Hollywood Drawing

~: 376 - Greenberg Format Pride

The door of the Rolls-Royce silver thorn was pulled open from the inside. Nina, carrying the briefcase that never left her, neatly jumped out of the car and walked towards the specially reserved staff passage, ready to enter the Hollywood China Theater to wait.

The convoy in front is still very crowded. After all, "The Matrix" is still a non-sequel, non-adapted original film, so in order to make up for the natural lack of influence, there are many stars who come to the platform to help out today.

In people\'s impressions, as a film director, Wayne\'s usual work and life are very low-key except for the promotion period before and after the film\'s release. Although there are many good and bad rumors about him, it is definitely not High profile kind of person.

Therefore, both insiders and fans of the public have ignored his social circle intentionally or unintentionally. In the impression of most people, this young Hollywood billionaire is not a big guy who is easy to contact, unless you are a distinctive beauty.

However, on the eve of the release of "The Matrix", after Wayne made a few calls, there was an unexpected lineup of luxurious guests today.

The reason why so many fans came to the scene was that a large part of them came for their idols. Wayne had to sigh that the stars of the 1990s were so much happier than they were 20 years later, and their appeal was far away. Winning colleagues twenty years later.

In this era, there is no script, no plan, and no crew. Just relying on a star to join in can start overseas pre-sale in advance, and the investment will be recovered in advance before the film is shot. It is just a routine operation of the production company.

The car is still moving forward slowly, Naomi Watts is wearing a black evening dress, her hair is pulled up high, and her face is painted with exquisite makeup. The whole person looks radiant and sexy, completely invisible. It\'s like having a baby not long ago.

Her figure has recovered quite well, and her long legs and slender waist are almost the same as a year ago, thanks to her usual strict body maintenance and healthy and self-disciplined eating habits.

Compared with the **** and charming Australian actress in Chanel\'s classic little black dress, Wayne sitting next to her is as usual, just in a black suit without any logo, and has been wearing the same steady business clothes for many years, unconsciously. It will make people ignore his age.

"Who\'s on the red carpet?"

Wayne crossed Erlang\'s legs, leaned on the wide seat relaxedly, flipped through two newspapers in his hands, and was separated by seven or eight cars when he suddenly heard a burst of screams from fans.

I haven\'t been out of the house for a while. Naomi Watts was lying by the car window, observing who and who walked into the theater hand in hand from time to time. When she heard the man\'s question, she immediately said in a sarcastic tone:

"It\'s Christian Bale and Jennifer Connelly, wow! That watch is on Chris\'s arm. The two are so close!" She suddenly turned her head when she said this, her eyes full of innocent, provocative look. man flipping through a newspaper.

"You said, will that watch sneaked over the sheets with Chris? Aha, our good family man, he has a little princess, but he ignores other..."


The newspaper was slammed onto the seat, and Wayne stretched out a finger and tapped the woman\'s defiant face. "It\'s not funny at all! Nami! Even if she did something to someone else, it has nothing to do with me!"

"You\'re a careful tyrant, don\'t think I don\'t know..." Naomi Watts rolled her eyes without hesitation, muttering in a low voice, not at all afraid that the man would hear it, she turned around and continued to lie down to the ground. Looking at the red carpet from the car window.

No one knows this man better than her. For her child\'s father, her conclusion is: lustful, afraid of death, like long legs, greedy, shameless, with amazing thickness, and very careful, for women who maintain relationships, they can Generously give materials and opportunities beyond the expectations of the other party, but will never accept silent betrayal.

He said that he would not interfere in a woman\'s private life, but in fact, every woman knew in her heart that if she wanted to maintain a good relationship with him, she had to accept his double standard and the beast that broke out from time to time in his heart.

The cheers in front of one after another, Christian Bale and Jennifer Connelly not long after, Nicolas Cage took Sofia Coppola onto the red carpet, followed by Brad Pitt, Ethan Hawke, Jack Nicholson, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson…

The fans who came to the scene today are happy, because of Wayne\'s relationship and the call of Warner Bros., the stars walking on the red carpet are dazzling, and finally, the car walking in front of Rolls-Royce gave way The location, countless reporters pressed the shutter like crazy, and the surroundings of the car were illuminated like daylight.

The moment the car door was opened, the crazy screams of countless fans sounded, and the enthusiasm was not lost to the big stars who just passed, and they were also mixed with organized and neat shouts.

"Wayne, we\'re here to support your movie..."

Wayne, who just got off the bus, saw Daisy who was in command immediately, and bowed slightly to his group of fans with a smile, causing even louder screams for a while.

He turned around and stretched out a hand to help the Australian actress down from the car, he instructed in a low voice. "Nami, let\'s go faster."

"Why?" Naomi Watts took the man\'s arm, kept an elegant smile at the media, and whispered, "God, look, those movie fans are going crazy for you!"

"Today\'s protagonists are not us, but Zach Snyder and Li Guohao. We don\'t need to steal the limelight." After Wayne finished speaking, he walked forward with her, completely ignoring the various opinions of media reporters and movie fans. kind of shouting.

"I understand, we\'re just getting enough attention for the film, right?"

The two had almost no self-consciousness to walk the red carpet. Facing the media reporters and enthusiastic fans, it was as if they had not seen it. They only took half the time of the other guests to walk to the media interview area at the end of the red carpet.

Then they took the Miss Manners\' signature pen together and signed their names.

"...Yes, Zach is a very good director and has learned a lot from Wayne perfectly."

Facing a large group of media reporters, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp stood in the interview area and talked eloquently. "This film contains thought-provoking philosophical speculation, human nature analysis, and a strong cyberpunk style. The action scenes have cleverly integrated kongfu, and the use of special skills such as high-speed slow motion will definitely bring fans An incoherent movie-watching feast."

The reporters didn\'t expect the two of Wayne to come so quickly, noticed the two people waiting, and involuntarily quickened the rhythm of questioning. A female reporter in business attire, after he finished speaking, asked at a faster rate:

"Director Burton, after the previous preview of "The Matrix", some voices said that the film\'s director Zack Snyder made a mess of the story, and the film is full of magic. What do you think of this statement?"

"Story? Hey friends, what I\'m going to tell you is that the writer of the Matrix movie is called Wayne Greenberg! The rigor of the story is the last thing to worry about! He\'s right behind us, If you have any questions, you can ask him directly."

Tim Burton shrugged exaggeratedly, winked and teased, pointed to the waiting two Wayne, nodded to them with a smile, and left the media interview area.

The two people in front had just left, and the reporters surrounded them instantly. At the same time, the microphone and several recording pens were placed in front of Wayne and Naomi Watts.

It was the female reporter who spoke first. "Mr. Greenberg, Ms. Watts, congratulations on having your own little princess. What do you think of Director Burton\'s answer just now?"

"Thank you!" Wayne smiled and nodded slightly to the reporter, then pointed to a pair of microphone recorders and said, "I completely agree with Tim\'s opinion, and the doubts about the story of "The Matrix" are all nonsense. , One thing Tim is right, the screenwriter of this film is me, so fans can watch it with confidence!"

"Mr. Greenberg, the production of "The Departed" has been completed, when will the filming of the second Batman film begin?" After he had just finished speaking, another reporter couldn\'t wait to ask: "Now countless movie fans are Looking forward to this, can you give a specific time..."

Wayne maintained his smile and interrupted the reporter with a wave. "Sorry, next question, I\'m not answering anything unrelated to The Matrix today."

"Okay, Wayne, what do you think of the Hulk premiere next door, can you talk?"

Shaking his head slightly, he showed a disdainful expression. "It\'s just a poor imitation. After the large-scale release tomorrow, I believe fans can tell the difference between the two."

The first female reporter followed his words and continued to ask, "Could you please make a first weekend box office prediction for the two films released at the same time~www.novelhall.com~?"

At this moment, Wayne was full of arrogance and said without hesitation: "The Matrix will be the box office champion. There is no suspense. How can I personally produce and write a film, how could it lose to a poor imitation?"

After speaking, I felt that it was almost the same, and without waiting for other reporters to continue their interviews, I took Naomi Watts\'s hand and walked to the Hollywood China Theater without looking back.

The reporters behind him were all excited, and had no idea of ​​continuing to ask questions. His answers just now were enough to be the entertainment headlines tomorrow. They wanted to know what the next door would do if they saw this kind of provocation. \'s response.

"Darling." Naomi Watts turned her head and glanced behind her, making sure no one else was nearby, before she asked in a low voice, "You are not usually an arrogant fool, even your pride is hidden in your heart. ,what is it today?"

"Nami, "The Matrix" needs attention, and there is half of my investment in it..."

When the public relations department of Warner Bros. told him such a media strategy through Nina, he agreed without hesitation, otherwise he would not have deliberately accepted an interview with the Los Angeles Times yesterday with Tim Burton.

As long as the attention of "The Matrix" can be increased, Wayne doesn\'t think that there is anything wrong with taking the initiative to provoke the hype. Since Hollywood entered the 1990s, it has long been a business film not to attract the box office by the quality of the film. The box office success, the role of publicity, hype and promotion, no one knows better than him, a later generation!

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