Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and six - the smallest of the 3 Mexicans.

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Los Angeles International Airport, after a plane from Mexico landed, a Mexican man hurried down from above.

He has a chubby figure, a round face with a short beard, his eyes through the small glasses on his nose, curiously observing the busy waiting hall.

While walking out according to the sign, he took out a note from the inner pocket of his jacket, and looked down at the address recorded on it carefully.

Walking out of the airport lobby, after buying a newspaper at the newsstand, carrying a small travel bag, opened the door of a taxi, and sat in the back seat.

The black driver in the taxi driver\'s seat, seeing a business approaching his door, turned his head and greeted him enthusiastically with a unique rap tone. "Hey bro, watching a movie in one of the biggest hells in Murray, where are you going?"

Just glanced back, the black driver brother could see that this Mexican must be the first time to come to Los Angeles, and he should have come in a hurry, the other party\'s clothes are full of folds from the journey.

There is not much carry-on luggage, and it can be seen that this person should be on a business trip for a short stay. This kind of fat sheep who does not know anywhere is the favorite passenger of all taxis.

"Uh, hi, I\'m going here, do you know me?"

The Mexican man\'s enthusiasm for the black brother was obviously a little uncomfortable. After greeting him in English, he handed the note that he had been holding in his hand.

The little black brother took the note, glanced at the address, and hit the car directly. "Ok, no problem, fasten your seat belts, buddy, it seems that you are going to be a big man, most people don\'t live here, how..."

In the face of the black driver who was talking about tuberculosis, he nodded lightly, and did not answer the other party\'s words, nor did he have any desire to chat with the other party in depth.

Although it was the first time to come here across the US-Mexico border, he had heard of the great reputation of this group many times, and this group was more dangerous than those selling contraband on their side.

Those who sell contraband, at least murder and set fire for the purpose of profit, but he has heard more than once that the reason why these **** kill individuals may only be for twenty dollars, most of them are not long-term. goods.

And before he came here, he had deliberately got to know his friend. The friend suggested to him that it is best not to contact these people if you have nothing to do with them. You should always keep dozens of dollars on your body. After all, he doesn\'t know how long he will stay this time.

If nothing else, who doesn\'t know about the famous Los Angeles explosion in the past two years? The destructive power of this group is simply endless. The zero-yuan shopping activity is definitely a traditional art. Whenever social conflicts arise, it will spontaneously cause a storm.

This kind of zero-yuan purchase activity is very popular with everyone, and the Nico group got things for free and left with satisfaction.

After the riots passed, those in power shifted the social contradictions, gained the votes of this group, and continued to be in power with the same satisfaction.

Even the owner of the store who was beaten, smashed and robbed would watch happily. The store emptied the backlog of goods, and all the damaged old shelves and environment could be renovated. Anyway, everything was paid by the insurance company, right?

The only one who is unhappy is probably the insurance company. Every time this happens, it means a lot of expenses.

Looking at the monotonous scenery of Los Angeles from the car window along the way, the Mexican man was full of apprehension about the purpose of coming here this time, wondering if he could stay smoothly.

Although I have already achieved good achievements in Mexico, these dazzling achievements are completely useless from Los Angeles, which is separated by a wall.

The little black brother looked at him in the rearview mirror and kept silent. He opened the newspaper in his hand, shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking, and the car slowly fell into peace.

"Pocahontas, produced by Disney Animation Studios on Friday, topped the weekend box office strongly as soon as it was released, with a box office receipt of $65.7 million in its first weekend, making it another summer winner.

This film not only performed well at the box office, but also successfully overwhelmed the previously strong dark horse "Ghost Horse" and "Batman: Time for War", which had a steady box office trend. Still continuing, animated feature films are still a strong revenue point for Disney.

In second place is Universal Pictures\' "Ghosts and Horses", which has unexpectedly achieved a high box office of more than 60 million US dollars without a large-scale publicity.

The third place at the box office this weekend is undoubtedly Warner Bros\' "Batman: Hour of War", which once again has a strong trend this weekend, taking in 20.79 million US dollars, and the total North American box office has accumulated 251.3 million US dollars. .

Although the screen size of this film is shrinking, the screen time will continue for a long time. It should not be a problem for the North American box office to exceed 300 million US dollars.

It is worth mentioning that this dark masterpiece of Wayne Greenberg\'s return to the summer season temporarily ranked first in the North American annual box office list in 1995 with a total box office of 251.3 million US dollars. The emergence of works that threaten the status of this film..."

Looking at the Los Angeles Daily Entertainment News in his hand, his eyes were burning hot in the back seat of the taxi. Only the largest film industry base in the world can achieve such amazing results after a movie is released.

Every film practitioner hopes to come to Hollywood and integrate into this circle. As long as he succeeds here, not only will his name be continuously praised by the developed media to the world, but he can also reap a lot of money, all kinds of fame and fortune, all in the Mexico can\'t compare.

"Wayne Greenberg, Wayne Green..." He whispered the name softly, and he prayed in his heart that he could successfully join the other team\'s team this time. This is a way to integrate into Hollywood and achieve success recently. shortcut.

"Wow, yes, Greenberg Manor, it\'s really a big man you want to meet, we\'re here bro." The black driver parked the car at the entrance of the manor and turned his head to remind the absent-minded Mexican.

"Oh, okay, thanks."

After paying the fare, he opened the door with his bag and walked out. He raised his head and observed the gate of the retro manor. Facing the vigilant security man, he politely explained his purpose.

At this time, the manor also received news that Nina trotted from the main building of the villa to the lawn and came to Wayne with sunglasses.

"Boss, the Mexican that Jimmy said is here." Seeing the boss take off his sunglasses and open his eyes to look at herself, she pointed to the door. "Hella has already gone to pick him up, do you want to go back to the living room to be more formal?"

Waving his hand, Wayne sat up cross-legged from the reclining chair, stretched his waist and said, "Just here, there is no need to toss."

It didn\'t take long, butler Hela walked over with a man, and it could be seen that this man\'s expression immediately became tense after seeing them, and the flesh on both sides of his face collapsed very tightly.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mr. Greenberg, I had an appointment with Jimmy and just flew in directly from Mexico."

"Hello, nice to meet you, you\'re welcome, sit down." Wayne looked at the familiar young man and pointed to the beach chair beside him. "What would you like to drink? Ice juice or ice beer, the **** weather in Los Angeles is always so hot."

"Thank you, juice."

After taking the juice from Nina, he immediately opened his backpack, took out his prepared resume, and put it on the white plastic table in the middle.

Wayne moved the dog\'s head lying on his lap, and under the unhappy eyes of the golden retriever, he picked up the resume on the table, but did not rush to look at it, but stared at the nervous young man with interest.

"Jimmy briefly told me a few words about your situation before, why don\'t you introduce yourself first?"

"Sorry, I\'m a little nervous, this opportunity is too important to me." The man wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised his hand to touch his beard habitually, glanced at the two people opposite, and said:

"I\'m Guillermo del Toro, and I\'ve done a few independent films before, and this is a videotape."

Saying ~www.novelhall.com~ he took out three videotapes from his backpack, put them on the table and continued, "I was on the phone with a friend here and found out that you are going to hire an assistant director. news, and then sent a resume to your agent..."

Looking at the young Mexican in front of him, even though he has seen too many familiar faces over the years, he still sighs in his heart.

Who would have thought that the youngest of the three Mexican heroes would appear in front of him like this.

Whether or not he has fanned Hollywood ahead of time because of his butterfly wings, he is not going to let this person go. This director who is destined to prove his ability, even if he is still very young, will help him in his work in the future. will be very large.

As long as he saw the small glasses on the other person\'s face, several sets of pictures flashed in Wayne\'s mind, from "Blade Runner", "Hellboy", "Pan\'s Labyrinth", to "Pacific Rim" and that movie. The animal love "The Shape of Water" won the Oscar statuette!

The most important thing is that this young man, who is not a few years older than himself, not only showed outstanding talent in directing, but then went out of control in Hollywood, participating in movies, screenwriters, supervisors, producers and other jobs. Both are excellent.

It\'s just that his excellent director reputation has overshadowed his achievements in other areas, whether it is "007: Quantum of Solace" or the cartoon "Monster Hunter" written and directed, the performance is a complete mess.

After the other party briefly introduced himself, Wayne looked at his resume in silence. There is absolutely no problem with this candidate. The big deal is to collaborate on a film first. If the shooting style really does not match, he can also recommend Warner Bros. to shoot other films.

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