a good understanding of the thickness of her boss\'s skin. After a few years, she has long been accustomed to this kind of shit. At least they didn\'t roll the sheets in front of them, didn\'t they?

"Okay, since I don\'t want to eat anything, I\'ll make it." Wayne reached out and knocked on the isolation board, and said to Sergey who was driving: "Put us at the Four Seasons Hotel, and then you can take Nina back to the manor. ."


This dinner was extremely intense, everyone was an adult, and it was not the first time they were together. From the moment they entered the room, the two of them showed all their enthusiasm and worked hard to vent the hormones brought by youth.

Jennifer Connelly\'s meticulously prepared dress was torn to shreds from the very beginning, but it was that lovely face, which fully inspired the beast in Wayne\'s heart and awakened all his suppressed interest in the past two months. .

The dinner started in the bathroom, passed through the living room, balcony, dining table, bedroom, and finally ended in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

The woman kept lying on the window without moving, and after a while, she slowly slid onto the carpet.

"Haney, I feel like I\'m about to be torn apart by you." Jennifer Connery slowed down and turned to look at the man with a glass of red wine. She was very sure that her deliberate ingratiating was useful, and it was only from the moment that the man appreciated her In his eyes, he knew that it brought him enough joy.

"Jennifer, you\'re so beautiful tonight, the lights are eclipsed by you."

Hearing his praise, the woman stood up generously and walked over, took a glass of red wine and took a sip.

Jennifer Connelly\'s brown-black hair is scattered randomly on her shoulders. After the intense movement, her bright eyes are full of psychedelic eyes like cat\'s eyes. Under her graceful posture, her skin is white and glowing.

She is at her best age with delicate facial features and a generous and elegant smile, so that women are born with excellent capital. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Wayne is very sure through everything in front of him that this woman in future generations is called a prosperous beauty, which is definitely not an exaggeration. Her face when she was young is also one of the most capable people in Hollywood where there are clouds of beauties.

Especially when this prosperous beauty is willing to show up for the sake of art, it satisfies the special sense of achievement and desire to conquer in the hearts of men. This is the most important thing.

"Are you hungry? Honey."

Jennifer Connelly raised the glass and drank the red wine in it in one gulp, with a provocative light in her eyes again, like a little wild cat who would never admit defeat, ignoring the marks left by the beatings on her body at all.

Putting the wine glass aside, Wayne pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window. "Can I take this as some kind of signal? Hope you don\'t regret it..."

In the hotel suite here, the second round of dinner started, and in the Universal Studios in Los Angeles, someone kept mentioning his name, and the reason was the preview of "The Matrix".

It had been dark for a while, except for the lights emanating from the CEO\'s office, there was silence in Universal Studios.

"This film doesn\'t look like a novice work at all!" Justin, the director of the distribution department, glanced at a few people in the office and repeated the news he got. "The whole film is full of strong commercial elements. Don\'t believe the comments of those film critics. The news I got is that the theme of this film is not about philosophical speculation, doomsday, human nature and matrix at all, but a This is a sci-fi blockbuster full of cyberpunk style and commercial special effects!"

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