Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and ninety-three - we never pay attention to the cry of the loser

The performance of "The Matrix" was still ferocious in the next weekend. It smashed a box office of 127 million US dollars in North America within ten days of its release, and successfully topped the 1996 annual box office champion.

Although everyone knows that "The Matrix" will not be in this position for too long, it is now the most competitive annual summer vacation in North America, but this still cannot erase the greatness of this film, and it also gives Warner Bros. Brother great confidence.

Since the film performed unexpectedly well, coupled with the violent peripheral sales performance, Warner Bros. will of course not let this opportunity pass, so there is the phenomenon of life-threatening promotional films.

On the afternoon of Monday, Bruce Rosenblum gave a rare interview to reporters, claiming that "The Matrix" became a hit at the beginning of the summer, which was completely unexpected by Warner Bros. At the beginning of the film\'s preparation, The biggest expectation is that the North American box office can reach the production cost line.

In this film with an investment of only 80 million US dollars, except for Lee\'s reputation for "The Clown", the entire crew did not have any big names who have proved themselves. No one would have thought that the film was only released for ten days. The box office performance surpassed Warner Bros.\'s earliest estimates.

When the reporter asked him very cooperatively what was the biggest success factor of the film, Bruce Rosenblum did not hesitate to sing praises to Wayne without hesitation, and almost threw all the credit to the producer. superior.

No way, who made Wayne\'s popularity and popularity high, since in order to hype the film, the topic will inevitably be brought to him. Even before the end of the interview, the director of the Warner Bros. distribution department was not polite at all. It was announced that it was Wayne\'s philosophical script that gave the film a qualitative change.

The large-scale and high-density coverage of the media, coupled with the film\'s strong reputation, and the presence of Warner Bros. executives in person to increase the topic, even if it is a working day, many fans who haven\'t seen the film, because of With a lot of movie information appearing around him, he walked into the theater with curiosity.

The main reason why Warner Bros. is willing to invest such huge resources to promote the film in the second week of its release is the rating of the film.

In any case, this is an R-rated film after all, and the viewing scale is naturally greatly limited. As a result, the screening cycle will not last too long, so I want to finally burst out all the energy before this weekend. Get as many moviegoers as you can into the theater.

What\'s more, two highly popular productions will be released at the same time this weekend, and there is no possibility that "The Matrix" will continue to dominate the theater market.

On May 28th, just this Friday, Steven Spielberg will be the producer, and Warner Bros.\'s big production "Tornado" will hit the theater market. This film has not been released yet, but there is already Countless fans are looking forward to it.

The original intention of Warner Bros. is to hope that "Tornado" can take over "The Matrix", so that the films released by Warner Bros. will completely dominate the North American theater market that began in the summer.

You know, what Bruce Rosenblum said to the media was not entirely for hype. Warner Bros. really didn\'t have high expectations for "The Matrix" at first. The source of confidence is this "Tornado".

For ordinary movie fans in North America, this weekend is also a boat camp feast. Not only Warner Bros.\'s forehead production "Tornado" this year, but also another more heavyweight work, that is Hollywood superstar Tom - "Mission Impossible" starring Cruise.

There is no need to say much about Tom\'s popularity and appeal. In this era, as long as he doesn\'t die and his mermaid lady appears in the same movie on the big screen, he is the biggest guarantee of the box office.

And this upcoming "Mission Impossible" itself is adapted from the hit TV series on CBS channel from 1968 to 1973. The film has a lot of popularity and popularity. The two films are in the same The collision over the weekend was as hot as Mars hitting the Earth.

"Director Greenberg, after "The Matrix" landed in Europe, it was resisted by a large number of European film practitioners." A white female reporter with chestnut hair held up the microphone, followed by the camera, and asked unceremoniously. "Have you read the report of the French authoritative media Aspen newspaper yesterday? They claimed that you will use a large-scale R-rated film again, and to strengthen the world\'s fans, what do you think of these European film practitioners?"

"I bet they haven\'t seen "The Matrix". As for what I think..." Wayne, dressed in a straight black suit, looked at the camera behind the female reporter with a smile, and said to the microphone without hesitation: "I Never care about the views of the losers, if you have a careful understanding, it should be clear that "The Matrix" landed not only in one region of France, but also in all the theater markets in Europe, and it was the number one film at the box office at this time."

This is the premiere of the film "Tornado". Unlike the previous public events, only Wayne walked the red carpet today, without Naomi Watts. To put it bluntly, this film basically has nothing to do with him. This time I came here purely as a guest to create momentum for the film platform.

When he strode across the red carpet, signed his autograph and came to the interview area, the reporter\'s first question was quite sharp, and it had nothing to do with the upcoming premiere of "Tornado".

"Hello, Wayne, I\'m Sandy, the editor-in-chief of "Premier." The North American box office of "The Matrix" exceeded 150 million US dollars, congratulations." Another Mexican-American reporter was friendly enough and politely asked. , put a voice recorder in front of him.

"Hi, good evening, Sandy, I know you."

Having been in the circle for so many years, Wayne naturally knows how to talk to people and talk to ghosts. When interviewed by the media who are close to him, his attitude is usually very good. "Although we haven\'t met, your name is Sandy Barea, right? I remember that you were the writer of the previous "Premier" Power List about me."

"That\'s right." The Mexican-American reporter was called out by his full name, and he obviously had a more enthusiastic smile on his face. He felt honored to be remembered by a big man in the circle. "The Matrix has performed very well at the overseas box office. Can you talk about how you view the slander of European film practitioners?"

"Hey, today is the premiere of "Tornado." If we continue to talk about "The Matrix", I\'m afraid Steven will kick us out of the premiere." Wayne shrugged at the reporter and expressed it in a mocking tone Given his attitude, today\'s absolute protagonist is undoubtedly "Tornado", Steven Spielberg, Jane de Bont, and he is just a mere platform guest.

"Ok, this is the last question about The Matrix, and then we can talk about the film behind me, can\'t we. I\'m probably used to the talk and slander about European film practitioners.

As early as in 1993, when "Joker" ignited a worldwide movie-watching frenzy, there were many different voices in the continent where the movie was invented, but what else could they do other than bark a few times with the help of the media? They can\'t stop "Joker" from taking Europa by storm, and they can\'t stop the Hollywood film industry from advancing.

In my eyes, they are a group of rotten old men guarding their last face. Back then, "Joker" broke through their last luck and broke through the market that the countries guarded tightly. When "The Clown" was released, they Began to ridicule me for using a large scale to sharpen the fans all over the world.

When "Batman: Hour of War" was released, some people even called on fans to boycott the film, but what was the result? Every time a movie with the name Greenberg is released, no matter how much fun they make, I can only watch my movie easily win the box office. "

Standing in front of the camera lens, Wayne talked eloquently, and he knew that everything he said would be broadcast to countless fans. This country has never talked about the virtue of modesty. On the contrary, the self-confidence he now reveals from the inside out~www.novelhall.com~ is the universal value of most people here.

As for those European film colleagues who began to scold him again, they were really used to it. Don\'t look at the director of "The Matrix" is not him, but this did not delay those people\'s touch porcelain, it is really a good result of this film in Europe.

After its first weekend overseas, "The Matrix" landed directly at the top of the box office charts in most regions.

"...I don\'t like discussing movies with losers, so if those people want to say something, let them say it, and it\'s the biggest insult to me to respond every time. At least I\'ve been proving a The thing is that my films can be recognized by fans in the mainland simply and neatly, and the so-called old-fashioned art films they shoot are not only impossible to be recognized by North American audiences, but also lose their own local audiences, which is very Sad, right?"

Although North American entertainment media is extremely developed, those paparazzi wish Wayne\'s luck to come up with some big news. But when it comes to agreeing to the outside world, these media will never be vague. The words he said to the camera today will probably be spread by various media at the scene to the continent that used to be the center of the world by tomorrow morning. .

"crack" "crack" "crack"

Suddenly there was a burst of applause in the interview area, Steven Spielberg clapped his hands and walked in.

"Wayne, you\'re absolutely right, that\'s right, we never pay attention to the cry of the loser."

Click, click, click.

The picture of the old Jewish man reaching out to pat Wayne on the shoulder made the photojournalist at the scene fall into a high nest. These two Jewish directors from different eras appeared in the same flower face, especially when the old man encouraged the young man, this photo will definitely be published On the front pages of many media newspapers tomorrow.