Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and seventeen - "The Lord of the Rings" screenplay adaptation

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During this period of leisurely life, Wayne has indeed neglected many things, such as the two directors downstairs.

"I\'ll change clothes." Looking at the home clothes on himself, he shook his head gently. "Nina, I remember there is "The Lord of the Rings" in the study, right? Help me get it, I may need it later."

"I\'ll accompany you."

Naomi Watts hugged Miss Assistant\'s arm, and the two walked downstairs to the study together.

After leaving the bedroom on the third floor, Nina carefully observed the body shape of the Australian girl and found that there was basically no change, and she was still so tall and sexy. But she still said worriedly: "Your stomach will soon get bigger, I\'m afraid you can\'t hide it if you want to go out and go shopping."

"It\'s still a few months before that happens." Naomi Watts has obviously thought about this issue, smiling lightly. "If it\'s a big deal, don\'t leave the manor. In fact, even if it is photographed by reporters, I don\'t care, or do you think your **** boss will care about the public\'s opinion?!"

What she said was very practical. Based on what these two women knew about the man, I\'m afraid he really didn\'t care about the opinion of the media or the public. This man looks calm and handsome, but in fact the thickness of his face is seriously exceeding the standard.

In addition, this kind of thing does not touch the bottom line of morality. It is estimated that the public will only use it as an after-dinner talk, and discuss with an envious expression how the big director managed to get the big Australian star.

Opening the study on the second floor, Nina let go of Naomi Watts, and skillfully pulled out a thick tome from the bookshelf. This is the "Lord of the Rings" that they have long held the copyright.

"Ok, let\'s go down." When the two of them walked out, the assistant lady couldn\'t help but be curious. She glanced at the delicate face of the woman beside her and asked. "You really never thought about marrying the boss? It will be much better for the children, right?"

In fact, in her heart, she always felt that this woman might be Wayne\'s most suitable partner. Except for this woman, she had never seen her boss have such feelings and indifference to other women.

And Nina has long known that the purpose of other women is very clear. I will give you my young and **** body to give you pleasant **** and spiritual enjoyment in exchange for the resources I want. In essence, this is an equivalent exchange. That\'s it.

Maybe Naomi Watts also has this meaning in it, but they are not at all the feeling of Chi Luoluo trading, more like friends who transcend the boundaries of friends.

Possibly, the only woman who can pose a threat to Australian girls is the editor-in-chief with an exploding figure, Bella Grant.

"Nina, you don\'t understand what I\'m thinking." Naomi Watts hugged Miss Assistant\'s arm with one hand and stroked her stomach lightly with the other, walking downstairs while chatting.

"Wayne actually told me that he could give me a wedding and make me Mrs. Greenberg, but I refused."

"ohmyg..." Nina suddenly widened her eyes, pushed her glasses, turned to look at her, and exclaimed in a low voice. "You\'re crazy! You don\'t know what you\'re missing?"

In her opinion, this big star is simply dizzy. The woman who wants to become Mrs. Greenberg, live in this manor, and become the hostess can definitely be ranked from Beverly to downtown Los Angeles.

"Hey, don\'t look at me like that." Naomi Watts rolled her eyes at her, shrugged her shoulders and continued: "Maybe a simple girl would want a princely husband. When he\'s uncomfortable in the middle of the night, he will Pour you a cup of hot water, he will hug you to comfort you when you are sad, etc. But the reality in my eyes is that this kind of low-cost payment will definitely not move me to the death!

The real scarce resources are the conversation of the other party, the knowledge of the other party, the business vision of the other party, the ability of the other party to control the situation, and the emotional stability of the other party. Don\'t underestimate the above characteristics. To cultivate these advantages, the cost is extremely high, and it is very rare.

It happens that Wayne has all these advantages, but he is not my best spouse. He is my ally and partner in the battlefield of my life. In my eyes, the fragile relationship between husband and wife really does not have the way we get along and the feelings we have now. Reliable! "

"Maybe you\'re right?" It\'s the other person\'s private freedom what to do. Nina doesn\'t understand her thoughts, but she is willing to respect her choice.

It\'s just that I kept muttering in my heart, it\'s not my own boss, brainwashing this Australian woman, right?

When Wayne changed his clothes and went downstairs to the living room, he was almost amused by the two men sitting side by side on the sofa. The two were very happy together. The same dark casual suits were also not very obedient. Hair, and the same beard.

"Hello, Mr. Greenberg, I\'m Peter Jackson, nice to meet you."

Seeing him coming, the bearded New Zealander on the left stood up first and stretched out his right hand, introducing himself nervously. "Your performance in film noir is amazing. I have watched the film "Joker" more than a dozen times."

"Hello, Peter, you can just call me Wayne." Shaking hands with the other party, he was amazed in his heart. Those who can succeed, at least, come with their mouths open.

"Let\'s sit down and talk. I\'m afraid there will be some changes to the plan that Jimmy briefly told you."

After beckoning to the assistant, he took the thick tome, and without waiting for the other person to react, he placed it on the coffee table, pointed to the book, and motioned him to read it first.

Since the "King Kong" plan must be delayed, he decided to simply let the New Zealand bearded man start adapting the other party\'s natal series.

In Wayne\'s heart, he has always believed that "The Lord of the Rings" can only be so successful in film and television if it is in the hands of this fat man.

Seeing him open the book with a puzzled expression, Wayne turned to look at the other bearded man. "Gilmore, it was my negligence that I forgot to inform you that I made you wait for so long in vain." Sure enough! Hearing his words, Gilmour smiled bitterly in his heart. The other party really forgot about him. If he couldn\'t help waiting in the hotel, he came to visit the manor again. I\'m afraid that when the new project comes, people will think of him. The assistant director.

"It\'s okay." Despite the helplessness in his heart, Gilmour smiled and spread his hands. "I want to ask, when will our new project start, do you need me to help you prepare in advance?"

Glancing at Naomi Watts, Wayne immediately gave up the idea of ​​smoking, took a sip of coffee, and thought for a while while rubbing his chin lightly before he said:

"The preparations will probably start in mid-November, so if you still have unfinished work, you can go back to Mexico to deal with it first, as long as you come back to join the group in November. Of course, it\'s okay to stay in Los Angeles and wait, you You can come to the manor after a while and help me draw the sub-shots and do some pre-camera planning."

Through the information provided by Jimmy and the other party, he knew that Gilmour was not short of money. The Mexican had his own company very early, and he would not worry about spending when he stayed in Los Angeles.

Hearing the specific time, Gilmour breathed a sigh of relief. Since he gave up his career in Mexico and came here, what he is most afraid of is an accident. "Okay, I\'ll stay in LA and call me whenever I can."

"Ok, you can read the script first. But you can\'t take it out, and you can\'t reveal it to the public."

After speaking here, he looked at the New Zealand Beard. The other party must have seen this masterpiece more than once and was excited to say something.

"Mr. Greenberg, well, Wayne..." Peter Jackson paused, trying to control the anticipation in his heart. "Do you want to film this masterpiece and move it to the big screen?"

"That\'s right." Nodding lightly, he directly dispelled part of the other party\'s worries. "The copyright of the film and television was bought by me a long time ago, but I have never done it easily. There are too many aspects involved."

"So..." Peter Jackson\'s eyes widened, staring straight at him.

God took a shot at the tome on the coffee table, and Wayne said happily: "So, the original "King Kong" project has been temporarily postponed, and I need you to adapt the script of "The Lord of the Rings" first!"

Looking at the face of the other party that turned red with excitement~www.novelhall.com~ he shook his head, and poured a basin of cold water on the New Zealand beard. "This can be counted as an exam. If the effect of the script meets my expectations, I will recommend you to direct this project. But the script does not meet the requirements..."

"I understand, it\'s where it comes from!" Peter Jackson nodded excitedly.

As a die-hard "Lord of the Rings" fan, being able to bring Middle-earth to the big screen has always been his dream. Now that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of him, the surprise at this moment makes him unable to believe it.

"Mr. Greenberg, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will start adapting the script as soon as possible. I have read this series many times. Believe me, no one is more suitable for adapting this series than me!"

Seeing his excited incoherence, Wayne nodded and said to Nina, "Say hello to Jimmy\'s side, make an office for him, and sign the agreement that should be signed."

This project cannot be started in a short time. The adaptation of the script by the New Zealand Beard should take at least a few months. Even if the film is approved by Warner Bros., the preparation time must be calculated in years.

Thinking about the tens of thousands of costumes, weapons, armor, model special effects, etc., he had a headache for a while. This kind of film requires the director\'s meticulous participation in the preparation, which is equivalent to locking a person completely for several years. That\'s why he didn\'t even think about shooting himself.

Wayne made a rough estimate in his mind. Even if it started in 1996, the preparation and shooting time would probably take more than two to three years. The most suitable director is undoubtedly this New Zealand bearded man.

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