Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty-four - it's the Internet! The future is coming.

"Hey, boss."

There was a knock on the door of the manager\'s office, and the conductor Ramon Miller pushed open the door and said in a hurried tone, "You\'d better go out and have a look, the ticket window and the front desk will be too busy."

"Aha?" Sam Mills stood up from behind the desk, followed the conductor in confusion, and walked out of the office.

As soon as he entered the ticket hall, he understood what was happening. There were long queues at both ticket windows, and the same was true for the sales windows.

This scene made people think that they remembered the date wrong. Usually, only on Saturday and Sunday mornings, fans who have worked for a week will enter the theater in groups, provided that there are still popular movies.

Without thinking about the reason, Sam Mills suppressed all doubts, trotted into the back of the front desk, and opened a ticket window to divert fans who were queuing up to buy tickets.

"Three copies of The Matrix, thank you." A Mexican boy handed over a handful of change.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll get a ticket for you right away."

Skilled in ticketing, change, and then the next one. After seven or eight fans who bought "The Matrix" in a row passed by, a relatively alternative voice suddenly entered his ears.

"Hey man, two recent Hulks."

"Okay, the latest "Hulk"." Sam Mills raised his head and found that it was a white couple. He took the money and repeated the other party\'s request before preparing to issue a ticket.

This is the first "Hulk" movie ticket sold today at his ticket window.

"No, Honey, let\'s watch The Matrix."

The girl\'s disapproval was so loud that he stopped his work and looked up at the pair of young people again.

"The newspaper said that "Hulk" is just a copy, how can there be "The Matrix" written by Wayne himself, Haney, didn\'t you realize that the other people in front were all for "The Matrix"? "

The girl\'s reason was quite convincing, and the boy was hesitant for a while, but he was still trying to convince the other party. "Jenny, but the hero of The Matrix is ​​a Guy, it\'s disgusting..."

"That\'s better than a poor imitation." The girl rolled her eyes and said without any scruples: "At least The Matrix is ​​the work of Wayne Greenberg, and the movie is definitely not lacking in brilliance."

"Ok." Although he was a comic book fan, the boy still chose love, turned his head to the window and said again: "I\'m sorry, man, give me two recent episodes of The Matrix."

"No problem, two recent episodes of The Matrix."

Remarks like this came up countless times throughout the morning, and Sam Mills heard it countless times, and most of the time it was The Matrix that won.

Of course, there are also many fans who come directly to "Hulk", after all, this is a popular monster in this summer\'s season.

Until no one lined up outside the window, Sam Mills glanced at the time, it was close to twelve noon. He recalled the abnormal flow of people in the morning, but he was still a little confused.

But he can be sure that in the morning, the attendance rate of each performance of "The Matrix" will not be lower than 60-70%. This attendance rate is definitely very high.

And most of the fans who bought "The Matrix" came in groups, in stark contrast to the fans who bought "The Hulk".

"Could it be another phenomenal R-rated film..."

Muttering softly, he reached out and closed the temporarily opened ticket window. In the same situation, it\'s hard not to think of "Joker" back then.

That film broke out suddenly when the theater was unprepared, and then he shook his head unconsciously. The traffic of "The Matrix" is indeed very large, but compared with "Joker" a few years ago Much worse.

Considering the situation in the morning, it is estimated that there will only be more fans in the afternoon. When he was about to go back to the office and seize the time to rest for a while, the chatter of several fans who had just left the venue made him stop again.

"It\'s a movie like shit! It\'s too far from the Hulk we imagined."

"That\'s right, no wonder Wayne says it\'s a replica. Damn, I fell asleep after being bored!"

The two young men kept cursing the film and walked past Sam Mills, which aroused his curiosity about how bad the film could be to disappoint fans like that.

At the same time, a burst of fierce applause came out, and the "Matrix" in another theater also ended at the same time. The applause not only spread to the outside through the cinema, but also lasted for a long time.

"It\'s been like this all morning." The ticket inspector appeared beside him, and said with a tired face: "After each performance of The Matrix, you can hear the applause of a large number of fans, no exception, Sam, this is This movie is going to create a miracle.”

"Every game?" He looked at the ticket inspector in surprise.

"Yes, every game!"

Before the two could continue chatting, the door of the screening hall was pushed open from the inside, and a large number of fans lined up to come out. Many people\'s faces were flushed, and some friends were still talking about the plot with each other.

"Neo is so cool, god, if only I could get that trench coat from him."

"And sunglasses."

"And the phone."

"Don\'t you think that Trinity is the coolest?" A fan\'s words instantly resonated more.

"Yeah, my god, she\'s in such a great shape."

Mentioning the heroine Trinity, there was a sudden voice of swallowing.

A group of people passed by the two of them, and Sam Mills discovered only now that the surrounding stores in the theater were already crowded with fans who had just come out, and there were more people queuing outside.

It wasn\'t until the crowd had passed by that he seemed to suddenly wake up, and immediately ran to his office, without closing the door, he picked up the phone on the table and dialed the number of the head office. This is not just a special situation of one theater. A similar situation has occurred in countless theaters in North America. As soon as noon arrived, the phone of the headquarters of the three major theater companies began to ring frequently.

Beginning on Friday afternoon, as if there was a tacit understanding, the three major theater chains together increased the filming rate of "The Matrix" and added more screens to show the film.

In the center of the city with huge traffic, some theaters are almost crazy. Every fifteen minutes or so, there will be a "Matrix" showing.

Around two o\'clock in the afternoon, calls from the distribution department of Warner Bros. began to ring frequently. These were just some small theaters and calls from large chain companies, and they went directly to the CEO\'s office.

"...No problem, 800 copies will be sent out tonight, okay, that\'s it."

Jeff Robinoff hung up the phone with a snap, looked at Bruce Rosenblum who was sitting at the desk, and shared a cheerful smile.

"The problem of copying is okay, the big deal is to let the factory work overtime! But the surrounding..." Bruce Rosenblum said this and frowned. "Now the distribution department\'s calls are almost overwhelmed by replenishment calls, we have to think of a way."

"I didn\'t expect it to explode so quickly." Jeff Robinoff sighed and said, "How long can our inventory last?"

"It can only be around Monday at most. According to the sales trend this morning, it may be out of stock on Sunday. The main ones are sunglasses, Neo\'s windbreaker, various pendants, yes, even expensive mobile phones. Fans are asking."

"I remember it was just a prop... Wait." Halfway through the sentence, Jeff Robinoff stopped, and the two of them thought of a solution almost simultaneously.

"I\'m going to contact the mobile phone manufacturer right away, trust me, someone will be interested." The director of distribution stood up and prepared to leave. The sooner the better, because Warner Bros. was underprepared at the beginning, it was obvious that he underestimated the film. .

"be quick."

There are many reasons for the sudden outbreak of "The Matrix". I am afraid that even Wayne himself has underestimated the influence of the name Greenberg. Coupled with the audience\'s reputation brought by the early preview, word of mouth has been passed down. The curiosity of the film was pulled to the highest level.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the movie fans who come to watch the movie on Friday have a characteristic. More than 90% of them are young people, more precisely, they are young people between the ages of 20 and 28.

This kind of situation did not attract attention during the day. When most people got off work in the evening~www.novelhall.com~ more young people poured into the theater, which aroused the curiosity of the media, who wanted to know what the reason was. , which leads a large number of young people to go to watch the movie in groups.

Young people walk into the theater in groups, and then excitedly enter the surrounding stores, which has become a unique scenery. Even in Los Angeles, which is in the hottest season of the year, there are frequent appearances on the streets wearing black trench coats. , man with big sunglasses.

When Wayne got up and walked into the restaurant after a tumultuous night, Nina uncovered the mystery of young people entering the theater.

"Boss, you\'re going to give Daisy a raise." The assistant lady put a report on the dining table with surprise in her voice. Before he could pick it up and watch it, she explained excitedly.

"It\'s the Internet! Daisy is a genius! She mobilized the young people in her fan group and released a lot of information through the Internet."

Yes, only a large number of young people will go online, they will not care about the gossip reports in the media, disregard of authority is the main characteristic of contemporary young people, they only believe the information they get themselves.

Wayne was also a little stunned. He didn\'t even think that the first movie to be promoted on the Internet would be "The Matrix", or it started by accident. Daisy would never know this. what does it mean.

Thinking of the content in "The Matrix", he suddenly realized that it was as if everything had been arranged by God.

"Call Warner Bros. now and ask for more investment in publicity in this area!" At this moment, he wanted to give himself a slap in the face. No one in the world understands the influence of the Internet better than him, and he is habitual ignored.

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