Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty-six - the red eye is killed outside, he is at home with the dog? !

"Ron, I suggest, cancel all publicity for The Hulk after that."

Early on Monday morning, at the regular meeting of Universal Pictures, a senior executive of the distribution department spoke to the CEO without hesitation. Today\'s atmosphere is quite dull, and everyone here understands why.

The box office of "Hulk" plunged in the first weekend. It started with a super high US$20.31 million on Friday, halved to US$9.32 million on Saturday, and dropped to US$4.43 million on Sunday. All the sweetness and beauty were left on Friday.

In the event that the film is determined to fail, the most important thing is to stop the loss, and investing more resources into it is just a waste.

Ron Mayer sat at the end of the conference table and looked at the director of distribution, Justin, without saying a word. The director of distribution has the most say.

"I called AMG and the National Artists United Cinema Company." Justin noticed that everyone was looking at him, pondered, and said, "They refuse to maintain the current scale of "Hulk" screenings, Emperor Cinemas There is no time to play there, but the results should not be too different, unless the film breaks out at the box office on weekdays, the scale of the 3,000 or so screenings can only last until Friday.”

"Cut off the follow-up publicity investment of "Hulk" and stop the loss as soon as possible." Ron Mayer nodded, finally realizing the failure of this big production. "Also, put Bill Bakerby and the actor Lu on the company\'s blacklist, and Universal Pictures will not work with them in the future."

While speaking, he kept his head down, his eyes never leaving the newspaper in front of him. On the headline of the entertainment section of the "Los Angeles Times", a row of dazzling box office numbers seemed to remind him of his failure at all times.

"Warner Bros is moving too fast this time!" Justin and several other executives also saw the newspaper, not only the "Los Angeles Times", but all the entertainment media this morning, their tone was surprisingly consistent, and they started Shout out to The Matrix.

"There is still a big controversy about homosexuality in public opinion. Should we continue..."

"Forget it, it doesn\'t make sense." Ron Mayer shook his head and rejected the proposal. This incident was originally revealed by them, but now it has not affected the choice of fans to not talk about it, and it has also allowed Warner Bros. to take advantage of the momentum to set off a social hot spot.

Under the circumstance that the film has determined that it cannot generate income, it is completely unnecessary to continue to entangle with the other party. There are other films that will be released in the summer on my side, so it is better to invest resources in the films that have not yet been released.

"Jeff Robinoff, Wayne Greenberg..." Ron Meyer looked out the window and muttered in a low voice. "You two can\'t be so lucky every time. The summer season has just begun."

How powerful the online platform is. It only took three days for all the companies in the circle to see it. The dazzling box office numbers of "The Matrix" have already explained too many problems.

Coupled with the hot spot of public opinion in the paper media, the film "The Matrix" has been directly pushed to the eyes of more ordinary people. Now it becomes impossible to stop it.

Different from the dull regular meetings of Universal Pictures, at the high-level meeting of Warner Bros., the atmosphere at the moment is much more relaxed, and every executive has a smile on his face more or less.

The same "Los Angeles Times" was watched repeatedly by Jeff Robinoff in his hand.

"The Matrix is ​​our first box office champion this year, well, it\'s off to a good start, isn\'t it?" Bruce Rosenblum reached out and knocked on the table, his tone slightly teasing.

"not enough."

Jeff Robinoff smiled and shook his head, his eyes widened in the conference room, and when everyone looked at him, he continued: "This is just an R-rated film after all, you can find out by looking at the box office trends. That\'s the problem, add the advance field of $24.55 million on Friday, $22.03 million on Saturday and $13.02 million on Sunday.

This shows that the video has been greatly affected by the rating, and the disadvantage of the audience is quite obvious. Have you seen the crazy surrounding sales? We have to drive all potential audiences of The Matrix into theaters in a short period of time. "

Many people nodded unconsciously. They all knew the disadvantages of R-rated films. Now that the film has exploded, what they have to do is to create a bigger explosion and squeeze the profits of "The Matrix" in a short period of time.

Without giving anyone else time to think about it, Jeff Robinoff turned to John Gray. "Daisy, the leader of the Wayne Fans Group, gave her another $5 million in publicity funds to hire more people to act on the Internet. Compared with other publicity channels, the input-output ratio of the Internet is too great! "

"Ok, no problem."

No one can figure out exactly how much of the $59.6 million that "The Matrix" earned over the Internet in its opening weekend, but it\'s conservatively estimated to be no less than one-third.

These young people do not believe in authority, they are very generous in purchasing peripheral products, and they are the main consumers in the cinema market, especially for an R-rated film.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the director of distribution. "Bruce, how\'s the investigation of that movie database site called IMDB."

Since the Internet can affect more people, but the cost of publicity is still lower, Warner Bros. naturally focused on this website for the first time.

"IMDB, Internet Movie Database." Bruce Rosenblum heard the question and pulled out a prepared document. "This website first appeared in 1990, and in the same year, it has included more than 10,000 movies and TV series materials.

By \'93, the database had expanded to include trivia, biographies, movie plots, and more, with a centralized email interface for searching the database. Later that year, IMDb was moved to the Internet and made accessible at will.

From 1993 to 1995, the website has been maintained by donations and volunteers\' spare time. At the beginning of this year, this website was registered as a commercial company in the UK. The main profit channels are advertising, license cooperation and so on. "

"That is, we can invest in them at any time?" An executive looked at Bruce Rosenblum and asked in a surprised tone.


Bruce Rosenblum shook his head, facing the suspicious eyes of the surrounding and CEO, and said happily: "It\'s not worth investing in them! All we need is a publicity channel. Even if we don\'t invest in this website, we can still use their website. All functions. After the distribution department can set up an online marketing department, the cost to achieve the purpose of publicity is much lower, and there is…”

Having said that, he hesitated, and looked at Jeff Robinoff.

"What else? Just say it." Warner Bros. ceo frowned, which was not in line with his initial thoughts. After he was ready to investigate, he proposed to the parent company to acquire the website.

"And it\'s because of Wayne." As soon as Bruce Rosenblum said the name, he immediately caught everyone\'s attention.

It is Warner Bros., the major shareholder, who first wrote the script and plan of "The Matrix", and strongly recommended Zack Snyder to direct it. Importantly, he also accounted for half of the film\'s investment, which also means that no matter what. How much revenue this film can have, at least half of it belongs to him.

In matters related to movies, as long as this name is involved, the only thing that can be linked is the word success.

"Wayne should have discovered the value of the IMDB website when it first appeared at least two or three years ago." Bruce Rosenblum spoke with admiration and admiration in his tone, watching other executives narrate. own understanding.

"Because Jeff asked me to investigate this website, the first person I asked was Wayne\'s personal assistant Nina. She told me a lot of information, including why Wayne didn\'t invest in this website earlier."

"Why?" Jeff Robinoff asked, frowning.

"Burn money, the main reason is to burn money." Bruce Rosenblum replied without hesitation. "The profit model of Internet companies is immature. As long as they take over, they will become hot potatoes, and the money needed to expand the scale is absolutely astronomical. We just want a publicity channel, and there is no need to spend hundreds of millions of billions of dollars. Burning money and expanding the size of a website is not worth it.”


John Gray, who was sitting in a corner, suddenly laughed, and before everyone asked, he explained: "I suggest that we don\'t touch projects that Wayne Greenberg doesn\'t vote for! You should know that I have worked with Wayne. It\'s been a long time, so I know him very well. Since he thinks that projects that are not worth burning money are definitely not worth it, this range is everything related to movies!"

This is a reminder to all executives that John is right when he thinks back to Wayne Greenberg\'s fortune.

As long as there is something related to the movie, Wayne seems to have a kind of magic, and he can always make the best choice, such as the "Matrix" in front of him, think about the sky-high income he can get.

"Let\'s put this matter aside." Jeff Robinoff knocked on the table~www.novelhall.com~ and said after attracting everyone\'s attention: "I\'ll ask Wayne to talk about the IMDB website, and listen to Listen to him if he has any ideas. Bruce, where is the creative team of The Matrix now?"

"Phoenix, Phoenix."

"It\'s a big city, so the effect shouldn\'t be bad." After hearing the answer, he lightly rubbed his chin with his fingers, and after thinking about it for ten seconds, he said, "The debate about homosexuality in the media has become hotter now, you turn around Inform the crew that there will be a press conference for Lee tomorrow morning, and push the matter to Gao Chao!"

"No problem." Bruce Rosenblum nodded and asked, "What about Wayne? Do you want to let me know as well."

"Let me know, "The Matrix" has half of his investment, and he will understand our approach." Jeff Robinoff knew that he had to give the young man enough respect, but with his respect for Wei En\'s understanding, all this should be fine, that is a pure Jewish capitalist, especially after putting down the camera.

"By the way, what has he been doing these days?"

"Hiding in the manor." John Gray shrugged and said, "I heard that the other golden retriever who grew up with him was in a very bad condition, and seemed to be preparing for the party of Little Princess Greenberg at the same time."


A production executive has a question mark on his face. "He started the war during the summer vacation, and now the red eyes are going to be killed outside. He is at home with the dog?!"

"Uh huh, otherwise?" John Gray raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically.


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