Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixteen - relying on Oscar's compensation psychology

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In fact, Wayne is very clear in his heart, old Martin can rely on this film to win, it is not necessarily a different person to shoot.

If it is really replaced by another director to shoot, I am afraid not only missed the Oscar, but also what the box office will be like in the end, it is not easy to say.

To put it bluntly, there are two Hollywood first-line male stars joining, and whether the general director can hold their positions is a question, and the box office problem can be easily explained. In the original time and space, if these two big stars were really missing, The appeal of the video has to drop by at least a few notches.

The reason why Martin Scorsese was able to win the award with this film is that there is a factor of Oscar compensation, which no one can say clearly.

Among the four major directors of the golden age of Hollywood, Francis Ford Coppola has his masterpieces "The Godfather" trilogy, "Apocalypse Now", "The Conversation", etc., and he won the honor he deserved very early.

Speaking of Steven Spielberg, there are also familiar "ET", "Jaws", "Jurassic Park" and "Schindler\'s List" that cannot be ignored.

George Lucas is a bit special. In his early years, he voluntarily withdrew from the Directors Guild for some reasons, so he never pursued academy awards, but he only watched the "Star Wars" series, which has become a symbol of North American culture. One can bypass his mountain.

The reason why this Jewish director is respected is that in addition to opening the Hollywood business era with the "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series, he also particularly likes to promote newcomers. Steven Spielberg was brought up by him, and many old and good people liked to do it after that. It is difficult to say whether it was influenced by the father of Star Wars.

Of course, his most respected place must be because of his other identity, that is, the richest man in Hollywood. Money means everything in this country!

The four major directors are only famous, and when you mention them, there are countless old Martins, no matter whether it is "Taxi Driver", "Raging Bull", or "Goodfellas", it seems that they are always very close to the golden statuette. Passed over and over again.

After 2000, the Italian-born old man rushed for awards again and again and returned disappointed again and again.

The reason why the academy finally gave him the golden man of his dreams, I am afraid that even many academy members feel that it is impossible to justify not giving him. That\'s why it was possible for the four directors to be on the same stage to accompany Lao Ding to accept the award.

This movie is very special. If it weren\'t for the influence of his previous life, Wayne probably wouldn\'t choose this one. Only by being born and raised in this land can he understand why the movie is so different.

There are many reasons why he wants to do this. The biggest reason is that he, a young man, is so similar to the old Martin\'s situation in his memory.

If you put aside the age issue, he has indeed run with him three times, which is definitely a silent proof of qualifications.

There is also a well-recognized perception by insiders that Wayne smashed the market in many overseas countries and regions ahead of time with "Joker", and effectively promoted the popularity of the Hollywood film industry. This is a real contribution. All practitioners must acknowledge this and thank him for his contribution.

If it is said that before the advent of the big ship, the only film that can impress the Oscars with commercial achievements, "Joker" is definitely ranked first.

How many people are thinking about compensating Wayne, no one can tell, but he believes that as long as the opportunity arises, many people will definitely not mind pushing it.

"Wayne, hey honey!"

Looking at the man\'s thoughtful look, Naomi Watts reached out and stabbed him. "You\'ve done your old trouble again, **** it, don\'t smoke around me!"

After being woken up, Wayne was habitually ready to touch the cigarette for the first time. Hearing the woman\'s words, he shook his head with a wry smile, temporarily giving up this unrealistic plan.

"Where did you just say?" He glanced at the finalized script. "Okay, I was distracted, and the people behind didn\'t hear it."

Naomi Watts raised her eyebrows playfully, as if she wanted to give her opinion and change some of his thoughts. "I think this film has too few literary dramas and can\'t play your characteristics at all, or can you moderately reduce some violent elements and increase some exploration of human nature?"

"No, if nothing else, this is the final version."

Wayne stretched out his hand and tapped the script lightly, and teased with some surprise: "In your eyes, or in the eyes of the media and the public, what do you think is my characteristic?"

The woman thought for a while, stretched out her white fingers, and began to summarize one by one. "The works all have a dark core, they like to use both good and evil protagonists, they are good at exposing social problems and character analysis, and yes, there are also traditional academic multi-line narratives.

Don\'t think I\'m just an actor without these professional knowledge. This kind of narrative method seems traditional, but there are not many good directors who can use it, so those film critics keep saying that you are a genius.

You are good at using multi-line narratives, creating emotional points that resonate with the audience at the beginning of the film, and are used to pulling the audience into the story of the film, so that everyone can find something in common with a certain part of themselves from the protagonist. This is your film. The main source of popularity every time..."

"Crack" "Crack" "Crack"!

Wayne clapped his palms a few times, and looked at the woman who claimed to know him best, jokingly. He was amused for a while. He didn\'t expect that one day, the other party would also be brainwashed by film critics and media reports.

It seems that the other party has completely forgotten what he started with, and was completely blindfolded by the tall report that packaged him.

"Am I right?"

Seeing the sarcasm on the corner of the man\'s mouth, Naomi Watts was in a rage. Every time she saw a famous person\'s evaluation of him, she would keep it firmly in her heart. Not recognized at all. When others see Wayne\'s expression, they will definitely think that they are right.

But the Australian girl understands that if he doesn\'t ask clearly, he will never give the reason for the applause. If you have been in contact with this man for a long time, you will know that he never argues with others, and he does not like to explain others\' perceptions of him. Even the temporary workers at the bottom of the crew can get his smiling face.

But the truth is, he never argues with people because he feels it is unnecessary, don\'t think it\'s because he is tolerant or Buddhist, because he doesn\'t look down on you at all.

In fact, it\'s not bad for himself. The reality is like this. If Wayne looks down on you, he will tell you a few more words. If he looks down on you, he will give you the greatest tolerance without even perfunctory words. I have no mercy for you.

Seeing that the woman\'s eyes were getting more and more wrong, Wayne suddenly laughed, as if mocking everything. "Remember what I said to you? Nami, don\'t believe the so-called summaries of the media, film critics, and film critics, they are just a bunch of pure laymen. I have said this to you more than once, but you still Act like a stupid woman!"

Naomi Watts rolled her eyes, eager to pounce on him and bite him. "Am I wrong? Or is it wrong for those people to praise you?"

Wayne turned his head out the window, watching the gardener mowing the lawn. "Of course, these views of yours are correct, but it\'s just a retelling of many media views. Those techniques or production styles are indeed my characteristics.

But you have forgotten, what did we rely on in the first place, using "Happy Death Day" and "Escape from the Dead" to attract attention and attract audiences. That\'s right, it\'s a violent element, a **** element, and a large-scale restricted-level shot.

It sounds cheesy to say it, right, but it\'s the truth, why did those people start to be interested in my films? Is it because of a good story? Is it because of the big action scenes? Neither, because of the use of large-scale lenses!

It seems that this kind of shot is very common, and many directors like to use it, but the degree of it is different for everyone. In my film, this is the most important point to release the audience\'s emotions. Those other stories? , character analysis, and social problems, all of which were gradually formed through training later.

This gangster film is a return to my original intention~www.novelhall.com~ This is the film I have always wanted to make. I am afraid that the use of restricted lenses will be used for many years in the future. I will voluntarily give up Well, everything is for the market, you know. "

This is another story of a dragon slayer who eventually became a dragon. He made his debut by relying on black and **** movies, relying on these eye-catching, and achieved great success.

When one day he has a better choice, when he no longer needs to use those frequently, for the sake of the market and interests, he will not hesitate to suppress his **** and temporarily abandon those 18 banned things.

No one is exempt from the fact that people\'s plans always change over time.

Naomi Watts looked puffed up. She didn\'t expect Wayne to take off the coat of art on her own, but she still disliked what others said about him.

"Hey, boss, Nami, I hope I didn\'t disturb you." The assistant lady appeared on the third floor, pushed her glasses and looked at the two of them.

"What\'s wrong?" Wayne turned to look at her.

Nina pointed downstairs. "Gilmore is here, and there\'s another guest, supposedly from New Zealand, called Peter Jackson. They\'re all waiting in the living room, do you want to see them now? Or send them away?"


Wayne raised his hand and slapped himself on the forehead. Since the party, he has ignored Gilmour. I am afraid that the other party was in a hurry to wait in the hotel, so he couldn\'t help running over.

And that New Zealand director came over unexpectedly too. "King Kong" must not be produced for the time being, and the heroine is preparing to give birth to him. Except for Naomi Watts, he doesn\'t have the spare money to hold other women.

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