Hollywood Drawing

~: 307 - Hollywood is always Hollywood

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Nina sat on the side and did not speak, but based on what she knew about her boss, this lucky Mexican should be able to stay.

In this regard, her intuition has always been accurate. She has long discovered that the boss is a little different. It seems that his character is calm and unsmiling, but in fact, sometimes he is really rambling when he does things.

Sure enough, what Wayne said next proved her guess.

"Gilmore, okay, can I call you that?" Putting down the resume that didn\'t mean much to him, Wayne\'s eyes revealed unabashed appreciation.

Guillermo del Toro nodded. "Of course, I mean the title is fine."

"My next project is a few months away, stay in LA if you want. There\'s a Batman: Hour of War party in Malibu tomorrow, you and I go over there, ahead of time Get to know the rest of the team."

"You mean..."

Gilmour\'s eyes lit up. He didn\'t expect the so-called interview to be so simple. He thought that there would be a long conversation about understanding. The understanding of shooting that he had prepared seemed to be useless.

"That\'s right." Wayne stood up from his chair and held out his right hand with a smile. "You are welcome to join my production team, and I hope we have a happy cooperation in the future work."

Gilmour also stood up in a hurry and stretched out his right hand, and said excitedly: "Of course, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"Ok, we\'ll talk about work later, now you may need a formal suit."

Looking at the other party\'s clothes, Wayne knew that he must also be an informal person, so he reminded him that tomorrow\'s party is more likely to be a formal reception.

"By the way, do you need my help where you live?"

Gilmour shook his head. "I\'m staying in a hotel in Beverly first, and then I\'m looking for a house through my real estate experience, so that\'s it, I\'m going to find a suitable place to settle first."

"Ok, Nina." Wayne turned around and called out to the assistant lady. "Let Sergey drive him and help him find a suitable hotel. By the way, Gilmour, I\'ll give you a piece of advice. It\'s fine to walk around Beverly after dark, and don\'t run downtown."

Downtown Los Angeles at night will become a different world. If this kind of foreigner breaks in, he is really not sure whether the other party will be able to come out intact.

After the Mexican left, Wayne tapped the videotape left by the other with his fingers, thinking about the next arrangement.

"Nami still sleeping?"

Thinking of the drowsy Australian girl who had been sleeping since getting off the plane, he asked curiously.

Nina shrugged and said, "Yes, I went to see it just now. She slept very deeply. It seems that this trip around the world has really exhausted her."

"Forget it, let her sleep."

Wayne put the sunglasses on his face again, one person and one dog lay down again, and continued to face the bright sunshine in Los Angeles, and began to relax from the inside out.

There is not much time left to think about nothing. After tomorrow\'s party, there is still a lot of work that needs to be arranged by him.

The review of the film "The Matrix" will soon be passed. Even if he does not need to personally participate in the preparations, he will need to make a good idea of ​​the filming team and actors.

At six o\'clock the next night, just as it was about to get dark, the Rolls-Royce Silver Thorn smoothly drove out of the manor, picked up Gilmore for a while, and headed straight to the beach house in Malibu.

Naomi Watts has been listless along the way, wearing a **** little dress, leaning against Nina, the two flip through fashion magazines, and occasionally discuss a few words in a low voice.

Looking at the tired-looking woman, Wayne teased, "How do you feel? After coming back from this promotion, you felt like your bones were taken away. Are you really that tired?"

"Maybe it\'s just not a good rest, ha..." Naomi Watts raised her tender white palm, covered her mouth and yawned. "The most popular person along the way is not me. Dozens of people in the crew are just Christian\'s foil. He is the big star who causes madness everywhere."

"Nami, his performance and dedication to the film is worthy of what he\'s getting now."

Speaking of this, he can immediately think of the situation during filming. Christian Bale is so immersed in the role that he can\'t tell the difference between the scene and the outside. The other party\'s efforts are seen by everyone, and at the same time, he won the award. The respect of hundreds of people in the whole crew.

Just because of the actor\'s dedicated performance, Wayne has already vaguely reminded the other party that he should not take any other jobs first, and he will be used as one of the male protagonists in the next project he prepares.

"Of course, his performance has been recognized by fans all over the world." Speaking of this partner who has been slapped dozens of times by himself, Naomi Watts is not at all jealous. Of course, if it were a female actor, It\'s another result.

During the filming process, the reason why there were no major incidents broke out, the first reason is that there are not many female actors, only Naomi Watts is a pure heroine. Coupled with Wayne\'s increasing status, it can also suppress these people.

"By the way, when I was promoting, I heard that Warner Bros. once wanted to let Batman go to the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, but ultimately failed to pass the review there. If you want to show it, you need to cut a lot of scenes, and Warner Bros. finally gave up this plan. It\'s a pity that the market is so vast!"

Listening to the gossip of the Australian girl, Wayne shook his head slightly. He has known about this for a long time, but he has never expressed his opinion to Warner Bros.

Sooner or later, that market will become the second largest ticket warehouse in the world. No one knows the fans there better than him. It\'s too early to think about it now.

Moreover, the type of film he shoots is destined to be a banned film there. Even if it is the review standard after 20 years, from all aspects, it is impossible to appear in the theater smoothly. Black movies are too special. Even if they can be released, they may not be popular in the market. He has long known this and never had any illusions.

Unless more than ten years later, there are some possibilities for superheroes, but no one can guarantee that the funny style of Marvel movies will be popular, and his dark and serious style of DC will also be popular.

Nina suddenly remembered something when she heard the conversation on the other side. "Boss, Warner Bros. has done a survey over there, and the market potential there is too great, just like North America. Also, according to their survey, you are very famous among movie fans there, but unfortunately, they Understand you are all through pirated tapes!

What confuses Warner Bros. is that there is no media publicity about you at all, but the name Wayne Greenberg is indeed known to many people, otherwise Warner Bros. Released, they want to cultivate the market in advance..."

As long as you are a senior practitioner in the industry, you know that the movie viewing habits of movie fans are all cultivated from scratch. The same is true for the world\'s No. 1 ticket warehouse in North America. from.

Anyone can imagine the market potential over there. The huge population base is more than one step ahead of North America, but some things can\'t be taken for granted. Movies do have no borders, and good movie fans have no borders, but filmmakers have borders. of.

Therefore, he has already made plans, as long as it is related to politics, he will definitely not touch it.

After Gilmour got into the car and said hello briefly, they also ended the conversation, and Naomi Watts returned to her sullen appearance, leaning on Nina and whispering.

Warner Bros. has already notified in advance that this party is relatively formal, not only invited a lot of well-connected insiders to participate, but also some relatively special guests.

Every such large-scale cocktail party is a stage for the six major muscles to show off, and it is also a large-scale social platform, which contains many opportunities, and many cooperations start from this kind of occasion.

Of course, some of the essential handsome men and beauties at this kind of party are invited by the party company that Warner Bros. contacted in advance, and a large part are those young actors who are looking for opportunities, brought in by their agents through relationships .

This is like buying a lottery ticket for them, and everyone is eager to find a chance to stand out.

When the car pulled into the beach house, before Wayne could introduce Gilmour to Zach Snyder and the others, he was pulled over by Jeff Robinoff and introduced him to the group of veteran academy members. .

"Wayne, I like your "Joker" very much. My grandson and I have watched it more than once. However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com obviously young people prefer "Batman"."

The old man who spoke had a huge hooked nose on his face, and his Jewish features were very obvious.

Hearing what the other party said, Wayne politely touched him with champagne. "Mr. Hawkins, thank you for your support. If it hadn\'t been for a senior like you who blazed the trail, I wouldn\'t have achieved the results I have now."

"Humility and patience are very good qualities."

The other party took a sip of champagne with a smile on his face. "As the media say, even if you only look at your contribution to the promotion of the Hollywood film industry, the Oscars should give you a golden statue. Be patient, Wayne, when the time comes, our own people will definitely support you! Hollywood will always be Hollywood."

Accompanied by Jeff Robinoff again, and chatting with the other party for a while, Wayne looked at the empty crowd around him, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

He has heard a lot of words from the other party tonight, and the CEO of Warner Bros. has been patiently introducing him to help him make more contacts in the future.

Especially the phrase "Hollywood is always Hollywood", the subtext is very obvious, that is, to let him relax, this place is still up to the Jewish boss in the end.

In the face of these special guests, Wayne has been trying his best to deal with it, and try his best to leave a good impression on these old men, which is of great help to his next plan.

Although these people are outdated and cannot control the cinema market at all, after the awards season comes, behind each of them, there are countless votes.

It wasn\'t until he had dealt with these old men that he set his sights on the party, looking for crew members, ready to start a formal nightlife.

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