Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty-three - I have to wait for the box office results

Whenever a blockbuster movie is released in Hollywood, it will always be accompanied by the mischief of the main actor, director or production company, and then inexplicably subside in a short period of time, because it does not take too long, the competition in the theater market will be divided into winners and losers. , everything becomes clear.

If you continue to invest in media resources for hype, it will all become useless, and if the existing results cannot be changed, even the most appalling scandal will suddenly become unheard of.

Wayne and Warner Bros. both understand this, but they can\'t watch the situation unfold and wait passively, which will undoubtedly make more fans stay away from "The Matrix" when making movie viewing choices.

"Nina, what would you think if you went to the movies and found out that the male protagonist was gay?" No one in the office thought about it, Wayne turned to look at the silent female assistant beside him.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, stretched out her hand and pushed her glasses, and answered without hesitation, "If it were me, I would think he was disgusting. Of course, boss, I don\'t think Lee is disgusting, just from the perspective of a strange fan..."

"Ok, I understand."

Waving to Miss Assistant, Wayne interrupted her explanation, then turned his attention to several other people, shrugged, and said, "See, I believe more ordinary people will think the same way, or more At least it\'s disgusting, we have to do something, and it\'s obviously not going to work for Lee to issue a statement of denial."

If the early box office of "The Matrix" is not satisfactory, perhaps Bruce Rosenblum\'s first thought will be to let the situation develop, and then immediately reduce the follow-up publicity investment and stop the loss in time.

Most studios do the same thing, and no one wants to continue investing more resources in a film that doesn\'t make a profit. Or the same thing happens when input is not proportional to output.

But now that "The Matrix" is obviously doing well, and it is likely to bring a lot of revenue to Warner Bros., it is absolutely impossible to let things continue to ferment.

"Would you like to call BrandonLee back." Bruce Rosenblum said, "They should have just arrived in New York now, and everything has not started yet, we..."

"No, let them keep promoting." Jeff Robinoff shook his head, lit a carefully trimmed cigar and stuffed it into his mouth, closing his eyes and exhaling a thick cloud of mist. "I need the first-day box office numbers for \'The Matrix\', wait, wait!"

The CEO of Warner Bros., who has always been as stable as an old dog, always gives people the illusion of a good old man. In fact, there is no simple one who can fulfill the role of the top six executives.

"What do you think?" Wayne looked at him curiously.

"It\'s still early, Wayne."

Jeff Robinoff chuckled and pointed his cigar-holding hand to the back of his large desk, where the Warner Bros. logo was on the wall.



Faced with the doubts of Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum, the CEO of Warner Bros. did not explain much, but there was no worry in the smile on his face. "Wait another day, if \'The Matrix\' does well at the box office, I swear, all problems will become non-issues, but I need box office numbers!"

"Okay, it seems I\'m a little too nervous." Seeing that he didn\'t explain, Wayne simply held back his curiosity. No one would be more confident in this film than him, so wait for the box office numbers to come out. .

The reason why he ran over in the morning is because half of the revenue from "The Matrix" belongs to Greenberg Studios, and how the film performs is related to his income.

"Then I\'ll go back first. If there is anything you need me to do, just call me directly."

After speaking, he nodded to the other party, stood up and tidied up his suit, ready to take the assistant and leave.


Before leaving, Jeff Robinoff stopped him again, the smile on his face disappeared, and he turned into a serious look, saying: "Don\'t accept any interviews with any media or reporters, don\'t give a **** about this. Express any opinion on the matter, ok? At least not today."

"I see."

Wayne nodded and agreed, knowing what the other party meant to say, homosexuality is too sensitive, expressing opinions easily, and it is very likely that he will lose many fans.

Much of North America is far less open-minded than Los Angeles, especially the central states.

Not expressing any views is the most conservative approach. If you do not express any views, there will be no media with ulterior motives to distort and report his words.

Before things become clear, whether it is to speak out in support of homosexuality or to express disapproval of this group, it is inevitable that both sides will not settle down and offend a large number of people.

"Jeff." When there were only two people left in the office, Bruce Rosenblum said suddenly: "From the company\'s standpoint, I must remind you that Warner Bros. is only the publisher of "The Matrix", occupying The investment ratio is very small!”

The situation of this film is a bit special. Among them, there is an investment of 40 million yuan, which is from Greenberg Studio, and the other half of 40 million US dollars, most of which also comes from the International Film Fund, or they pulled it in the name of Wayne. of.

If the film\'s profitability is good, Warner Bros., as the distributor, will not earn a penny less. If the box office performance is not satisfactory, at most, it will lose the publicity funds advanced in advance. This is the reason why the distribution company is absolutely upstream in the industry chain.

"No, Bruce." Jeff Robinoff looked out the window and shook his head, puffs of green smoke coming out of his nostrils. "You ignore the peripheral income and the follow-up offline operation of the film. Of course, the premise of all this depends on the box office figures of "The Matrix". Is it worth our increased investment of resources..."

There are some things he didn\'t say clearly. The box office numbers are for others to see. What he needs is a plausible reason to shoot. Of course, "The Matrix" is happy to make money, but he wants to ensure that when the film does not perform well, Wayne\'s investment will not be easily lost. The reason is very simple. There have long been rumors within the board of directors and the company. It is very simple to be the CEO of Warner Bros., and it is enough to establish a good relationship with Wayne Greenberg.

Jeff Robinoff has never denied this kind of rumors, and he still agrees with this view in his heart. It is important for both parties to demonstrate your own values ​​and abilities in order to continue or deepen your relationship.

In front of the Warner Bros. building, Wayne squeezed into his car under the protection of security guards, and always kept the rule of silence in the face of a large group of reporters outside the car.

He is also very curious now, and wants to see what methods the CEO of Warner Bros. will use to eliminate the influence of homosexuality.

On Friday, the last working day, theaters typically enter peak traffic in the evening. One of the theaters under the AMC chain theater chain is located near the prosperous Fifth Avenue in New York.

Since the opening of the theater at nine o\'clock in the morning, today\'s sudden abnormal situation has aroused the vigilance of the theater manager Sam Mills. Shortly after nine o\'clock, at least no less than 200 young people rushed without warning. into the cinema hall.

The ticket window, which should have been deserted, instantly lined up a few lines. If these young people hadn\'t shown order, he would have chosen to call the police as soon as possible.

Just as he was leaning against the ticket gate, observing these abnormal men and women, Ramon Miller, the conductor at the front desk of the theater, walked towards him with two young men.

"Sam, they are the organizers of these fans, and they want to chat with you." The conductor explained, leaving the two and the theater manager behind, turning around and running back to the ticket window.

"Hey, what can I do to help you?" Sam Mills said with doubts, reaching out and shaking hands with the two in front of him.

"We are students at the New York Film Academy." One of the boys saw his doubts, pointed to the two of them and the others behind him, and introduced himself. "We have about 260 people here this time. Can you arrange us in a hall? The staff who just sold the tickets told us that there is no large theater for the screening of "The Matrix"."

New York Film Academy, this school, Sam Mills really knows that the school was founded only a few years ago. If I remember correctly, it should have appeared in 1992. After hearing the origin of the other party, he put down the last trace of worry, elite. Under the education of college students, it is always easier to gain the goodwill of strangers.

"No problem, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I can make temporary arrangements for you." The theater manager nodded, waved his hand to call over the projectionist who was watching the excitement, and ordered: "The first \'The Matrix\' will be put in a Hall, hurry up and prepare a copy."

"No problem, boss."

The first purpose of a theater is always to make a profit. As long as the profit can be guaranteed, it is not difficult to temporarily change the sequence of a show.

"Do you need any other help?" Sam Mills asked again with a shrug after making arrangements in front of the two of them.

"Thank you, nothing else is needed, thank you very much."

The two young people thanked politely and returned to the crowd with smiles on their faces. After a while, cheers erupted from the excited student group.

Sam Mills is very curious. It is not uncommon for such organized viewings to be uncommon. What is rare is that there are so many people in the early morning.

But then when the audience lined up to enter, from the chat in the crowd, he probably figured out the specific reason. A large part of this group of young people are fans of Wayne Greenberg, who usually gather on IMDB to discuss movies.

There are a few lucky fans who have participated in the movie fan preview of "The Matrix". After returning to school, they gave Amway the movie to their classmates early. They praised the movie as a great science fiction masterpiece, and then it appeared. This viewing event.

After knowing the specific reason, Sam Mills shook his head, lamenting the boundless youth of young people, and returned to his office. However, what he didn\'t expect was still to come. This group of young people seemed to make a start. More abnormal traffic is yet to come.

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