Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty-five - the first box office tragedy

"Hollywood Draw(!

The matter is actually very simple. After watching the premiere, Daisy mobilized other fans in the discussion group to leave a large number of comments about "The Matrix" on the Internet.

On this platform that has never been commercialized, there are more young people spontaneously discussing everything about the film. I am afraid that fans like Daisy and the others did not expect it to have such a great influence.

At first, it was mainly based on the featured message board of IMDB. Later, because more young people followed suit, various discussion topics of "The Matrix" were published on more other online forums.

"This is another trend of social hotspots, a trend that belongs to netizens and young people..."

After listening to Nina\'s report, Wayne sighed. He originally thought that this kind of Internet trend would not appear until around 1998, when Amazon completely acquired IMDB and burned money to expand its operations. He didn\'t expect everything to happen so quickly.

It was mainly influenced by the thinking mode of his previous life. In this land, the Internet was developing much faster than he thought. Obviously, there were more netizens, mainly young people, than he thought.

Nina sat at the dining table, took a sip of the milk, and sighed: "Daisy didn\'t expect that, when she called this morning, she said that now as long as you open any webpage, you can see about "" Various discussions on The Matrix.

According to my analysis, only part of the people entering the theater are going to the theater, and there will be more young people who have the habit of surfing the Internet. Because of the ubiquitous movie information on the Internet, they will walk into the theater with curiosity and other factors. "

Wayne nodded silently. If he guessed correctly, there are far more netizens who enter the theater later. No matter how social hotspots are formed, once they become a certain fashion trend, they will More people joined in.

When classmates, friends and family around you are discussing the topic of "The Matrix", you will naturally want to join in, and the premise of joining is to watch the film.

Hollywood has proved with many successful films that the films that trigger social hotspots will eventually make a lot of money.

Even later, after learning that this is the code of wealth, the production company will try to use methods to arouse social hotspots and trigger a big discussion among the whole people. Marketing plans in this way are endless.

"The Matrix is ​​very lucky. This film is closely related to the Internet, so it can cause a sensation among so many young netizens." Wayne leaned on the chair with Erlang\'s legs comfortably, and was not in a hurry to eat the breakfast in front of him. After a cigarette, he picked up the newspaper on the table.

"That\'s right, Daisy said the same." Nina nodded and said while eating bacon: "She told me that the main reason for people who started to follow the trend spontaneously to spread information was this, "The Matrix" and "The Matrix" and The connection between the Internet is too reverie.”

That\'s why Wayne felt it was a coincidence, just like God is helping, there are too many topics for young people to discuss between "The Matrix" and the Internet.

"Wow, Warner Bros. is so good!"

The top one of several newspapers is not an entertainment newspaper, but a copy of The Washington Post. The assistant has obviously read it, so I put this social newspaper on the first page for convenience. He can see it right away.

\' The head of the Matt Sing organization declared that America is a land of freedom, and everyone has the right to love and be loved. Love has nothing to do with gender, race, identity, or status. The homosexual community should receive due respect, and should not. become the object of discrimination.

They called on more **** groups to stand up bravely and speak out. Love is sacred and should not be cast aside by most ordinary people. People should give them the right to love each other.

Afterwards, the reporter interviewed the Women\'s Organization of Bilitis Women, who also expressed the same views, calling on more women to stand up and bravely admit their orientation problems. There is nothing wrong with love itself...\'

Publishing this thing in the social section of the "Washington Post" already represents too much. He doesn\'t know how Jeff Robinoff did it. This authoritative social media agreed to publish it like this sensitive and controversial reports.

But anyone with a little sensitivity will understand that the appearance of such a report in The Washington Post itself represents a certain political correctness.

The Matt Sing Association, founded in Los Angeles, California in the 1950s, belongs to the first modern **** rights organization in North America.

As this group grows and grows, the number of people also increases, and the region has developed to the whole of North America. It is no longer a small organization in Los Angeles.

But after all, these people belong to marginalized groups in society, and they simply do not have their own channels to speak out, let alone any media that is willing to risk huge controversy to speak out for them.

In addition, the first **** rights organization in the United States, Daughters of Bilitis, was founded in San Francisco in 1955. These two are the largest **** organizations in North America. As long as they have a certain channel of voice, their influence can be said to be enormous.

"It\'s still too controversial." Wayne shook his head gently, he understood the purpose of Warner Bros., but this in itself seemed to cause another social trend, and it might get out of hand.

If things cannot gain the sympathy and approval of the majority of ordinary people, in the end, this time, as they have maintained for many years before, they will calm down quickly and silently.

In central North America and other states, a large number of conservative-minded people may also start to boycott the film spontaneously because of the personal identity of the actor of "The Matrix".

When the paper turned the page and saw the other side, Wayne shrugged and muttered. "Okay, I think too much."

Behind the "Washington Post", there is a statement from the White House spokesperson. The external spokesperson of Zipton declared that this land in North America respects the demands of every minority group, and the federal government is willing to promote the freedom of same-sex marriage and so on.

Regardless of whether these words are for votes or not, as long as it is the voice of the federal government, it will indeed suppress a large part of the controversy.

What interests Wayne the most is that a former White House intern, now the Governor of Texas, Mr. Shib Jr., also expressed his personal opinion, expressing his willingness to respect this minority group and to promote the formation of the Marriage Freedom Act. .

"Nina." He threw the newspaper on the table, pointed the knife and fork at the scrambled eggs on the plate, and looked at the assistant lady. "You said, how did Jeff persuade Time Warner to take action? This is a big deal!"

"Everyone takes what they want." Nina didn\'t take these seriously at all, and explained in a casual tone. "Time Warner gave that group of people a chance to speak up, and that group of dirty politicians also saw the opportunity. In their eyes, this is a good time to solicit votes."

"Maybe..., after all, everyone is for the benefit."

Interest, this is an unbreakable truth in North America. Jeff Robinoff didn\'t wait for the box office numbers to come out the next day. On Friday afternoon, he began to contact the parent company Time Warner.

He no longer cares about the box office numbers of "The Matrix", and what is even more surprising is the surrounding area. If the current trend continues, the surrounding profit of this film will definitely create a miracle.

After one day on Friday, not only Wayne saw these reports on Saturday morning, many companies, including Universal Pictures, guessed the purpose of Warner Bros., but the heavy first-day box office report, the same Make them understand what it means to invest so many resources.

"The Matrix" and "Hulk" opened on a large scale at the same time on Friday, and the box office sales of the two films that day can be said to be very different.

"The Matrix" made $18.8 million on Friday. If you add the $5.75 million in advance, the box office on the first day almost reached Warner Bros.\'s first weekend expectations. The terrifying figure of $24.55 million represents something. Too much.

But this miraculous first-day box office is not the most surprising place, but the surrounding sales.

Including Neo\'s windbreaker, sunglasses, boots, Trinity\'s pendant, etc., "The Matrix" sold around $28 million on its first day, a figure that surprised many peers in the circle.

Warner Bros. prepared to sell a month\'s worth of goods in advance, and all of them were sent to the whole country on Saturday, and the surrounding factories were working overtime.

More licensors have been blowing the phone in the distribution department, and almost all companies have a purpose, wanting peripheral licensing of "The Matrix".

Looking back at the performance of "The Hulk", it was a typical battle of high and low, and the audience\'s reputation was extremely broken, which affected the choice of fans on the first day of Friday, coupled with Wayne\'s belittling of the film. , making more fans give up "Hulk".

Just relying on the Hulk\'s high popularity, the large-scale publicity before the release, and the results achieved in the early stage on Thursday, the box office barely touched the threshold of 20 million US dollars on the first day, and reported a receipt of 20.31 million US dollars~www.novelhall.com ~If you look at the box office numbers, this film undoubtedly had a successful beginning, and Universal Pictures should celebrate it.

In fact, they also discovered the problem. After the one-day screening on Friday, the word of mouth of the fans had completely collapsed, and there were scoldings everywhere, which could not be suppressed at all.

This situation was confirmed on Saturday and Sunday. The box office did not wait for the first weekend to pass, and a cliff-like dive occurred. On Saturday, which should have been the main viewing day for moviegoers, "The Hulk" only reaped $9.23 million, which was halved compared to the previous day.

The same was true on Sunday, when the number dropped to an incredible $4.43 million, making it the first box office hit of the summer.

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