Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and seventy-seven - the deception of appearance

The excitement in front of the Hollywood Chinese Theater continued. Wayne and Naomi Watts entered the theater to meet Nina, who was waiting, and walked to the VIP lounge on the second floor.

Although he is only half the protagonist today, the celebrities who come to the platform mainly look at his face and need to entertain him.

"Hi, Wayne, hi, Nami." As soon as he entered the lounge on the second floor, Nicolas Cage came up first and greeted warmly with his female companion Sofia Coppola.

Wayne let go of the Australian actress\'s arm and gave him a gentle hug. "Thank you for coming, Nikolai."

"Hey, we are old friends, aren\'t we? Just a phone call from you is enough." Nicolas Cage\'s very recognizable face had a curious smile.

After saying hello, just after a simple greeting, he took the female companion and took the initiative to leave, as if everything was just a normal social interaction.

"He\'s been waiting here early in the morning." Nina habitually followed behind Wayne and explained in a low voice. "There should be something I want to talk to you about. Maybe I find the occasion is not right. I think he will come over again at the party after the premiere."

"I see."

Along the way, I kept saying hello to the guests who came to join us, whether it was Ethan Hawke, who I hadn\'t seen for a long time, or Tim Burton, who had always had a very good relationship, Wayne greeted each guest like he was watching the flowers. A few words to avoid snubbing anyone.

Until Zack Snyder and the crew showed up and began to greet the guests under the leadership of John Gray, he waved to Zach, took the assistant lady and the Australian actress, and sat in the corner to rest, waiting for the film to officially start showing.

"There are almost no film critics here." Within two minutes of sitting down, Bruce Rosenblum sat next to him, looked in the direction of the main creator of the crew and said in a low voice: "Almost all the famous film critics run When we arrive at the Shrine Grand Theater next door, no matter what, we can\'t compare the natural influence of "Hulk"."

Now the Warner Bros. executive has finally experienced the feeling of other films of the same period when he released "Batman: Hour of War".

Under the same intensive large-scale publicity, "Hulk" can attract more ordinary fans and media attention because of its own influence, especially with Universal Pictures\' investment promotion regardless of cost, it can be said that Robert - Dr. Bruce Banner\'s popularity has been maximized.

Wayne didn\'t feel nervous at all, and twitched the corners of his mouth indifferently. "Bruce, the higher they climb now, the more painful it is when they fall, don\'t worry, no one knows superheroes better than me in this day and age."

Since the reaction after the preview of "Hulk" came out, he had already let go of his slightly suspended heart. Everything was as expected at the earliest. Universal Pictures really did it for the sake of safety, forcibly suppressing the darkness and realism of the Hulk shooting. .

This style cannot be said to be bad. Many heroes of Marvel actually have dark attributes themselves. But after learning from some people who had participated in the preview that the film was a replica at all, he felt that Universal Pictures might be self-defeating this time.

In fact, he and Warner Bros. have already analyzed that if the executives of Universal Pictures gave the director sufficient freedom and funds, and did not point fingers at all aspects of the film, maybe this film would have done well.

After all, there is only one superhero this year. As long as the film reaches the level of mainstream summer special effects popcorn, it does not need to exceed the expectations of fans. Everything in the film remains satisfactory. With the advantages of Hulk\'s natural popularity, the box office will not be low.

Universal Pictures did not do this, the producers strictly controlled the director\'s freedom, and the executives of the production company frequently pointed fingers because of the huge investment. .

This kind of scene, Wayne, should not be too familiar. Now Universal Pictures is playing a slapstick operation that is almost exactly the same as what Warner Bros. played on DC in the previous life. This is an old problem of large production companies.

"Yeah." Although Bruce Rosenblum was a little worried, thinking of the company\'s internal analysis some time ago, he still agreed with him. "Those people were fascinated by the huge merchandising revenue of Batman: Hour of War and the brilliance of Joker.

Manga-modified superheroes have always been niche films, and the success of DC has not changed this. The dark and serious production style is also an out-and-out niche. If there is no long-term foreshadowing and testing of the market, it will be too difficult for mainstream fans to accept it! "

Why is there only one production company, Universal Pictures, that hastily launched superheroes? They are not the only ones who own the copyright in Hollywood. It is because of the uncertainty of the market that more companies choose to wait and see.

Even 20th Century Fox, which owns many superhero copyrights, did not easily start to test the market. Like several other production companies, they were not sure about the success of DC superheroes. In the end, it was because fans took the initiative to accept this genre. Or because of Wayne.

After the success of the DC comics, countless people have analyzed the main factors, and most of the results show that the biggest reason may be Wayne. He tested the market through noir films, cultivated the acceptance of fans, and slowly established Branding of Greenberg-style boutique films.

Then, because of the long-term foreshadowing and so on, ordinary movie fans ignored factors such as noir movies and comics, and subconsciously put the movies he made into the mainstream outside the rules.

This kind of argument on the market is the mainstream, and everyone is waiting for a different style of manga change from the Greenberg format to appear, and only after a method that is easier to replicate and has been successful will it be possible to consider such a huge investment project. . "It\'s almost time, we should go down."

Nina raised her wrist to glance at the time between Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum chatting, and reminded softly.


A few people stood up and walked to the huge screening hall downstairs. They could find that the lucky fans had already started to line up to enter the venue. The movie will start on time at seven o\'clock, which is an hour later than the next door. In this regard, "The Hulk" is indeed one position ahead of "The Matrix".

There was some noise in the live environment. Although the chatting voice of most fans was low, when hundreds of people were placed in the same space, it was still full of various noises.

In the middle are the invited media reporters, as well as the star guests scattered on the platform, the group of film critics that should have been indispensable, but today there are very few.

Fewer film critics does not mean low quality. The moment he went downstairs, he found his old friend Todd McCarthy. The eyes of the other party also looked over at the same time, and the two smiled together and nodded very friendly.

He didn\'t go over to say hello, and took the two women to the first row of seats where the crew was.

Everyone is a decent person, at least in public. Against the backdrop of a classic Chanel little black dress, Naomi Watts tilted her head slightly and slung Wayne\'s arm on her side, maintaining an elegant look throughout. Smile like a proud black swan.

When passing by Jennifer Connelly and Charlize Theron, not only did he show no other expressions, he also smiled and nodded to the two women.

However, when the three women turned their heads, they put away their warm smiles at the same time, and almost silently spit out a dirty word starting with a b.

As if he hadn\'t seen the woman\'s performance, Wayne walked to the seat reserved for him in the middle and sat down. Most of the crew\'s main creators also took their seats. From time to time, someone nodded and said hello to him.

Zach Snyder is a seat away from him, and it can be seen that for the first time his work appeared on the big screen, the state revealed by the whole person is anxiety and anxiety.

"There\'s news from next door." Bruce Rosenblum sat down next to him. After taking the phone, his spirit became very relaxed, and the corners of his mouth couldn\'t help but lift upwards. "Aha, I just got the news that in less than an hour after the screening of "The Hulk", more than 30 fans voluntarily left the venue..."

Hearing this news, Wayne shook his head speechlessly~www.novelhall.com~ had already thought that the film would be a different one, but unexpectedly, at the premiere, some audience members took the initiative to leave the stage regardless of viewing etiquette.

Now he is a little curious, what kind of film is it, and this strange situation occurs.

"Nice news."

He grinned. He really didn\'t know how to evaluate it. The two looked at each other, and at the same time, they found a suspicion in each other\'s eyes. Did he think too much of the neighbor? What, the other party is going to collapse on his own?

Zach Snyder, who was on the side, happened to hear the conversation between the two of them. This news is more useful than any comfort. The anxiety on his face immediately went away. With a popular monster like "Hulk" as a competitor, give him The pressure has never been small.

The chatter in the movie hall became less and less, and everyone who came in took their seats. The gradually quiet environment meant that the official screening of the film was about to begin.

At seven o\'clock in the evening, the lights on the ceiling began to go out one by one. From the rear of the crowd, a gorgeous light suddenly shot out and reflected on the wide curtain in front.

First came the familiar Warner Bros. title, the shrill piano sound, accompanied by the pictures of the old-fashioned studio soundstage, flowed into the two huge letters "WB", representing the long history of the studio.

"It\'s about to start..." Daisy, who was sitting in the back, suppressed her excitement. Although she had participated in two trial screenings and was already very familiar with the content of the film, she still couldn\'t contain her excitement.

This film is too special in her eyes, and there are too many answers to look for.

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