Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and ninety-four - Jewish businessman with a dirty mind

"Director Spielberg." The Mexican editor-in-chief of "Premier" magazine waved to the two and asked: "Recent rumors that DreamWorks changed publishers because Wayne helped you and Warner Bros. The result of the brothers\' matchmaking, is this rumor true?"


Steven Spielberg looked directly at the camera and nodded neatly. "Yes, my relationship with Wayne has always been very good, and he is a major shareholder of Warner Bros., so this time DreamWorks will reach an agreement with Warner Bros. It is indeed inseparable from his help."

Turning his head to look at the old Jewish man beside him who was smiling and facing the reporter, Wayne spat in his heart. As long as the old guy put down the camera, he would be a Jewish businessman with a dirty mind just like himself.

For the development of DreamWorks, the other party directly shook him out in the media, completely using him to attract firepower, but he couldn\'t refute, everything this old man said was true.

"Director Greenberg, one last question." After a female reporter waited for Spielberg to finish speaking, she took the microphone and looked at him again. "We all know that today\'s premiere is not just the "Tornado" film, there is another one, can you talk about your views on the two films, as well as the box office forecast for the opening weekend."

"No one in Hollywood can underestimate Tom Cruise."

Just when the reporters thought he would say some clichés, complimenting his opponent and complimenting his side, Wayne changed his words and looked at the old Jewish man who was waiting beside him. "But everyone has to admit that Steven is the current box office record holder in film history, so of course I am more optimistic about this "Tornado".

As for the first weekend box office prediction, in my opinion, there is no suspense at all, the champion must belong to Steven and "Tornado". As he just said, successful people have become accustomed to success. Whether Steven is a director, a producer, or the owner of a production company, he has done a very good job. How can such a successful person be? Might lose? ! "

"So, Director Greenberg..."

"So my conclusion is that "Tornado" will defeat "Mission Impossible" head-on and successfully gain a box office champion position. We will look forward to it."

After he finished speaking with suspicion of serious business exaggeration, he smiled and nodded to all the reporters in the interview area, and followed the old man to the Kodak Theater behind him.

It is still relatively early, and the heavyweight guests and the main creative team of the crew have not yet stepped onto the red carpet, so the VIP lounge of the theater still seems relatively empty.

On the surface, the two were like a pair of old friends who ignored their age. They sat down in a corner while talking and laughing. While waiting for the coffee to be delivered by the staff, they both discovered the other\'s observation of themselves.

Relatively speaking, Steven Spielberg\'s mood is more complicated. The young people around him not only continue to make successful films, but also accumulate a lot of wealth and power in the circle in a short period of time. Now he has proved himself as a producer. talent.

The genius level of this young junior is like being kissed by God on purpose. As long as the work related to the film, no matter what he does, it will be the best one.

Before this evening, Warner Bros. continued to promote and hype "The Matrix" on a large scale and the effect was very significant.

Although the box office is not as explosive as the weekend, the trend is very stable, which is too easy for an R-rated film. Similar to those large-scale horror films, the normal rule of R-rated films should be to die after a short period of time. Except for the films produced by this young man beside him, almost no one else can break this rule.

From Monday to Wednesday, "The Matrix" made $5.5 million, $7.62 million, and $5.73 million, respectively. The total North American box office has accumulated to $146.17 million. If you add today\'s daytime box office, the total North American box office has exceeded $150 million.

Everyone knows that after the large-scale release of "Tornado" and "Mission Impossible" tomorrow, the box office of "The Matrix" will definitely plummet, but as an original R-rated film, the results achieved now are brilliant enough.

"Zach Snyder did a great job, Wayne." Steven Spielberg stroked his beard, his words full of temptation. "His style of shooting is very similar to yours, but he has his own characteristics.

It can be seen that the way of moving the mirror like a commercial is particularly expressive. The rich and colorful pictures like oil paintings, the combination of high-speed slow motion and action shots or special effects shots, from these similar but unique skills to you, you can see that this is a very thoughtful director. "

Wayne just smiled and listened to the Jewish old man\'s compliments to Zack Snyder. No one knows Zach\'s strengths and weaknesses better than him. Now one of the giants of DreamWorks is full of praise, and no one knows what he is thinking. what.

"Zach is really talented." He put down his coffee mug and fumbled for his coat pocket. Seeing this, Nina, who had been observing from a distance, trotted over with a briefcase that never left her body, handed him a pack of cigarettes, and then backed away.

"Not only is he talented, but he also works hard enough." The sound of chi chi sounded, and Wayne lit the cigarette in his mouth, and two cyan mists spewed from his nostrils. "The most important thing is that Zach is not only talented and willing to work hard, but also has his own ideas, and knows how to use what he has learned to adapt, which has surpassed many people..."

Since this old man likes small talk, he simply restrained his curiosity and followed up with small talk, anyway, the other party will always reveal the purpose of these words in the end.

"That\'s right." Steven Spielberg\'s eyes showed admiration, as if he really wanted to discuss shooting techniques with him. "As for the use of high-speed and slow-motion, I can see that it has some connection with the frame drawing that you don\'t often use. I have to say, this is really a genius. Wayne, wait for the main creative team of "The Matrix" to come back and tell us how ?"

"Um... no problem."

Hearing the other party say this, the alarm bell rang out in his mind immediately, this Jewish old man, wouldn\'t it be the idea of ​​hitting Zack Snyder again? There is no such possibility. DreamWorks lacks everything now. If a director with great potential joins, the pressure on the live-action film department in charge of him will be reduced a lot, right?

This topic came to an abrupt end after only a few words. On the surface, the two of them continued to chat. Steven Spielberg seemed very enthusiastic and generously gave him suggestions for awarding awards. He also said that he would be after the awards season. , to help him get votes.

It didn\'t take long, and after ten minutes passed, there was a burst of cheers outside the door, which meant that some big names had begun to walk on the red carpet, and the premiere officially began to enter Gaochao.

Steven Spielberg raised his wrist, glanced at the time, and smiled apologetically at Wayne. "It seems that I can\'t accompany you. Before Bunt comes in, I have to receive other people who come to cheer."

"We are old friends." Wayne waved his hand with a cigarette in his mouth. "You go to work, I don\'t need to say hello here."

He kept his eyes fixed on the back of the Jewish old man, and began to analyze continuously in his mind. Until Nina patted his hand lightly, a whispered reminder from the assistant lady came from his ear at the same time.

"Boss, it\'s Townsend Rothman, who came to us."

"There\'s no reason, the future CEO of 20th Century Fox, does he have such a spare time? Come to the premiere of Warner Bros.\'s new film. I\'m afraid that some of Fox\'s own premieres, he rarely shows up."

While muttering softly, Wayne stood up, the thoughtful expression on his face changed to a warm smile, a complete surprise when he accidentally bumped into an old friend.

Perhaps his acting skills in front of the camera are so bad that he can\'t even compare to third-rate Hollywood actors, but after several years of development, the skill of acting on the scene has long been rated at full level, just like another skill called Shameless.

"Hi Townsend, I didn\'t expect you to come here."

With almost the same expression, the two hugged each other. Wayne slapped the other man on the back a little harder, pulling him down to sit down. "If Jeff knew you were coming, he probably wouldn\'t get off work on time with the kids."

"I just want to satisfy my curiosity." Townsend Rothman spread his hands, his eyes full of sincerity. "You know, this \'Tornado\' has been very well received since its preview, and I happen to be a fan of director Bunt, so I can\'t wait to see it in advance."

Nina looked at the **** chat and greeted the two, and rolled her eyes behind Wayne. They were just like Steven Spielberg just now. They all smiled brightly and enthusiastically. Thinking what no one can guess.

Originally, my boss seemed to be precocious~www.novelhall.com~ Now put him in front of these two old foxes, and the assistant lady suddenly realized that this has nothing to do with precocity and calmness, etc. It is simply the wicked and treacherous nature of Jewish capitalists!

"I went to see The Matrix with my kids the day before yesterday, Wayne," Townsend-Rothman said, beckoning to the adaptor and pointing to the coffee cup. "I have to say, this film is really cool, no wonder those young people will go into the theater repeatedly for this R-rated film to watch, the refreshing feeling and the strong cyberpunk style are simply fascinating. .

After watching the video, my kid went straight to the surrounding store, holysh ***! When he came out again, he was already another Neo, shit, and now it\'s so hot in LA, that kid wears a trench coat wherever he goes..."

It seems like a chat to compliment the movie, but Townsend-Rothman\'s eyes are very calm, and he has been constantly observing the facial expressions and reactions of the young people around him.

"Thank you for your support, Townsend." Wayne shrugged and said enthusiastically, "If you need it, the props from the crew are still there, and I can send you two original ones later."

"Ok, I can see that this film is far from the end of the story. This is a project that can be serialized." Townsend-Rothman slowly narrowed his eyes, but the smile on his face was always exist. "How about it, can I, as a movie fan, ask when the second part can meet us?"

"Part two..."

Talking about this, Wayne almost couldn\'t hold back his joy. After going around such a long circle, it turns out that the purpose of this 20th century executive is to test his attitude towards Zach Snyder.

Who would have thought that these people had such a keen sense of smell, and they all stared at the directors they had worked so hard to cultivate.